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Dirty Obsessions: An Interracial Russian Mafia Romance (The Lion and The Mouse Book 5.5)

Page 33

by Kenya Wright

  She charged forward.

  Yefim jumped in front of me to block her advance.

  Misha’s other men grabbed Valentina.

  “Get your hands off me!” Valentina hissed.

  They let her go but made sure they were between the both of us.

  I pointed at her. “I am not your little bitch! You have a message for Misha, then call him. You know the number.”

  “You hit me?!” Valentina tried to get around the men. “Hit me again!”

  “And you’re welcome, by the way!”

  Shocked, she sneered. “I’m welcome?”

  I climbed into the limo. A stunned Yefim followed in after me and shut the door. The limo left. I checked the window.

  Misha’s men were still holding Valentina back. She looked like she had planned on racing after us.

  Far away from the bitch, I trembled in the seat.

  What the hell did I just do?

  I looked at Yefim.

  He still wore a shocked expression.

  I sighed. “That was a bad idea wasn’t it?”

  “It was, but. . .you would have done it eventually. Today was as good a day as any.”

  I shook my head. “Will that get Misha in trouble?”

  “With whom?” Yefim quirked his bushy eyebrows.

  “I don’t know. Valentina or even Kazimir.”

  “Kazimir doesn’t get in the middle of situations involving women. However, Misha will deal with Valentina’s yelling but my understanding is that he’s very used to that.”

  Sighing, I tried to move my fingers. They ached.

  “You’ll need ice for that hand.” Yefim shook his head. “You hit her so hard, I felt it. You might have sprained a finger.”

  I gently placed my hand on my lap. “I shouldn’t have done that, but damn that felt so good. What am I becoming? I just did a contract with eight assassins. I watched those assassins kill a bunch of men. And then I ended the day off with slapping one of the most dangerous women in St Petersburg.”

  “Russia,” Yefim corrected.


  “Valentina is one of the most dangerous women in Russia.”

  “Thanks for that.”

  Yefim smiled. “Valentina won’t be much of a problem. The Brotherhood is an interesting group. It doesn’t matter if you win when you fight back. But it does matter that you fight back. If you just take it, then no one will ever respect you.”

  I widened my eyes. “So it was good that I slapped her?”

  “No. It was still a bad idea.”

  I frowned.

  He shrugged. “But one that couldn’t be avoided.”

  I let out a long breath. “I hope Misha sees it that way.”

  Yefim grinned. “I bet Misha will wish that he was there to see it!”

  Chapter 32


  I sliced Leonid into hundreds of chunks and bits.

  This month had been stressful. There was nothing more relaxing than taking my enemy apart piece by piece. In the end, a mountain of dismembered flesh and cracked bones lay before me. Most of my guards looked away. Two vomited in the sinks.

  Blood and flesh covered the front of my shirt and pants. I took the shirt off. Someone handed me a warm wet towel. I cleaned off my hands, arms, neck, and face. I was nowhere near clean, but I could walk around without looking like a complete serial killer.

  With no shirt on, I put on my jacket, threw the towel on the Leonid mush, and left the kitchen. “Make sure the head of the other families gets the recording.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I dialed Circuit. “Where is my daughter?”

  “Safe and in your condo. They showered and dressed. Valentina was upset, but then the chef arrived. Valentina, the nanny, and your daughter are enjoying a five-course meal.”

  “And Ava?”

  “Standing next to me in hot red silk pajamas.”

  “Don’t worry about what she’s wearing.” I made it to the limo and climbed in. “And the Mouse?”

  “Maxwell updated me. She escaped the French. He’s meeting up with her now at the exchange sight.”

  The limo drove off. “Any scratches on the Mouse?”

  “We don’t know yet.”

  I nodded. “I’m heading back. Keep eyes on Kazimir until he is on the plane and out of Paris. There cannot be any more problems.”

  “Got it.”

  Checking my watch, I hung up and dialed Naveen.

  He answered, “Everything okay in St Petersburg?”

  “Leonid is dead. Valentina and Natalya are safe.”

  “And the Xecutioners?”

  “That’s a discussion for tomorrow. Where are your people in Paris?”

  “They’re at the mall where Kazimir and Jean-Pierre are doing the exchange.”

  “Hang back, but offer help to Kazimir if necessary. In a situation like this, he’ll shoot anybody he doesn’t know.”

  “Our people are close to the French, but are blending in.”

  “Good. Once Kazimir has the Mouse, kill Jean-Pierre if you can.”

  “And if we don’t get a shot? Do you want us to stay in Paris and follow him around?”

  I considered it. “The only goal at this time is getting the Mouse back safe. In the end, Kazimir will want to deal with Jean-Pierre himself. However, if you get an easy shot, why not take it?”

  “And once the exchange is done?”

  I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. “Fly to Prague.”


  “I have to bury my father. I’m leaving tomorrow morning.”

  Naveen went quiet for a few seconds and then said, “Okay. I’ll meet you at the castle in Prague tomorrow.”

  I thought about the Xecutioners again. “I need you to do something else.”


  “Contact Hiro. Tell him I want to meet with him in the morning. He can pick the place, but it must be early and in St Petersburg.”

  “Are you sure you want to do this by yourself?”

  “I am.”

  “I’ll do it before I leave Paris and text the time and location.”


  “Be careful with them, Misha.”

  “I will.” I hung up and exhaled.

  I had a lot of difficulties to deal with. All were almost finished.

  When I made it to my compound, several of the Rainbow Hats were leaving. Many looked exhausted. Most probably hadn’t slept the night before.

  I spotted Ava next to Circuit, eating a bowl of popcorn and watching the screens that showed Paris. Every wall either displayed the exchange site or footage of Paris news. On one screen, I spotted lions roaming the streets.

  Really, Kazimir?

  I returned my attention to the exchange site. Firefighters and police cars surrounded the area. News cameras were interviewing witnesses.

  I spoke, “Does Kazimir have her?”

  They both looked my way.

  “He does. They’re heading to the airport now. I relieved almost everybody. Only the essentials will be on the computers tonight.” Circuit grinned. “Where’s your shirt?”

  “I had to take it off.”


  “There was blood on it.”

  Circuit frowned. “You’re injured?”

  “It wasn’t my blood.”

  Ava set the bowl of popcorn down as if she lost her appetite.

  I headed off. “I’m going to clean up. I’ll be back to talk to the both of you soon.”

  Circuit grabbed some popcorn. “What will the conversation be about?”

  I stopped and turned around. “It will be about why you two decided to change my plans.”

  Ava rose. “That has nothing to do with Circuit. It’s my fault so you can talk to me about it.”

  “Exactly.” Circuit munched on popcorn. “It’s all Ava’s fault. I was just as much of a victim in this situation as you.”

  I glared at him.

  He grabbed more p
opcorn. “It’s been a long day, Misha. Everyone who was kidnapped is safe. I will not be out here when you return. I’m going into my room, masturbating in a hot shower, and then heading to bed.”

  Ava crossed her arms over her chest. “And I will be in the bedroom, waiting with the doctor to look over those cuts on your chest, neck, and face.”

  “I’m not injured.” I looked down and spotted the marks. “Well, these are just scratches and—”

  “Get cleaned up,” she said. “Circuit already called the doctor for you. He’s waiting in my rehearsal room, eating snacks and watching TV.”

  I frowned. “I’m the one that—”

  “We’re not listening to your shit today, Misha.” Ava gave me a sad smile. “We’re all exhausted. I know you’re mad, but it’s all fine now. So. . .get over it.”

  Circuit whistled, took the popcorn, and headed off.

  I walked over and stopped right in front of her. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.” She blinked and placed her hands on her hips.

  In that moment, I noticed a bandage on her hand. Worry filled me. I gently grabbed her hand, lifted the fingers, and inspected the bandage. “What happened?”

  “Oh.” She took the hand away. “I sprained my fingers. The doctor checked it out, gave me some anti-inflammatory medication, and told me to put ice on it. The fingers will be fine in a few days.”

  I spoke through clenched teeth. “What happened? You said you would stay in the limo when the Xecutioners went to—”

  “I did.” She widened her eyes. “I sprained my fingers afterward.”

  I growled, “How?”

  “I. . .slapped Valentina.” Ava looked away. “She was being rude, demanding that I take her to you immediately. Just being a big bully. And I was so exhausted. . .I just slapped her in the face.”

  I tried to keep a serious face but the smile broke out. “Did it look like it hurt her?”


  I laughed.

  “Misha, that’s not funny.”

  “Did she hit you back?”

  “The guards got in the way.”

  I grinned.

  How I wished I’d seen that.

  “I’m sorry.” Ava lowered her voice. “I’m sure my slapping Valentina won’t help your parenting relationship. I won’t do it again.”

  “Don’t make promises you may not be able to keep. Valentina can be a real bitch sometimes.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Misha.”

  I glared at her. “What you did today was dangerous.”

  “I’m aware of that.”

  “I don’t want you part of this life.”

  “If not for me, then some of the things might not have gotten done.”


  She raised her hands and grabbed the sides of my face. “I love you. I will follow you into your world if it means keeping you and your daughter safe. Just like you will do everything to protect my grandma and me. Deal with it.”

  I sneered.

  “Go clean up.” She lowered her hands. “The doctor is waiting.”

  “This conversation is not done.”

  “It is. Go!” She pointed to the bedroom.

  Groaning, I turned around and headed to the shower.

  I just killed several men. I sliced and diced a grown man into a mountain of meat. All to have a ballerina bossing me around. What a day!

  I went into the bedroom, stopped in front of my 3D chessboard, dove my hand into my pocket, and pulled out the unicorn piece. Twisting it in my hand, I considered the last two days.

  I had it wrong.

  The Xecutioners didn’t serve as my unicorn. Granted, they helped a lot just like Naveen, Circuit, and Maxwell. They were vital pieces to everything being accomplished, but not the most important player on the board.

  A surprise factor appeared—one that I had not considered.

  If I looked back to not just these past two days, but the entire month, there was only one significant person that came to mind.

  Ava. She’s the queen and unicorn. Can a piece be both?

  Sighing, I studied the unicorn again.

  I can’t believe she added herself to the game without thinking of the danger to herself. Something could have happened to her.

  Talking with Ava a few minutes ago showed me she had no regrets. I set the piece down on the board. “What will I do with her?”

  She was the prima ballerina. She had a whole new world in front of her. There would be no time for guns, violence, and Brotherhood problems. Her only worry should deal with flashing lights and gorgeous gowns.

  And she slapped Valentina!

  Smiling, I shook my head.

  Knowing Valentina, she will spend the rest of her lifetime trying to slap Ava back.

  I grimaced.

  And what about this contract that Ava made with the Xecutioners? She will tell me every detail of it, whether she wants to or not.

  I planned to figure out a way to outbid her. There was no reason to involve herself in anything dealing with the Xecutioners.

  I stared at the unicorn piece on the top board.

  Regardless of everything that had occurred, one fact remained in my mind.

  Ava will forever be special in my heart. She’s the one. I knew this a year ago. And her recent actions have made it even more glaringly obvious.

  I left the chessboards, went into my closet, and searched for the one thing to solidify all of this.

  It may be too soon, but I don’t care.

  Chapter 33


  Although pouting, Misha washed up. When he finished, the doctor examined him and confirmed what he’d already declared. Misha only had a few cuts and bruises. Nothing needed stitches or bandages.

  The doctor left. Furious, Misha guided me back to the bedroom. He pulled off his shirt and slung it on the bed. “That’s done.”

  “I’m glad you’re fine.”

  The anger on his face eased. “I told you I was.”

  “You did.”

  “And I told you to stay out of it.”

  “And I didn’t.”

  “Apparently, I’m supposed to get over it.”

  “That’s what I said.” I drank him in. I loved how defined his body was. He had a muscular V that traveled down into his jeans. Hunger rose within me.

  Misha took a few steps forward and stopped. “Take off those pajamas.”

  “Are you still mad at me?”

  “I am.”

  I frowned. “Then I’m not taking them off.”

  His gaze hit my body, taking in every inch. “You think you have a choice?”

  “Maybe we should deal with your issue.”

  “My issue?”

  “You didn’t like that I helped today. I don’t think it was a big deal.”

  “You signed a contract with eight killers.” He leaned his head to the side. “You call that not a big deal?”

  “They only want me to dance.”

  He sneered. “Where and when?”

  “They’ll pick the date.”

  “Of course they will. And where will this be?”


  “Not happening.”

  “The Dragon’s wife is a fan of mine and—”


  “Misha, will you let me finish?”

  “I like how you’re simply throwing the Dragon’s name out like you have any idea of who you’re talking about.”

  “I’m trying to explain.”

  “Killers and more killers. That’s what you’re involving yourself with.”

  “You’re a killer.”

  “I am. Which is why you should listen to me.”

  “You’re the. . .” I threw my hands up, shook my head, and walked off.

  He rushed my way, grabbed my arm, and turned me to him. “What about me?”

  “You’re the one that got me involved with killers.”

  He hissed and let me go. “That’s fair.”

p; “I’m honoring the contract with the Xecutioners because they honored their side of it to me. So. . .deal with it.”

  He sneered at me. “Take off your pajamas.”

  “Misha, focus.”

  “I am. This obviously won’t be solved anytime soon. I would rather be inside of you.”

  I parted my lips.

  He pulled me to him, pressing his hard body against mine. “Thank you, Ava. You put yourself on the line today to save my daughter. I will always remember this.”

  “You would have done the same.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m yours forever because of it.”

  I smiled. “You were always mine.”

  “Hmmm.” Kissing me, he slipped his hands around my waist and cupped my ass. His hard cock pressed against my stomach. A low moan left me. Deepening the kiss, he tenderly slid his tongue along mine.

  “My naughty ballerina. You’re in serious trouble with me.” He moved one of his hands up my back and then around to my breast. Misha gave my breast a gentle squeeze before he leaned forward and claimed my mouth again.

  I moaned again as he toyed with my nipple over the pajama shirt.

  He’s right. I should take these damn pajamas off.

  Leaning away from his mouth, I hurried with undoing the buttons on the top. “I’m sorry for not talking to you first. You were in the air and I didn’t want to stress you out any more.”

  Desire blazed in his eyes. “You’ll still pay with my cock.”

  I quirked my brows.

  He yanked my top the rest of the way off. And then his mouth was back on my lips. A minute later, he made his way down my neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses.

  I arched my back as he kissed my breasts and claimed a nipple. Trembling, I yearned for more.

  He leaned back. His words held an edge and slipped along my skin. “You make no more moves without me. You don’t honor the contract unless I’m completely aware of what’s going on and by your side.”


  Without any further discussion, he seized my waist and carried me over to the bed. All I could do was hang on. When he lay me down on the bed, he returned to consuming my breasts, lapping at my areolas, and sucking on my nipples.

  I murmured, “Misha.”

  He left my breasts and hovered over me. “Take off those pants.”

  I pouted. “You take off your pants too.”

  A wicked grin spread across his face. “You’re already in trouble, Ava.”


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