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Born Dark

Page 20

by H G Lynch

  “If you’re not here for any good reason, can you leave before I-” Ember started, leaning her head in her hand.

  “Before you what exactly?” He arched a brow expectantly and she sighed, resisting the urge to smile.

  Before I can’t resist the urge to kiss you dizzy. “Before I fall asleep again. I’m still tired and bantering with you takes a lot of energy.”

  Reid looked disappointed but nodded and slipped off the bed. Ember watched him walk across the room, noting the lilt to his shoulders as he moved, and the way his t-shirt clung to his slender torso. He had a grace about him, and certain smoothness to his movements that most likely came from his confidence. Reid, Ember thought, could make a yellow jumpsuit look sexy.

  “Do you mind if I come back later?” Reid asked as he put a hand on the door handle. Ember thought for a moment and shrugged. She didn’t see any reason he couldn’t, and honestly, she kind of wanted to talk to him. Properly. Sort out, well, everything. Particularly whatever was going on between them.

  “I suppose you could,” she muttered. Reid grinned at her, waved, and left. Ember groaned and crawled back into bed, the effects of the caffeine wearing off already. What harm would a couple more hours of sleep do?

  “So, do I have to ask what you were up to with Ricky last night?” Ember asked Sherry, grinning knowingly. Sherry blushed but smiled, a smile that Ember knew meant there was gossip to be told here.

  “Nothing happened,” Sherry said quietly, turning away so Ember couldn’t see her face. Which could only mean something interesting happened.

  “Uh-huh? What kind of nothing happened?” Ember pressed, curious. She couldn’t help but grin. Sitting on her bed, she folded her legs and leaned her elbows on her knees, resting her chin in one hand. Sherry was pretending to be occupied with folding and re-folding her sheet of Drama homework very precisely. Ember wasn’t fooled. She knew Sherry had been awfully busy last night, and she thought it was her duty as Sherry’s best friend to get the details.

  “We just kissed for a while…” Sherry shrugged but she still wouldn’t look at Ember.

  “And I suppose you’re going to tell me you were both fully dressed for this make-out session too?” Ember grinned and rolled her eyes, reading her friend’s hesitation and fierce blush. Sherry didn’t answer, which Ember interpreted as ‘Clothes hit the floor’. She grinned and laughed, essentially congratulating her friend on her intensifying relationship.

  “It was just his t-shirt…And mine…But that’s it. He had to go for some reason…” Sherry’s expression said she was disappointed and confused by that. She finally stopped folding her homework and just slipped it into her schoolbag, before tucking the bag under her bed and shrugging at Ember.

  “Well, I’m sure it must’ve been a life-or-death thing if he just left you there, shirtless.” Ember laughed again - this time though it was a nervous laugh more than anything, because she knew exactly where Ricky had gone. He’d been with Brandon, Perry and Reid, fighting the witches. Something struck Ember just then: Did Sherry know about Ricky? Should she tell her? How would she react?

  “Hey, I’m sure Reid would love to throw your clothes to the floor too if you gave him the chance,” Sherry said, sounding mischievous and sympathetic, misreading Ember’s suddenly unhappy expression.

  Ember just smiled weakly and said, “Like I’d want that.” Sarcasm was heavy in her voice.

  “You know you would,” Sherry bantered back, flashing a smirk.

  A knock on the door sounded and Reid let himself in with a lopsided grin. He’d changed his t-shirt since earlier, and now wore a grey one with ‘Born Dark’ written across the front in bold, red letters. Ember stifled a giggle, tried not to roll her eyes at him.

  “Speak of the devil,” Sherry muttered.

  “You were talking about me?” Reid grinned, raising his brows and wandering over to sit himself on the end of Ember’s bed. Ember ignored the way her heart did a funny little flip when he smiled at her.

  “Yeah, we were just saying it’s a pity you’re so arrogant or you might almost be able to pass for the angel in the school’s Easter play next year.” Ember nudged him with her foot, and caught Sherry’s meaningful glance. Ember just shook her head minutely, giving Sherz a glare.

  “Oh, so you think I look like an angel now? Well, well.” Reid reached out to toy with the hem of her jeans, and she smacked his hand away. He was like a kid, the way he always had to be playing with something.

  “No, I think you look like a typical pretty boy. All smiles and charm around the girls, almost like you’re trying to overcompensate for something?” Ember smirked, knowing he’d catch on. Sherry snickered but they ignored it, too caught up in their own easy bantering.

  “Mh-hmm? Well, you could find out…” Reid leaned toward her, blue eyes hooded and warm. It was just very nearly a tempting idea. Ember bit her lip, shaking her head and pushing him away with the palm of her hand. His chest was warm under her palm, even through his t-shirt, and she felt the hardness of his muscles as he moved back.

  “I think not,” she said simply, watching Sherry struggle to hide her laughter. Ember rolled her eyes, “Shut up. It’s not funny,” she muttered, waving a dismissive hand at her friend.

  “Whatever. I’ll believe you.” Sherry rolled her eyes, “And I’ll just leave you two to figure things out alone. Have fun.” The green-eyed girl smirked and skipped out of the room, giving Ember a meaningful glance as she slipped out the door. Ember glared after her, watching the door swing closed, leaving her alone in the room with Reid. For some reason, the thought filled her with a kind of nervousness she’d never felt before.

  “So, do you really not want me to take your clothes off?” Reid asked, grinning, once Sherry was gone. Ember groaned and whacked his arm.

  “I had a suspicion you’d been listening before you came in. You’re such an eavesdropper.” She rolled her eyes and lay back on her pillows. She’d only woken up - for the second time that day - an hour ago, when Sherry had come in after school. She wasn’t tired anymore exactly, but she hadn’t given much thought to everything. She wasn’t sure what to say to him, how she should be acting.

  “You didn’t answer me,” Reid said, arching a brow and stretching out next to her. She was aware of how they would look if anyone came in and saw them; lying together, facing each other with mischievous smirks. It would look much more intimate than it felt and it felt pretty intimate as it was.

  “No, I do not want you to take my clothes off.” She replied smartly, flipping off the bed backwards. Being so close to him made her feel things she didn’t necessarily want to feel. So moving away seemed like a good idea.

  “Liar,” Reid sighed, flopping onto his back and putting his hands behind his head.

  She shot him a glare. “I’m not lying! You just overestimate your own sex appeal. I get that being a vampire makes you…” Ember stopped and stood in the middle of the room, facing him with a pained expression on her face. Talking about vampires had reminded her of something she really should’ve thought of before.

  “Makes me what?” Reid asked, smirking.

  Ember shook her head, ignoring him. “It’s just… does Sherry know about Ricky… you know, that he’s a…?” Ember asked hesitantly almost positive of the answer to her question. Reid sat up, a genuinely serious grimace on his face.

  “No, he hasn’t told her. You shouldn’t even know. I wouldn’t have told you if you hadn’t been hiding in that tree last night; Wrong place, wrong time - that’s the only reason you found out. But Sherry can’t know. It’s too dangerous. Ricky’s good at acting human, so she never has to find out… well, ‘Never’ being a hyperbole.” His tone made it clear he knew what she was thinking. “You can’t tell her. Promise me you won’t tell her?” he added, verbalising his warning.

  Ember frowned, feeling torn. She didn’t want to expose such a big secret that wasn’t hers to share, and she certainly didn’t want Sherry in danger, but she never kept things from
Sherry, and as far as important information went… well, this was huge. What was she supposed to do? What would be better for Sherry? That’s what it came down to really. What would be better for Sherry?

  “Ember? Please?” It was astonishing to hear Reid say please. Seeing his pleading expression, she knew she couldn’t argue with him. Not now. She was tired of arguing with him.

  Guilt washed over Ember as she replied, unhappily. “Fine. I won’t tell her.”

  Reid sighed in relief and relaxed into an easy grin again. “Good. It really is what’s best for everyone,” he said, sensing her reluctance.

  “Yeah, I guess so. Why are you here by the way? I mean, I know I said you could come back but I’m just wondering why you wanted to.” Ember changed topic quickly, still feeling guilt lapping at her mind. Reid didn’t answer right away, running a hand through his blond hair distractedly. He looked over at the window, but something told Ember he wasn’t seeing what was beyond the glass. His mind was obviously focused on other things.

  “I just wanted to make sure you were still handling everything OK. I mean, discovering fairy tales and monsters really exist, it’s kind of a big thing and the way you just accepted it last night made me wonder if you were in shock or something.” He smiled a little but she could tell he was honestly concerned about her. It was sweet, as much as she hated to admit it.

  “That’s it?” she asked. It wasn’t what exactly what she’d expected though why else he’d be here, she had no idea. She supposed she’d thought that maybe, after last night, they might drop the pretence of being just friends. After all, it was hardly worth the energy it took to pretend anymore. “Well, you can stop worrying about me going nuts. I wasn’t sane to start with. And vampires existing is not exactly my worst nightmare. Witches either. Now, you put me near clowns, that would really terrify me,” she said, faking a shudder, wandering around the room aimlessly. She was full of restless energy all of a sudden. Her chest was tight, and she had the inexplicable urge to giggle for no good reason.

  “Clowns? Seriously? Bloodsucking monsters, you’re OK with. But guys dressed up in face paint and big shoes, meant for kids’ birthday parties, they scare you?” Reid snorted. She just shrugged, and turned to look at him and he grinned at her.

  For a moment, they stayed like that, just looking at each other, and Ember felt something uncurling in her stomach. It felt fuzzy and warm and she had to look away from his probing blue eyes. There was a kind of expectancy in his expression, like he was waiting for something. Waiting for her to say something. What did he expect her to say? Did he want her to tell him how she felt about him? Because she really didn’t know how she felt about him. It was all so complicated.

  The thing was, though, that she realised something now. Maybe she should’ve realised it a long time ago, because she was always making little mental notes about how he looked or how he moved or how he acted. She realised now that she noticed him like she didn’t notice other people. Usually, she was so lost in the fantasy worlds in her head that she didn’t really pay attention to what was really around her. She didn’t want to pay attention. But something about Reid forced her to wake up and see him, really see him in front of her. It could’ve been simply that he was gorgeous; it could’ve been that he kept her on edge, but whatever it was about him, it held her attention like a butterfly trapped in a glass jar.

  “You know,” Reid said softly, and Ember turned to look at him. He was picking idly at the edge of duvet, watching his fingers twisting around the fabric. “I don’t think I’ve ever noticed a girl the way I notice you either.”

  For a long moment, Ember wasn’t sure what to say. Part of her wanted to go to him and take his hand, curl up against him and never move. And part of her was angry. How had he known… Oh. Of course. He’s a bloody vampire. “Do not read my thoughts!” Ember hissed, feeling violated and irritated, and just a little flattered. He noticed her, like she noticed him. It was nice to know, at least.

  “Sorry. Your expression was worrying me.” He didn’t seem sorry at all, which didn’t surprise her. He was back to his normal, arrogant self and she could feel the acidic retorts on her tongue. But there was still that warm feeling unfurling in her stomach and chest. Damn it. Why did this have to happen to her? She had never planned, when she’d chosen to move to this school, on meeting a guy here. She’d never wanted to meet a guy, to fall for him. But she had. She’d met Reid, and she’d fallen for him, and no matter what she told herself in the middle of the night when thoughts of him floated into her mind, she liked that she’d fallen for him. Thinking about it now, Ember could hardly believe that just yesterday she’d have sworn she didn’t care about the arrogant blond boy stretched out on her bed. It seemed that one little secret could change everything. She almost hated to admit to him, after all this time, that she really did care about him.

  “Ember? You OK? You look confused.” Reid tilted his head, examining her face curiously. In return, Ember examined him, too. She couldn’t help herself. She let her eyes follow the curve of his cheekbones, the line of his jaw, and the tender shape of his mouth. There was something so captivating about him, and it went deeper than his pretty face. There was something behind those bright, inquisitive eyes that just drew her to him.

  “Yeah, I’m OK. I’m just trying to figure out how to say something,” Ember sighed, joining him on the bed again and meeting his wary blue gaze. He didn’t say anything, and his expression was unreadable. He sat up, folding his legs in a position similar to hers, and facing her evenly. Ember braced herself, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.

  “Is this something to do with me being a vampire?” Reid’s voice was as blank as his expression, but his eyes showed how anxious he was. She wondered if he was expecting her to tell him she didn’t want to see him anymore, didn’t want to associate with a blood-sucking monster.

  After a short hesitation Ember replied, unable to meet his gaze anymore. “No. It’s about, well, I think you can guess. I mean it’s not like there’s any point in pretending anymore or lying to myself. So, I might as well just say it…” But she couldn’t. Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth, and she stared down at her hands in her lap. Her long, thin fingers curled around each other, her skin startlingly pale against the dark denim of her jeans. She felt like she couldn’t stand to move a muscle and the air got so thick she could hardly breathe. Reid waited patiently, and she felt his gaze on her like a weight. He’d gone tense all over, she could sense it, see it in the way his hands were laced tightly together on the duvet.

  It was at least a minute and a half later before Ember got the words out – barely. “As much as it stings me to admit this I guess I owe you the truth.” She stopped, wishing she could swallow her words, feeling her cheeks burning with a blush, but she proceeded with some effort. “I, I like you. OK? I said it. I like you, more than as just a friend. I thought I could keep lying to myself, to you, to everyone. I thought I could keep denying it, but I can’t.” Ember glanced up at his face, meeting his blue eyes. “I don’t want to be enemies anymore, Reid. And I don’t want to be friends. I want more than that,” she almost whispered the words, her heart beating in her chest so hard she thought it might explode. She was gambling every shred of her dignity on how Reid felt about her, and if she were wrong… well, she’d probably lock herself in a cupboard until she could get over the humiliation.

  But Reid didn’t look inclined to laugh at her or mock her. His expression was almost enough to make her laugh though: his eyebrows shot up into his hair and his eyes went wide, glittering with surprise. Whatever he’d been expecting, it hadn’t been that. Slowly, a sort of glow descended over his face and he began to smile - not his usual smirk, or mischievous grin, but a genuine, sparkling, heart-stopping smile. “You’re serious, aren’t you? Not even you would be cruel enough to mess with me like that. You really mean it,” he sounded incredulous. Either he couldn’t believe she’d fallen for him or he just couldn’t believe she’d admitted

  “Yeah, I mean it.” She shrugged one shoulder, shyly avoiding his gaze, picking at the seam of her jeans. There was a long pause, and Ember wondered if he was considering getting up and just leaving. But he didn’t. He just sat there, watching her. For the first time since she’d met him, Reid appeared to be speechless. Eventually, though, he found something to say.

  “I meant it, what I said before. I’ve never noticed a girl like I notice you. Everything you do intrigues me. I watch you sometimes, when you don’t think I am, when you’re in class or in the library, and I just want to keep watching, because you’re like some beautiful rare flower. You say things nobody else would ever say to me, and you don’t treat me like I’m better than everyone else. You treat me like a person, not the infamous legend everyone thinks of me as. And every time I’ve kissed you, there’s never been anything I’ve wanted more in my life than that kiss.”

  Astonished, Ember looked up at him, saw the light in his eyes and the vulnerable curve to his mouth as he looked right back at her. And she knew he meant it. Every word. Unsure what to say, feeling her heart fluttering behind her ribs like a bird in a cage, Ember did the one thing she’d wanted to do since he walked into the room.

  She leaned forward, lifting her hand to brush her fingertips along his cheekbone, down to the corner of his mouth. Hesitantly, very lightly, she traced the shape of his lips with her fingertip. She held his gaze, watching his eyes darken to cobalt, seeing the delicate crescents of the dark lashes that framed his eyes. He sat perfectly still, barely breathing, while she bent her head and touched her lips to his. At first, she merely brushed her mouth across his, and he let her. He didn’t move, didn’t try to catch her lips in a kiss. Then, slowly, she pressed her mouth to his, very lightly, and felt him respond. He slid one hand into her hair, wrapping his other arm around her waist. His soft lips moved against hers, and she twined her hands around his neck, his silky hair tickling her fingers. She felt like she was trembling inside, a delicate electric current running over her skin.


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