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Flawed Choices: A Bully Romance

Page 7

by J. L. Ostle

  Aisha sits back down. “What is?” She places the blanket over herself again.

  “They said it’s a taste of what it would be like if I joined them, to be one of them. It may look all right and appealing but soon it will change. It will fade and turn ugly.” Just like the roses. I take my seat, looking at the flowers one more time before turning on the television.

  “Are you nervous about tomorrow?” she asks me.

  I think it over. I don’t think there is anything they can do that will really surprise me. “Well, they thought about the paint and I handled it. I think they will be trying to think of something cleverer. They are going to try and get me to cave until I do what they really want me to do.” I stretch my arms over my head.

  Aisha looks away for a moment like she is looking for something before she smiles. I know what that smile means; she has thought of something sneaky. “Why don’t you cave in?” Okay, she’s lost it. “Let them do what they have to do for the next couple of days and then you go to them, make it look like they won.”

  I scrunch up my face a little. “And why would I do that?”

  “To get your own back. They said no retaliation. They’re trying to annoy you, saying it’s a punishment, but it’s to get you to join them, but once you join them, you can get inside information. You can mess up their routine. Make them wish they never asked you to be with them. You can annoy them right back without them realizing you are doing it on purpose.”

  I return her smile. “Make them want to stay away from me. In doing so, all this can stop and I can have a quiet life.” This girl really is smart. “You are brilliant.”

  She bows her head. “I know. I just hope you’re a very good actress for the next few days. You are going to have to deal with what comes, bite your tongue, but you don’t want to be too quiet about it. Show you’re not happy, look pissed off. Do what you did today, basically.”

  I can do that.


  Chapter Eleven

  Aisha left mine quite late. We were talking everything over, thinking of all the different scenarios and what I should do if something stupid does happen. I wake up feeling a little less stressed. I can’t believe it's just been a few days and already I am conspiring against people I have just met.

  People who have no boundaries.

  I get changed, go through my normal morning routine. Before I open my front door, I look through the peep hole to see if they are standing there like they were yesterday. But I see nothing. I open the door warily, looking down the corridor, but it's quiet.

  I stand near the elevator, eyeing the stairway, wondering which is best to take. I walk towards the stairs, opening the door, trying to see if I hear any noises, but again, it's all quiet. I decide to take the stairs.

  I try and make sure I’m quiet in case I hear them, then I can run back up and take the lift down. I reach the bottom with no problem, but my moment of relief is washed away when I walk out of the building to see them sitting on the wall.

  They were waiting for me.

  They smile before jumping down and walking towards me.

  “Hello, boys,” I say in a bored voice.

  “Hello, little one.” Axel winks at me.

  “We thought we would walk with you to school,” Lucas says.

  “What, no lifting me up over your shoulder today like a wild caveman?”

  They all chuckle. “Nope. We are just going to walk with you, that’s all.” Elijah grabs my hand but I pull it away.

  I stand in front of them, pointing my finger at each of them. “Listen, I like to have something called personal space. Please don’t touch me.”

  They look at each other, smiling, and all I want to do is smack their smiles off. “But we like touching you.” Axel walks closer to me, and I start to walk backward. “I think yesterday in the library proved that.”

  “You see, you trying to fight us just makes us want you more.” Elijah starts to walk closer to me.

  Lucas looks at me with a glint in his eyes. “I guess there is a fine line between hate and lust.”

  “I think it’s hate and love,” I correct him.

  He strides over to me, walking behind me so I’m now circled in. He leans in, his mouth close to my ear. “I don’t believe in love. It’s a chemical in your brain that makes you think you care about someone so much that you think it’s love. In the beginning, it's always lust. You look at someone, feel that connection, that pull, that need.” His breath tickling my neck, he steps in closer. “Lust is something you want but don’t need. Again, there’s a fine line between lust and hate. You are proof of that, little one.”

  I turn my head, our mouths are so close. His eyes are on my lips. “It's too bad that I just hate you then, isn’t it?”

  The heat in his eyes disappears, replaced by inconvenience. “Let's go.” Pushing my shoulder, I elbow him in the stomach, causing him to double over, making his friends laugh.

  “Personal space, bro.” Elijah claps him on the back before joining my side and we walk to campus.

  They talk about the party they have this weekend and who they don’t want showing up. I’m trying to digest everything they say; names, anything that may be useful in the future. I don’t say a word, even though they ask me questions or try and goad me.

  When we reach the parking lot, I’m sure my teeth are grinded raw. I look around for Aisha’s car but I don’t see it. I take out my phone and my eyes widen in horror when I see missed calls and messages from her. She woke up full of cold and she is aching all over.

  How can she be sick?

  She was fine when she left.

  I am stuck in a new school, where I don’t really know anyone, and now I’m by myself. This is what I was expecting on my first day, and for the rest of the semester, to be on my own, but Aisha turned into my safety net.

  I control my facial features as I don’t want them to see there is something wrong. I’m sure they will figure out that she isn’t here at some point but I’m hoping it's not until later. I know those girls I met in cafeteria, Mandy and Trisha, told me I could sit with them, but with the guys bringing me into school the way they did, the disappointment I saw from a few of the girls who were thanking me the day prior, I’m not too sure if I’m still welcome.

  We walk in through the main doors and just like they planned it, Lucas and Elijah entwine their hands with mine. I try and pull my arms back but they grip harder, their nails digging in a little to my skin.

  “Get off me,” I grind out.

  “No can do, little one. This touching thing obviously annoys you, and I think giving people the wrong idea is just bittersweet. I hope you are basking in our inner circle.” Lucas bops my nose with his finger and I almost try and bite if off like a dog.

  We walk down the corridor hand in hand, and of course, everyone stares. I notice a few people taking photos. I try and head to my class but I’m pulled back. They don’t release me. “We’re walking together, beautiful.” Axel wraps his arms around me from behind, his crotch against my ass. “God, you smell so good.” He inhales me.

  I hate that I have to deal with this bullshit.

  I am going to get my payback.

  I’m going to make sure they pay. If I have to wait until after I graduate, so be it, but I will make sure I hurt them where it hurts most.

  True to their word, they walk me to class. They actually walk me to my seat, and Elijah sneakily kisses my cheek before walking away.

  I hear murmurs around me, but I try and ignore it, but when I see someone sit next to me, I groan, rolling my eyes. Kimberly. She’s not even in this class.

  I would know if she was.

  “Thought this would be a good time to catch you.” She crosses her legs, placing her hands in her lap, well-poised, her face showing no emotion, but it’s all in her eyes. If looks could kill, I know I would be six feet under. “I know the boys are seeing you as their new plaything. Something new and shiny, but that’s all they see you as. A toy. Something
for them to play with until they get bored and throw you away in the trash.”

  I hate how cliché popular girls are. I have also lost count of how many times I have heard similar lines and warnings. “Listen, if I could make them leave me alone, I would. It's not like I’m enjoying any of this. You sitting here right now, trying to intimidate me, it's pointless. No matter what I do or say, they won’t leave me the fuck alone until, like you said, they get bored and move on with their meaningless lives.”

  I can see my words make her falter. I can see her working out what she should say next. “I guess we’re on the same page. I want you away and you want yourself away. So, I want to know what they actually want. What do they want from you?”

  I tell her the ultimatum they gave me. I know she wasn’t pleased about the sex part. I see her jaw getting tighter with each passing word.

  “Fuck this shit,” she says under her breath. “I don’t want you at our table, our parties. Like hell are you sleeping with any of them.” She crosses her arms. “Those boys don’t give up. I know the harder you push them, the harder they will push back. Stupid, stupid assholes.”

  Yeah, she doesn’t like any of those options either. “Now you can see why I’m stuck, so if you want to leave me alone, as I have enough annoying people in my life right now.”

  She uncrosses her legs and leans in close to me. “I get that you’re new here but you have been warned. Don’t talk to me like I’m a nobody, like I'm anything like you.” She looks me up and down in disgust. “You think those boys are playing dirty, but they can do a lot worse, and so can I. You don’t want to mess with me or I will make your time here a living nightmare. I will make you wish you never stepped foot in this school.” She looks me straight in the eye. She is about to stand but she pushed a button, a button I don’t like being pressed.

  Before she fully stands, I grip her hair, pulling her down, causing to her crouch a little and I lean towards her. “I get that you think you are the queen around here and all these people are here to serve you, but I don’t like being threatened. You think I won’t fight back, I will. Don’t speak to me like I’m someone you can squish. It’s not my fault you’re jealous that those boys are bored with you, that they treat you like an inconvenience in their lives. Now run along before I pull your hair extensions out.” I release her hair and she almost topples forward.

  She holds the side of her head, looking at me. I just glare right back at her. “You have no idea what you have just done.”

  “I’m sure you are going to show me.” She doesn’t reply but just walks away. I sit there, my leg starting to bounce. I place my hand on top of it to stop the shaking.

  I think I have just gained a new enemy.

  I grab my phone and quickly message Aisha, telling her I hope she gets better soon and I will fill her in once I’m home and away from prying ears, but I’m sure she will see the photos of my grand entrance this morning soon enough.

  When it reaches lunchtime, I debate going to the cafeteria. I obviously can’t hide out in the library. I would sit in the girls’ bathroom until my next class but why should I hide?

  I walk in to the cafeteria and grab a can of Coke and a bag of chips. I pay and then wonder where I should sit. I look over to the popular table and I cock my head to the side, surveying them.

  Fuck it.

  Today has already gone downhill. Let's see what more damage I can cause. A part of me is curious what will happen if I do join them. I guess I’m about to find out. I notice a space next to Elijah and I sit, opening my can and taking a sip before I look around the table.

  They are all staring at me. I place my drink down. Elijah is smiling from ear to ear. Axel needs to stop looking at me like he is picturing me naked. Lucas is looking at me with suspicious eyes. Kimberly’s face is turning red.

  Elijah leans in and whispers to me, “So, have you decided to join us?”

  I shake my head. “Nope.” I pop the p. “I just didn’t know where to sit, and because you boys seem to enjoy my company so much, I thought I would save you some time. So please continue with your conversation.” I wave my hand for them to continue.

  The table is silent until a few guys start talking and again. It's about the party they’re going to at the weekend. I’m circling the top of my can with my finger, bored with the conversation, and regretting my decision to sit with them as well as regretting most things since Monday. I’m in my own thoughts until fingers are clicking in front of my face. I look up to see a guy with shaggy blonde hair that covers his eyes speaking to me.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “Are you going to their party?” the guy asks me.

  I look to the guys, waiting for them to answer for me, but they don’t. They wait for my response. “I don’t really do parties.”

  “See, she doesn’t want to go so can we move on from this…” Kimberly gets interrupted.

  “You have to come. Just think, it's just below you.” Elijah nudges my shoulder with his. “At least you won’t be waking up Lucas with your stomping.” He chuckles.

  Lucas is just staring at me with his arms crossed, leaning back. I look away, facing the guy in front of me.

  “I don’t do well at parties.” And I plan to be having a movie night with Aisha if she feels well enough.

  Fuck it, I will go to her, even if she’s still ill.

  “Are you a party animal?” the shaggy blonde hair guy hollers. “I bet you know how to really party.” He leans forward on his elbows so he is closer to me. “I think you should go.”

  I open my mouth, about to reply, when Lucas clears his throat. We look his way and this time Lucas’ stare is at his friend who sits back. “She will be there,” he says before standing up.

  I stand up too, striding over to him and blocking his way. I place my hands on my hips, looking up at him. “Oh, she will be there, will she? I don’t think I’ll go to your orgy fest, thank you very much. As I said, I don’t do parties.”

  He smiles. “I know. That’s why you are going. You really need to stop giving yourself away, little one. You make it way too easy to mess with you. Besides, do you want my friends to be knocking on your door throughout the night, intoxicated?” He tries to walk around me but I block him again.

  “I thought the point was to annoy me, not mess with me.”

  He shrugs. “It's basically the same thing. I hope you have something that shows more skin. I like my women to dress up at my parties.”

  “I am not yours.”

  “You keep thinking that.”

  He tries to walk around me again. He takes a step. I quickly move my foot out and he trips over it, stumbling before he balances himself. I press my hand to my mouth. “Oops, sorry. I think I had a spasm. I should go and get it checked.” I move my hand and smile sweetly at him.

  He stomps over, towering over me. “You really need to stop showing me up around everyone. You think what I’m doing is annoying? I can make things more unbearable.”

  “Oh, yeah, your Kimmy already filled me in. I know if you really put your two brain cells together you could do something that would really piss me off, that will make me angry so that all I would want to do is wait until you’re asleep before I cut your balls off with a blunt knife.” I pause for effect. “But that’s all it would ever make me feel. Pissed off. You see, I don’t break that easily. And with your she-dog also wanting to torment me, it will just harden me up even more.”

  This time I try and walk away but he grips onto my arm, pulling me into him. “She says she is going to torment you?”

  Why does he care? They are on the same team. “Yeah. She gave me a nice speech about how she will make my life hell also, only because she doesn’t like the options you gave me either, but as she can’t take it out on you, she is going to take it out on me. I guess she doesn’t like that you three boys’ attention is all on little old me.” I press my hand to my chest.

  “If she messes with you, you tell me.”

  “Why? Won’t
it be double the treatment if she finds ways to try and hurt me? Girls like her try and break your self-esteem, your self-worth. It will be exactly what you want.

  He grips my chin, but not tightly. He lifts my head so his eyes are on mine. “Only me and the boys can mess with you. You are ours, do you understand that? I will tell her so.”

  I hated when they classified me as theirs before, but this time, his voice is softer, his touch gentle. It causes a strange feeling inside me.

  “I’m not yours.” But my voice is also quieter.

  He doesn’t let me go. His eyes have pinned me into place. His thumb strokes my jaw. I close my eyes, shaking away whatever I was feeling and step away. He places his hands to his sides. I look at the table to see them all watching us.

  The whole cafeteria is watching.

  I don’t say another word but I walk away. I know they are in my class but I need to get away from them.

  I just need to wait until after the weekend and then I will join their group, but I will be silent. I will gather information. I will try and be invisible. I will try and be boring.

  The sooner I get them away from me, the better.

  But images of Lucas enter my mind.

  I know he isn’t going to let this party thing go now.

  Chapter Twelve

  I spend the rest of lunch outside sitting on the grass. I wanted to call Aisha but I know she needs her rest. I will fill her in when I know she is feeling better. I just hope it’s a twenty-four-hour bug thing.

  A few girls, who I recognize from talking to me on Monday, walk past, and I can see the hesitation about whether they should speak to me or not, but obviously, the latter wins.

  When I enter class, I head to my usual seat when I’m lifted from the ground and placed in Axel’s lap. I slap his hands and chest before sliding into the empty seat next to him and, of course, Lucas is sitting on the other side of me.

  Elijah blows me a kiss before sitting on the other side of Axel. “What do you think you’re doing?” I try and stand up, but Axel and Lucas grab my arms and pull me back down.


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