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Flawed Choices: A Bully Romance

Page 5

by J. L. Ostle

  Great, now he is calling me that. I’m not even that small. I’m five foot five. “Was that it? You make me think you were going to do something?”

  Lucas walks over to my bed and lies down, leaning back on my headboard. “This bed is so comfy.” He bounces a little. “I could so sleep here.”

  Like fuck he will. “You got your payback, now can you please leave?” I point to the door.

  “Oh, we can’t do that,” Axel says, walking towards me and circling me while he talks. “You see, that was payback for jumping around yesterday morning. You see, the thing about elevators is that it tells you what floor someone gets off on and we kind of figured that it was you making all the noises yesterday morning since we have gotten to know that personality of yours.”

  “I was giving payback for waking me up in the middle of the night with your fucking banging.”

  “Yeah, but we don’t like to give in so easily,” Elijah says. “Every time you throw something our way, we have to retaliate. But we have come up with an idea to balance things out with what happened in the cafeteria.”

  God, I dread to think what it is.

  “Go on then, tell me this brilliant idea. If it involves sex, you have to think again.”

  Axel pretends to pout, and Lucas chuckles. “We are going to annoy you.”

  Wait, that’s it?

  “Annoy me? You have annoyed me since the moment I met each of you. But go right ahead, annoy me until you get bored.” I walk toward my bedroom door, needing to head to school when Lucas jumps off the bed and blocks my move.

  He pokes my forehead and I glare at him, making him smirk at me. “Trust me when I say you are going to wish that you chose a different option. We are going to be there in your face every day. We are going to be stuck to you like glue until you beg us to stop, to leave you alone.”

  I poke his chest and he looks down to where I touched him. “Trust me when I say bring it. Good luck explaining to people why you are going to be hovering around a non-elite girl who is basically a nobody.” I wave at them before running to the front door and slamming it closed.

  I run to the stairway, taking the steps down two at a time. When I get halfway, I hear the top door bang open. I look up to see them all looking down and when they start running towards me, I yelp, going as fast as I can.

  I make it to the building entrance, shut the doors, and grab a long stick nearby, placing it in the handles. I know with one big push the stick will snap but it will give me more time to getaway.

  My breathing is coming in fast and hard but I don’t care. I just wish I didn’t have my laptop and bag with me as it's weighing me down. I can see the school campus ahead of me. I push myself even harder. I smile when I see the parking lot. I’m about to rejoice when I’m lifted in the air and my things are being taken.

  Axel has me over his shoulder, and I see Elijah put my things over his shoulder. All of us are panting heavily but I start wiggling and kicking around.

  This is so embarrassing.

  I can’t let anyone see me like this. It will look weird that yesterday I stood up to Lucas and today I have all three with me, one who is carrying me with his hands way up my thigh.

  I start thrashing around and I growl when Axel slaps my ass. “If you wiggle any more I will slap you again.”

  “If you do, I swear I will slap you and it won’t be on your ass,” I warn him.

  “Keep on talking, little one, it just spurs me on.” He grips my thigh and I smack the bottom of his back. Looking down, I do have a great view of his ass. An image of his naked one enters my head. “I hope you’re not picturing my fine ass again, Luce.”

  I scoff at him, even though I was. “Put me down.”

  “We told you, we are here to annoy you, and from the look on your face…” Lucas comes around, walking in front of me. He bends down so I can see his face. “You do look annoyed.” He smirks. I want to slap that smirk right off his face.

  “I will get you for doing this,” I promise him.

  He waves his finger at me. “Remember, if you retaliate we will retaliate back. All you have to do is put up with this and then it will stop.”

  “For how long?” I grit out between my teeth.

  “Until we are done.”

  Asshole. “I hate you.”

  “Words, baby. It’s just words,” Elijah speaks up.

  “Don’t call me baby.”

  “Ah, does that annoy you, baby?” Lucas laughs. “I think you are giving yourself away. There was me thinking this was going to be a boring week.”

  We get to the parking lot and when I hear the guys chuckle, I lift my head to see everyone staring at us. I groan, wanting to cover my face. I look back up when Aisha calls out to me and runs over.

  “Lucille, what is going on?” She looks back and forth between me and the guys.

  I grunt when Axel adjusts me. “This is my punishment for yesterday. They are going to annoy me to death. Just shoot me now and get it over with.” Once the words leave my mouth, an ache settles, but I don’t have time to dwell on it when Elijah lifts Aisha and puts her over his shoulder.

  Lucas takes hold of all our things. “What the fuck? Put her down.” I try and hit him but he steps away from my flailing arms.

  “Baby, when will you get that we are here to annoy you? And to mess with your friend will do just that.” Lucas pats Aisha’s head and I growl at him, making him laugh. “You really are feisty.”

  I really want to hit every single one of them. Fuck, I want to cut their dicks off while the whole school watches, but if I do anything, they will do something back and I know where it will lead.

  Me getting kicked out of school.

  They have power here that I don’t have, and if it does come to a choice between me and them, the school will always choose them.

  Right now though, I feel so humiliated. Everyone is whispering and staring. The girls who were talking to me yesterday look a little disappointed. Yeah, I’m a little disappointed in myself but for all this to stop I need to do what I should have done at the very beginning.

  Not poke the bears.

  I may not do anything back, but I am going to be vocal. I am not going to make things easy for them. But they’re reading me like a book. They don’t even know me and yet they’re figuring me out.

  I need to gather my strength and use my brain to come up with something that will get these Neanderthals away from me. Maybe I can get them a new plaything. Find out who they haven’t fucked and hook them up.

  Yeah, I don’t see that happening.

  I will come up with something. I’m in my own thoughts when I swear I hear a banshee ahead of us, and we all stop. I look over to Lucas who loses his smile, his posture straightens and he gets an annoyed look on his face.

  I guess Lucas isn’t Kimberly’s number one fan. I place my chin in my hand, pretending to be watching a show when he looks at me, and I smile sweetly at him. “Hi, Kimberly,” I sing-song.

  I look up when she’s in front of me and she is shooting me daggers. “What the fuck is going on?”

  Popping my lips, I sigh before answering. “This is what you warned me about yesterday, queenie. I just wish I’d listened more. You see, they’re going to be stuck with me until they get bored. They are never going to leave my side. Tell them to back off, or you are going to see much more of this.” I wave my hand down Axel's ass and legs.

  Her eyes go wide, her jawing ticking. “I don’t fucking think so. You were meant to put her in line. Mess up her place, break her laptop, I don’t care. I didn’t want this. Put them down,” she orders. Elijah and Axel look at one another and then at Lucas but they don’t put us down.

  “Come, on boys. Do what you’re told.” I tap Axel's ass, which I probably shouldn’t have done as Kimberly’s nose flares.

  “Now!” Her voice is harsher.

  Lucas looks at me and I try and hold in a smile. My lips are tight together but it doesn’t take a genius to know what I’m doing. “No,�
� he says.

  “What do you mean no?” Kimberly speaks for the both of us.

  Lucas stands taller and his eyes turn dark. He steps in front of her, towering over her, showing his dominance. “I said no. I think you have forgotten who is in charge here. Yes, we let you take the reins, but you do not tell us what to do. We tell you. Do you understand?” He uses a tone I don’t like. It’s a tone I know all too well.

  I don’t care if Kimberly is a bitch and a bully, this is going too far now. I raise one of my feet back and kick Axel’s knee, causing him to bend over a little, and I use my weight to push myself up and back to the floor. “Okay, we all had our fun. Before you two have a showdown over who is the top dog, we are going to be late for class. You two kiss and make up and if you still want to keep annoy Lucille on the agenda, message me.” I pull Aisha out of Elijah’s arms.

  I take my things from Lucas who is watching my every move but he doesn’t say anything or stop me from taking our things and leaving.

  We start walking. Aisha opens her mouth about to say something but I cover it with my hand until we round the corner. I let out the breath I was holding in. “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I thought they were going to carry us all the way to class. If they took us to class, of course. Lucas can be scary. When he went all alpha on Kimberly, I even felt bad for her. I never feel bad for her.”

  Yeah, I know what she means.

  “You think they’re all scary.” I try and ease the atmosphere.

  She shakes her head. “Just Lucas and Kimberly. Axel is a ladies man and Elijah is more of a jokester, but Lucas, he’s the serious one. What he says goes.”

  I’d picked up on that.

  “I’m just glad we got away.”

  We head to class.

  We take our seats and I’m ready for a nice, normal lesson when my phone pings with a message, I open it to a message from a number I don’t recognize.

  Don’t worry, it’s not over yet baby xx

  Of course it isn’t. I knew it wouldn’t be that simple. I show the message to Aisha who looks worried. I guess she thinks because I’m getting messed with by the guys, they might mess with her again. This is where I know I will end up losing her.

  This is how it always goes.

  I can’t wait to finish college.

  Away from the nightmare.

  The future in the real world will better be better than all this.

  School sucks.

  Chapter Nine

  Aisha is already starting to distance herself from me. She’s not as talkative and I know she’s waiting to see what will happen next. Maybe I should make it easier for her and tell her it’s okay to not be my friend.

  I understand.

  It comes to lunchtime and I don’t really want to go to the cafeteria, I don’t know what will be waiting for me when I get there and all I want is for this day to be over. I tell Aisha that I will meet her in there. She gives me a little nod, biting her lip.

  I was looking forward to our movie night, some girl time. But I guess I shouldn’t have got my hopes up so soon.

  I head straight to the library. I’d rather sit on the floor, in a corner, surrounded by books. Libraries have become my safe haven in the past. If I needed to get away, that was where I always went. I walk up the two floors until I see the double doors with the word Library right above them.

  Walking in, I notice a few students reading and writing.

  I wonder if they’re in here for the same reason as me. To get away from the outside world. Or they could be just catching up on some work.

  I walk past all the tables. I keep going until I reach the far end. I place my things on the floor and take a seat on the hard ground, leaning back against the wall, closing my eyes and inhaling the book-scented air.

  I try and clear all my thoughts. I don’t want to think about anything at all. I wish I could push a button, flip a switch, and my mind would just go blank.

  In the past, I even thought about doing weed or drugs, but I would never do that to myself; I’m afraid what would happen if I even try it. I might not want to ever stop once I start.

  I take in a deep breath then exhale. I do that a few times until my I relax. My body loosens, but I jump when I feel hands trail up my leg. I open my eyes in time to find myself being dragged across the floor until I’m straddling Axel.

  His hands pull me closer to him, smiling playfully at me. I swear this boy loves being in my personal space. I try and push him away so I can get out of his hold but he just holds me tighter.

  I start to wiggle around, then I gasp when I feel his erection pressed against my core. An electric current shoots straight there, making my whole body warm up. I look down to our joined bodies then look back up, our eyes connecting and his smile is gone.

  The look he is giving me makes me wish I wasn’t who I am. I’m not surprised girls fall for him. I’m not blind, I can see the attraction. His fingers trail down my back, reaching my bare skin, stroking along the hem of my leggings.

  God, his touch is making everything go fuzzy. I can’t think about anything else but him and the way he’s making me feel. His fingers trail back up to my neck then glide along my jaw until he is touching my lips.

  I realize my breathing is coming in a little louder and heavier. I let out a moan when he moves himself beneath me so he grinds against me. I quickly take hold of his shoulders, placing my forehead on his neck.

  I need to stop this.

  Push him away.

  His arms wrap around me, pulling me closer if that’s even possible, and my body involuntary starts to move with his. I don’t look at him, I keep my eyes closed, but I lift my head and wrap my arms around his neck, panting into his ear.

  His fingers grip my sides, holding me so tightly. The ache between my legs starts to build and I rub myself against him, needing that friction so badly. We’re hanging onto each other for dear life.

  Anyone could hear us, could see us, but my mind is too far away to think about the consequences. I can’t remember the last time I was intimate with another person like this. I would have never let a guy I just met touch me like this.

  Especially a popular boy.

  A known player.

  I bite down hard on my lip, ready to break blood if need be as I need to get away from this situation. I hate that I didn’t put up much of a fight. I am better than this. I bend my knees and rest my hands on his shoulders, and with one big push, I stand up, making him fall back a little.

  His breath is coming quickly, his chest rising up and down. His eyes are hooded, and fuck me, it makes him look even better.

  I don’t say a word and I don’t stay for him to say anything to me.

  I run.

  I grab my shit and I run out of there.

  I run to the girls’ bathroom, locking myself in the last cubicle. I close the lid and step onto the seat so I’m crouching. I don’t want anyone to try and find me.

  My heart is beating a million times a minute. I press my hand against my chest to try and ease it. Why the hell did I let him do that? I got turned on so easily. My body is a traitor.

  Why did it have to feel so damn good?

  I am ready to scream when I hear the bathroom door open and shoes clicking on the tiled floor. I hold my breath, wanting to stay invisible. I let it back out when I hear Aisha’s voice.

  I step down and open the door, peeking my head out. I see her standing there with two cans of Coke. Why is she here? How did she know I was here?

  She clears her throat. “Hey. I got worried about you. You okay?”

  I step out and lean against the wall opposite her. “I’m fine. How did you know I was in here?”

  She looks behind her then looks back at me. “I literally just walked out of the cafeteria when I heard Axel on his phone saying he was with you in the library and this is the closest bathroom to there, so I tried my luck. I did try and call, and I left a couple of messages.”

  How did I no
t hear my phone?

  I take my phone from my bag and see the missed calls and messages. “I thought you would have appreciated being on your own. Being with friends that don’t have drama and the popular crowd ready to make your life hell.”

  She walks over to the sinks and places the drinks down. She looks in the mirror, looking at me through the reflection. “Honestly, before you, I didn’t really socialize with anyone. The friends I had in high school went to different colleges and we lost touch, so I kept to myself here. Like I said, my focus is on my studies, but when I was told I was getting the chance to show the new girl around, I was hoping you weren’t a nasty mean girl and we could be friends. I think my excitement shows in the way I talk as I do tend to go on and on about things.”

  I laugh. This girl has no friends? She is pretty, obviously smart and friendly. I’m shocked that she’s been on her own. Yeah, I prefer to be on my own most of the time but I have issues, and looking at this girl in front of me, I can see that she doesn’t.

  Well, not deep, life-changing ones.

  “But as you see I have that crew on my back now and I don’t want them to hurt or upset you. You’ve been so nice to me and I was giving you the chance to walk away. You’ve been so quiet with me since what happened, so I thought you were distancing yourself. I wouldn’t blame you. I seem to attract trouble and I can’t stand bullies. Especially if they try and bully me or those I care about.”

  She turns around, facing me. “I was only quiet because I didn’t know what to say. Everything in my head is messed up. I kind of enjoyed it. Yesterday, and now today, I have never had so much excitement in my life. All those people talking to us both, the popular guys getting to me to get to you which means they think I’m important to you to do that.” She babbles in one go without taking a breath, her voice getting squeakier. She walks closer to me, taking hold of my hands. “I didn’t want you to think I was weird if I said this, that’s why I’ve been quiet. You think I’m weird, don’t you?” She turns back around. “I’m not right in the head, am I?”


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