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The Sovereign of Psiere

Page 33

by K. Aten

  Castellan was as tired as Olivienne professed to be, even though she had plenty of time during the trip north to recover all her channel strength lost during the incident on Navis. She was lucky that she didn’t strain her channels at all. The commander was surprised when the moto did not turn down the familiar roadways that would take them to the Shield Corp main office. “Ser? Are we not going back to headquarters?”

  Renou frowned. “I’m afraid not, Commander. The Queen has been briefed on the events on Navis and requested this meeting as soon as you got in.”

  “Why wasn’t Connate Dracore requested as well? After all, it was her historical adventurist mission.”

  “Connate Dracore is not a Shield Corp officer and would not have the training to recognize potential threats and implications of all that occurred during your trip. Also, the Queen informed me that the Connate will have her own debriefing with the King upon her return to her residence. It seems the location of the final key to the lost temple has been identified and he will be presenting her with the research materials. He has also taken the liberty of arranging supplies and a dirigible for the trip since the Queen wants your team to leave as soon as your Shield Corp unit is at full strength.” The moto bounced as they turned off the roadway and Tosh’s head reared back as she looked upon the serious face of her commanding officer. Questions whirled through her head. But before she could ask any more of General Renou, they pulled up to a side door at the main palace complex. Renou glanced back at her as they exited the moto. “Bring the bin, Commander.”

  Tosh retrieved the bin and followed the general up the steps. Black clad Shield Corp agents saluted both as they approached and one man opened the door for them. The group waiting in the Queen’s private office was a small one. Besides Olivara Dracore, there was General Leniste, Captain Torrin, and Instrae Greene. Castellan was surprised that Keeley Greene had made the long trip down from Schola. She set the bin along the far wall and saluted the lot before taking a seat at the oval table in the Queen’s meeting room. The Queen was the first to speak. “Commander Tosh, did you bring your reports with you?”

  “Yes, ser.” She reached into her satchel and pulled out the stack of vellum, then passed it down the table. Queen Olivara scanned the pages with one dark eyebrow raised. Then she turned her gaze to General Renou. “When will the prisoner arrive?”

  The small woman seated to Tosh’s left cleared her throat. “I confirmed the arrival time just before picking up Commander Tosh. They should be here in the next twenty-four oors. The specialist team has orders to take the man straightaway to the secure underground facility below Shield Corp headquarters.”

  General Leniste grunted. “You going to put the serum to him?”

  Renou shrugged. “I’ve got a pair of interrogators assigned to that case. I suspect they’ll use traditional techniques first and if that yields no results then they’ll switch to chemical.”

  “If in the end you get nothing from the scoundrel, I’d set the telepaths on him. We’ve got a level six in Defense Corp I can loan you.” Leniste was known for his occasional ruthlessness when it came to getting a job done.

  “No!” The Queen’s cold response cut through the tension of the room. “I would no more authorize the rape of one’s mind than I would their body. We will find a way to get the information we need legally.”

  Secretly Castellan was relieved. After all, if they broke from the Psiere Legibus, how easy would it be to keep breaking their sacred laws? Sensing a lull in the conversation, Tosh brought up the thing that most concerned her. “What about the skeletal remains? What is to be done with that?”

  Instrae Greene chimed in. “That is where I come in, Commander. I will take the bones with me back to the research center at the Academy. I have a team of experts set up to analyze the remains as soon as I get back. We got your report and that of your medican stating that they were suspected not to be of Psierian origin but we want to run tests to be sure.”

  Queen Olivara quickly spoke up. “I want those bones secure at all times. I’ll send soldiers up with you if I have to. And Tosh, I trust you put a gag order on your team about the bones?”

  Castellan nodded. “Yes, ser. The only ones who know what’s in the bin are those few that were in the cave with us at the time.”

  General Leniste held a hand aloft. “Actually, Queen Olivara, I think sending soldiers is an excellent idea. Besides discovering the location of the third temple, the remains may be the most valuable find in all of Psiere.”

  The Queen nodded. “Make it so, Leniste.”

  He nodded. “Yes, my Queen.”

  With that portion buttoned down, the Queen moved on to other news. “We’ve also received further intelligence from the southern continent. On Commander Tosh’s suggestion, we tapped First Lieutenant Cando as our person inside. She has discovered that Tosh’s replacement in Ostium is receiving cred chits from someone that goes by the name of Ser Gannon. As some of you may not be aware, Ser Enik Gannon has been on the list of most wanted criminals for a variety of Corps. He is a profiteer and pirate and has provided rail guns and other weapons to the rebel factions that protest the current system of rule. They’ve also been spreading tales that the Makers and the Divine Mystery are nothing more than a giant hoax perpetrated by the government to keep technological advancements from the people. He is powerful and dangerous, and no matter how much we plot and plan, the man always slips through our fingers.”

  The Queen paused to take a drink and General Renou took over speaking. “Along with the intel that Lieutenant Commander Seevert Bello is in a traitorous partnership with Gannon, we also have heard a whisper that Gannon himself reports to someone higher up. The Queen and I have our suspicions but we will not sully your minds against the character of what could be an innocent man. Because of the heightened danger to the royal family and other government officials, General Leniste, Captain Torrin, and I will draw up a plan to increase security in the capital that will encompass both Defense Corp and Shield Corp agents. The safety of the people is a priority.”

  Tosh drew in a surprised breath when the general spoke of the man suspected of employing Ser Gannon. One name popped into her head as the person that would have the power and money to control such a massive operation. She felt a little mental tickle and looked up into the violet eyes of the Queen. “Yes?”

  Olivara answered. “You know, don’t you?”

  “I suspect, same as you.”

  The Queen narrowed her eyes as Renou continued to deliver the information they had about rebel movements on the northern and southern continents. “Tell me.”

  “Ser Pon Havington, the Praefectus of Dromea. We never got along during my stint in the south. That man set my intuition channel jangling every time we met in person. Havington is self-serving and power hungry and I never once trusted him. He also has the means to fund such an operation. Am I correct in my assumption?”

  Olivara gave a discreet nod. “You are correct. Now that I think on it, he seemed most adamant that you be recalled to the north after your accomplishments in Ostium. I thought he simply wanted you to be rewarded for your immense success but his tone always rang false to me. Perhaps you were too successful in ensuring the safety of the region and he wanted to get rid of you in a way that would not raise any concerns. If it is Ser Havington, we have a problem.”

  Tosh blew out a sigh. “No proof.” Before the Queen could respond, Castellan caught her name uttered aloud during Renou’s briefing and refocused her attention on the general.

  “...don’t think it is necessary to increase Commander Tosh’s current Shield unit numbers but the entire team is to remain on high alert until the head of this serpent of unrest can be cut from its body.” She held up a hand to tick off items on her fingers. “Our priorities right now are the safety of the sovereigns and the royal family, discovering who is the financier and brains of the rebellion, finding the location of the Temple of Antaeus, and researching the origin of the remains found on Nav

  Renou looked right at Castellan as she gave her next directive. “Tosh, your duty is three-fold. Obviously you need to use every one of your unit and channel resources to guarantee the Connate’s safety. You need to help her successfully complete the search for the last temple pendant key. And you need to start putting together a long-term mission team as well as a list of equipment and other resources you will need for a possible expedition to the lost temple. Since we’ve never stumbled across the third pyramid in all our previous exploration, the general conclusion is that it is beyond our usual range, which means you will have full support and the best the Psi Shield Corp can offer in terms of supplies.”

  Castellan grinned. “Does that include one of the new armored dirigibles coming out of Soflin? Because I can tell you that was tough to beat down on Navis.”

  Olivara was the one who answered. “Count on it! I want my daughter protected, Commander. And I want the temple mission to be a success when it happens. As you and I discussed in the past, there are other factors involved with the temple mission that need a smart and decisive mind. I don’t want those Antoraestones to fall into the wrong hands. If it came to that, I’d rather they were locked away until they could be examined fully or destroyed.” She looked around. “Is everyone in agreement on that?”

  Gen. Renou and Ins. Greene quickly agreed but Gen. Leniste looked like he wanted to argue the point. “But, my Queen, there are so many positive uses for such power—” He stopped for a sec then frowned and shook his head. “Blast it, you’re right. Without knowing the limits, it would be disastrous for such a thing to fall into the hands of our rebels or their mysterious leader. Yes, the magnification stones should be locked away or destroyed if there is a chance that they can be used against us. Such a waste—”

  “I agree, General, it will certainly be a waste of resource if we are forced to destroy them but I’m hoping it will not come to that. The Makers themselves locked the stones away for a reason. Clearly they are dangerous.” She leveled a piercing look at Castellan. “I will put my trust in Commander Tosh that she will handle the discovery with absolute secrecy and a fair amount of finesse.”

  Castellan nodded solemnly. “It will be as you wish, my Queen.”

  “Good! And on that note, I think we all have our tasks assigned and we can conclude this meeting.” Everyone stood but Olivara called to Castellan before they could file out of the room. “Commander Tosh, a word in private, if you will.”

  Tosh nodded and waited until the door shut behind Captain Torrin before returning to her seat. She took the initiative, suspecting what the Queen had to say. “I well understand your concerns where it comes to the Antoraestones. Have no fear that I will make the safest decision when the time comes.”

  Olivara smiled. “I trust you, Commander, or I would have never placed such an onus on your shoulders. However, I have another concern about the situation and it has to do with my daughter.”

  “Olivienne—I mean to say, Connate Dracore? What is your concern?”

  The Queen smiled. “You forget that I’m well aware of your relationship with my daughter, Commander. Just as I’m well aware of how persuasive she can be when she sets her mind to something. I fear she will try to talk you out of destroying or locking away the stones should the moment arise. Where does your loyalty lie, Commander Castellan Tosh?”

  “My loyalty lies with Psiere, and with its Queen by extension. I will follow your directive when the times comes, I know my duty.” Tosh paused. “Is that all you need from me, my Queen?”

  “I have one more thing. My daughter, what is your intention with her?”

  A surprised look washed across Castellan’s face. “What do you mean? I intend to serve to the extent of my duty to keep her safe, of course!”

  It was a different kind of smile that the Queen wore, one not like any other she had previously graced upon Castellan. It was the smile of a mother. “No, Commander. I’m referring to your romance. Do you see yourself in a future consorage? Romance with an heir to the Divine Cathedra is no mild matter.”

  Tosh sat in stunned silence for nearly a meen before she could answer. “Well I—truthfully being someone’s par is not something I’ve given a lot of thought with my career such as it is. And I suppose I never considered the implications of a royal romance.”

  “And now?”

  The officer cocked her head to the side, pale eyebrows raised. “I don’t know, I suppose that depends on Olivienne and her wishes on the matter.”

  Olivara tapped a nail on the table in front of her. “There is one small matter besides my daughter’s wishes, Commander.”

  “Please, call me Castellan when we speak of matters outside my career as an officer. I feel as though it would be unprofessional elsewise. And what is this other issue?”

  The Queen’s voice was serious as she responded. “To put it succinctly, me. Unlike any other par on Psiere, an heir to the Divine Cathedra is required to have her consorage sanctioned by the Queen. So you see, my questions are not without validity or merit.”

  Castellan abruptly sat back in her chair. “But what if the suitor does not ask, what if it is the heir?”

  Laughter poured melodiously through full, dark lips. “Well she would have to request permission from me as well.”

  The fair-haired commander made a face. “It sits poorly with me, having someone dictate my feelings and future.”

  More laughter followed her words. “Oh my dear Castellan, you are an officer. Has your entire life not been about someone else dictating your future? This is your opportunity to make the future what you will, to take love and destiny into your own hands.”

  “You seem a little too eager for our oathing, why else would you be telling me all this now?”

  The Queen shrugged. “Perhaps I am. But that has no bearing on the truthfulness of my words. I’m only asking you to consider the idea and to remember the rules should you decide yay instead of nay. That is all.”

  Tosh nodded, feeling a host of unease at the Queen’s words. “I’ll take all you said into consideration.”

  “Thank you.” The Queen stood again and gestured toward the door. Their meeting was clearly over and for that Tosh was immensely glad.

  “PAPAN, I’VE BEEN considering Castellan as a possible par. What do you think?” Their official meeting was over and father and daughter had spent the past oor catching up on personal affairs. Olivienne was sitting on her well-worn lounger with her arms wrapped around her bent legs and her chin propped up on her knees. It was a casual and relaxed pose that she could assume around few others. There were many expectations of propriety when one was the heir to the Divine Cathedra.

  Keshien Dracore thought hard on his daughter’s words. While they weren’t completely unexpected since she had already admitted her feelings for the commander, he never seriously thought he’d see the dae that his daughter was ready to settle in with just one person. He was both elated and sad to see Olivienne finally growing into her own powerful woman. The two had always enjoyed a close relationship and he feared the moment that someone would come along and take his little girl away. That dae was rapidly approaching. Seeing that she was expecting an answer, he shook himself free from his thoughts. “I think that if she makes you happy, if she compliments you and grows with you, then you could ask for no better. You have my blessing to offer your oathing if that is the case. However, it is not mine that you need.”

  The younger woman blew out a sigh. “I know, but I hate having to ask permission. Her meddling irritates me to no end!”

  “I know, my darling, but she is the Queen. Just as you will be somedae, and it will be your permission needed for your children’s consorage. And besides, despite how buttoned down your mother is, I suspect she adores Commander Tosh as much as you!”

  Olivienne laughed. “I hardly think it is possible for anyone to adore her more than I.” She gave another sigh, only it had a more dreamy quality than the frustrated ones she usually let loose.<
br />
  The King smiled indulgently at his eldest child and gave her knee a brief squeeze. “It looks good on you.”

  “What is that, papan?”

  He smiled again with a twinkle in his eye and answered her before rising to his feet. “Love, of course. And when you are ready, I will gladly welcome Castellan Tosh into the family as another daughter.”

  Olivienne stood as well and embraced her father with tears in her eyes. “Thank you.”

  The King took his leave but before stepping outside into the night, he turned and wagged a finger at her. “And talk to your mother!”

  Olivienne laughed and shooed him out. Castellan arrived back at the residence a short while later looking uncharacteristically rumpled and tired, but her face lit with a smile as soon as she met Olivienne’s violet eyes. The Connate met her halfway across the room and they reunited from their brief separation with a slow and sweet kiss. As they walked up the stairs to Olivienne’s room, the sovereign glanced back at her lover. “How was your meeting?”

  Castellan sighed with exhaustion at the responsibility that had been placed on her shoulders. She didn’t answer until they began to undress for bed. “Our prisoner should arrive within the next twenty-four oors and he’s set to be interrogated by one of Renou’s special teams. Unrest in the south along with rumors of a cred man at the top of the list for assassination suspects has both Renou and Leniste increasing security on the royal family.” She held a hand out at Olivienne’s look of dismay. “Fear not, our unit will not change. The nature of our missions dictates the necessity of a smaller team and also makes it more difficult for would be assassins. They seem to think you’re safe enough with me.”

  “Because I am.”

  The look of absolute certainty gave Castellan pause before once again continuing on. “Instrae Greene was down for this debriefing.”


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