Nanomachine War series Box Set
Page 28
Doug, James and General Bradstone were dressed in UN provided military spacesuits, which were light weight, flexible and designed to withstand hazardous space vacuum conditions. The suits were camouflaged in various shades of green, tan and brown and each included a dark green helmet equipped with Heads-up Display (HUD), radio communication controls, night vision and a tough protective faceplate.
Attached to the back of each suit was a small, flat, rectangular Air Support Power Pack (ASPP) that provides up to eight hours of oxygen for breathing and the removal of carbon dioxide when exhaling. The power pack also provides battery power to heat and cool the suit. They would need the suits when exploring the wreckage on the surface of Mars.
Doug landed the shuttlecraft near a large wreckage site. “We’re here, General. This is the Yoykan Malee that carried Rahta, the Imperial Leader of the Yoykan Empire. It’s the largest piece of wreckage that crashed on Mars during the space battle with the Holtu warships. Fortunately for us, this piece is still largely intact. It was the Command Center.”
Doug and the others put on their helmets and Doug led them down the exit ramp to the outside. The area was well lighted and human work crews from Haffen City were busy with cutting tools all around them.
Doctor James Colbert explained over the radio comlink what was happening as they walked towards the wreckage. “The workers are cutting the wreckage into smaller sections for transport to military storage buildings. We have already examined most of the wreckage, but we need to do a more thorough study in our research labs.”
James led the group inside the wreckage through a doorway that was cut open and then sealed from the outside. “We can remove our helmets in here. This section has been pressurized.”
The group proceeded down a narrow corridor that led to the main control center. Inside were several Holtu androids sent to investigate the wreckage by High Leader Altek.
James said, “The Holtu scientists have been studying the Yoyka warship for days now. From what I have gathered, they seem pretty happy with what they have found so far.”
Di looked around. “The Yoyka warships operate pretty much as we expected. They use hydrogen nuclear fusion powered engines. We use quantum zero-point energy (ZPE) power; what you humans call Quantum Vacuum Thrusters, QVT or Q-thrusters. Our Qumru scientists started replacing all nuclear fusion propulsion systems some time ago with QVT. Quantum energy is limitless and provides all the free energy we need to power the FTL hyperdrive system.”
“What about their weapon systems?” General Bradstone asked.
“For offensive weapons, the Yoykan Malee had high-energy particle beams for close range targets up to two thousand of your kilometers; laser beams for targets up to ten thousand kilometers that travel at the speed of light; nuclear missiles with up to fifty megaton warheads that can travel at sublight speeds; and kinetic energy railguns (KERs) that shoot high density metal projectiles at close range up to twenty kilometers per second to penetrate and destroy major targets.
“For defensive weapons the Yoyka Malee used AI controlled antimissile laser defense systems and an energy force field that could protect the dreadnaught from multiple nuclear missile strikes at one time without losing shields depending on how many megatons of explosive power was used at the time of impact. The Yoykan Malee was the Emperor’s most powerful warship we know about. It took three of our warships to destroy it.”
Doug watched the androids remove some electronic components from one of the command consoles. “What are they doing, James?”
“That’s the quantum transmission link or QTL equipment for the warship. Once we get it back to the labs, we’re going to try and figure out what quantum nanomachine codes Rahta sends over the QTL to control his subjects. If we are successful, perhaps we can prevent the Yoyka from sending anymore Kill Codes whenever they feel like wiping out another race.”
“This is the first opportunity we’ve had to take possession of any Yoyka technology,” Di said. “It may prove to be a big factor in achieving victory over the Yoyka. We are convinced Rahta intends to use his nanomachine weapon against us on Holtu as soon as he can. He may even decide to kill every Qumru person on Qum just to try and defeat us.”
Doug understood the importance of what they were doing. The Qumru scientists were working hard to find a way to stop the Yoyka nanomachines’ devastating effect on people’s minds and bodies. Tumil and Janice were instrumental in finding a nano-agent that could prevent more people from becoming infected with the Yoyka nanomachines, but they had not found a way to reverse the mind-controlling effects on anyone who was already infected. Uncovering and preventing the Yoyka Kill Codes would be a victory in itself.
“Do you think Rahta would really do that to billions of your people on Qum?” Doug asked Di.
“He would not hesitate. Especially if he thought he could lose the war. We have seen it already.”
“Are you referring to what he did here?” Doug asked.
“No. Our surveillance probes and warships sent to spy on Yoyka space territories have returned with images of other dead worlds, fully intact, but without any living intelligent species left on the planets. The Yoyka harvest all the food and raw materials for their own use and leave the planet for future colonization by the Yoyka. It will be the fate of our worlds as well as your own if we cannot defeat them.”
Doctor Colbert interrupted the discussion to tell them one more thing before they left. “We have found several intact Yoyka bodies on this ship. They have been removed to our labs for autopsies. Perhaps it will prove useful to see what our scientists can come up with to use against them.”
General Bradstone took interest in that comment. “Are you suggesting we use nanomachines of our own to infect them?”
“Fight fire with fire. It’s what we do best, General. Don’t you think?” Captain Tills said.
Doug thought it was too horrible to contemplate. But then nuclear war used to be thought in the same manner until it happened. Nothing was beyond comprehension in today’s world.
Chapter 4
Rahta, the Emperor of Yoykan, stared out the expansive window of his palace located in the center of Vickta, the Capital City of Yoykan. The city lay deep in a lush valley ringed by large snow covered mountains in the northern latitudes. It was a clear sunny day, but Rahta’s mood was as dark as the night side of his planet. He stood 2.5 meters tall; all muscle and strength. His stout body, round head, square face, large mouth, nose and ears made him formidable. His deep set eyes were as brown as his skin. Rahta was deep in thought planning his revenge on those who almost killed him.
Yoykan was one of twelve planets revolving around a yellow star that lay 14,000 light years from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Yoykan was created 5 billion years ago and life evolved slowly from its violent, chaotic birth and heavy gravitational forces. When life forms finally emerged from the seas and land, they struggle to exist and fought for survival as most species must. Under Rahta’s rule the Yoykan people became the most competitive, advanced and warlike race in the entire Orion Arm of the galaxy.
Once the Yoykans became spacefaring, Rahta colonized all the planets and moons in his star system and began expanding outwards in search of other alien races. He was not content to find and study other alien races. He conquered and subdued all the intelligent races he found. He did this with advanced warships, weaponry and brute force until he discovered a better way to conquer planets. His scientists initially developed nanobot technology that simply infected and killed all races that were not Yoyka. Rahta thought of a better solution and instructed his scientists to develop intelligent nanomachines that could control minds, which would allow the conquered races to serve as slaves and feed his empire. The nanomachines could be controlled by the use of quantum transmission links (QTL) that operated almost instantaneously anywhere in the universe.
Nanomachine technology was a marvelous invention. It became Rahta’s chief weapon of mass control. It worked s
uperbly until recently. The Qumru race had developed a preventative nano-agent. It worked like inoculations for viral diseases. This was a big problem and Rahta could only think of one solution.
The great door to his room opened. A palace guard announced a visitor. “High Commander Anahta is here to see you, Emperor.”
Anahta entered the room and bowed as the door behind him closed. “You asked to see me, Imperial Leader?”
It had been sixty cys (days) since they left the Earth solar system in defeat. The loss of the Yoykan Malee was disastrous and embarrassing. Only a few Yoykan military people knew what had happened and most of them had been eliminated to keep the secret. Anahta had saved Rahta’s life and had been sparred his wrath, but Anahta himself remained cautious.
“Yes, High Commander. We need to plan our retribution on the Qumru and Holtu.”
“What about the Humans? They are also complicit.”
“I have other plans for them. They are not an advanced race. We will conquer them after we defeat the Holtu androids.”
Anahta had anticipated this discussion and was prepared with his own recommendations. “Before we discuss the Holtu, I have information from our military forces on Qum we should discuss.”
Rahta looked impatient as he sat down at his desk and pointed for Anahta to sit in the chair in front. “What is it?”
“There are resistance groups on Qum composed of small military forces, scientists and other Qumru that escaped our invasion of their planet who have not been infected with our nanomachines. The largest group is hiding in a research center high in the mountains with deep underground bunkers.”
Rahta flicked one of his six-fingered hands in the air. “Destroy the facility. Kill them all!”
“It was considered by our local ground forces, but I stopped it. This research facility has Qumru quantum computer mind transfer technology and regeneration chambers—the Onutu technology—we have been seeking. All other such facilities were destroyed by the Qumru before we could capture them.”
Rahta’s eyes looked up at the painted ceiling in the room. It was created by one of their master painters ages ago and depicted a battle scene of kings and conquerors; all dead. He had other plans for his rule. “Can we capture this facility intact?”
“There may be a way, Emperor. I have authorized local ground troops to find a way to gain entrance and capture the Onutu scientists alive.”
“Very good. See if you can achieve this without destroying the Qumru technology we seek.” Rahta had every intention of getting his hands on the Qumru mind transfer technology at any cost. He planned to rule his empire for a thousand or more years. To do this he would need to find the technology or any Qumru who knew how to create it. Otherwise, he must destroy the Qumru people along with their technology to prevent any other race from obtaining it.
“Anything else?” Rahta asked.
“No, Emperor.”
“Then let us discuss our battle plans for Holtu. What do you recommend, Anahta?”
“I sent spy probes and a warship with Spitka fighters to Holtu space to determine how big their space fleet is and gather more information before we attack them in force.”
“What else?”
“Our best scientists are working on a weapon to use against the androids. The current nanomachines cannot affect them, but a nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEP) could possibly disable the androids, if not their warships and fighters. We need to test it as soon as we are ready.”
“Where do you plan to do this test?”
“I plan to capture some Holtu androids on Qum to test the technology on them first. It would be the fastest way.”
“Let it be done. Now let’s discuss how and when to attack Holtu.” Rahta’s mood was suddenly much brighter.
Chapter 5
The inspection of the Yoykan Malee warship debris scattered around Olympus Mons had ended. Doug Martin along with the others returned to Haffen City by shuttlecraft. General Bradstone and Vice Leader Di accompanied Doctor Colby to the research lab attached to the Spaceport to see what the scientists had uncovered from the Yoykan Malee crash sites. In two days Di would take Doug, the General, Janice and others to Earth for a NSC meeting with the President and then to Holtu to visit various leaders and scientists preparing for the coming war with the Yoyka.
Doug was bone tired after a long day and trip, but decided to pick up his wife before going home. Janice worked in the Science Department near the UN office building where Doug had his office. It was almost closing time when Doug found Janice peering through a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) in the lab. “Are you ready to go home?” he asked as he approached.
Janice looked around and smiled. “This is a surprise. I thought you were with General Bradstone.”
“I was. Di, Doctor Colby and I took the general to the Yoykan Malee crash site to see it for himself.”
“Did you find anything useful?”
“Maybe? The Holtu scientists found the quantum transmission link equipment in the Command Center. We brought it back to the military research lab to analyze. If we’re lucky, we may be able to determine what nanomachine kill code the Yoyka sent over the QTL to kill all the infected people.”
Janice grimaced. Her eyes and face pained at the memory of all who died at the hand of the Yoykan Emperor before his warship was destroyed. “The code will be impossible to crack according to Tumil. It’s quantum physics. But we might be able to interfere with the quantum wavelengths to prevent the signal from getting through.” Janice theorized. “I would like to see the report when the Holtu are done with the analysis to send to Tumil.”
“I’ll see what I can do. High Leader Altek is in charge of the investigation. What are you doing?”
Janice turned back to the microscope. “I’m analyzing tissue cells from one of the Yoyka bodies we found at the crash site. I tried to infect the cells with the Yoyka nanomachines to see what happens.”
“Did you find anything?”
“It seems the Yoyka cells cannot be infected by their own nanomachines. That is to be expected. However, since we now have Yoyka tissue samples, we could create our own nano-agent that could infect the Yoyka if we decide to do so. We could even control the effects by quantum transmission links same as the Yoyka do.”
Doug took a deep breath. “That would mean nano-warfare. Biological and chemical weapons were both abolished by the UN Member States decades ago. They would never approve nanomachine weapons.”
“Maybe not. But what choice do we have? Do you think the Yoyka care if we banned biological weapons? They will try to kill us any way they can, and that includes nanomachine weapons.”
Janice was right and Doug knew it. But if everyone decided to use nano-warfare, it could easily get out of control. “That could kill all of us, Jan, but I agree with you. We need to be prepared just in case. I’ll speak to General Bradstone and see what he thinks. Does Tumil or the Holtu have Yoyka tissue samples to test yet?
“Not yet. I’m sending Tumil my test results, but tissue samples will have to be taken with us when we visit Holtu.”
“We have to go to Earth first to meet with the President. We leave in two days.”
Janice shut down the STM microscope equipment and prepared to leave the lab with Doug. Home was less than a mile away from the science lab. Doug followed Janice outside. They boarded the public transportation system and found a seat together on the train. It was more crowded than usual.
“More people are riding the train now. It’s getting harder to find a seat during rush hour,” Janice said holding Doug’s hand.
“There are a lot more people living in Haffen City, Jan. I can’t believe how many people are arriving from Earth every day. It’s because of the new Holtu transport shuttles. It takes less than an hour to travel from Earth when it used to take 30 days.”
“Most of those arriving are military. When will it stop?”
“We’re preparing for war, Jan. It won’t stop anyt
ime soon.”
“I know. I’m just worried for our baby. I can’t imagine what type of life we can provide for our child if we lose the war.”
Doug was silent for a moment. “We’ll do the best we can no matter what happens. I’ll send you to Earth if the Yoyka come back to attack Mars.”
“Earth won’t be any safer than Mars. I plan to fight them same as you, even if it’s only in a lab. I won’t let the Yoyka control us like they did the Qumru.”
Doug didn’t respond; just sat in silence holding Jan’s hand waiting for their train stop. They would be home soon and Jan would make dinner. They would watch a movie on TV and act as if everything was normal.
Tomorrow was another day. Doug would meet with officials from Haffen City to discuss local affairs. Then he would meet with Di and General Bradstone to discuss military preparations. In two days, he and Jan would travel to Earth. He had an important meeting with President Anderson; then a meeting with the National Security Council before his visit to Holtu. Time was of the essence and everyone knew it.
Chapter 6
President Anderson
President Mary Woodley Anderson climbed up the steps to the Marine One Sikorsky helicopter sitting on the Whitehouse South Lawn. She saluted the United States Marine guard dressed in the standard Marine Blue Dress Charlie/Delta uniform. The President was on her way to attend a memorial speech in New York City.
The early morning sunshine was bright and the air was hot and humid from the warm July day. The President was watching her step as she climbed with one hand on the railing. She didn’t want to fall and delay her trip. She had put this public function off as long as she could, but it was time to visit the site where so many people had died.
The United Nations Complex in the Turtle Bay neighborhood of New York City had been completely destroyed by the Yoyka warship two months previous. Over three thousand people had died instantly within two city blocks by the Yoyka high energy particle beam weapon. Included were two thousand people representing 192 Member Nations from around the world meeting in a General Assembly session at the time of the attack. It was a merciless attack by aliens who cared nothing for human lives.