Swindled (The Sandlin PI Series Book 1)
Page 14
‘When do I get to tell my side of the story?’
‘Like I say, there will be an investigation. You’ll get your chance.’
‘Have you spoken to Dave Chipperton?’
‘He’s under investigation too.’
‘Right.’ She nodded, hating the way McAlpine was looking at her.
He said, ‘I might as well tell you; I’ve ordered a GPS check on your car. I’ll soon know exactly what time you drove past the house. I also know what time the neighbour rang 999 to report that the argument had moved out into the street. It’s not rocket science, Sandlin.’
‘I said we ought to stop. I was going to call it in.’
‘The police service needs people who can think on their feet. People who can spot when a situation has the potential to go bad.’
‘I know. And I did spot it. I was going to call it in. I just told you that.’
‘Right. But you must see that doing nothing when Chippy drove away from the scene makes you as culpable as him.’
‘What would you have done?’ Surely he must see how hopeless the situation had been for her?
‘Me? I’d have picked up my radio and I’d have announced that Dave and I were right there at the scene. That we’d just seen Bev and Sandy, and we were turning the car around. That way, Chippy would have had no choice but to oblige.’ McAlpine banged the desk in his trademark way. ‘I would’ve forced his hand. That’s what I would’ve done. And he’d have thanked me for it.’
‘Yeah, but, it’s all right for you, Guv. He wouldn’t listen to me.’
‘You can tell all this to the officers who carry out the investigation.’ McAlpine shook his head, sadly. ‘You should’ve told me. As soon as it all happened. When I interviewed you. You should’ve told me that you saw it, and that Chippy said it was nothing and drove on. If you’d have just told me the truth, I might’ve been able to help you.’
Hannah felt the waves of desperation increase. ‘And be known as the snitch who dropped her partner in the shit?’
‘This is not a game. You allowed yourself to be manipulated by a colleague, and now the pair of you are in it up to your fucking necks.’
‘I need to know what he’s saying.’
‘Chippy’s been off his game for a while now. He’s not been himself. Marriage problems, drink problems, you name it. You were the stronger of the two in that car. You should’ve insisted.’ McAlpine made it sound so easy.
‘He’s going to try to drop me in it. I know he is. I’m going to lose my job.’
‘Sandlin, you’re already in it. It doesn’t get much worse than this. I don’t think you understand what you’ve done.’ McAlpine looked fit to burst. ‘You told me in a formal statement that when you and Dave drove past the scene, there was nothing to see. You sat there, the day Dawn died, and you told me you must’ve driven past a minute or two before the argument broke out into the street. But the truth is, you witnessed an incident that needed investigating and you ignored it. However much you want to dress it up and tell me that you were about to call it in, the pair of you simply drove to the nick. That’s misconduct in public office. Look it up. It carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.’
‘You did your training. You know the score.’ McAlpine’s face was grave.
Hannah dug her fingernails so hard into her palms that she created eight little crescents. This couldn’t be happening. Growing even more angry at Chippy, she said, ‘This is nuts. He should be facing that charge, not me.’
‘You’re both facing it!’ McAlpine shouted. ‘You’re really not helping yourself here. You’ve just admitted to me that you saw both Beverley and Sandy behaving suspiciously in the street, prior to the call from control. The driver of the vehicle refused to attend, and you allowed him to persuade you it was nothing serious, and that a PCSO would be fine to attend alone.’
‘Yes, but …’ Hannah blinked away her tears. Her throat was closing as she tried to control her emotions.
‘We’ll be in touch soon about the investigation.’
Hannah could do nothing but nod. Anything more would require speech, and she just knew her voice would let her down. She made her way to the door.
‘Oh yes, one other thing,’ McAlpine added.
Hannah turned.
‘Please don’t speak to Dave about this.’
Speak to Dave. Speak to Dave. I’ll do more than speak to him. I’ll fucking throttle him!
Hannah – 2019
Hannah wondered how Lottie felt about going back to her old house. ‘You’re sure this is all right with you?’
‘Yes. I wouldn’t have agreed to it if it wasn’t.’
‘Yeah, but still …’
‘It’s not like we’re going inside the house.’
When she’d first suggested that they go to Heath Lane and see if the fence was still broken, she’d expected a definite no. But Lottie had surprised her by agreeing almost immediately.
Now, on the way there, Hannah repeatedly took a peek at her passenger for signs that she wasn’t coping well. She was on red alert. If, during any part of the journey, Lottie asked her to stop, she would pull over in an instant.
‘It’s left at the lights and then just keep following the road round.’
Hannah felt a shiver go down her spine as she drove past the sign that announced they were turning into Heath Lane. It was weird to be so close. She continued along the lane with its twists and turns. ‘So, did you use to … woah … move over, buddy!’ She swung the steering wheel to the left, almost depositing them into the bushes.
‘Sorry, I should’ve warned you – that one’s a nasty bend. People coming the other way nearly always cut the corner and cross over the central line. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve almost hit another car head on at that part of the road.’
‘Jesus, they need to put up mirrors or something. There are no streetlights either. What a nightmare.’
‘I know. Like I say, I’m sorry. I usually give a toot before I round that bend. I mean … umm … I used to, when I had a car. I’ll bet the people who live there get sick of hearing the locals tooting.’
‘Well, it’s got to be better than hearing people smashing into an oncoming vehicle. My bloody heart is still hammering.’
Lottie apologised again.
‘It’s not your fault.’
‘Just here. See the loose bit of fencing.’ Lottie gestured. ‘You can park over there, where the road gets wider.’
‘Okey dokey. A wide road is good!’ Hannah tried to lighten the mood.
They slid the broken slats aside and made enough room to squeeze through. Hannah took in the sights. Before her was a thin strip of grass and a beautiful stream, which was crossed by a bridge and flanked by trees. She couldn’t deny it; she was fascinated. This was the place where Douglas Thorogood’s life had ended. Beyond the stream was a meadow, which had been allowed to become a little overgrown, but contained a beautiful array of colours. Lottie had told her the summer fetes had ended when her dad had died, which was a shame. The whole village deserved to enjoy this space.
Hannah’s imagination ran away with her; she was dying to know where the fire circle was, the place where her embarrassed friend had told her she’d tried and failed to trick Vincent Robinson into having sex with her. It was like having a favourite book, which you’d read over and over, and then someone makes a film about it, and at last you can see the familiar places in more than just your mind’s eye. Off on the horizon, she could see Mulberry House and the stables. Even from this distance, it was clearly grand. She turned her head and checked on Lottie.
‘I’m okay. Don’t panic.’ Lottie was silently crying.
‘Oh, no. I’m sorry. This was a silly idea.’ Why did I bring her to the place where her dad died and her mum killed herself? I must be an idiot.
‘No, honestly, I mean it. It’s kind of nice. I’m just a bit emotional.’
‘You’re su
‘Where did your dad …?’
Lottie pointed to a rock. ‘That’s where he hit his head. The marks in the wet mud went from there to there.’
‘I get you.’
‘And that’s where I found him.’ Her finger moved downstream a little.
‘You’re sure Vincent didn’t come over this side of the stream?’
‘Not whilst I was watching him.’
‘Earlier in the day?’
‘Han, I told you, his shoes were as clean as a whistle, and there were no footprints that were unaccounted for on this side.’
They crossed the bridge and took a few steps into the meadow.
Hannah asked, ‘What do you think the people who live there now are like?’
‘They probably have no idea how lucky they are.’
‘No, probably not.’ Hannah agreed.
‘I never realised. Not once. Throughout my spoilt childhood, I never stopped to be thankful.’
‘Did you just assume everyone had ponies?’
‘I know I was a brat; no need to rub it in.’
‘I’m being serious. I’m intrigued. What does a child who grows up in a house like that think about people who are working class?’ Hannah was genuinely curious.
‘I didn’t think everyone had ponies. Although most of the people I knew did. I suppose I just thought … oh, let’s leave it, shall we?’
‘No.’ Hannah reached for Lottie. Briefly squeezing her hand, she said, ‘Go on. Please?’
‘You won’t judge me?’
‘Lottie, you’re my friend. You’ve been through so much. Of course I won’t judge you.’
‘Okay. Well, I just thought it was their parents’ fault. I figured if people didn’t have enough money to buy their child a horse, then they ought to work a bit harder!’
The friends faced each other. One in shock, the other embarrassed.
Simultaneously, they both laughed.
‘Oh my God, Lottie!’
‘I know. Like I say, I was a brat. I’ve learnt for myself that working doesn’t always get you the finer things in life. I work bloody hard now and I still have nothing.’
‘Whereas Vincent got so much and didn’t have to work at all.’
‘I wonder sometimes, if my dad hadn’t hit his head on that rock, would I still live here? Would I still have money at my fingertips? Mind you, I dread to think what kind of a stuck-up bitch I’d be by now.’
Hannah put her arms around Lottie, ‘I won’t deny it. You sound like a right little madam, but you didn’t deserve any of what happened.’
‘He’s out there somewhere. He’s taken everything from me, and … I hate him!’
‘Yes, he is out there somewhere. And we’re going to find him!’
‘I hope you’re right.’
‘I’m doing all I can. So is Paul.’
‘I just let it all go. I should’ve fought whilst I still had him in my sights.’
‘You were probably in shock. You must’ve been. I mean, finding your mum like that!’ Hannah felt a wave of love for her friend. She had never seen anyone look so wretched.
‘Ridiculous, isn’t it? I had thought about starting a club for poor unfortunates who have found both their parents dead, but I reckon members would be pretty thin on the ground.’
‘It is almost unbelievable, I agree. But losing both your parents so close together and under such terrible circumstances. How could you have fought, Lottie?’
‘I don’t know. But … I just moved out. I took as much as I could get in the car and I left. Actually, that bastard even took my car.’
‘But … didn’t it belong to you?’
Lottie shook her head. ‘No, my Mum bought it for me. She put it in her name. She paid the tax and everything. She even paid for the bloody petrol. Dixie and I went to my friend Jennifer’s house. She was an absolute lifeline. Then Vincent called and told me I had to return the car. And, like a fool, I did.’
‘What?’ Hannah wondered if perhaps Lottie had been suffering from PTSD, but wasn’t sure whether to mention it.
‘Yeah, I just drove it back to the house and left it in the drive. I posted the keys through the letterbox and Jennifer took me back to hers.’
‘I know. Stupid, wasn’t I?’ Lottie smacked herself on the forehead. ‘The only thing I was grateful for was the fact that we’d already let the horses go after Daddy died. I would’ve hated to leave them alone with Vincent!’
‘Oh God, yeah,’ Hannah agreed, imagining the poor horses if they’d been left in Vincent’s care.
‘I kept assuming something would happen, and it would all be sorted. I thought it was a nightmare I could wake up from. But I never have. And by the time I felt ready to confront him and get a solicitor, it was too late – he was gone, and I was broke. But I can’t get over it. I can’t move on from it, and I can’t just leave it, can I?’
‘I’m so sorry, Lottie. It sounds like that bastard has been living rent free under your skin ever since! No one would blame you for reacting the way you did. Christ, you’d been through so much.’ Hannah waited a second and then said, ‘But you’re right you can’t just leave it. You’re stronger now. We’ll find him, and you won’t let him get away with it this time. You definitely won’t be that compliant when you’ve got me on your side.’
Lottie sighed. ‘Thank you.’
Hannah asked, ‘Do you think we could get closer to the house, or will we be seen?’
‘I can show you most of the meadow without us being spotted. You can’t really see it that well from the house, because of the dip.’
‘Okay.’ Hannah set off across the grass.
‘This is where the boys used to camp. I remember them coming into the house to use the toilet sometimes.’
‘And I take it that’s the old fire circle?’
‘Yes.’ Lottie squirmed. ‘I let that man touch me!’
‘You had good reason. You thought you could catch him out.’
‘I underestimated him. I always thought he was stupid. He was so far from it.’
‘We’ll find him. If nothing else, you’ll get the chance to tell him what you think of him.’
Lottie stopped walking. Turning her head to meet Hannah’s gaze, she whispered, ‘I’m scared.’
‘What of?’
‘I want to kill him, Han.’
‘I know. But you won’t.’
‘Don’t let me. Promise me you won’t let me.’
‘I promise.’
Vincent – 2019
Vincent was feeling remarkably good. He was finally picking up his yacht at the weekend and he might just have managed to ditch the annoying Abbie. Telling her he had some business trips coming up, he’d sent her back to her parents’ place for a while. Now all he had to do was ignore any contact she tried to make.
Whistling to himself, he took his Louis Vuitton weekend bag down from the top of his wardrobe. As he packed, he ran through a list of possible companions in his mind. Over the last few months some attractive older women had offered him their numbers, and he’d accepted them all. However, he’d been too stupidly wrapped up in Abbie’s humungous tits to make use of the contacts. Why the hell did I think it was so important to have a young woman on my arm? Sure, other men were envious. I saw the way they drooled over her. But, by God, she was frustrating.
He was done with dating young women. From now on it was going to be mature women in their forties, maybe even their fifties, provided they looked after themselves and they weren’t as weak and tedious as his wife had been. Older women knew the score. They were mostly married, so they had their own reasons for discretion. All they wanted was a load of free champagne, some flattery, and a good fuck from an Italian Stallion at the end of the night. Vincent could offer all those things. He didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of it sooner. No more spending time with whiney women who behaved like children!
At the
weekend, he arrived at the marina at Lynton Haven, and caught up with the man from Grosvenor Yachts.
‘Good morning.’
‘I see you’ve managed to spell the name correctly.’
‘Yes, Mr Russell. And may I just say, on behalf of the company, how sorry we are that you had to—’
‘Fine, fine.’ Vincent waved his elegant hand to dismiss the speech. ‘Is that for me?’ He pointed at the bottle of Veuve Clicquot in the salesman’s hand.
‘Yes. In case you wish to christen her or share it with your companion.’
‘I’ll definitely do one of those things. Do you have the final paperwork for me to sign?’
‘Yes. Shall we …?’ The salesman gestured towards the Cristina, which was bobbing up and down next to them.
Vincent had decided to go for a sailing yacht, mainly because it made such a splendid sight. A world away from the tiny boats he’d sailed on a modest body of water near to his nonna’s house, he’d recently spent a fortune cramming in lessons, learning how to skipper a 34-foot vessel. That way he could appear in control when he took his guests out. He hoped to be hobnobbing with some affluent dignitaries. The last thing he wanted was to come across as the small-time sailor that he really was.
‘I’ll just need your signature here and here.’ The salesman passed the papers to Vincent. ‘You’re happy with the mooring position I was able to secure for you here at the marina?’
‘It’ll do. I take it this is the best you could get?’
‘To be honest, it’s only because the Leonora was previously moored here that you were lucky enough to get this slot. There’s often a waiting list for new vessels at these places.’
Vincent snorted. ‘With the money I made at your disposal, I most certainly didn’t expect to wait.’
‘No, Mr Russell, I got that impression.’
As soon as the paperwork was signed, Vincent ushered the salesman away. He had no further need for him. Besides, checking his Rolex watch, he noted that the lady-friend he’d chosen to accompany him on his first sailing trip was due any minute.