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Flawed Choices: A Bully Romance

Page 3

by J. L. Ostle

  I get a message from Aisha asking if we’re still meeting up. I give her a quick reply that we are and make some toast and a cup of strong coffee. I decide to have it on the breakfast island.

  I do love the layout of the apartment. It kind of reminds me of the TV show Friends. The kitchen and living area is adjoined in one big room, but instead of the dining table, it’s a breakfast island. And there’s only one bedroom but it's very spacious.

  With the short notice of moving here, I was lucky I got this place.

  Now I come to think about it, I bet the last person who lived here moved because of the noise. I glare at the floor like the people below can feel my stare.

  I smile to myself when an idea pops into my head. I drink the last bit of my coffee, and after placing the empty dishes in the sink, I saunter over to the middle of the room, giggling to myself when I start jumping up and down as hard as I can.

  If I can’t use the stairs, this is one way to keep me distracted, and I’m burning off the calories of my toast. I bounce over to my phone, putting on House of Pain’s Jump Around as loud as it can go and start jumping to the words. I grew up with my parents playing oldies, and this is the first song that popped into my head. I only do it until the chorus ends and then stop.

  I’m laughing to myself, getting my breath back. Quickly grabbing my things, I leave, double-checking my door is locked. I decide to take the elevator down as I feel like I just did a whole workout and the stairs will just feel like punishment.

  Doesn’t take long until the elevator arrives. I step in when the doors open. I lean my back against the far wall, still smiling to myself. I know I’ll probably pay for that later but if they want to keep banging, I will bang early every morning until they stop.

  As I said, I’m stubborn.

  The lift stops the floor below me and panic already starts to hit me. Oh, shit. What if it’s the person who lives under me?

  Oh, shit, shit, shit.

  Well, they won’t know it’s me.

  But I’m new. What if they know a new person was moving into the building and they already know everyone who lives here? I need to stop overthinking everything.

  Just act dumb. Keep your head down and don’t say a word.

  It probably isn’t them.

  The door starts to open and I really wish I’d kept my eyes glued to the floor as when the doors fully open, I’m eye locked to the guy who was fucking the girl in the stairway. Now I wish I took the stairs. I can see he’s taken aback by seeing me until his eyes turn playful and he smirks at me, stepping in.

  Entering my personal space.

  Of course, he decides to stand next to me, but he isn’t alone. He is joined by two other guys, and just like him, they are gorgeous. The guy I have already kinda met has dark brown hair, while one has light brown messy hair, like he woke up and just left it as is, but it makes him even hotter somehow, like he just had a wild night of sex, which he probably did. The other has dark blonde hair that nearly covers his eyes. You can tell all three of them must work out as their shirts cling nicely to their bodies.

  An image of the first guy's ass enters my head. I quickly shake it away.

  I train my eyes to the floor, but I can feel the first guy staring at me, burning me with his gaze like he’s subconsciously telling me to look at him. It’s taking a lot for me not to.

  The doors close and I instantly start to feel hot.

  Guys two and three start talking. I feel like this ride down is taking much longer than it should be. I almost choke on air when guy number two starts talking about the thumping noises. Oh my God. Guy number two lives under me?

  “It was a good thing I was awake. Who the fuck bangs around this early in the morning?” he says while he stretches. I peek up a little to see his shirt rise, showing a glimpse of tanned skin. I look back down, closing my eyes for a moment.

  Guy number three laughs. “Well, if you can hear them, they can probably hear you and your parties. I hope they keep at it. That’ll teach you for being so loud. You’re lucky I don’t kick your ass as I can hear that shit through the walls.”

  “You are at my parties, man. I know you’re dead to the world once your head hits that pillow.”

  “True. But I still hope the person above wakes you up at the crack of dawn.” They start to argue with one another, but guy number one hasn’t said a word. I’m listening to the conversation but I’m not registering what they’re saying.

  I must be imagining things. Surely the guy next to me isn’t still looking at me. I turn my head a little, looking up to see that he is. His eyes are on mine and I can’t look away. They are so mesmerizing; I have never seen such light green eyes. It's hypnotic.

  Neither of us looks away but my body does a little spasm when his fingers touch mine. I feel like I’ve just been burned. I hug my hands to my chest and my lungs start to feel tight.

  I need to get out.

  I need some fresh air.

  I move closer to the wall to my right trying to leave some space between me and guy number one, but he just moves closer.

  Surely he knows I moved to get away from him. He’s probably teasing me. Guys like him, well them, like to play games, mess with your head.

  I’m not fool enough to let him do it by just a look, by him being in my personal bubble.

  When the door opens to the ground floor, I want to go on my knees and thank Jesus. I push past guy number two and three, making them huff at me. I’m almost at the entrance door when I freeze in my tracks as guy number one finally speaks.

  “I hope we bump into each other again,” he calls out to me.

  I don’t look back, I don’t reply. I just walk out the door and head straight to the parking lot to see Aisha.

  What was that back there?

  I didn’t feel like me. Guys don’t faze me. I have heard every pickup line. I have had guys try it on thinking they’re so smooth but no one has ever piqued my interest.

  But with him…

  It’s just because you saw him have sex. Something that is out of the norm, and you saw him again so shortly after. That’s all. You were probably just embarrassed and guy number two living under you didn’t help.

  Yeah, that must be it.

  Plus, I wouldn’t want to be with a guy I saw inside another girl. I know we all… well, most of us have had sexual partners but we don’t want to see it live in front of us.

  Besides, the talk with my mom last night didn’t help either.

  I spot Aisha, and she beams at me, waving. When I get to her side, I already feel better. This time I cling my arm through hers while we walk inside. I giggle when she starts talking about a TV series she has started watching and today I decide to make more of an effort with her, so I join in, telling her about the show I finished.

  We are almost at our class when I stop, causing Aisha to stumble over her feet before she straightens herself up and looks at me, confused, she turns to see what I’m looking at.

  Guy number one has a girl pressed up against a locker, his body leaned in, his hand above her head. I know that isn’t the girl from the stairway, because this girl has black and blue hair, and she’s smiling at him seductively.

  “Oh, yeah. That’s Axel, the guy I said was betrothed to Kimberly. Already onto his next conquest, I see.”

  Shit, that’s Axel. I think deep down I knew he was one of them. My body knew it. That means the guy living on the floor below me is one of them and it explains why I was jumping around like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh.

  I must have a sixth sense.

  I had to annoy a popular guy.

  “Yeah, I saw him having sex in the stairway yesterday when I was heading to my place and we had a run in this morning in the elevator.”

  She spins around and faces me. “Please say they pretended you weren’t there.”

  I bite my lip before answering. “Axel saw me when I kind of looked at him having sex… but it was just for a moment and he was looking at me while he was doing i
t.” I quickly try and defend myself. “And he was staring at me in the elevator. I kind of banged around in my living room because I woke up to banging sounds last night and didn’t release that it was one of Axel’s friends.” Her eyes go bigger and bigger with each passing word; I’m worried her eyes might pop out if she opens them any wider.

  She cups her face in her hands before looking back at me. “Right, we can salvage this. No more jumping around, even if they make too much noise. You just have to try and live with it. It's not forever. And stay clear of Axel. Don’t look at him. Try not to be anywhere near him.”

  “It’s easier said than done. I didn’t plan to see him the two times I did and it’s a little hard when we live in the same building and go to the same school.” I try and think about what to do. “I guess I will use elevators in the evening and walk down the stairs in the morning. Hopefully, he has a pattern and I can work around it.”

  She nods and smiles before linking her arm with mine again. “Good plan. It had to be bad luck that within twenty-four hours you had run-ins with both heads of the elite crew.”

  “Yeah, just my luck. I just want to finish college with no drama, and my mom told me I have to have some fun so that’s what I plan on doing.”

  She laughs. “Your mom had to tell you to have fun? Don’t you normally have fun?”

  “I’m always so busy worrying about things, about my future, that I guess I don’t really fit it in. I’m happy to chill on my couch and watch movies. That’s fun, right?” We start walking, getting closer to where Axel is.

  As if he can feel me coming, he turns and faces me, I hate the way he looks at me. He gives me a wink before facing the girl he’s talking to.

  “Yeah, that can be classed as fun, but better if you have friends there to enjoy the movie with so you can talk about it and get pizza. You have to have pizza when you have a movie night. Oh my God,” she shouts, shaking my arm. “We should have a movie night on Friday. I can come to yours straight after classes, talk and chill, then order pizza and watch a few movies. What do you think?”

  Her eyes twinkle with excitement about this and it does sound like it will be a good night. “Yes, I’m in. We will get fat and watch movies. We should watch something from each genre but action. I’m not really into action movies unless it has Keanu Reeves in. I swear that man doesn’t age,” I say dreamily, causing Aisha to laugh loudly.

  “I really can’t wait. I hate that this is just the beginning of Tuesday. Hopefully, the week flies by. We can discuss what movies we both like so we know which ones to watch so it doesn’t take forever on the day to decide on one.”

  “You like being organized, don’t you?” I smile at her.

  She shrugs. “It’s a bad habit. I just like having order in my life and it will give us something to talk about for the rest of the week.”

  “Hey, I wish I had more order in my life. In a month’s time, I will probably ask you to organize my life,” I joke.

  “I will be happy to help.”

  We both chuckle.

  Chapter Six

  I think I am literally yesterday's news and the stares and whispers have calmed down. It's great that Aisha is in all my classes, we have been talking about our favorite movies and what films we haven’t seen but want to. The more we talk about it, the more I’m looking forward it.

  A couple of years ago, I would have felt guilty for feeling like this, to feel any kind of positive emotion, but I know I’m allowed to be happy and have someone close to hang out with.

  It’s the last class before lunch. Aisha walks in first. I’m right behind her when I feel my arm being tugged and I’m pulled away, pushed up against the wall, a body flush against mine.

  It takes me a moment to realize that Axel is in front of me, his face close to mine. I turn slightly to see students walking into the classroom but none of them say or do anything. Most don’t look in our direction.

  I hope Aisha will see I’m not there and come look for me.

  “So, you must be the new girl.” He plays with a strand of my hair as his other hand is above my head, just like he did with the other girl before. He is much closer to me than he was to her. “So, are you a voyeur or did you just like what you saw?” His eyes pierce mine.

  I open my mouth but no words come out. Why can’t I speak? I normally give guys like this a hard time and I have slapped a few who have gotten too close and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  “Please don’t tell me you’re like your little friend. A virginal goody-goody.” He presses his erection close to my crotch. I decided on a black skirt and shirt today and wish I’d opted for jeans as I can feel him. He lets go of my hair and his fingers glide down my cheek. “You are so pretty,” he whispers. “But it's your eyes that tell your secrets.” He leans closer, our foreheads touching. “Are you broken, little one?” His fingers are on my lips. “I can see the sadness.” His eyes soften. “I can make you feel better.” His mouth is so close to mine. “You just have to say yes to me.”

  I am so lost in his words, with how soft and soothing his voice is. He is lulling me in. It's like he can see me, the real me, but I know it’s all lies. I know he’s telling me what I want to hear. Aisha even said that’s what they do.

  I know it’s what they do.

  Leaning in closer, our mouths are almost touching when I bite down hard on his lip, forcing him to jump back, letting out a little groan from the pain. He looks at me, holding his lip in shock and surprise.

  “Sorry. I guess I don’t like it when people are in my personal bubble. How many times have you said that shit? I bet every girl falls for your charm, but I’m not like other girls. Now, if you don’t mind, I have a class to attend.” I glare at him, walking to the door when I’m spun around, facing him, his hands on my hips.

  He smiles wickedly at me. “I knew there was heat inside of you. So, little one, I guess you have heard of me.”

  “Yeah, I have, and it wouldn’t be that hard to guess that you’re a dick because you were fucking a girl yesterday and talking to a different one today, then you hit on me? Doesn’t take a genius to know that your cock is probably riddled with STDs.” I place my hands on his chest and give him a little push.

  His smile gets bigger. “I love sex, what can I say? And don’t worry, I use protection, and I get checked regularly, so know I have the clean bill of health.” He winks at me.

  “Thanks for sharing. So if you don’t mind…” I try and walk away but he stands in front of me, blocking my way.

  “What if I say I do mind?”

  “Then I will say tough.” He takes a step forward and I take a step back.

  “Do you not like being close to me?”

  I shake my head. “Like I said, personal bubble.”

  He takes a larger step forward, towering over me. I look up into his eyes, and he searches mine. “What I said about your eyes is true. I can see that you want to hate me…” He leans his face closer. “But I can see the intrigue.” He lifts his hand, his thumb and index finger holding onto my chin, lifting my head up a little. “You, little one, do intrigue me.”

  I need to step out of his touch, walk around him, but my body won’t comply. Whatever spell he had on me is broken when I feel my hand being tugged and I’m pulled away to Aisha’s side. I can see the frustration written all over Axel’s face as he stares at her.

  “Axel, she’s going to be late,” she tells him with a stern voice. “We’re leaving now.” She pulls my hand until we start walking, and when we get to the door I hear him say that he will see me around.

  Shivers run up my spine. I know that is a promise.

  We get into our seats when the professor walks in and closes the door. If she didn’t get me, I would have been locked out of class. On my second day too.

  “What happened? You were right behind me and then you were gone, I thought you went to the bathroom or something. Thank God I checked when I did. It looked like you were about to kiss,” she whispers.

bsp; I lean closer to her. “He pulled me out when we were heading in, tried to seduce me with some sweet words and I bit his lip so he would back off, but I guess that didn’t really work.” Most guys would have thought I was insane and walked away, but nope, Axel liked it.

  What if he’s into that shit? Pain and pleasure.

  Aisha slouches back before sitting up again. “He sees you as a challenge now. You just have to hope he will get bored of waiting and move on because if it's known that he’s chasing a girl, word will get back to Kimberly and…”

  “And she will make my life hell. Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I finish her sentence. “Well, hopefully, he will get bored. I’m not really that interesting.” Unless someone pushes my buttons, but I’m hoping that won’t happen.

  “Let’s hope so.” With that, we drop it, but I know we will probably talk about it again.

  Lunchtime couldn’t come quickly enough. On the way to the cafeteria, we both decide to grab something and have it outside again. It's just so we don’t bump into either of the elite group.

  They really need a new name.

  Entering, I look at the table and the girls and guys are all sitting there, talking away. I just wish they were there when I walked in yesterday. We walk past to get something to eat. I yelp when I feel a pair of hands lifting me from the ground and then I’m placed on the table with all three guys sitting in front of me, blocking me in.

  I turn around to see Kimberly recognize who I am, as do the other girls. I look up to Aisha, pleading with her with my eyes to do something, but she’s looking back and forth from them to me, unsure what to do.

  I try and get up but I’m pushed back down.

  “New girl, I heard you gave our Kimmy here some hassle yesterday,” guy number two says. I turn to Kimberly, who is looking at me with a glint in her eyes. “I hope people have filled you in that you don’t want to mess with us, cross us, or fuck with us…” He chuckles. “Unless it’s in the literal sense.” His eyes roam over my body. “You get me? You can move along now.” He tries to wave me off like I’m a dog.


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