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Harlequin Presents: Once Upon A Temptation June 2020--Box Set 1 of 2

Page 23

by Dani Collins

  The insidious warmth steadily built within him. He could go without intimacy for a year, of course he could. But his body rebelled at the thought. He was attracted to her and that attraction seemed to be building by the second. He gritted his teeth, determined to master it, because he was going to have to keep his fiancée close over these next few days and there could be no risk of complicating what should be a perfectly amicable agreement.

  ‘This isn’t enough.’ She glanced up at him.


  ‘I understand more about Triscari’s population, economy and geography than I ever thought I’d want to. I know the potted history of your royal family and all that drama with the palace and the castle stuff. But I don’t know about you.’

  A ripple of pleasure skittered down his spine. She was curious about him?

  ‘If I’m to convince people we’re a couple then I need to know some facts,’ she added primly.

  Oh, she just wanted meaningless facts?

  ‘You want my dating profile?’ he teased, then chuckled at the glowering look she shot him. ‘I enjoy horses, playing polo. My star sign is Scorpio. Apparently that makes me passionate—’

  ‘What are your weaknesses?’ she interrupted with a bored tone. ‘What do you hate?’

  So there was a little real curiosity there.

  ‘I hate pickles. And I hate being told what to do.’ He stared at her pointedly. ‘By anyone.’

  She gazed limpidly at him, not backing down. ‘What else?’

  ‘You’re not taking notes,’ he said softly.

  ‘I’m not taking the risk of anyone finding them.’

  ‘Very untrusting, aren’t you?’

  ‘Don’t worry. I won’t forget. Passionately loathes pickles. And don’t tell him what to do,’ she parroted and then shrugged. ‘Not so difficult.’

  Perversely he decided he wouldn’t mind a few commands to fall from her lips. ‘Tell me about you. What are your weaknesses?’

  Her gaze slid to the side of him. ‘I don’t have any.’

  He chuckled at her flat-out bravado. But it was also a way of keeping him shut out. Ordinarily he didn’t mind not getting to know all that much about a woman he was dating, but Hester was going to be his wife. And he needed to trust her more than he’d trusted anyone in a long time. Yet she had no hesitation in lying to his face—to protect herself.

  ‘So you expect to learn personal things about me, but won’t share any of your own?’ He equably pointed out her hypocrisy.

  ‘I’ve already told you everything personal that’s relevant. I told you my parents died when I was a child, that I’m not close to what family I have left, that my life to date has been pretty quiet. There really isn’t much else.’

  Rigidly determined, wasn’t she? That flickering spark within her fired his determination. He could quiz her on the meaningless facts too. And he could push for more beyond that. ‘Favourite pizza topping?’ he prompted.

  ‘Just plain—tomato and cheese.’

  ‘Really? You don’t want capers, olives, chilli oil?’ He shook his head. ‘You’re missing out.’

  ‘I don’t need a whole bunch of extras.’

  ‘No frills? No added luxuries—just the bare necessities? That’s what you’ll settle for?’ He was stunned and yet when he thought of that dire bedroom of hers, it made sense. ‘Tempt your palate a little, Hester. Why not treat yourself to a little something more, or don’t you think you deserve it?’

  Her jaw dropped. ‘It’s not about whether I deserve it—’

  ‘Isn’t it?’ He leaned forward, pleased at her higher pitch. ‘Why shouldn’t you have all the extras? Other people take them all the time.’

  ‘What if you end up with all the frills and no foundations? Then you discover you’ve got nothing of substance. Nothing to sustain you.’ She put the tablet on the table between them. ‘Keeping things simple works for me. The basics suffice.’

  The basics? Was that what she considered that soulless cell of a bedroom? But that she didn’t even seem to want to try something new was interesting. ‘Are you afraid to take risks, Hester?’

  ‘Yes,’ she said baldly. ‘I’ve fought too long and hard for what I have.’

  Her admission surprised him on two counts—firstly, she didn’t seem to have all that much. And secondly, she’d taken a massive risk with him and she was nailing this with a stunningly cool ability to adapt and handle all the challenges he was flinging at her. ‘Yet you said yes to me—to this impulsive marriage.’

  ‘Because it was an offer too good to pass up.’ She gazed at him directly.

  ‘You mean the money. Not the pleasure of my company?’

  She blinked rapidly but through those glorious lashes she kept her golden focus on him. ‘Yes.’

  She sounded breathy and he’d like to think she was lying again because he really didn’t think she was the materialistic type. He’d bet even more money that this wasn’t about what she could buy but what she could do. Was this about freedom—so she didn’t have to live on campus any more, helping first-year students get their heads around essay requirements and bibliographic details? Was this because she wanted freedom, not just from work, but from being around other people?

  ‘Well, I’m sorry, Ms Moss, but we’re going to have to spend quite a lot of time together over the next few days.’ He reached forward, fastened her seat belt for landing and flashed a wicked smile at her. ‘I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait.’


  TRISCARI SAT LIKE a conglomerate of emeralds and sapphires in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. As if that giant jeweller in the sky had gathered her most prized stones in the cup of her hand and cast them into the purest blue sea in the most sun-kissed spot on the earth. And in their heart, she’d placed treasure in the form of more valuable minerals. It was incredibly attractive, wealthy and secure.

  Hester already knew a lot, having researched it when she first found out she’d been selected as Princess Fiorella’s safe college roommate and tutor. But now she’d read more closely about the economic success story and envy of all other small European nations. The royal family had maintained their place on the world stage and now, as ruler of a democracy, the King was mostly a figurehead and facilitator, overseeing the rights of all its people. And promoting it as a destination of course. But that was easy given the world had long been captivated by, not only the kingdom’s beauty, but the luxury and the lifestyle it offered. Visiting Triscari topped absolutely everyone’s bucket list.

  Today the sun peeked above the horizon and turned the sea gold, making the islands look like the literal treasure they were. Hester decided she’d entered a dream world. She’d survived her first ever flight—travelling in pure luxury for hours—to arrive in the most perfect, pristine place in the world.

  Ten minutes after the plane had landed, Hester followed Alek down the flight of stairs and onto the tarmac. The air was balmy even this early in the morning—the atmosphere radiated golden warmth. She got into the waiting vehicle and gazed out of the window, hungry to take in more. The stunning scenery suppressed her nerves as the car sped along the street. She knew the palace was in the centre of the town while a clifftop castle was at the water’s edge. The twin royal residences had been constructed for the King and Queen of four hundred years ago. According to the legends, that arranged marriage had spectacularly failed. The couple had determinedly lived separate lives and set up their own rival courts, vying for the title of ‘best’. Both had grand halls and opulent gardens and stunning artwork that had been added to over the ages.

  ‘This would have to be the most beautiful place…’ Hester said, her breath taken away by the vista. She glanced at him. ‘You must love it.’

  ‘I am very lucky.’ His eyes glittered like the night sky. ‘I’ll do anything for this country.’

  ‘Even get m

  ‘Even that.’ He nodded. ‘Thanks to you.’

  ‘Who’ll be meeting us?’

  ‘Senior palace officials.’ His expression turned rueful. ‘We’ll ignore them for the most part, but some things will be unavoidable.’

  ‘You live in the palace?’

  ‘It is where the King resides.’ He nodded. ‘The Queen’s castle is purely for display these days, but the night before the wedding you’ll have to stay there. You’ll process from there to the palace for the marriage ceremony. People will line the streets to watch. It’s the symbolism of unity…no warring with the wife…mainly, it’s just tradition.’

  The men waiting for them in the vast room were all older than Alek and were all failing to mask their incredibly curious expressions. They watched her approach as if they were judge, jury and executioner in their funereal clothing and they bowed deeply as Alek introduced them.

  ‘Very little is known about Hester and our relationship,’ Alek said smoothly. ‘I’m aware that where there is a vacuum, the media will fill it with fantasy over fact so we’ll fill it. We’ll undertake one official appearance to celebrate the engagement. Hester cannot go straight into full-time duties, certainly not right before the wedding. We have a few days but it’s not long. She needs time to adjust.’

  Hester watched surprise flash over the men’s faces.

  ‘Of course, Alek. It is customary for a princess to have attendants to guide her. I thought perhaps—’

  ‘I’ll guide her.’ Alek cut him off.


  ‘We want to be together,’ Alek added with a silken smile. ‘If we need further support, I’ll let you know. I’ll meet with you shortly to discuss other issues, but I need to settle Hester into her rooms.’

  As the men left Hester turned to face him. ‘Do you expect me to speak at this engagement?’ The thought terrified her but she was determined to hide that fact. She’d keep calm, carry on.

  He glanced at her, amusement flickering in his eyes. ‘Only to one person at a time, you won’t address a whole room. We will need to do one pre-recorded interview, but I’ll be beside you and we’ll vet the questions beforehand so you have time to prepare an answer. If you smile, then we’ll get through it easily.’

  ‘All I need to do is smile?’

  ‘You have a nice smile.’

  ‘I can do more than smile.’

  ‘Yeah?’ His mouth quirked. ‘Well, if you could look at me adoringly, that would also help.’

  She rolled her eyes.

  ‘And call me Alek.’

  ‘You’re quite stuck on that, aren’t you?’

  ‘I’m not the one who’s stuck.’ But his smirk slipped as he sighed. ‘I inherited my father’s advisors and they’re used to things being done a certain way. Change is inevitable, but it’s also inevitably slow.’

  ‘Some people find change hard,’ she said primly. ‘It frightens them.’

  ‘Does it frighten you?’ He cocked his head.

  ‘Of course.’ She laughed. ‘But I’m determined to hide it.’

  ‘Why?’ He stepped closer to her. ‘You do that a lot, right? Hide your feelings. You do it well.’

  ‘Is that a compliment or a criticism?’ she asked lightly.

  ‘Maybe it’s just a comment.’ His voice dropped to that delicious softness again that implied seductive intimacy—laced with steel.

  ‘With no sentiment behind it?’ She shook her head. ‘There’s always a judgement. That’s what people do.’

  ‘True.’ He nodded. ‘You judged me.’

  She stared at him.

  ‘My lifestyle.’ He flicked his eyebrows suggestively.

  She fought back the flush. ‘I never thought you’d be so sensitive to an idle comment.’

  ‘It wasn’t idle and you’re still judging me right now,’ he teased. ‘You don’t know me, Hester.’

  Her heart thudded. ‘I know all I need to.’

  ‘A bullet list of preferences that might change in an hour? That’s not knowing me.’

  ‘It’s just enough detail to give this believability. I don’t need to get to know you any more…’

  ‘Intimately?’ he suggested in that silken voice. ‘Personally?’

  Those dimples were winking at her again. He was so unfairly handsome. And she’d never stood this close to someone in years. Never trusted that someone wouldn’t hurt her—with words, or a pinch or a spiteful tug of her hair. So personal space was a thing. Wary, she stepped back, even though there was a large part of her buried deep inside that didn’t want her to move in that direction at all.

  ‘I’m going to be your husband,’ he pointed out quietly.

  ‘No. You’re going to be my boss.’


  ‘Boss,’ she argued. ‘You’re paying me.’

  ‘You are afraid.’ He brushed the back of his hand across her jaw ever so lightly. ‘Tell me why.’

  She froze at his caress, at his scrutiny. She couldn’t think how to answer as tension strained between them. She was torn between the desire to flee or fall into his arms. Just as she feared her control would snap, he stepped back.

  The dimples broke his solemnity. ‘Come on, I have something to show you.’

  She traipsed after him along endless corridors with vaulted ceilings and paintings covering every inch of the walls. Even the doors were massive. ‘I’m never going to find my way back here. I need breadcrumbs or something.’

  He laughed and pushed open yet another door. ‘This is your space.’

  ‘My space?’

  ‘Your apartment.’

  Her what? She stepped inside and took a second to process the stunningly ornate antechamber.

  ‘It spans two stories within this wing of the palace, but is fully self-contained.’ Alek detailed the features. ‘You have a lounge, study, small kitchen, bedroom plus a spare, inward-facing balconies for privacy and of course bathroom facilities. You can redecorate it however you wish.’

  She couldn’t actually get past this initial reception room. ‘I have all this to myself?’

  ‘A year is a long time.’ Alek circled his hand in the air as he stepped forward. ‘I want you to be happy. I want you to feel like it’s your home. You can have privacy and space.’ He faced her. ‘You can build your own library of thrillers in here if you wish.’

  Hester stared at the massive room. No one had ever offered her anything like this in her life. When she’d moved to her aunt’s house, she’d not been offered the same kind of welcome. And she’d tried so hard to fit in. But it had been awkward and they’d made her feel as if it was such a sacrifice to have her take up some of their precious space. She’d felt uncomfortable, unable to change anything for fear of offending them. She’d accumulated nothing much of her very own and that was good, given what had happened. And that minimalist habit had extended to her time at the campus. The rooms were so small, and she’d not cluttered them with anything other than books. So now, confronted with this kind of generosity, emotion choked, not just her throat, but her thinking. It was too much. Everything he’d already done was too much. He’d submerged her in an abundance that she couldn’t handle. She gripped her little backpack as her limbs trembled. Frozen and tongue-tied, she couldn’t trust herself to move.

  ‘They’ve brought your suitcase in already,’ he said.

  She saw it next to one of the enormous comfortable-looking armchairs. She had such little stuff for such an opulent space it was ridiculous.

  His eyebrows pulled together and he hesitated a moment before stepping towards the window. ‘There’s good views across to the ocean and the balcony in your bedroom is completely private. No one will be able to see you.’ He paused again and she felt him gazing at her. ‘Do you not like it?’

  ‘No.’ She could hardy speak for the
emotion completely clogging her up. She stared hard at the floor, knowing that if she blinked some of that hot, burning liquid was going to leak from her eyes and she really didn’t want that to happen. Then she realised she’d said the wrong thing. ‘Not no. I meant… I just…it’s fine.’

  ‘Fine,’ he echoed, but his voice sounded odd. ‘So why do you look like…?’ He trailed off and stepped closer than before and there was nothing for her to hide behind. ‘You look like you’re about to cry.’

  She felt that wall of awkwardness rise and slick mortification spread at the realisation he could read her all too easily. Why could she suddenly not hide her feelings? And worse, why couldn’t she hold them back?

  ‘I don’t cry.’ It wasn’t a lie—until now.

  ‘Not ever—?’

  ‘Do you?’ she interrupted him, forcing herself to swallow back the tears and throw him off guard the way he was her.

  He gazed at her intently and it was even worse. ‘Hester—’

  ‘I’m fine.’ She dragged in a breath, but couldn’t pull it together enough to keep it all back. ‘It’s just that I’ve never had such a big place all to myself.’

  The confession slithered out, something she’d never trusted anyone enough to tell before. She didn’t want him to think she didn’t appreciate the effort he’d gone to. She knew he had insane wealth and property, but he’d thought this through for her. He’d taken time to consider what she might like. No one had done that for her. Not since she’d lost her parents. So she deeply appreciated this gesture, but she really needed to hold herself together because she couldn’t bear to unravel completely before him.

  She sensed him remain near her for a strained moment but then he strolled back towards the window.

  ‘Personally I think the wallpaper in here is a bit much.’ He casually nodded at the ferociously ornate green and black pattern.

  Startled, she glanced across at him.

  ‘You have to agree,’ he added drolly. ‘The word would be gaudy.’


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