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The Bhagavata Purana 1

Page 23

by Bibek Debroy

  Chapter 3(23)

  ‘Maitreya said, “When her parents left, the virtuous one understood the wishes of her husband. She always tended to him affectionately, just as Bhavani 1073 does to the lord Bhava. She was pure in her mind and self-controlled. Without any guile, she tended to him with affection and spoke to him in sweet words. She gave up desire, pride, hatred, greed and vanity. With undeviating attention, she always satisfied her energetic husband. Manu’s daughter followed the vows of the noble devarshi, looking upon him as superior to a divinity. She expected great benedictions from her husband. After a long period of time, she became weak because of the vows she had observed. Grieving and driven by compassion, he spoke to her in words that were full of love.

  ‘“Kardama said, ‘O Manu’s daughter! I am satisfied with your respect, supreme service and supreme devotion. Everyone who possesses a body loves that body. However, you have not tended to it properly and have become emaciated for my sake. I have been engaged in my own dharma and in austerities and meditation. Through the favours of the illustrious one, I have obtained learning and yoga in my atman. Through serving me, you have also obtained those. I am giving you the insight that will drive away fear and grief. All material objects obtained are destroyed through the illustrious Urukrama merely bending his eyebrows. What use are they? By milking your own dharma, you have obtained this divine success. Enjoy it. Men find this extremely difficult to obtain, including kings who perform rites.’”

  ‘Maitreya continued, “He possessed the strength of yoga maya and was accomplished in knowledge. When she heard what he said, the lady was satisfied. Her face beamed with smiles. She glanced at him bashfully. She spoke in humble words that choked with love.

  ‘“Devahuti said, ‘O bull among brahmanas! O husband! I know that you have obtained success and that you are the master of yoga maya. I know your powers. However, a promise was made that a proper physical union between us should take place. For virtuous women, delivering a child is a great quality. Therefore, instruct about what must be done for that purpose. I have become emaciated because my great passion has not been satisfied. Let the poor body be fit so that the desire in my mind can be fulfilled. O lord! Also think about a suitable house.’”

  ‘Maitreya continued, “O Kshatta! To do what would bring pleasure to his beloved, Kardama resorted to yoga. He produced a vimana that could travel wherever one willed. It was divine and had all the objects of pleasure. It was decorated with all kinds of gems. Its prosperity kept on gradually increasing. There were pillars encrusted with jewels. There were divine objects and it was pleasant in all the seasons. It was ornamented with colourful festoons and flags. There were colourful garlands and bees sweetly hummed around them. Many articles of fine cotton and silk were spread around. Beds, beautiful couches, whisks and seats were separately arranged in storeys that were progressively laid out on top of each other. Here and there, it was decorated with works of artisans. The floors were made out of emeralds and the platforms were made out of coral. The entrances had thresholds made out of red coral and the doors were made out of diamonds. The summits were fashioned out of blue sapphire and pots made out of gold were placed atop these. The excellent rubies set in walls made out of diamonds seemed to be like eyes. There were colourful canopies and the extremely expensive arches were made out of gold. Many swans and pigeons called out. They mistook the artificial ones to belong to their own kind and repeatedly flew towards them. There were places for pleasure, chambers for resting, rooms for sleeping, quadrangles and outer courtyards, all constructed comfortably. He 1074 was himself astounded. He saw that she was looking at the house and wasn’t quite pleased in her heart. Kardama, who could understand the wishes of all creatures, himself spoke to her. 1075 ‘O timid one! Have a bath in this lake and then ascend the vimana. This tirtha has been created by the illustrious one and bestows all the wishes that men want.’ The lotus-eyed one listened to her husband’s words. She was attired in soiled garments and the hair on her head was matted. Her limbs were covered with filth and her covered breasts were discoloured. She entered the lake in the Sarasvati, the store of auspicious waters. In a house inside the lake, there were one thousand maidens. All of them were young in age and bore the scent of fragrant lotuses. On seeing her, the women stood up immediately. They joined their hands in salutation and asked, ‘We are your servant-maids. Please tell us what we can do for you.’ With extremely expensive articles required for a bath, they bathed the spirited one. They respectfully gave her two new and spotless garments. They gave her extremely expensive ornaments that were excellent and radiant. They gave her food that possessed all the qualities and liquor that was like amrita to drink. She saw herself in a mirror, with garlands and spotless garments. With a great deal of respect, the maidens decorated her with auspicious marks. She bathed and her head was washed. She was adorned with every kind of ornament. There was a golden necklace around her neck. Her bangles, girdle and anklets tinkled. There was a golden girdle, encrusted with many kinds of jewels, around her hips. She was adorned with an extremely expensive and beautiful necklace. Her teeth were excellent. Her eyebrows were excellent. The edges of her eyes were gentle and soft and rivalled lotus buds. There was shining and dark blue hair around her face. As soon as she remembered her beloved husband, the bull among rishis, she found herself, with the women, where Prajapati was. Surrounded by those one thousand women, she found herself in her husband’s presence. On seeing the power of his yoga, a doubt arose in her. He saw her, clean after the bath, and shining as she had never done before. Her shining form was beautiful and her charming breasts were covered. She was attired in excellent garments and one thousand vidyadharis 1076 were in attendance. O destroyer of enemies! Full of affection towards her, he made her ascend the vimana. His greatness was not diminished inside the vimana. She loved him and he was himself served by those vidyadharis. He was as radiant as the lord of the stars surrounded by the stars, followed by large numbers of blooming night lotuses. 1077 In that vimana, he went to the valleys of the Indra among kulachalas. 1078 This is where the eight lokapalas seek their pleasure. 1079 Ananga’s friend, the breeze, blows pleasantly there. The heavenly river 1080 descends there, with an auspicious sound. Praised by the Siddhas and surrounded by the women, he enjoyed there for a long time, like the lord of treasures. 1081 With his beautiful wife, he enjoyed himself in gardens like Vaishrambhaka, Surasena, Nandana, Pushpabhadraka, Manasa and Chaitraratha. 1082 His splendid and great vimana could travel anywhere at will. In that, surpassing all the others who possessed vimanas, he travelled throughout the worlds, like the wind. For men who are determined in their minds and seek refuge at the tirtha of the illustrious one’s feet, the dispeller of hardships, what is difficult to accomplish? He showed his wife the globe of the earth and how everything was established, full of great wonders. The great yogi then returned to his hermitage. Manu’s daughter was eager for intercourse and he divided himself into nine parts. As he enjoyed and gave pleasure to the beautiful one, many years passed like an instant. In the vimana, she lay down on an excellent bed that increased her sexual desire. Desiring the company of her husband, she was not aware of the amount of time that had passed. The couple desired intercourse and used their powers of yoga. A hundred autumns passed in satisfying desire, but it was only like an instant. The lord, who knew about his atman, was capable of discerning everyone’s wishes and satisfying them. He divided himself into nine parts and deposited his seed. Thus, on the same day, Devahuti gave birth to nine daughters. All of them were beautiful in all their limbs and bore the fragrance of red lotuses. Seeing that her husband was about to leave, the beautiful one outwardly showed the signs of smiling. However, her heart was agitated and sad. Her feet were beautiful with nails that were like gems. With a lowered face, she scratched on the ground with these nails. Restraining her tears, she spoke soft and charming words.

  ‘“Devahuti said, ‘O illustrious one! You have fulfilled everything that you promised. However, since I have sought refug
e with you, you should grant me freedom from fear. O brahmana! Your daughters will themselves have to search out husbands who are their equals. When you leave for the forest, who will dispel my grief? O lord! I have spent a great deal of time in pandering to the objects of the senses and have abandoned the paramatman. I have acted so as to remain attached to the objects of the senses. I remained ignorant about your supreme sentiments. Therefore, grant me freedom from fear. Attachment to the cycle of birth and death is ordained for those who are wicked and without intelligence. It has been said that any association with virtuous people leads to non-attachment. If a person does not perform acts of dharma, does not observe non-attachment and does not serve the one whose feet are a tirtha, even if he is alive, he is as good as dead. Indeed, I have been firmly deceived by the illustrious one’s maya. Therefore, though I could have obtained emancipation from you, I did not free myself from the bondage.’”’

  Chapter 3(24)

  ‘Maitreya said, “Manu’s daughter spoke praiseworthy words about non-attachment. The compassionate sage remembered what had been said by the illustrious one and spoke to her.

  ‘“The rishi said, ‘O princess! O praiseworthy one! Do not be dejected about yourself in this way. The illustrious and undecaying one will soon enter your womb. O fortunate one! Using dama and niyama, follow the vows, perform austerities and donate wealth. 1083 Worship the lord faithfully. When the illustrious one is worshipped by you, he will enhance my fame. As your son, he will impart knowledge about the brahman and severe the bonds in your heart.’”

  ‘Maitreya continued, “Devahuti honoured Prajapati’s command. With complete respect, she worshipped the preceptor who is deep inside everyone. After a long period of time had elapsed, the illustrious Madhusudana was born from Kardama’s seed, like fire from kindling. At that time, there were clouds in the sky and musical instruments were sounded from within the clouds. Gandharvas sang and apsaras danced in joy. Extremely happy, those who roamed around in the sky showered down divine flowers. All the directions, the waters and everyone’s mind was pleased. Svayambhu came to Kardama’s hermitage, surrounded by the Sarasvati, along with the rishis, Marichi and the others. O slayer of enemies! Aja, the self-ruling one, knew that the illustrious supreme brahman, in his portion of sattva, had been born, so as to teach knowledge of samkhya. With a pure heart, he worshipped what the illustrious one desired to do. Delighted, he addressed Kardama 1084 in these words.

  ‘“Brahma said, ‘O son! You have worshipped me without any duplicity and the objective has been accomplished. O one who shows honours! You have respected my words. This is exactly the kind of service that sons should render to their father. With respectful words of agreement, the senior’s words must be complied with. O child! These honest daughters of yours are slender-waisted. They will expand this creation and they will have a large number of progeny. Therefore, according to conduct and taste, bestow them on the best among rishis. Give your daughters away today and your fame will spread throughout the earth. I know that, using his own maya, Purusha has descended today. O sage! For the sake of creatures, that treasure has assumed the body of Kapila. His hair is golden and matted. He is lotus-eyed. He bears the marks of the lotus. His feet are like lotuses. He will uproot all karma through jnana, vijnana and yoga. O woman! Kaitabha’s slayer 1085 has entered your womb. He will sever the bonds of ignorance and doubt and roam around the earth. He is the lord of the large number of Siddhas. He will be extremely revered by the teachers of samkhya. In this world, he will be known as Kapila. He will wander around and increase your fame.’”

  ‘Maitreya continued, “Along with the Kumaras 1086 and Narada, the couple was thus assured by the creator of the universe. Brahma 1087 then mounted his vehicle, yoked to swans, and went to his region, above the three worlds. O Kshatta! When he had left, the performer of the one hundred sacrifices 1088 urged Kardama. As instructed, he bestowed his own daughters on the procreators of the universe. He gave Kala to Marichi, Anasuya to Atri, Shraddha to Angiras, Havirbhu to Pulastya, Gati to Pulaha, the virtuous Kriya to Kratu, Khyati to Bhrigu and Arundhati to Vasishtha. He gave Shanti to Atharvan, the one who extends a sacrifice. Having married, the bulls among the brahmanas left for their own abodes with their wives. O Kshatta! After marrying, the rishis took their leave from him. Having obtained it, they happily left for their own respective hermitages. Having learnt that Triyuga, the bull among the gods had descended, he went to him in a secluded spot. 1089 He bowed down before him and said, ‘Because of their own inauspicious deeds, the wicked ones are being cooked in hell. Indeed, the gods have been pleased after a very long time. Ascetics meditate properly in yoga, in secluded spots, and ripen themselves through many lives, endeavouring to see his feet. Though we are the lowest of the low, that illustrious one has been born in our house today, so as to nurture his devotees, even if they are ordinary. O one who increases the respect of his devotees! O illustrious one! You desire to impart knowledge. O illustrious one! Though you do not have form, all of these are your forms. Whatever forms cause delight to your devotees are forms appropriate for you. The seat of your feet deserves to be always worshipped by gods who desire to comprehend the truth. You are full of prosperity, non-attachment, fame, knowledge, strength and prosperity. I seek refuge with you. You are transcendental and supreme. You are the great Purusha. You are wise time. You are the three modes. 1090 You are the protector of the world. Through his own powers, he has assimilated the entire universe into his atman. He is the one who exerts his powers easily. I seek refuge with Kapila. You are the lord of all subjects. I seek something from you today. Since you have taken your descent, I have freed from all debts and my desires have been fulfilled. I wish to travel along various paths, with you in my heart, and bereft of all sorrows.’

  ‘“The illustrious one replied, ‘Whatever I speak, whether it is in the sacred texts or in ordinary speech, is a yardstick for the world. O sage! Therefore, since what I told you should not become false, I have been born to you. My birth in this world is for those who seek liberation from the linga sharira. This is for expounding the revered truth that leads to realization of the atman. This path of self-realization of the unmanifest atman has been lost for a long period of time. Know that I have assumed this body for the sake of propagating it. You sought my permission. With my permission, go where you want. Give up all rites. 1091 Conquer death, which is so very difficult to vanquish. For the sake of immortality, worship me. You will see the self-resplendent atman in me, the one that is inside the hearts of all living beings. Look at the atman inside your own atman. Be free from sorrow and fear. I will bestow the adhyatma 1092 knowledge that extinguishes all karma on my mother. Through this, she will also overcome all fear.’”

  ‘Maitreya continued, “Prajapati was thus addressed by Kapila. He circumambulated him, keeping him to the right, 1093 and cheerfully left for the forest. Seeking refuge in the atman, the sage took to the vow of silence. He roamed around the earth, without any attachment. He did not light a fire, nor did he have a house. He fixed his mind on the brahman and on the supreme that is beyond cause and effect. This is the one who has no gunas, but manifests himself in the form of the gunas. He can only be perceived through single-minded devotion. He became free of ego and free of any sense of ownership. He became free of the opposite pairs of sentiments. 1094 He looked within himself and was impartial towards everything. He looked inwards and became tranquil, like the calm waves of the ocean. His sentiments were full of great devotion towards the illustrious and omniscient Vasudeva, who is inside everyone’s atman. He realized the atman and became free of bondage. He saw that the illustrious one was in the atmans of all creatures. He saw the atman in all creatures and the illustrious one in his own atman. He was devoid of desires and hatred. He looked at everyone with an impartial mind. Immersed in devotion towards the illustrious one, he obtained the illustrious one as a destination.”’

  Chapter 3(25)

  Shounaka said, ‘The illustrious Kapila, the expounder of
the truth about samkhya, is himself without birth. However, for the purpose of teaching men about the atman, the illustrious one used his own maya to be born himself. He was indeed a great man, supreme among yogis. His glory is described in the sacred texts. I have heard about him, but my senses are still not satisfied. Using the maya of his own atman, the illustrious one undertakes everything easily. I am devoted to him. Please recount all his deeds.’


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