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Flawed Choices: A Bully Romance

Page 9

by J. L. Ostle

  Where am I meant to go now?

  I guess I could take a walk around. I have only seen so much of this place.

  I start dragging my feet, looking into classrooms. I find where the teachers’ lounge is, and the swimming pool, which I need to get the timetable for as I would like to take advantage of that.

  I’m still walking around when I freeze in my tracks as I hear Axel’s voice. I peek around the corner to see all three of them with a group of their friends that I recognize from around the lunch table. I stay where I am, but when I hear my name mentioned, my ears prick up.

  I knew they would plan something.

  Their voices are muffled; I look around again to see they have gone into the boys’ locker room. I run over on my tiptoes, making sure my heels don’t click on the tiled floor. I open the door a little, trying to see where they actually are.

  I wonder if I can sneak in without getting seen.

  If they’re talking about me, I want to know what it’s about.

  I open the door a little bit more, poking my head in, searching around. All I see is rows of lockers and benches. I squeeze through the door, holding my breath. I can hear them talking not far away. I walk over to a set of lockers and stay there.

  Okay, what do I do now?

  You are an idiot. You are so going to get caught.

  I notice a wall which I assume is the shower area. I can easily hide there. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes for a moment. I keep my body low then run over, crouching down behind the shower wall. I feel like I’m on Mission Impossible. I can hear them even better from here. I have to tell myself to calm down; all I’m hearing is my beating heart pounding through my ears.

  “Aren’t you bored of her yet? She isn’t going to back down, anyone can see that. The more you push, the more she pushes back. If you ask me, I wouldn’t bother,” a guy speaks up.

  “Well, I’m not asking you,” Lucas growls at him. “I am not backing down until every single person in this school knows no one messes with us. Especially not one annoying little girl.”

  I am not little.

  I’m not that annoying.

  It’s them who are annoying me.

  “Maybe he’s right,” Elijah says softly. My body softens. “I think she knows who the big bad wolf is around here now. Let's just move on from this.”

  I hear footsteps. “Just because you’ve gone soft on her. One drunken night in her presence and you want to pack it in. Let her get away with how she treated me. You know no one messes with me and gets away with it.”

  “Yeah, man. If we let her go, then what? Back to our boring everyday lives? I found this week so much more interesting with her in it. I am not ready for all this to stop. I like how feisty she is. When do you think she will cave and join our little group? I’m ready to get closer to her,” Axel says cockily.

  Like hell he will.

  “None of us is fucking her,” Lucas says sternly.

  I hear Axel huff.

  “It’s because we have more of a chance with her than you do,” Elijah says in a chirpy voice. I can picture him smiling smugly at Lucas.

  “No one is fucking her,” Lucas says again.

  Like any of them have a chance to.

  Even though you grinded against Axel’s cock, let Lucas and Axel feel you up in class, and kissed Elijah.

  “So what is your great plan to lure her into joining our little group? Even though I think she never will. She would rather take our bullshit than be anywhere near us. She despises us. You can see the disgust in her eyes when we’re around her,” Elijah tells him.

  “Yeah, I have been thinking about that. She is a fighter. I think she will handle whatever we throw at her, but what about her friend? Aisha won’t be able to take it. When Lucille sees her little friend going through so much hurt, she will step in.”

  Oh, fuck no.

  I want to come out of my hiding place and kick his ass.

  It’s gone silent.

  “Shit, that’s harsh, man. Aisha has always kept her nose clean when it comes to us. She follows the rules. I think you’re taking it a little too far,” one guy says.

  “Says the guy who fucks anything with a pussy and breaks their hearts,” Lucas shouts at him.

  “You do the fucking same, so don’t you dare try and make me the bad guy. Girls in this school know what they are getting themselves into. They say yes. It’s not my fault if they fall for me!”

  They are all dicks.

  I hear a thump like someone is being pushed against a locker. “I think you’re forgetting who you’re talking to. You all listen to me. You do as I say. If you have a problem with that, there’s the door. No one is stopping you, but good luck with your future if you do walk.”

  “Lucas, let him go,” Elijah tells him.

  “Does anyone have a problem with how I’m running things? Speak now!” Lucas roars. No one says a word. “I am not letting one girl think she can get away with treating me with disrespect. Once she joins our group, does a few little errands, then we will go back to normal. As long as she stays in line after.” He pauses. “Starting Monday, I want you all to start messing with Aisha. Be creative. Make sure that Lucille sees it or gets wind of it.” Then I hear footsteps and the door opening and closing.

  All this because I poured water over him.

  And yeah, I elbowed him.

  But, fuck me, he really is power-mad.

  I stand up, my knees feeling a little numb. When I don’t hear anything, I walk around the wall, thinking I will be alone, but I stop where I am when I see Lucas standing there on the opposite side of me with his arms crossed, smirking.

  How did he know I was there?

  “Did you enjoy the show?”

  Wait, I’m confused. He put all that on for my sake? “How did you know I was there?”

  He takes a step forward, coming closer to me. “I saw you run to your hiding place. Next time, don’t make it that obvious.”

  “Then why did you say all that?”

  He chuckles. “I wanted to know if your stubborn ass would come out and kick off with that big mouth of yours, or if you would actually stay. I honestly thought you would come out all guns blazing.” He stops when he’s in front of me, looking down at me. “You have more restraint than I thought.

  “So, you aren’t going to mess with Aisha?”

  “Oh, we are. I don’t care if you know or not. They have been given their orders. Come Monday, if she is well enough, of course, her life is going to go from boring to her wishing she never met you.” I see the glint in his eyes.

  I feel my blood boiling. There’s me thinking I’m fucked up in the head when this one is just sadistic. I raise my hand, ready to slap him, call him every name under the sun. I don’t care about the consequences of this. It will be worth it. I am ready to swing, but he catches my wrist before I have time to make contact with his face.

  He smiles at me. How dare he smile? I try and pull my arm back, but he grips it hard. “Get the fuck off me.” I grit through my teeth.

  He pulls me into him, leaning in. “Why? So you can try and hit me again?”

  I step onto my tiptoes so I’m closer to his face. “Let me go or I promise you that you will regret it.”

  “Bring it on, little one.”

  I scream. I start hitting his chest with my other hand and it's like hitting a stone wall. He takes hold of my other arm. I’m wiggling, trying to get free. I probably look like a crazy woman right now. “Get off, asshole,” I shriek.

  He starts dragging me to where I was hiding. I pull back, putting some weight down onto my feet but he is much stronger than I am. He lets go of one of my arms to turn on the shower, and I try even harder to get away. The water descends and when I’m pushed under it, it rains down on my hair and body.

  He starts laughing, and I use all my might, grabbing on to his shirt, pulling him under with me so we both get wet. We both stand there, me huffing, but he is calm. My chest is rising up and down. His eye
s are pinned on me, glaring, and then his mouth is on mine.

  He pins me to the wall, kissing me harshly. His lips are soft but there is nothing soft about this. The strange thing is, I kiss him back. I kiss him just as angrily. It’s like our hate for each other is through this physical action.

  He lifts me, my legs wrapping around him, him pressing his erection into my aching pussy. His hands are roaming all over me, feeling every bit of me. I run my fingers through his hair, gripping the back.

  Water is still flowing down us; it’s like we can’t get enough. He pushes his erection further into me. I moan into his mouth, wanting so much more. I fist his shirt, wanting to rip it off so I can feel his skin.

  We stop when we hear the door bang open. I look into his eyes, seeing any regret, but I see none, all I see is heat and want.. I know this needs to stop. I need to get back to hating him again, but right now, my body has taken over.

  Fuck it.

  I cover his lips with mine once again. He doesn’t stop it or push me away. I just want one minute, then I will stop this.

  Just one more minute.

  I hear voices but it’s just white noise to me. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling his mouth closer to mine, trying to squeeze him into me, like I want him to climb inside my body.

  My head is screaming for me to stop. It repeats the same word over and over, but it’s so faint, I ignore it. His hands lift my dress up a little further, feeling his covered dick against my soaked panties. Feeling it more against my core.

  All he would have to do is push my underwear aside and he could fuck me right here and now.

  I shouldn’t be thinking like this.

  I hear a locker slam and I’m brought out of my foggy daze. I pull back, setting my feet down onto the ground, straightening up my dress, the material clinging to my body. I see his eyes appraising me. He licks his lips. My eyes go straight to the movement, and he takes a step forward.

  I want him to kiss me again.

  His eyes pierce mine, going dark. It’s like he can read my mind.

  “I need to go,” I whisper.

  He doesn’t stop me. He doesn’t move.

  A part of me wants him to say something.


  But would it make a difference if he did?

  Would I stay?

  I walk out of the shower area, and I see guys getting changed. A few whistle at me while some cover up their bodies. I lift my hand, giving them the finger before walking out and heading to the girls’ locker room to get into dry clothes. Thank God I brought spare ones when I did.

  I take off my wet clothes, placing them in my gym bag. I get dressed in my black jeans and black tank. I quickly tie my hair up into a messy bun, not caring that it’s still wet. I look in the mirror to see my face is flushed and my lips are a little swollen. I have been here for five days and I have let three different guys, who I hate, get intimately close to me.

  Something is wrong with me.

  I think it’s me who needs a good slap.

  I am dreading what the rest of the semester will be like. Then I remembered what Lucas said. He will leave me alone if I join them. Aisha did tell me to, starting Monday. Good thing I already agreed to do it because I wouldn’t let anyone hurt her.

  I look at my phone to see my class is already halfway through. Great. Not like I need any more problems. I am just going to sneak in. If they say anything, I will just mention it’s that time of the month, that I had cramps. Hopefully nothing gets said though.

  I walk straight to class, taking my seat. I look at the spare one next to me. Aisha is still ill, which means tonight is cancelled. I will still visit her though. I’m sure she would like the company, and I will bring her some chicken noodle soup too.

  I just need the day to be over with.

  All I want lately are the days to hurry up and finish.

  I’m wishing my life away.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Thank God I record my classes because my mind is elsewhere. Doesn’t take a genius to know why. I have been dwelling on everything and I know what I need to do. I need to stay away from the popular group. Not because they are annoying me, which they are, but because they are getting under my skin.

  They are disrupting my thoughts.

  I need to hurry and end all this.

  When lunchtime comes, I walk to the cafeteria with determination. I’m hoping I can look at each of the guys in the eye without faltering. I need to keep my emotions hidden. Just be blank, give nothing away.

  I walk straight to their usual table and of course, everyone is already present. I take the spare seat, clasping my hands on the table. I clear my throat wanting everyone’s attention. When three sets of eyes set on mine, already I can feel my body heating up.

  An image of all three of them kissing my neck enters my head. I shake that away.

  Where the fuck did that come from?

  I cough a little then gather my momentum. “I’ve been thinking. I want all this nonsense to stop. All I want is to stay away from each of you. I want you to stay away from me.” I pause. The guys continue to stare at me. “I know the only way to do that faster is to choose the option where I join your group.”

  Axel smiles, sitting back. Elijah turns to Lucas and Lucas is watching me carefully. “What made you change your mind?” Lucas asks me.

  I lick my lips as they start to feel a little dry, and when his eyes look at the movement, I look down at my hands before facing him again. “You all being in my face every day, finding ways to annoy me could drag out. At least this way, the sooner I have done my part, paid off my debt, it will be done. But I have things that need to be obeyed. My own rules.”

  Lucas waves his hand. “Go on.”

  “You leave Aisha alone. She does not get involved with any of this.”

  “Done,” he says automatically.

  I nod. “No pranks. You don’t mess with me. If I join in, you treat me as you would the others.”

  Lucas leans forward. “Then you will have to act how the others do.”

  “Fine.” I’m sure I will regret that one later. “Kimberly stays clear of me and Aisha also. If she does anything to me or her, the deal is broken there and then. I am set free from all ties, and again, you leave me and Aisha alone.”

  Kimberly stands. “This is bullshit. You can’t be taking this seriously.”

  “Done,” Lucas stays sternly, looking at her before looking at me. “Anything else?”

  “None of you try to sleep with me.” My voice shakes a little on the last part.

  All three of them stay quiet. Lucas sits back, squinting at me, his jaw set.

  “That is unfair.” Axel pouts, pretending to look hurt.

  “Have you slept with them?” I ask, pointing to Kimberly and her two wannabes. All three of them glare at me.

  “They don’t count.” Axel waves them off.

  “I am not your toy. I’m not a challenge for you. This is only for two weeks and then you can make a huge scene where you kick me out.”

  “Why two weeks?” Elijah asks.

  I shrug. “I think that’s long enough, don’t you? Then after, I leave you alone, and you leave me alone. We move on with our lives. To you, I will be invisible. A nobody.”

  “Deal,” Kimberly says with a smile on her face.

  I ignore her and look to Lucas. I see him thinking over everything. “As long as you do what is asked of you, the things I would ask any other person in this group to do, we have a deal.” He extends his hand for me to shake.

  “As long as it doesn’t involve sex. Deal.” I quickly shake his hand. Once my hand is in his, an electric current runs through me. We both pull away at the same time. “Great.” I sit back.

  He sits back also and crosses his arms, watching me. I take out my phone to see if Aisha has tried to get in touch, but there’s nothing. I start to send another message when I hear clapping. I look up to see Lucas standing on the table, trying to get everyone’s attention.
  I look around, confused. Everyone stops what they are doing and faces him. “Listen, everyone. As you know, we have strict rules here. You have always followed them until one person arrives and tried to break them.” He looks down at me then looks back to everyone. “You all may have thought things would change, but that’s not going to happen. Lucille.” He says my name but doesn’t look at me this time. He just points to his side. Does he want me to stand up there with him?

  “You need to go up,” Elijah tells me.

  God, I hate when too much attention is on me. Elijah and Axel help me stand next to Lucas; everyone’s eyes are on us. “Lucille has decided to join us. She has learnt what happens if you don’t do as I say. She is now one of us.” He takes hold of my hand, squeezing my fingers. “If she proves her worth, she might even be my queen.”

  Wait, what?

  “What?” Kimberly pushes her chair back, and it tumbles over.

  Lucas leans into my ear. “You are right. I wouldn’t sleep with any of those girls, but I would if had a partner who I saw as my equal.”

  “I didn’t agree to that,” I whisper yell at him.

  “You agreed to whatever I say. I said you may be my queen.” He pulls my hand towards him, making me come in closer. “It also means that no girl will ever go near you once you are out of our group. They will see you as a traitor. That you fell for me, that you are just like any of these women who try to bed me.” He smirks at me.

  He really did think this through. “Two weeks,” I clip out.

  “Two weeks of being mine.” He raises his hand and strokes my cheek with his fingers. To the outside, it may look like a touch of affection, but it’s him thinking he has one over on me.

  “You just have to hope I don’t go behind your back and fuck one of your mates.” I fake smile.

  “You said…”

  I interrupt him. “I said that none of you try and fuck me. I didn’t say anything about me not trying to fuck any of you.” I pat his cheek. “If you can find a loophole, so can I. Isn’t this going to be fun?” I jump down from the table and sit back in my seat.


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