Quest: book 3

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Quest: book 3 Page 15

by Yufeng Zhuang

Extra The Dark Legend--

  the days when Kone left

  Hairt and Moah finally cleared away that dwarf warrior, but they were still one step too late, they could only watch that Kone and that sorcerer were locked in a protective screen, which was made of branches and vines, helplessly.

  Abnormal sounds were waved out from the inside, that made these two people didn't know what else to do!

  "This damn green protective screen!" Hairt split his sword down heavily, but he just left a small cut on it, and this small cut was filled in by the new grown vines immediately.

  Saw all of this, Moah got his eyes red and roared, he urged the soldiers cut the vines quickly with the weapons in hand, they must save the boss!

  Actually no need anyone to shout at, the soldiers also used the things in hand to cut like crazy. Although the chopped gaps were filled up by the vines time after time, but no one wanted to stop.

  Because everyone knew, the viceroy Kone was good at everything, but his magic couldn't be put on the stage, and his magic is not just the common degree of mediocrity.

  A man grew up under the teaching of so many sorcerers and even magician masters, but he just have the third grade magic which could make people laugh the teeth off, that's at most the probation sorcerer's qualification.

  Now even if there are ten Kone inside, it's still just a little joke for that strong and evil sorcerer.

  They have no other ways, the soldiers tried their best efforts to cut the vines, they believed, they would win this endurance game between the human beings and the vines.

  At this moment, Martin arrived after he got the emergent report.

  "What's the matter?" saw the acting rashly soldiers, Martin got angry, "why haven't gone into there yet?"

  "These things." Moah said with a bitter face, "we could only have this way!"

  "Go away!" Martin pushed away the in the way people around, he took a look at the vines, and he thought of a way immediately, "the sorcerers use the ice class magic to freeze the vines as a piece first, then bring a few more people here, knock down the vines as a whole piece!"

  "Send my order!" Martin turned his head back and talked to uncle Meza, "order all the forces begin to search around, maybe they have other companions, and may not have such events happened again!"

  Uncle Meza had a reply, he turned and ran away.

  At the moment while Martin was speaking, more than ten sorcerers had started to use the plenty of ice class magic to freeze the same piece of vines, even the mud these vines rooted on also was not left out. Slowly, a lot of ice crystals hang on the vines, they were frozen solidify into a whole piece, the growth of the vines was finally stopped by the ice class magic!

  Hairt and Moah had already chosen a group of the strongest soldiers standby the side, they were waiting for grandpa Martin's order.

  "Good!" Martin waved his hand at them, "it's now!"

  Hairt made a howling sound, he brought a group of soldiers rushed to the frozen to ice vines first, dozens of burly bodies hit on it at the same time, the power can't be ignored. The hit vines collapsed down inward, but they stopped slowly, they pushed the dozens of men back in their hysterical shouting!

  Although very unwilling, Hairt had to bring the people back to the situ, he had to prepare for the next time.

  It's Moah's turn, and dozens of people pressed on the vines together again, although the vines' concave degree had some increase. But they were sill pushed back...

  They hit several times, but they bounced back time and time, the vines just refused to fall down! The soldiers mostly had been frozen to have the purple lips, some even were scratched streaming with blood by battle companions' armors, but all of them bit their teeth to insist, nobody hummed a word.

  Right at this time, there was a deadly howling sound came from inside of the vine barrier, with this desperate sound, a very rough dazzling light beam appeared in the overhead clouds, it split down straightly...

  There was a blast happened inside of the vines. The rest power of the explosion brought with a lot of dust to blew out, it blew the people outside the skirts "flee flee" sounded, even the people ten miles away still could hear the sound of the strong explosion.

  This is the upper magic! Kone is hung by a thread!

  "Moah!" Hairt shouted force at the rest, "let's rush together!"

  Hairt was shouting and bringing his team to blunt rush over, the vines were pressed by them shakily.

  "Rush!" Moah brought people to rush on Hairt them, all the people were using all their strength, the people behind stepped on the heads of the front people and climbed up, they all made an effort to press the vines down... Finally, plus the weight of the ice itself, and lost the new forces added under the ice magic, the vines barrier could no longer sustain, it collapsed down in the "pi li pa la" sounds!

  Hairt was pushed down under dozens of people, he heard ambiguously that Moah gave out a yell the name of boss, the crying tone had the shiver in.

  Didn't have time to wipe the places scraped by the vines on the face, Hairt climbed out from the huddle anxiously, but he just saw that Moah kneeled down by a huge mud wallow, his face was pale.

  "Boss!" he said dully to Hairt who ran to his side, "this... Who is the real boss?"

  Hairt looked at the two bodies in the mud wallow, they are the same burned black, the limbs are intertwined.

  "Calm down... We must calm down!" Hairt said to Moah, "boss will never have anything happened to him! You must cheer up for me!"

  Moah looked at him, nodded his head, and slid down to the mud wallow.

  Two bodies are almost exactly the same, the surface skin was burned to all blackened. Moah reached out his hand to touch it, who knew that his finger had just touched one of them, that body fell down and turned into a pile of ash... "I I I..." Moah didn't know what to do, he looked at the people up there with a panic face.

  "Take a look carefully!" Martin arrived, "Kone is wearing the Earth Armor, it's especially for defending the magic attacks, it should still be there, you take a look carefully again.

  "Yes yes!" Moah checked on the remaining body carefully in a hurry, he found a same blackened cloth on his body...

  "Boss is still here!" Moah this time didn't dare to reach his hand to have a touch, "I can see the Earth Armor!"

  Martin and Hairt went down to the wallow too, they looked at this blackened Kone.

  "Boss him..." Moah asked, "will or will not..."

  "What nonsense you are talking about!" Hairt stared at him, "boss will be fine!"

  Martin gently touched Kone's body with his fingers, the difference from that has already melted away body is, just a layer epidermis was lifted where Kone's body was touched, and the red skin was shown under it. He then put his finger on the blood vessel of Kone's neck, but he couldn't feel a little blood vessel beating.


  "Sorcerers!" Martin shouted loudly, "come over here for me!"

  Several sorcerers ran to come over, they were all scared by the look which Kone had right then.

  "Do you have any magic that can let viceroy Kone's body maintain the status quo?" Martin grasped a sorcerer and asked, "we need to use the shortest time to bring Kone back to the Darkness city, and you all must make sure that his condition will not get any worse!"

  "We can use the frozen magic... To make it steady first." one elf sorcerer said, "we can only do this!"

  "Then start it immediately!"

  The sorcerers circled around to discuss a few words and then began immediately, they laid Kone's body flat first, cleaned extremely careful the mud off from it, and then suspended his body in the air. Several pairs of hands gave out the white light together... Layers of white smoke began to envelop around Kone's body, and wrapped him up completely.

  "Sir, we have finished! Viceroy Kone has been frozen." An elf sorcerer looked at Martin, "but fifteen layers of ice frozen magic can't last very long neither, thus your move must be quick!"

  "Immediately bring Kone bac
k to the Darkness city!" Martin kept sending the commands, "Moah you go the Dark Moon city immediately, report everything about here to viceroy Vassel, ask him to come over immediately and preside the overall situation! Hairt you go to the Saint Capital, must see Your Majesty Krimer, and asked Your Majesty for help! Oh right, before that you go to the great magician Webber there first, ask him come to the Darkness city the first time!"



  Kone's body was fixed in the stretcher which was turned into by a tent, several officers carried this like big package thing carefully, it made dozens of wing-man soldiers could tow him and fly slowly.

  Watched their getting away silhouettes, Martin Arthur was getting his anxiety to the bone in his heart.

  He understood, if a normal people had such a heavy damage, maybe it's useless even the God of Brightness come himself! No matter what effort he tried, it's just that he do what he can...

  At the same time, there was a voice keep telling in his mind, "Kone is not an ordinary man, he will be getting fine!"

  Martin Arthur turned his head back, he kept issuing orders to the army constantly, he restrained the troops under his command with his calm. The more they are in this very moment, the more the army can't be a mess.

  And on the other side of the Darkness city, all the people are still waiting for the news of the victory, they know nothing about what everything have happened to Kone.

  When some of them saw their own wing-man soldiers dragged flying with a big package back from far, they thought that must be some important trophies, a lot of children were running bellow... Nobody has ever thought of their dear viceroy is back in this way.

  His three wives are waiting for him, they were just noticed very vaguely by the prior arrived wing-man soldiers: Sir viceroy had some minor injuries, he has being sent back on the way now. Sir Martin wants you to get ready for it, because he got injured in the first time in the battle, Sir viceroy feels very embarrassed, his mood is not that great...

  It's not that the soldiers hid something deliberately, in fact, know the thing that the earlier walked with a swagger viceroy Kone, now becomes a roast duck and no breathing and no heartbeat, until now, there are no more than ten people.

  The wing-man soldiers landed slowly in front of Kone's tent, they brought a chief Martin's letter for the three wives of the viceroy.

  "Madam!" A wing-man officer who is responsible for bringing Kone back said, "chief Martin ordered, three ladies must finish reading the letter and then can open Viceroy Kone's tent. Otherwise, because of the wrong way, viceroy Kone might have some unnecessary damages when opening the tent!"

  The has been worrying Feline took the letter over, she opened it, and she got her face pale just after reading a few words.

  When Kelly wanted to gather her head over and took a look, Feline had already put the letter into her pocket calmly.

  "I thought what's the big deal, it's just not letting the wind to blow on him! You guys lift and move Kone inside the tent, don't forget to put down the curtain."

  Feline keep her countenance to tell the people around, "tell everyone a good news, our army has won!"

  "Even though we have the victory, but we still have to strengthen the security outside." looked at the excited everybody, Feline said with a forced smile, "in addition, go to ask Your Highness Feshert to be here, we will discuss the thing about welcoming our troops back with the viceroy."

  Heard she spoke like this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they all went out to do their own business, since the viceroy still need to manage the official business, that means his injury would be not that serious, what kind of person the viceroy is? If he can be idle, he will be not idle?

  The soldiers carried the viceroy in carefully, they put him on the bed.

  "Sister Wensly!" Feline watched the last one to go out of the tent, she had her leg weak and sat on the ground, "hurry! Ask your mother to be here as soon as possible!"

  "Why?" Wensly was going to check on Kone, she turned her head back confused and asked, "sister Feline?"

  "Hurry..." Feline dropped her tears, "Kone is going to die!"

  It sounded like a giant thunder, the news gave Wensly and Kelly a shock!

  "There's more!" Feline pulled Wensly who was running to the outside, "sister... Never let other people knows about this thing!"

  Wensly nodded her head, took a deep breath, held her tears back difficultly, and pretended like there's nothing occurred to walk out of the tent.

  "Wensly! I heard that Kone has some injuries..." it's Feshert who was speaking, he stopped Wensly who just walked out of the tent from far away, "he has already come back? And asked people to fly carrying him back?"

  "Yes, a little minor injuries, he just can't be blown by the wind. He asked people to notice you right after he came back! You go to take a look at him, he is already the viceroy, but he is still this capricious..." Because there are some other people around, Wensly had to answer like this, she smiled lightly on the face, but her heart had been torn to pieces.

  "Ha! Then I go to take a look at him first. This boy!" Feshert smiled and walked to the tent, "don't know what bad idea he thought of again!"

  Wensly walked to her own tent in a hurry.

  When the wrapped around Kone's body tent cloth was uncovered gently, the few presence people all felt the things in front a bit dizzy, especially Wensly who just sent a letter to her mother and came back to here, once she saw Kone's black and red body in the ice layers, she fell down on the ground right away, it frightened Feline to put her on the chair next to them in a hurry.

  "Kone..." Kelly reached her hand out, but she couldn't say a word already.

  "Everybody need to cheer up!" as the only man among them, Feshert tried hard to control his emotion, he hoped to give everyone the confidence with his firm tone, "Kone will be fine! It must be like this, think about the last time, Kone still could come over in such bad situation... This time... It's just can be regarded as a small case!"

  "All... right!" Kelly covered the blanket for Kone gently, "auntie spirit will be here tomorrow... Kone will wake up once she is here..."

  "And there's more! Grandpa emphasized time and time in the letter..."

  Feline looked at everyone, "Can never leak out the true situation of Kone's injury! No matter who the enemy is, now since they want to kill Kone, they will certainly have other preparations. We all need to block the news tightly, we need to let them feel that Kone is fine, the assassination has failed... This way, they will stop temporarily, and will not pursue hotly and attack fiercely Kone again at this critical moment!"

  Feshert nodded his head, "not only that, but also we need to make a festive mood in the whole construction sites! Feline, you wait a moment and go to announce our victory news formally with me, arrange some other things. Kelly and Wensly stay here with Kone, can't leave a step away, in the time Kone doesn't wake up, we must hold on, can't let the enemy have the opportunity to take advantage!"

  "Wait a minute..." the just woke up Wensly has the tears all over her face, "We also need to suggest that all the things are arranged by Kone, the style need to be some exaggerated, Kone's character is like this, otherwise people will find out some flaws..."

  Everybody thought about it for a while, as indeed it is like this.

  The later of the day, Your Highness Feshert, now the highest position in the province the Darkness city, held a meeting in the viceroy's big tent, they need to arrange specifically how to welcome home the victory forces of the Darkness.

  Accompanied with him to come to the meeting together, it's Mrs. Feline who is the highest position in the viceroy Kone's three wives, almost all of the senior and intermediate officers attended the meeting.

  Before the start of the meeting, the people were surprised to find out that, Mrs. Feline put on the dress very solemnly today, and she also put on a simple make-up especially, this had never been seen before!

  Maybe it's because of the news of victory,
Mrs. Feline's original spiritual big eyes are glowing the radiate brilliance, her face is also flushed, that makes the dignified and nobility temperament her looks a lot more tenderness than usual.

  Mrs. Feline stood by the tent side, she was talking to the officers, she shared the joy of the victory with them, her high emotion influenced each people who attended the meeting.

  And it's Your Highness Feshert presiding over the meeting today, he is now sitting on the position where the viceroy normally sits on with a bitter face. He's holding a few grassroots nobody knows where he got from... Now, he pinched the grassroots into little bits, threw them onto the ground, and stepped on them with his feet. He is saying something in his mouth...

  "Kone you this guy! You got to wait for me..." the people in closer positions can hear that Feshert is complaining in low voice, "you're lying in the bed comfortably, but asked me to chair this meeting... I! I will get you revenged!"

  This situation people all have seen too many, usually after the viceroy Kone's friends were bullied by somebody, they feel they are at disadvantage, but fighting can't win, saying can't make any sense, for help can't get anything, to appeal can't get any proof... They have the expressions just like Feshert having now!

  "Saw that?" the officers held their smiles back and whispered to each other, "Your Highness Feshert was bullied by viceroy Kone again..."

  "Of course, you think about it, the viceroy Kone went out for the battle for that long and just came back... He will catch anybody to bully on! You must be careful, the thing you got scolded on last time is not done yet!"

  "But how come the viceroy Kone is not here to chair the meeting?"

  "You stupid! Don't you see that two mistresses didn't come here? Absence makes the heart grow fonder, have you ever heard that..."

  "I don't have a wife, how can I know?"

  "It doesn't matter that you don't know, the viceroy Kone knows will do..."

  "Alright! All the people are here!" Your Highness Feshert clapped his hands after he finished pinching all the grassroots, "now, I am here for Kone the bastard... No, the viceroy to chair the meeting! Let me talk about the topics for this meeting..."

  Because Your Highness Feshert said the bastard these two words carelessly, the officers snickered and remembered their own assigned business at the same time. Laugh is laugh, if you can't do your own part of the business well, they will be striped a layer of skin by the sir viceroy... As for Your Highness Feshert scold the viceroy as the bastard... Tonight your highness Feshert's shrieks will be spread out to the whole city! This is the unique product of the Darkness city, in other places absolutely can't hear that.

  "Your Highness Feshert!" one officer said with somewhat awkward, "it's a little difficult to hang the banners on the city wall... You know, our city wall is still not built well yet!"

  "What's the use that I know?" Your Highness held his chin with his hands, he said word by word expressionless, "your dear, beloved, forever correct, itch all over sir viceroy said ‘any guy decline with all kinds of excuses, let him come to me! I will be very happy to speak face to face with him.’ I think, perhaps you are looking forward to speak face to face with Kone too... I will arrange it for you right now."

  Feshert's eyes are flashing, this means... Danger! Somebody got cheated on like this more than once, they put their heads dumbly against on the bad mood viceroy's blade point, this is the old trick that the viceroy's friends have been using for a long time.

  "No need! No need!" it's not that he never fell into this kind of trick, that officers shook his hands in a hurry and said, "I think... We will have a way!"

  "Really?" because couldn't find the scapegoat, Your Highness Feshert looked like somewhat frustrated, "do you anyone have any questions?"


  "Then that's it!" Your Highness Feshert seemed like thought of something, he waved his hand to everyone and said, "dismissed!"

  Feshert ran to Mrs. Feline's side and stood well right after he finished the talking, he had a sincere smile first before he says anything.

  "Feline ah, we are good friends!" the walked by their sides officers heard Your Highness Feshert compensated the carefulness to Mrs. Feline, "then whether can you consider to forget what I just said that words, thus never mention it to somebody?"

  "But, because these days I worried about someone and didn't sleep very well..." Mrs. Feline said, "which word did you mean?"

  "it's really sharp! No wonder she is the Mrs. Viceroy, it looks like that Your Highness Feshert will be blackmailed..."

  The officers slowed down their steps, they thought like this in their minds.

  "It's the bastard that word... I was just careless... You know that he is not in the good mood..."

  "Oh, it's like this, but my birthday is coming soon! Don't I have time to think of other things?"

  "Ah... Oh! Please don't worry, Feline! How can your birthday be just casually?" Your highness Feshert said righteously, "the dignified Mrs. viceroy of the Darkness city, how can she not wearing the royal tailor made dress at the time of her birthday? We all know only that can set off your noble temperament! No way! As a friend of Kone, and also Feline's friend, I must order them to make a set of dress for Mrs. you now!"

  "If it's like this..." Feline smiled and said, "well, I will temporarily forget the word you just said!"

  "Thank you!" somebody said distraughtly.

  It really was so... The officers think about their salary, then compare their salary with a set of royal dress cost, they all have the determination, never say a no in front of sir viceroy.

  Because that would mean bankruptcy... Or it's more desolate than bankruptcy, he would be beaten up by the sir viceroy!

  Two of them discuss all the details well with other officers, it's already the night. When they went back to the tent, they saw Wensly was waiting outside of the tent. By Wensly's side, there were three elves they two people had never seen before, from the clothing to see, their status are not that low.

  "Feshert, sister Feline, you all come back!" Wensly stepped forward to hold Wensly's hands, "my mother is here!"

  "That quick?" Feshert asked surprised.

  "My mother came with some elders together, they came here by using together one kind of extremely magic power consumed magic." Wensly walked and explained to us at the same time, "mother is checking the situation of Kone!"

  "You go inside first, I'll be back right away." Feshert said, "I need to arrange the security for here!"

  When Feshert walked into the tent after he arranged everything well, Your Honor the great spirit was having a break after she just checked on Kone.

  This is the first time Feshert met Your Honor the great elf, he walked over to her, and gave her a junior etiquette deeply, "Your Honor the great spirit, Kone him... How is he doing?"

  "This is a difficult case, I even don't know how to explain it to you..." Your Honor the great spirit took a glance at the lying in bed Kone worriedly, she cleared up her thinking, and other several people have been shocked shivering with fear by the great spirit's words.

  "If say, now the Kone is dead already, from the moment that he got injured, it has been a day and a night, in such a long time, if he is really dead, the body will have a series of changes... Let alone he was hit to death by upper level lightning magic, normally the people died by this way will not even have a bit of ash left."

  "Yes..." Feshert said difficultly, "and then?"

  "You come to take a look." the great elf walked to Kone's side, she peeled off a layer of Kone's necrosis skin with her finger, "although it has already been this long, but now Kone's body condition is no different from a healthy people! Besides the surface layer of skin, Kone has no any injury inside and outside!"

  While she was speaking, the great spirit brought out a small silver knife, she pricked open Kone's skin, let some blood stick on it.

  "You can see," the great spirit pointed at the blood and said, "even Kone now doesn't have heartbeat and breathing, and the b
lood doesn't flow neither... But his blood is still such bright red and healthy, it has no signs of frozen!"

  "That means," Wensly looked at her mother with a whole face of expectation, "Kone him..."

  "My poor children, this means that Kone is not dead yet." Before everybody had anything to say, the great spirit said again, "but if the situation of Kone is always like this, and can't restore his heartbeat and breathing... Eventually he still will die."

  "Then what shall we do?" Wensly rushed down to her mother's arms, her shoulders kept shrugging, "Mama..."

  "Let me try use the magic to treat him first." The great spirit fondled her daughter's hair, "if it doesn't work, there are some other ways. Further more, the viceroy Vassel there will think of some ways too... In short, we will try hard together! We must let Kone get back to be healthy!"

  "Yes, it's imperative that we must keep the situation of the Darkness city steady." Feshert had some blood color on his face now, "the darkness city is Kone spend all his blood to build like this! In the time he is not presence, we must hold on to it well, we can't let the people down there to find out any flaws. Otherwise, lately Kone's busy in this time, the difficult victory by defeating the enemy... will be lost with the dispersed popular supports..."

  "Yes, boys, I'm very glad that you have noticed this." Your Honor the great spirit nodded her head with praise, "you must united together, get through these few days!"

  "But , what about after these few days?" Kelly asked, "what shall we do then?"

  "A few days later?" the great spirit used her warm hands to comfort Kelly, "then, the people should come will all come, the things should happen will all happen too..."

  "But, what can we use to get through these few days?" Feline sighed lightly, "too many occasions need Kone to show up!"

  "Kone left a thing behind, it should do us great help." Feshert warped up the corners of his mouth, he seemed to think of something interesting, even though it's no appropriate in this situation to have this kind of expression, "that is Kone , this sir viceroy's character and temper!"

  In such grim situation, when everyone heard the words, they all warped up their corners of mouth involuntary!

  In the same night, sir viceroy ordered, remove the war readiness state in the Darkness city, all the construction sites scattered around the Darkness city and in every race habitation, must restore construction and production immediately, and also convey the news of victory over a covey of bandits.

  This command also went through the hands of the wing-man scouts, it's distributed to dozens of construction sites scattered in the Darkness city region and the races habitations in the first time.

  Suddenly, the whole Darkness city is in fluctuation and jubilation! Countless workmen, countless alien residents come and go to tell each other... These struggling in difficulties for survival people, these gathered together under the Darkness viceroy that not this and not that reputation people... Extremely need such a news to inspire themselves!

  They didn't rely on the wrong people! Even though the viceroy's reputation is not that great, but it still seems that he is very fierce, he defeated the oncoming to assault bandits with so few troops, after all, he is one member of the Cada family, he can protect them... Countless people sleep at ease embracing this thought.

  The early morning after, a large group of soldiers and artisans under the leadership of all level officers began to decorate on the construction sites of the Darkness city, they worked very hard.

  "In order to welcome our hero army of the Darkness city! In order to celebrate our dear boy's first victory! For our invincible army's triumph! We must decorate the layout of the sites very colorful..." The big and small officials spoke to their subordinates with mouthful spittle, it seemed like that their own army has won numerous times of victory.

  They stood on the half built city wall, they stood on the rubble in the quarry, they stood on the rotten wooden pole by the roadside, they shouted and wrangled, "must make them feel like at home! Must make them feel comfortable! Must make them... Hey! You, what are you looking at? It's you! What are you hanging up there?"

  "Banners, sir!"

  "You idiot! Banners have white color?"

  "But we don't have red cloth..."

  "No more? Where all the red cloth goes to?"

  "Didn't chief you just take all of them just now? You said that you would make a new underwear for every soldier in the army."

  "That seems to be true like this... You idiot! You don't know to use the paint to paint them?"

  "But the red pigment is not enough..."

  "Then where the pigment goes to?"

  "It's taken to paint the new toilet wall for the army..."


  "Sir, then do we still need to hang the banners?"

  "Well, forget about it, you just need to use a little red pigment to paint a color frame on here..."

  The whole construction sites got into a mess disorderly, all levels of officials racked their brains to think of ways to solve the tasks in hand, the sir viceroy's celebration plan is a bit too over... But what else can they do? The sir viceroy's temper is just like this, it will be miserable if they can't finish their tasks in time!

  That the bottom got beaten on is just a small case, they just don't know what way the sir viceroy will think of to clear them away.

  But on the other hand, why some look very simple things at the ordinary time, today it's so difficult to do? Here is short of hands, but there're too many people over there and caused road congestion; Here has no materials, the materials have just arrived over there an don't know where they go to...

  It's never been this mess on the construction sites usually, just because the victory news got people excited excessively?

  Although the work progress is slow, but no one dare to run to the sir viceroy there to complain, because... The sir viceroy began to lose his temper early in the morning today, it's almost noon now, he still haven't finished yet!

  "Know what? The sir viceroy is in the bad mood because he got injured, this morning he began to scold his guards..." The officials communicated with each other with the latest news about the viceroy, "there is also a city hall guy, he got caught by the sir viceroy carelessly, so he was shaved off the hair just like that..."

  "That was earlier, now the being shaved hair people have increased to five!"

  "Exactly! I walked by the sir viceroy's tent this morning, I heard the sir viceroy was scolding somebody, it was very loud! No matter how the three mistresses persuaded, they just couldn't stop him!"

  "Heavens! Please! Never let the sir viceroy come out of the tent!" The officials were shouting in their heart, "if the sir viceroy see my work progress now... I'm afraid that I will not get a hair left from head to toe!"

  When Martin Arthur led the army arrived to the Darkness city, everyone almost couldn't believe his eyes!

  This is a boiling Darkness city!

  Every road is full of the cheering crowds, there are terran, orcs, winged, dwarf, and don't know what beings' beings... There are adults, and children. They were holding the blooming flowers, crying out the enthusiastic slogans, revealing the scorching hot from their eyes, and their mouth sprayed out some spittle time to time...

  There are the welcoming army triumph banners in the sky, because the Darkness forces are made of races complicatedly, and because the idle materials in the Darkness sites are not that many, so there are normally ten to twenty languages written on a foot of painting banner.

  Even though they express the same meaning, but some words long some words short... It looks like the same as the feeling that the mouth is forced to squeeze in a few worms.

  Fortunately there are not that many soldiers know how to read in the Darkness forces, even those who know reading don't have time to see this now, the soldiers are surrounded in the crowd.

  The never been such treated before soldiers, still keep advancing slowly with the neat formations before any commands, they have the honest
smiles on their faces, they answer shyly to the greetings of the elders, their eyes are looking for their families' silhouettes...

  In that moment, Martin Arthur believed the miracle, Kone had waken up! This is Kone's private work, those cranky designs painted on the walls, those stuck in everywhere but don't know what things made of banners and flags... Everything revealed Kone's nonsense spirit and weird style.

  He urged out a long breath, and put down the worry, he asked a coming to meet official, "where is the viceroy Kone?"

  "Sir viceroy is in his tent!" the official had a wry smile, "he has lost his temper for the whole morning, you can hear that from far away... You go to try persuading him, otherwise, I don't know how many more people still will fall on hard time."

  "Really?" Martin Arthur smiled calmly, he issued several orders to the army and then walked to the viceroy's tent,

  After all, he is still a young man! He would lose his temper just by some setbacks.

  That official said it right, from far away, Martin could hear kone's scolding passed out from the tent, the sound has such dye-in-the-wood energy.

  "Probably Kone now feels it's embarrassed to meet others because he is blackened!" Martin had a smile appeared on his mouth corners, "Ha ha!"

  It looked like that Kone took the ambushed by his carelessness very seriously, outside of the viceroy's tent, the security for the day is very uncommon strict!

  "Sir Martin!" a guard ran up to him and said, "would you please stop, let me go to have a report first!"

  "Go!" The almost spent whole life in the army Martin of course understands, "why today's security is so strict?"

  "You just don't know." the guard began to complain, "this morning chief Waldi didn't listen to our captain's dissuasion, he just broke into there without any report... The result was that he got beaten on the bottom by the sir viceroy, and also got our captain into trouble to get his hair shaved!"

  Martin shook his head helplessly, Kone did a bit too excessive this time, he even beat Waldi's bottom, Waldi indeed is his good brother!

  "Grandpa Martin is back!" Kone's voice is full of surprise, "please come on in!"

  Martin walked into the tent, but he just only saw a batman standing in the tent, he was pinching his throat to learn speaking in the viceroy's voice with a painful face. And his two granddaughters were looking at him with several other people with the worried faces.

  Martin swayed his body a bit, he immediately stood still.

  "Ha ha... Kone." He spoke loudly with no expression, "it's great to see that you are fine!"

  The seventh noon after the army got back to the Darkness city, the residents were surprised to find out that, the viceroy of the Black Moon city, also the father of the Darkness city's viceroy-- sir Vassel Cada, endured the hardships of a long journey to arrive with chief Moah's accompany.

  Two days later, several fast horses came from the direction of the Saint capital. The people on the horses were all in a hurry, but a few sorcerers have recognized the great magician Webber is one of them!

  Three more days later, once again some caravans came from the direction of the Saint Capital. There are just several people in the caravan each time, some are sorcerers, some are just the messengers carrying the parcels... Continuously!

  "What's happening now? There are so many important people coming." the people kept guessing, "is the viceroy going to have some new constructions? Or there is a war to fight?"

  "Don't be afraid! Don't we have the viceroy Kone?"

  "Oh! That's right!"

  It seems like that the lie dying in bed viceroy Kone has his fame rose in this period of time!

  But in another place.. For example the Prime Minister's mansion in the Saint Capital, the conversation atmosphere is not so relaxed over there.

  "I'm sorry! Sir Prime Minister, it looks like that we didn't succeed this time, that rascal is still alive..." a guy bent his waist and said, "according to the spies come back to tell, that guy is very energetic, he gets no tired scolding people everyday!"

  "You this idiot!" The sitting by the desk Prime Minister heaved a sigh, he kept his countenance and said, "I have told you already, must know a man with eyes, know a man with eyes! You see what kind of damn fools you were looking for to do this thing!"

  "It is my fault!" That man was frightened to kneel down on the ground, "I trusted the wrong guy, it's my damn fault! I'll find some other people to kill him!"

  "No need." The Prime Minister shook his head, "I have other more important things to worry about... Get out!"

  The Prime Minister lifted his head and looked at the sky after he spoke to the guy, he didn't move his body for a long time.

  "Why can't you be my son-in-law?" He mumbled to himself, "this is all you ask for it yourself!"

  Finally, in the days Kone is not presence, the people around him have perfectly finished their first scam in the Darkness city.

  Cheated the enemy, cheated the own people, cheated all the people... Until the day the viceroy Kone woke up, most of the people don't know that Kone have left for a period of time...


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