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Book of Panacea

Page 15

by Tineke Peeters

  I had no idea what she meant by the darkness, ‘cause I had not seen anything like that before.

  "You are not supposed to help her; she needs to find her own way, dark or light!" Hecate yelled at Artemis, who just rolled her eyes and set up another arrow.

  "Come on Phatostai, let's practice getting that flame to the arrow in time, otherwise, we will need to come up with another plan. Unfortunately, we don't have time to brainstorm, so let's give it another go."

  After Phatostai put the doll three times on fire, we stopped for lunch. Apple was taking a much-needed nap.


  Phatostai was next to me, his eyes closed; he was mumbling:

  "Elemental Fire wild and free

  Hear me now as I call for thee

  Create your soothing warmth and aim

  To soothe my flame"

  I jumped up when a fire started next to me to which the flame was attracted; I blinked and looked up with wide eyes to Phatostai, who was grinning.

  "Hecate taught me the magic fire spell." He shrugged his shoulders, but was still smiling. His face then turned sour.

  "I am sure you will get it right next time," I squeezed his arm, and he gave me a weak smile in response.

  Maria came around and offered us a bowl of fruit.

  "Charlie and Lottie went to the temple to prepare a big bowl; I brought this, but if you want more, there is at the temple."

  "Thank you, Maria. Can you thank them for me? I haven't the energy to walk there and back. Not sure what it is, but I am tired." Maria nodded, and left us to our lunch and nap.

  Hecate and Artemis had left us alone.

  I lay with my head on Phatostai's lap, and my feet on Apple's back; tapping my heels on his back was like a massage for my gigantic baby. He moaned and moved around, making sure I massaged his whole body

  Artemis was checking out her new arrow. "What is up with the arrow the cornucopia gave me?" She handed the arrow to Hecate, who smirked.

  "It is a spelled arrow, it can't be pulled out. Smart really, I am loving that cornucopia!" Again, that wicked smile; it really gave me the creeps. Even Artemis shivered slightly when she saw that smile on Hecate's face.

  "You are enjoying this way too much!" She crossed her arms and leaned against a nearby tree.

  "What is it you are going to do again? So far nothing, except put a wire around his wrist." Artemis asked.

  "I will be in the background ready to move in when something goes wrong." She just shrugged.

  "Can we do something with the special arrow?" I asked.

  Realising we were listening, they turned towards us.

  "You are supposed to nap, so you can regain some of your strength. You used a bit to heal Apple and me." Hecate said sternly.

  "Oh yeah, I wanted to know why Apple's tongues healed almost instantly and your blisters didn't."

  "Because I am human. You probably got some power from your dad, him being the god of healing and all, but your strength lies with creatures mostly." Hecate answered.

  "Or maybe you are considered a creature," Artemis whispered.

  We all grinned and Hecate looked cross.

  "About the arrow, I think we can use it with the chicken so that it stays in long enough, for Apple to try and get the chicken. Hades will eventually be able to pull the arrow out, I think, we are not sure about that." Hecate mused, skilfully ignoring Artemis' jab.

  "Let's give it another try then!" Phatostai said helping me in an upright sitting position. Standing up, he stretched his arms above his head and moved closer to the fire, and closing his eyes, he moved his hands towards the fire:

  "Tame thy old and will thy new

  Help me strengthen my control for a few

  Elemental fire wild and free

  Hear me now as I call to thee"

  His flame ended up in his hand and the fire disappeared. Speechless, I watched him look at the flame with a weird smile on his face, then his face changed and he looked at me, proudly grinning and walking to his position.

  Artemis followed suit and walked to her position.

  Sighing, I got up.

  "Come on lazy bones, action time again; maybe this time you can eat a piece of chicken!" Apple got up and followed me. Standing next to the Cornucopia, I guided Apple behind it. I frowned, did he really grow another few inches? I was sure an hour ago he fit behind the Cornucopia, now his heads came above the thing; his heads came almost to my shoulders.

  "Everyone ready?" Hecate called from behind the doll.

  "Just a minute, for some reason Apple has grown too big to fit behind the Cornucopia, he needs to lie down."

  "Come on you big baby, lie down now." I bent over slightly to give him a kiss on his heads, and pushed him gently down. My hands could still stroke him for comfort due to his size.

  "Okay!" I yelled.

  The arrow went off, and I watched the flame putting the chicken on fire right before it hit the doll. Phatostai called it back just in time.

  I yelled to Apple, "Catch!" and made a fake motion with my arm. My baby was fooled into running in the direction of the chicken, which he tore apart like there was no tomorrow, as we all clapped and cheered.

  Hecate did pull the arrow out, proving that it was not going to last very long.

  Apple only grabbed the chicken and nothing from the doll, I’m sure Hades would be surprised to see a Cerberus reincarnation, but would it be enough?

  That was still a kink in the plan that needed to be solved. Out of Maria's hair came the unexpected answer.

  "We can help by making something, but first Phatostai needs to put his flame away!" Charlie's voice came out muffled.

  "What did she say?" Everyone yelled at once.

  "That they can help, but the flame needs to be put away!" Maria yelled back.

  Since Maria was close to Phatostai, he was already chanting the spell for the fire.

  Once the flame was in its magic fire, the fairies came out.

  Charlie threw a dirty look towards the flame, and Lottie was nervously looking around and staying close to Maria.

  "Artemis can you put out an arrow towards us with the point in our direction?" Charlie asked.

  Once the arrow was close to them, Charlie conjured a sort of shiny bag. Lottie filled it with some brown liquid and they closed it.

  "Now, shoot this arrow and shoot another arrow into this bag, Artemis shrugged. Hecate went to stand behind the doll and I stole the piece of chicken from Apple, who was moaning until Lottie made the chicken disappear. She winked at me.

  I grabbed Apple by one ear making him follow me or hurt his ear.

  "Ready?" Artemis asked, Hecate and I yelled: "Ready!"



  The first arrow flew towards the doll; I made my throwing arm and yelled: "Catch!" Apple bounded towards the doll, while Artemis shot her next arrow into the bag. The liquid dripped out of the bag, and Hecate made a motion with the leg as if to shake off the liquid. Apple smelled whatever was in the bag and grabbed the 'leg' of the doll, he shook it with one of his heads, as the other grabbed onto an arm and shook it.

  We were cheering him on, as I clapped and jumped up and down praising him.

  Lottie flew over to Apple and made the piece of chicken, from before, reappear. When Apple saw that, he ate it.

  Hecate was removing the arrows, or was trying to anyway. The second arrow came out easy enough, but the first one with the bag didn't want to come out.

  "What did you do Artemis? Put some extra power behind it?" Hecate was putting her foot next to the arrow and pulling on it. Next thing we saw, she fell backward with the doll falling on top of her.

  "Artemis!!! Get this doll off of me, right now."

  Artemis burst out giggling. I tried to hide my chuckles and Phatostai was coughing. Maria didn't care who heard her, as she laughed so hard the tears ran down her cheeks.

  When Artemis pulled the doll off Hecate, she put it up and pulled the arrow out with such ease that she fell
backward this time. Thinking it was hard to pull the arrow out, she had put her might into pulling it out.

  Hecate's eyes and mouth were wide open. "How did you do that?"

  Artemis was as surprised as Hecate, looking at the arrow. She squinted at the arrow.

  "This is the arrow the cornucopia gave me," She mumbled. Hecate got up and took the arrow from Artemis after she had given her a hand to get up. Both just stood there looking at the arrow.

  Hecate's eyes glazed over, which happens when she is listening to something we can't hear.

  "What is happening?" I asked Phatostai., he shrugged and kept watching the two goddesses on the other side of the meadow.

  Hecate's eyes cleared, and she grinned, "It is ingenious, really. This arrow is spelled to stay in the target until the shooter of the arrow takes it back out."

  "No way!" Artemis grabbed the arrow out of Hecate's hands and looked at it with an excited spark in her eyes.

  "I have never even heard about this! I love it! Now I can shoot the chicken with no problems." She looked up at everyone; I looked around and saw everyone grinning as wide as me.

  "I think it is time to go back to the temple and eat, followed by a good night’s sleep!" Hecate clapped her hands and everyone followed.

  Phatostai stopped near the fire and hesitated.

  "Hecate, is it possible to leave the flame here for the night?" He asked.

  "I don't think it will be a problem if you want to leave it, your choice." She said and turned back around to go to the temple.

  "What do you think Pana?" I blushed when he called me by the nickname, as was I that he was asking my advice.

  "Um, is there a reason for leaving the flame here?"

  He scratched his neck and turned red.

  "It takes quite a bit of energy from me to do those spells Hecate taught me. She never told me, but I feel drained and don't want to have to use the spells tomorrow, before Hades' arrival." He explained.

  "Makes sense." Not knowing why he was making such a big deal out of it, I shrugged.

  That must have been the answer he wanted to hear, as he took in a deep breath and let it out. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand, and we walked towards the temple hand in hand. Hearing the thunderous noise behind us, I realized we had almost forgotten about Apple, who ran up and past us, nearly colliding one of his heads on a tree. I wondered how three pairs of eyes could communicate with three brains, within one body; too complicated. I was holding hands with Phatostai, and couldn't care less about Apple's coordination; I’d think about it some other time.




  Getting up out of bed, I looked around; I realised I was smiling for the first time in a long time. Today was the day I would have my own paradise again, and hopefully get Hecate to stay there and keep me company.

  A smirk graced my face at the thought of Hecate, the goddess was a feisty witch, and I loved that feisty bit the most about her. She was gorgeous and had a body to die for, but her devious brain spoke to me the most, we used to fight all the time.

  Not a day went by without some kind of altercation between the two of us, and the result was always the same. Yes, we made love to make it up, and it was hot! The best I ever had.

  My ex was all right in bed, but she just had no fire in her. Persephone was all a spoilt brat, and had temper tantrums about idiotic stuff. Hell is too hot; there is no sunshine (well duh, it is the underworld darling!), why can't she go to a party on Olympus, and so on and forth. The woman was a bore, a beautiful bore that gave me more prestige among the others, but still a bore.

  Shaking those thoughts from my head, I went over to the mirror. The only thing to do now was 'dress to impress', I couldn't care less what that little twit of a granddaughter of Apollo thought, but I knew I had my work cut out to try to impress Hecate.

  Too bad Cerberus isn't with me anymore, he could always soften Hecate; she did like Ascalaphus. Then again, she only met my screeching bird twice, and he was well behaved those two times; as in, he kept his beak shut. I know I have to pull out all the stops, so I guess I will call upon him once I arrive at the island. He is staying on Artemis' island, which was the least she could do after poor Cerberus died from the burns caused by Apollo. Rubbing my hands together, I could not wait to give that god a piece of his own dough. Sparks shot out of my hands and into the garden, in my excitement I lost control of one of them.

  "Hades! What the hell?!" Zeus yelled. "I like my beard, leave it alone!"

  "I wouldn't mind it being a bit shorter, makes you look ruggedly handsome." A woman's voice purred. I raised my eyebrows, that did not sound like Hera at all.

  Going over to the window, I waved at Zeus and yelled: "Sorry," and nearly swallowed my tongue when I spotted Aphrodite draped all over him.

  "Hey Hades, what's up? Lost your robes?" I looked down and realised I was standing there, stark naked.

  "Nah, was thinking of getting dressed in a bit, but had to come out and make sure my brothers' beard was still in one piece."

  I looked further into the garden and noticed Hera looking at the couple. What is going on here? She would normally have a hissy fit and try to strangle Zeus and hurt Aphrodite, by burning her or something.

  She did not look put out, and when she noticed that I had seen her, she winked at me. I opened my mouth, but she shook her head. I shrugged my shoulders, whatever, I had other things to worry about, like what I would wear.

  Just as I turned around, I heard Aphrodite say to Zeus: "You handsome devil, why don't you give me a kiss with that lovely beard of yours rubbing my bosom." I made a gagging sound; that is just gross. I took a swig of my ambrosia and nearly choked on it.

  A scream to rival Ascalaphus' reached my room, and I ran back to the balcony to watch a scene unfold that had me wondering if I should laugh or hide.

  Hera was screaming at Zeus, who looked bewildered at Aphrodite, who only smirked. She had her arms crossed over her chest, watching the scene unfold in front of her, and she looked amused. I didn't understand, any other woman would run when they realised Hera caught them hanging around Zeus.

  "I knew you would cheat on me. Even now that Earth is gone! I KNEW IT! You Bastard! Explain yourself!" She yelled. For such a small woman, she had quite the voice box.

  "I-I-I don't know. She started it." I slapped my face. Seriously Zeus, you couldn't come up with anything more original.

  "She was under instructions not to start anything. She suggested something, and you went right for it!"

  "Under instructions?" Zeus was looking at Aphrodite.

  "You seriously think I would want you? Zeus come on, why would I after all these years?" Aphrodite had a hand on her hip and was pointing her other hand to him.

  "The beard is just disgusting and you let yourself go old man, that belly is massive!"

  "Hey, that is my husband you are talking about, you slut!" Hera was now pointing at Aphrodite, whose eyes bulged out of their sockets.

  "You were the one that wanted me to seduce him!" Now Aphrodite was the one screeching.

  "Yeah, so I could get Zeus to do my bidding, especially in bed."

  "Ugh, you are disgusting, the both of you! You owe me Hera! Mark my words, I will collect!" Aphrodite was gone before Hera could reply.

  "You did all that just to get me into bed?" Zeus asked incredulously.

  "Well, to get you into bed doing my bidding to be exact, but yes, I did all that."

  I waited around hoping that the tension would get physical, just to keep my mind of wanting to leave. I could not arrive early on the island, so this was a welcome distraction.

  However, it did get physical, but not the kind of physical I was hoping for.

  "Get a room!!" I yelled when they started making out passionately; they didn't even acknowledge me.

  Getting my old 'human' suit out of my closet, I decided to get dressed. I still needed to scour my ex-mother-in-law's garden for that one special flower that Hecate love
s, and with my invisibility helmet, it should be easy.

  My black suit with a white shirt still suited me like a second skin. I put gel in my hair to make sure I would not get 'helmet' hair.

  Looking around for my two ties, I wondered which one to get. Red with black or purple with black, tough choice. I decided on the purple with black. Standing in front of the mirror, I tried to tie it properly. After six attempts the decision was made; no tie.

  Now the flower, then the island and then summoning Ascalaphus. I should get a piece of meat from somewhere for Ascalaphus; he might go on a rampage otherwise. I still had time, so I guess I could visit him first, play a little catch, and give him a treat there. After that, I could transport and summon him to the island; he would be aware of the plan, making it easier for him. He is going to love the island, as he may fly around without a chain holding him down.

  Grabbing my helmet, I put my plan in motion, glad to leave this island behind!



  The next day:

  I woke up to Apple rolling on the ground, grunting and moaning. His legs were twitching, but he seemed to still be asleep. Then he whimpered.

  "Poor baby, I wonder what you are dreaming about." I turned fully on my side with my head in my hand, and kept watching him, it was so cute. When he whimpered again, I decided to wake him up.

  "Come on sleepy head, time to wake up." I stroked him on one of his heads. He didn't open his eyes, but his tail started thumping. When I removed my hand, he got up to shake himself awake.

  "Ieeuw! Slobber!" I got up trying to outrun the slobber Apple was shaking around. Honestly, his lips seemed to have their own life the way they moved; his ears went in all directions, and the whole show ended with one of the heads bumping the other.

  After a quick shake again of his heads, he came to me. I held my hands out.


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