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The Sovereign of Psiere

Page 37

by K. Aten

  A massive cheer went up among the members of the Connate’s Shield Corp unit when they saw the purpose of their mission lying safely in the sovereign’s hand. Members of the airship’s crew gave a hearty cheer as well and Tosh shook her head at their antics. “Savon, report.”

  The man saluted but he couldn’t seem to lose the grin. “Ser, the captain and five crew members have been locked in a cabin for the return trip. The mutineers were quickly rooted out with Lieutenant Greem’s assistance. We should have clear sailing and a tailwind back to Baene from here.”

  Castellan looked down at the lake below. They had gained enough altitude that she could no longer make out the shapes of the drakes in the water. Gone too was the long dirt stretch of the unknown island with its curious ship’s hatch. Having sunk into the bloody water, the patch of land had become only a memory. It seemed as though every new answer to the mystery they found only provided more questions. What kind of sailing ship would sink in a caustic lake and remain intact for so long? How long had it been hiding below the surface of the water, and how big must it be to hold such an immense length of corridors? And the menagerie...Tosh didn’t yet know what to make of the rows of glass fronted cells or the long-dead beasts they once held. Perhaps she would never know the answers but at least she had the right person by her side should she ever decide to go searching.

  Olivienne looked at her curiously, noting the faraway gaze in those too-pale eyes. “What are you thinking?”

  Castellan focused her sight on the woman she had grown to love beyond all else. Neither doubts nor fears could stand in the way of their future. “I was thinking that you are just about perfect.”

  The Connate raised a dark eyebrow and smirked at her lover. “Just about?”

  Tosh shrugged but couldn’t hold back the smile. “Well sure, no one is completely perfect.”

  Olivienne’s voice was soft and nearly unheard as the dirigible moved forward at a fast enough clip that the wind whipped by them. “You are.”

  The commander shook her head in denial. “’Vi—”

  A finger covered her lips, prompting silence. “You are perfect for me.”

  Castellan had no choice but to kiss her in response. She didn’t need a clairvoyance channel to know that you shouldn’t argue against a sovereign of Psiere.


  Aeons [Measurement] – Ages, eons, a long time

  Aether [Natural] – Enhanced radiotope gas that is produced by archeostones and illeostones. Archeostone aether reacts with illeostone mineral and charges the illeostones. Illeostone aether is emitted and used to power gadgets and machines. The Archeostone aether changes babies at a genetic level while in utero. The more exposure the more power.

  Aetherkinesis [Channel] – The ability to sense and physically manipulate aether, with the mind.

  Amita [People] – Family. Aunt, female sib of parent.

  Animal Empathy [Channel] – The ability to communicate and read emotions mind to mind with animals. (Soft Channel)

  Antaeus [Planetary] – Exploded moon, source of the Archeostones and half source of the fused Antoraestones.

  Antoraestone [Planetary] – Pieces of powerful fused rock created when the asteroid Torae collided with the moon, Antaeus. The power imbued within provides 10x magnification of illeostones or Psierians.

  Apportation [Channel] – The ability to instantly physically move objects within your sight from one point to another, with the mind. (Hard Channel)

  Apree [Measurement] – Second lune (month) of the roto (year).

  Archeos [Planetary] – Larger yellowish-orange sun, first to rise in the morning. Part of a binary stars set.

  Archeostones [Planetary] – Fist size and glow yellowish orange, very rare. These charge illeostones with two days of exposure.

  Armicruste [Natural] – Giant aggressive armored crabs sent by the Atlanteens. 3000 lbs.

  Arslick [Society] – Expletive, curse. Derogatory term for someone of ill character.

  Atlanteens [People] – Race of humanoid fish people who live in the seas and hate the Psierians. Cannot survive on land any more than Psierians could survive under water. They have telepathy and empathy, but no other known channels.

  Automaton [Mechanical] – Robot powered by a single illeostone. Controlled by a specialized soldier programmer.

  Avia [People] – Family. Grandmother, mother of parent.

  Avus [People] – Family. Grandfather, father of parent.

  Barde [People] – Writer, poet, storyteller, and more.

  Bollux [Society] – Expletive, curse.

  Bosair [Society] – Bra.

  Calla [Natural] – Beautiful.

  Cathedress [People] – Title for the Queen, the ruling sovereign, the current seat of the Divine Cathedra. (throne)

  Chemistrae [Natural] – Chemistry.

  Clairvoyance [Channel] – The ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event. (Soft Channel)

  Coacas [Natural] – Coconuts.

  Connate [People] – Immediate heir.

  Consor [Society] – Marry.

  Consorage [Society] – Marriage.

  Consoral [Society] – Married.

  Copere [Natural] – Copper.

  Corm [Finance] – Money, currency delineation = 1 corundem.

  Corma [Finance] – Money, currency delineation = 1/10th of a corm or ten cred.

  Cormi [Finance] – Money, currency delineation = 1/10th of a corma, segmented to break into halves or quarters.

  Corundem [Natural] – Super hard precious stones found in blue, red, and white. Used for mining, communication, jewelry, science, and as a base for the Psierian financial system due to its value in all parts of society.

  Coz'n [People] – Family, child of an aunt (amita) or uncle (patruus).

  Cred [Finance] – Money, slang general term.

  Credit [Finance] – Money, general term.

  Cycle [Transportation] – Two-wheeled vehicle 120 mph standard max (prototype 150)

  Dae [Measurement] – Day

  Deka [Measurement] – Tenth and last lune (month) of the roto (year).

  Dir [Planetary] – Lake

  Dirigible [Transportation] – Air zeppelin filled with heliopus gas, powered by aether driven props. Max speed 40 mph. Max distance at full capacity of illeostones is 1400 miles.

  Divine Cathedra [Society] – Royal throne. Set with two Archeostones. The throne has existed for the entirety of written Psierian history. The Divine Cathedra can only be held by female sovereigns of the family and is inherited by the first born

  woman of each generation. It can be held in regency by a male, if no other female heirs exist, until the next female in the royal line is born.

  Doctore [People] – Doctor. Psi with advanced training in all healing techniques.

  Dolpheens [Natural] – Dolphins

  Dowsing [Channel] – The ability to sense the location of water. (Soft Channel)

  Dromea [Planetary] – Southern continent. Population: 11 million. Sq. Miles: 1.5

  Eidetic Memory [Channel] – The ability to perfectly recall the details and image anything that it seen. (Soft Channel)

  Empathy [Channel] – The ability to communicate and read emotions mind to mind. (Soft Channel)

  Endara [Planetary] – Northern continent. Population: 19 million. Sq Miles: 2.5

  Enhanced Awareness [Channel] – A superior ability to sense and react to every physical thing around you in faster than normal time. (Soft Channel)

  Enhanced Memory [Channel] – A superior ability to store and recall all information you are exposed to. (Soft Channel)

  Ferrokinesis [Channel] – The ability to physically manipulate iron, with the mind. (Hard Channel)

  Foot [Measurement] – 12"

  Gozen [Natural] – Goose

  Grav [Natural] – Gravity

  Guardian [People] – This is a soldier serving in the Psi Shield Corp, placed in protective duty of a sovereign

  Hand [Me
asurement] – 6"

  Hauler [Transportation] – Six-wheeled vehicle for supplies = Max speed 100 mph

  Humore [Society] – Humor

  Illeos [Planetary] – Smaller blueish-white sun, second to rise in the morning. Part of a binary stars set.

  Illeostones [Planetary] – Mineral that releases aether in the presence of water. Size can vary from larger down to microscopic elements that can be found within the bodies of all living things on Psiere. The stones glow blueish white when emitting aether and are fairly common. Full Illeostones release aether which powers machinery and other devices.

  Imperium [People] – The elected body that rules Psiere in conjunction with the Queen. The Queen has the majority of the power. The King is an automatic member of the Imperium and is responsible for presenting the Queen’s agenda as well as breaking voting ties when enacting new laws and governing Psiere in general.

  Ince [Measurement] – 1"

  Instrae [People] – Professor, researcher, teacher.

  Interpretists [People] – Citizens whose sole career is translating ciphers, ancient artifact schematics, and other texts of the Divine Mystery.

  Intinerist [People] – Scheduler, administrative assistant.

  Intuition [Channel] – A superior ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. (Soft Channel)

  Judex [People] – Judge.

  Juni [Measurement] – Fourth lune (month) of the roto (year).

  Leviathan [Natural] – Giant squid, a beast of the Deep, controlled by the Atlanteens. Has an average weight of 5000 lbs, tentacle length of 140 foot, and a 12” eye. The tentacles are covered in suckers with jagged teeth ringing the inside, and feature claws along the edges of each appendage that can rotate or even retract.

  Levitation [Channel] – The ability to physically lift yourself, with your mind. (Hard Channel)

  Lune [Measurement] – Month (Marte, Apree, Maia, Juni,

  Quinta, Sexte, Septa, Octobra, Novea, Deka).

  Mahl [Measurement] – Mile, 5280 foot.

  Maia [Measurement] – Third lune (month) of the roto (year).

  Makers [People] – Race of unknown people responsible for creating the pyramids and all the artifacts and documents.

  Maman [People] – Family. Mother, informal like mama.

  Mamanar [People] – Family, Mother-in-law.

  Marte [Measurement] – First lune (month) of the roto (year).

  Medican [People] – Medical professional.

  Meen [Measurement] – Minute, 60 meens in an oor.

  Mir [Planetary] – River.

  Moto [Transportation] – Four-wheeled vehicle for passengers, average max speed of 100 mph.

  Novea [Measurement] – Ninth lune (month) of the roto (year).

  Oathing [Society] – Betrothing.

  Oath of Consorage [Society] – Betrothal.

  Obsidae [Natural] – Obsidian.

  Octobra [Measurement] – Eighth lune (month) of the roto (year).

  Oor [Measurement] – Hour.

  Operae [Society] – Opera.

  Ova [Natural] – A mature female reproductive cell.

  Papan [People] – Family. Father, informal like dad.

  Papanar [People] – Family. Father-in-law.

  Par [People] – Family. Spouse.

  Paren [People] – Family. Parent.

  Parsib [People] – Family. Sibling through consorage. Brother-in-law or sister-in-law.

  Patruus [People] – Family. Uncle, male sib of parent.

  Pelma [Natural] – Palm tree.

  Polycyclon [Society] – Truth serum in gas form, nut derivative.

  Portea [Planetary] – Port, distilled wine.

  Praefectus [People] – Continental governor.

  Prescience [Channel] – The ability to know something before it takes place, foreknowledge. (Soft Channel)

  Preservist [People] – Salvo Corp personnel. Search and rescue, fire, life guard, and more.

  Psera [People] – Madam, honorific.

  Psero [People] – Mister, honorific.

  Psi [People] – Citizens of Psiere, Psierian.

  Psi Academic Corp [Citizen Corp] – Instructors, and teachers at the academy, and other primary schools around the continents.

  Psi Codice Corp [Citizen Corp] – Psi that deal with Psierian law in some capacity. Telepath/ psychometry teams, executioners, security specialists for the islands, judex, and judiciary reviewers, etc.

  Psi Defense Corp [Citizen Corp] – Soldiers and officers that are tasked with defending home and country. Military corp.

  Psi Divinity Corp [Citizen Corp] – All professions related to solving the divine mystery. Adventurists, interpretists, engineers and other professions assigned to adventurist teams.Funded partially by the government and partially by the schematics, inventions, and artifacts found on their expeditions.

  Psi Engineering Corp [Citizen Corp] – Psi whose responsibility lies within public service works, roads, bridges, inventions, schematic adaptions, research, etc.

  Psi Medi Corp [Citizen Corp] – All medicans. Doctores, caretaker, therapist, etc.

  Psi Politia Corp [Citizen Corp] – Imperium officials, governors, representatives (all elected). Kings have the option to transfer to Politia Corp upon ascendency to King, or they can decline and remain in their original Corp. Elected Politia help define problems in regions and potential solutions. Organize all the other corps.

  Psi Resource Corp [Citizen Corp] – Psi that work with all parts of the resource industry such as mining, for stones, gems, minerals, as well as wood and other building materials. Also responsible for illeostone recharging and recirculation throughout Psiere.

  Psi Salvo Corp [Citizen Corp] – Preservists. Fire and rescue,cross-over medicans and caretakers for rescue missions.

  Psi Security Corp [Citizen Corp] – Law enforcement in the towns and cities across Psiere. First enforcers of Psierian law.

  Psi Service Corp [Citizen Corp] – All other customer driven industries, such as art, entertainment, eateries, shoppes, and more.

  Psi Shield Corp [Citizen Corp] – All personnel related to sovereign security. The military Corp personnel with the highest and most varied training of all others. Best of the best.

  Psi Stock Corp [Citizen Corp] – Responsible for all Psi involved with food harvesting. Farmers, Fishers, hunters and more. Psiere [Planetary] – Planet and country name.

  Psychometry [Channel] – The ability to discover facts about an event or person by touching inanimate objects associated with them. (Soft Channel)

  Pund [Measurement] – Weight measurement, pound.

  Pyrokinesis [Channel] – The ability to physically create and control fire, with the mind. (Hard Channel)

  Pyrs [Measurement] – Degrees, Fahrenheit

  Queen [People] – Divine Cathedress, Her Royal Highness, Supreme Sovereign. She is the head of Psiere with an overall say in government decisions and direction, but she leaves the day to day running of the nation to the Psi Politia Corp.

  Quinta [Measurement] – Fifth lune (month) of the roto (year).

  Railer [Transportation] – A Train fueled by aether, with supplemental carts attached to hold illeostones and water. Passenger and goods conveyance on two rails sent on the ground. Max speed 100 mph.

  Roto [Measurement] – 1 Year (10 lunes).

  Sec [Measurement] – Time measurement, second. 60 per oor.

  Seg [Transportation] – A shortened form of segment, slang.

  Segment [Transportation] – A single car of a railer.

  Seme [Natural] – Male reproductive fluid.

  Septa [Measurement] – Seventh lune (month) of the roto (year).

  Ser [People] – Military honorific, Sir.

  Sexte [Measurement] – Sixth lune (month) of the roto (year).

  Sharc [Natural] – Shark.

  Sheddech [Society] – Curse.

  Shell [Mechanical] – Metal bullet fired from a pistol, rifle, or rail gun.

t [Society] – Curse. Derogatory term for someone of ill character.

  Sonal Ocilloscope [Mechanical] – Sonar using sound for depth measurement. Sonal ocillator with scope.

  Sonica [Mechanical] – Radar, frequently used in dirigibles to scan around them and below.

  Sovereign [People] – Any member of the royal family with a direct line to the Divine Cathedra, including both the Queen and the Connate.

  Stele [Natural] – Steel.

  Sturgeous [Natural] – Sturgeon, giant fish and common food source.

  Sub-Connate [People] – Supplemental or secondary heir, not in line for the Divine Cathedra.

  Sub-Instrae [People] – Assistant, lower level. Also an instructor.

  Telekinesis [Channel] – The ability to move and manipulate physically objects, with your mind. (Hard Channel)

  Teleo [Mechanical] – Wired communication device, like a telephone.

  Telepathy [Channel] – The ability to communicate and read thoughts and words mind to mind. (Soft Channel)

  Teleport [Channel] – The ability to physically move yourself from one point to another point that is within sight, instantly. (Hard Channel)

  Telesana [Channel] – The ability to physically heal the body, with the mind (subtle vibrations that speed bone repair, blood flow, disease eradication). (Hard Channel)

  Telesthesia [Channel] – The ability to see a distant and unseen target using extrasensory perception. Far sight. (Soft Channel)

  Temple Charging Rooms [Society] – All expended Illeostones from around Psiere are returned to the nearest temple and sealed into a room with the Archeostone to charge. Five days in room with max capacity, about 3000 stones. (Small room 500

  stones is 2 days) Charged stones get shipped out to the entire continent as discharged ones are brought back in. Each temple has 4 stones.


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