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Claimed by an Alien Warlord

Page 7

by Stella Dawn

  I lean in and kiss her on the forehead. Her eyes open up slowly and she looks at me with such lovely eyes. She leans in herself, wraps her arms around me, and kisses me back. Her kiss is sweet but it ends too soon. I want more but she pulls away. Her arms are still around me though. Her embrace is loose and careful, and I brush another strand of hair away from her face.

  “How are you feeling?” she asks me in a gentle voice. Her voice is so soothing to my ears. I don’t recall it sounding so soothing before. It sounds like a different person is talking. But it’s her. It’s Eliana.

  “I’m better, thank you,” I tell her in a whisper.

  “Good.” She smiles as she sighs with relief. However, that smile shortly drops as she frowns. “You had me worried there, why would you recklessly touch the water like that? You knew what was in there.”

  “I wasn’t thinking straight, I don’t know,” I tell her. I don’t know what exactly came over me, I really wasn’t thinking straight.

  “I told you to be cautious when I study the wildlife here. You were free to be around me, but it was important to be cautious. We barely know much about these creatures, so who knows if another comes around and ends up biting your head off.”

  I chuckle a bit from that but Eliana maintains her frown.

  “This is serious…I want you to be careful next time,” Eliana says and increases her hold on me.

  “I will, I promise,” I assure her.

  “Good.” Her smile returns and she traces her fingers across my chest. “Even big studly men can get hurt. Then, you need the delicate flower to rescue your butt.”

  I smirk at her and that turns into a laugh. “I wouldn’t want to tarnish any more of my ego then.”

  Eliana giggles but is cut off when I press my lips against hers. She moans in my mouth when I slip my tongue into her, and she tightens her grip around me. Our tongues interlock as we engage in passion, but soon we pull apart to take breaths. I look longingly into her eyes. They’re a beautiful brown hue, they light up like amber amongst the sunlight. I can’t stop looking at them, but she leans in for another kiss.

  As we return to another moment of bliss, I start to unbutton her shirt. Eliana pulls away in surprise, but she then smiles and allows me to finish unbuttoning it. She’s not wearing a bra, so I take pleasure admiring her breasts.

  I cup one of them and press my tongue against her hardening nipple. She moans and pulls me closer so I can savor the taste. She then starts to grind against me as I move on to the second nipple. As I keep licking, a strange warmth overflows me and my body aches. I need more of her. I need more of her right now.

  I throw off the blankets and sheets and then the rest of her clothes. Eliana lays there exposed and shivering, but I warm her up with another kiss. I trail my lips down her squirming form before I reach in between her legs. I push back her legs and get a good look at her pussy. I press my lips to it, and she squirms some more. I press my tongue into it, and she squeals.

  I look up to her, and she’s fiddling with her breasts. Eliana’s eyes lock onto mine, she has such a pleading look. Her chest heaves quickly as her fingers run across her nipples. That warmth inside me is intensifying and I return to kissing her down there again. She squeals once more and her body shakes. I can’t get enough of the way she moves and sounds. The more she does it, the more it feels like I’m about to explode.

  I slip in a finger and move into her slowly. She grinds into it, keeping in rhythm. Then I move in faster and faster until she trembles and releases a satisfying moan. I release my finger which is dripping with her warmth. My tongue traces along it as we lock eyes again. I give her a knowing smile of what’s going to happen next, and she gives out a gasp.

  “Are you ready?” I ask her as I lick my lips. “Have you done this before?”

  “No,” she says breathlessly, “it’s my first time.”

  I’m taken aback for a moment. I’m surprise that a beauty such as herself has never had sex before. Though I suppose this makes it all the more better. I’ll be the first being to share bliss with her, and hopefully I’ll be the only one. I don’t want anyone else touching her. It’ll be me and me alone, and I’ll make sure that this time of bliss is a memorable one for her.



  I’m lost on the sensations Tsunis is causing in my body. His fingers and tongue are creating a delicious anticipation that feels like the worst itch I’ve ever had, so deep I think it would be impossible to scratch.

  He stops exploring me with his fingers and lays down beside me, cradling me in his arm. I roll towards him and he rubs my breasts with his hands.

  I love how he takes control but is so gentle at the same time. All I have to do is lay in his arms and let the pleasure crash over me in waves. His attention is focused on my response, making me feel safe but wild and free, all at once.

  He bends his head to kiss me and I feel that itch, that ache. It seems to spread inside me until I’m writhing with it. It spreads from deep between my legs into my lower back and down my legs. I can hear myself moaning through the kiss as his hand goes back to my pussy, rubbing my clit and teasing the deeper folds.

  Something takes hold of me and I stretch back, my thighs parting. Tsunis breaks off the kiss and looks at my body, writhing and sheathed in sweat. He runs his hand over me one more time then gets between my legs.

  I’m scared for a second, as I think that he’s going to just shove that huge cock in me, and I have no idea what that’s going to feel like. To my surprise he touches my clit with his lips and flicks it with his tongue.

  The ache inside me becomes a raging volcano. I literally can’t keep still as lightning pulses through my veins. He keeps up his attention, lapping at my clit and mouthing at the sensitive inner lips. I feel his tongue tracing deep inside me and I start clawing at the floor as my spine bends.

  Just when I think I can’t take it anymore he stops, crawling slowly up my body. I can feel myself trembling as he settles on top of me.

  “Ready?” He whispers.

  I nod slowly, beyond speech. He reaches down and I feel his cock rubbing slowly up and down my slit. I’m amazed at his patience. As soon as I knew what he was about to do, I felt myself close up from the inside out. Now that he’s teasing me again, I can feel my pussy aching for him and opening up all by itself.

  He presses the head to my tight entrance and it’s my hips that lean towards him.

  “Yes.” The whisper rips out of my throat. “Yes, do it!” The aching inside me is burning me, having his cock so close to it but not touching it is a kind of sweet agony.

  He grips my shoulders and starts pushing himself in. I go completely still except for the rocking of my hips. I’m immersed in the sensations and I’m completely paralyzed by all the new feelings running riot in my body.

  When he slides all the way home and I feel the hard head of his cock bump against the soft spot right at the end of me we both stop. I lean my hips into him, and he answers with the same pressure. We look into each other’s eyes and it’s almost beyond belief that we are joined together both physically and mentally.

  By the contact of our gaze it’s obvious we are more than just physically connected. It’s like a warm string through my heart, something that connects to my arousal but also to my emotions.

  I can feel the hard thickness of him stretching me, that itching getting stronger by the second. I’m worried for a moment. I thought having his cock in me would relieve the pressure, but it just seems to be getting worse. What is the cure?

  Then, with slow, sure strokes, Tsunis begins to thrust. The itching starts to feel like it’s being scratched and the aching swells into a wave of pleasure that sings through my entire nervous system. He keeps up his steady pace, hard cock pounding at me while his hands gently hold me still so his hips can pleasure me.

  I feel that itching and aching run through me, like the pleasure is touching my every cell. It builds, crests, explodes. My pussy clenches hard around T
sunis’ cock and I can hear myself screaming, I can feel my nails digging into his back but I’m senseless, I’m beyond. I’ve been torn apart by racing waves of pleasure and I don’t know how to put myself back together.

  I’m lost on the waves while Tsunis thrusts a few more times and then I feel his cock jerking inside me, his sighs punctuating his own orgasm. For a second or two we lie together, then he slips down beside me and holds me.

  A few minutes later I realize I must have fallen asleep as he is beside me with some sweet melon, one of my favorite foods. He grins and cocks an eyebrow, looking me over. My smile back is bashful and yet confident. I feel like the most amazing lover in the world.

  We eat together, not talking much. We really don’t need to. Now that we’ve shared each other’s bodies, the communication between us seems to have changed.

  I know I wanted to murder him before, but I see everything in such a different light now. I love sitting and eating breakfast together almost as much as I like the fucking.

  After breakfast we gather up the gear and go, the walk up the hill to the lagoon like bliss. I don’t mind the coveralls, the humidity or the singing insects. All of it seems unimportant. I head over to the far side of the bay to keep moving through the shallows and watch as Tsunis wades in the shallows.

  I try to focus on the water. I’ve just seen a different type of fish with bright blue scales and I’m trying to get a video of him. Just as I capture a good angle, I feel a sudden prickling up the nape of my neck and turn around to see Tsunis watching me.

  I grin over my shoulder, waving. He waves back and keeps wading along the shoreline. I’m guessing he can’t wait to swim in the bay and bring all of his people out here on the water, where they belong.

  I turn back to the little blue fish and start making some notes about its diet and behavior. So far, I haven’t found anything in the lagoon that would be seriously dangerous. There is a good chance that the warrior members of the clan could start constructing little islands and swimming through to map the floor. There isn’t that much left for me to do once that begins.

  My thoughts wander off while I’m watching the little fish. I watch Tsunis in the shallows, playing with a long reed as if it’s a spear.

  He’s so childlike and innocent at times. Other times he’s an absolute jerk. I suppose that’s the other side to being childlike. Immaturity. I don’t like the connotation of that, and it doesn’t quite fit, given his sense of duty to the clan. But his little tantrums and arguments with me do seem to have a childish edge to them.

  Now I have more information to apply to this scenario though, just like cataloging a new species. Tsunis may be immature at times. But I’ve seen him make love, now. He was so gentle with me. I felt so safe, so loved. Someone who was really immature and selfish could not be like that, they couldn’t possibly be.

  I feel like I’ve seen the real Tsunis and all the rest is just bravado, a smoke screen he puts up so no one can know who he really is.

  He looks up at me again and grins. I grin back. He does look somewhat innocent and childlike as he plays in the shallows. I know I’ll always look at him differently now, no matter what he says or does.

  Because the real Tsunis is giving, selfless and kind. He cared more for my pleasure than he did for his own. I can’t imagine a better experience for my first time.

  My grin turns just a bit evil as I think to myself that I really don’t have enough data. This is my job, after all. To determine the limitations of a species by scientific examination and monitoring behavior.

  I nod to myself determinedly. Yes. We’ll have to have sex again. Maybe quite a few more times. If I’m going to discern who is the real Tsunis, I’ll need lots more data.



  I've never been so compelled to watch someone work before – even when assigned to their protection detail – but with Eliana I can't look away. She's so intent on her tasks, so committed to what she's doing, that it's mesmerizing. It completely draws me in and commands all my attention.

  She's dedicated for a human, I'll give her that. Their race is typically so scatterbrained that it's refreshing to see one who loves what they do, as she does. And someone who does their job so well.

  It also doesn't hurt that she's incredibly beautiful and not at all hard to look at.

  I know that she and I have a mission to uphold and that we shouldn’t have let our feelings get the better of us last night, but what’s done is done and there’s no going back now. It’s clear that both she and I feel something for each other, although I’m not sure exactly what that is yet. We have our moments of getting along and then we go back to driving each other crazy – is that how relationships work?

  I’m not sure of anything, except how she makes me feel. When I first met her, although I thought her extremely beautiful, I never thought we’d end up sharing a bed – especially not this close to the beginning of our mission. But I know that stressful situations, like the one I got myself into by getting bitten by that fish, tend to make feelings more intense and develop quicker.

  It was really stupid of me to put my hand in that pond.

  I’d do it all over again, though, in an instant.

  I continue to watch Eliana as she works, cataloging yet another new species she’s discovered. She’s hunched over her notebook, eyebrows knitted together as she sketches a quick drawing of the organism. This one is long, almost eel-like, with a huge, gaping maw for a mouth but with tiny eyes that don’t match its face. The color of it is what I imagine electricity would be, if it had one.

  As she scribbles notes around the drawing, a lock of hair slips from her knotted bun and falls across her forehead. I long to touch it and am thinking about doing just that when she looks up and stares off into the distance, as if a thought has caught her by surprise and she can only process it by clearing her mind completely.

  Just as I’m about to ask her what’s distracted her so fiercely, I hear a rustle coming from the bushes about a hundred yards away. With my superior peripheral eyesight, I can see without turning that several Xoks are watching Eliana and me, but unflinchingly, not making even a hint of movement. They’re just observing us, their strange half-flesh, half-machine faces betraying nothing as they watch us perform our tasks.

  Although the Ih’il and the Xoks are not actively engaged in warfare, I wouldn’t consider us to be allies, either. Their presence, especially how they just silently watch us, makes me uneasy. I wasn’t expecting to encounter a group of them today – maybe one or two, as they also inhabit this planet – but I count roughly six of them in this unit and until I can figure out what they’re doing I don’t want to remain here, especially with Eliana.

  The fact of the matter is that although she’s got quite the mouth on her, I’m certain she’d be complete rubbish at defending herself physically and there’s no way I can take on six Xoks alone. Especially since half of their bodies are made of machinery. That’s easy math – six of them, one of me – I’d be a goner in no time, and so would Eliana.

  But I’m not just going to take off – that would show weakness – so I continue to observe them from a distance. I frequently make eye contact with the one whom I think is their leader, ensuring they’re aware that I’ve spotted them, and continue monitoring Eliana’s work. I don’t want to alarm her by demanding we leave right away, so I let her continue to focus on the task at hand.

  After a quarter of an hour the Xoks still haven’t moved, so I decide it’s time for us to pack up. I stand and stretch, making myself look as large and threatening as possible in case they get any ideas.

  “Time to get going,” I tell Eliana. “We’re expected back at the colony soon.”

  She looks up at me from her work, clearly perturbed that I’ve interrupted her.

  “I’m not finished. Give me another ten minutes and I’ll be done,” she says, her brown eyes flashing with annoyance.

  I’ll never peg her – she’s so mercurial, going from hot
to cold so quickly I can’t wrap my head around it.

  “No time. Pack up your things – we’re moving out,” I tell her curtly.

  “Aren’t you technically supposed to be working for me?” she asks, her eyes returning to her work. “I think that’s the case, so we’ll leave in ten minutes.”

  Demanding witch. This is not going well, and the Xoks are starting to move.

  “Eliana,” I say, saturating my voice with stern authority.

  That gets her attention – finally. She looks back up into my eyes – really looks at me – and catches the nearly imperceptible shake of my head that I give her.

  “Okay, so we go now,” she says with an impatient huff and begins quickly packing her things.

  Once everything is stuffed into her bag I motion for her to begin walking, but she reaches back for my hand. It’s such a little thing, but somehow it means so much. I take it without hesitation as I feel the Xok cyborgs tracking our every move, worried about what they may be planning.

  Thankfully – and yet not, because it means less time with her hand in mine – the walk back to the colony isn’t long. I bring her right to the door of her hut to ensure her safe arrival and advise her to shower and prepare for dinner, as I need to go speak with my father. He’s also the clan chief and if anyone knows what to do about a couple of rogue Xoks, it’ll be him.

  She turns to me before I leave her, staring up into my eyes again for only an instant. I see so many questions in them, but I don’t have time to answer except with a quick kiss on her lips.

  “I’ll be back to escort you to dinner,” I tell her.

  She only nods in response.

  Before seeking out my father, I post two guards outside her hut. Better to be safe than sorry.

  My father’s hut is the largest in the colony, for obvious reasons. He lives there with my mother and youngest sister, who’s still not yet of age. I find him seated lotus-style upon a plush rug in the receiving area, as if he’d sensed my arrival.


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