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Claimed by an Alien Warlord

Page 14

by Stella Dawn

  "Come for me, Eliana," I tell her, looking into her eyes once more as I stroke her softly, her wetness coating my fingertips.

  She doesn't break my gaze as I feel her climax build, around my fingers and my cock. Her pussy clamps down onto me, encouraging my own release. I explode into her, roaring her name.

  It'll be hours before we reach Earth. I take her into my arms and hold her tight against me, wishing so badly I didn't ever have to let her go.

  Maybe she'll deliver her findings to the EAO and decide to return to the colony with me. It's not set in stone that she'll want to stay on Earth. It's not like her life there was anything special. There's still so much she and I could do together, not just on my home planet. We could travel to others and research their ecosystems; try to clean up others for other races.

  I must return to my people. One day, they'll need me and I have to be ready to lead them. If I could stay with her on Earth, I would. I’d do anything for her, but that’s just not possible.

  She lays her head down onto my chest, nuzzling into me. The sweet scent of her drifts up into my nose and I hold her as tight as I can, wanting so badly to commit every part of her to memory.

  This can't really be the end, can it?



  As I step out of the shuttle and Earth’s warm air caresses my face I think, how good it is to be home.

  The dull gray, shabby buildings of the city look just as unkempt as they always did but the hulking shapes feel so familiar, I can’t help but love them. I had managed to put aside my longing for home while I was engaged with Tsunis. I didn’t realize coming back would have such a profound effect on me.

  He comes with me to the EAO where we are given a state room. I have no idea how to get ready for something like this and Tsunis doesn’t, either. I manage to talk him into a plain grey jacket and pants, standard dress for white collar earth men.

  Since the collapse of society, individuality in fashion has gone to absolute hell. I sometimes look at pictures from our past and wonder—how did we harvest and manufacture so much fabric, how did we design so many garments? These days, if you want something unique, you have to search the antique markets.

  Even though a few dresses have been provided for me I dress simply in the standard slacks and jacket. It makes me feel proud of my race that we have put aside our fascination with fashion. Of course, there are times for being unique and standing out and I wouldn’t take that away from anyone. The reality is, from a manufacturing perspective, it’s ridiculous to waste resources on that many different types of clothes.

  What a pity it took a complete climate collapse to teach us that. Don’t get me started on how toxic polyester and spandex were.

  When we arrive at the conference Tsunis stands with me backstage. I’m really nervous now that I’ve seen how many people are here. This may be the job I’ve always wanted, but I’ve never given much thought to the presentation of my material. I always thought all I’d have to do is email charts and tables. I didn’t think I’d actually have to stand up in front of a crowd.

  A couple of others come forward and present their own work on neighboring planets and similar ecosystems. The EAO is highly interested in all the information gathered by all its scientists in order to create alliances and reinforce treaties.

  Someone comes out and gives me an introduction and then I step out on stage.

  Nerves run riot through me but I keep them at bay. I know I’ve done good work and I’m not going to blow it all by screwing up my speech. I focus on the facts, explaining the aspects of the water itself, observations of marine life and full scientific workup of the plants. The crowd responds with questions and to my surprise, I’m able to answer them all without even referring to my notes.

  I come off the stage feeling triumphant. I’m more powerful than I ever knew I could be. When I see Tsunis waiting in the wings I run to him and kiss him, thinking that none of this could be possible without him. He created this new woman I am now, someone strong enough to stand up in front of a crowd of strangers and speak to them with complete authority.

  While we hold hands and kiss, the chairman congratulates me on a job well done. He urges me to head into the banquet, telling me the information is invaluable to the EAO and they couldn’t have picked a better person for the job.

  “You did great.” Tsunis whispers against my ear while we wait backstage.

  “Really?” I’m so pleased with myself I don’t really need his validation but it’s nice to have it. He’s the first person to really believe in me.

  “Really.” He kisses me deeply, seriously. We get so immersed in each other we don’t notice the ceremony being closed and people starting to head off to the dining area.

  It’s not until we start groping each other that I remember where we are and I push him off me, giggling. He has that carefree, innocent smile I love so much, and I feel like I’ve seen every side of him there is to see. As if he’s mine, and I’m his.

  We hold hands as we head to the dining room and to my shock, there is a massive digital screen with my face on it. The conference has supported a few different scientists but all of them were collecting data that correlated with mine. The files couldn’t have been complete without my study, which formed the backbone of the scientific theory being actioned by the science team on interplanetary relations.

  When the room bursts into applause I almost fall to my knees in shock. Tsunis holds my hand and I grip his back so tightly that I hear his fingers creak. Everyone wants to talk to me, and I have to stop six times before I get to our table.

  The food is amazing, and I enjoy every bite. About halfway through the plate I realize I’m not enjoying it as much as I expected. It’s some of the very best food I’ve ever had, rare pieces of red meat and fresh vegetables, which are so rare now. I look at it, wondering why it’s not satisfying. The only thing I can feel is that a nice melon and a leaf bowl full of grain cereal would be a treat right now.

  Tsunis notices me pushing the food around my plate.

  “What’s the matter, Eliana? Don’t you like it? It’s incredible. I’ve never had red meat before. Not like this. The animals we have don’t produce meat this rich.”

  “Oh, it’s lovely. I’m just…” I want to say, I’m missing home, but where is home?

  Do I even know, anymore?

  The chairman finds me, apologizing that the president herself wasn’t here to see me. She is on important business and will be back at a later date. A video of the presentation was sent to her and she was very impressed.

  “We’d like to offer you a position, Eliana.” He beams at me. “We knew you had fantastic skills, but honestly this has gone above and beyond anything we could have expected.”

  “Oh. Thank you, sir.”

  “We can use you in the active strike team, Eliana. We want you moving out to new colonies and established settlements to improve current conditions. You will be invaluable in setting up new planets.”

  For a moment I can’t believe what I’m hearing. He’s offering me a job at the front line! I’ll be the first to see new planets, whole new bodies of water. I’ll be visiting every settlement, those already established and others that are only just beginning.

  As a front-line member of the EAO I’ll have full medical support, everything I need from clothes to toiletries provided for me and fantastic food. My living conditions would always be comfortable to ensure I can do my work effectively and if there is danger, I’ll be given my own security team.

  I’ve gone from being a fish feeding nobody to one of the most valuable people in the entire empire.

  “I can’t believe this!” I jump up and grab the chairman’s hand, pumping it like crazy.

  “Is that a yes?” He laughs.

  “Yes! Of course, yes! When do I start?”

  He laughs. “A few days to rest and then you’ll receive orders. The most pressing mission right now is to a very hostile planet which is almost entirely water. Y
ou may get stationed there. I’ll send you all the information on the current deployment so you can see the kinds of missions we are preparing for.”

  I can’t hold myself back. I hug him. I’m saying something ridiculous, going on about how awesome he is and how grateful I am. He laughs, hugging me back.

  When I finally return to my chair, practically panting from excitement, I notice Tsunis looking dully at his plate. It’s as if he got slapped in the face while I was receiving the best news of my life.

  It gives me a bad feeling, a shard of discord in a harmony of excitement. I try not to worry about it.

  Right now, I have everything I ever wanted. I’m going to enjoy this moment, because I have a feeling it isn’t going to last.



  When I see Eliana get up at the conference and present her data, it’s like the final piece of the puzzle falls into place. Until this moment I did not really know her. I feel like I’ve never really seen her before.

  She has an easy confidence standing up on the stage while she relates her scientific findings. I know she is nervous about the crowd and I can see little signs of her anxiety as she talks.

  Nothing deters her though. She has such confidence in her work and excitement about the things she discovered in the study.

  I see other scientists whispering and scribbling notes, some of them lifting their cameras to get a shot of her slides. She goes into detail about alien bacteria and algae spores. She relates minute differences between several species of fish.

  My heart sinks as I watch this go on. She’s valuable here. She’s needed. The same expertise that has now enabled our new planet to be inhabited by the Ih’il could be used elsewhere to better populations throughout the galaxy.

  I can’t just hide her away in my colony. I didn’t realize just how much talent she had and how much good she could do.

  I try to swallow the lump in my throat. I need to get my head around this. She doesn’t belong to me. The knowledge brings a cold ache to my chest.

  She’s no delicate flower that I can pick and take home with me. She’s not going to wilt in a vase until she has no vitality left. She’s a strong woman with a whole lot of beauty and brains. I was a fool to think of her as anything less.

  As she finishes her presentation, we move through into the dining area. She manages to find me in the crowd and take my hand but as we move people keep swarming around us. It seems every scientist in the room has a personal question for her. She smiles warmly at all of them, answering their questions with professional calm.

  I’m impressed by how she thinks over each query carefully and gives a detailed answer. I didn’t think she knew that much about microbiology and it’s blowing my mind a little bit. I can’t understand that stuff and it makes me take a massive mental step back.

  I think the reason I’m so infatuated has partially to do with the fact that I’m constantly reevaluating her. She just doesn’t stop surprising me.

  At the end of the dinner one of the city council call Eliana up to the front so that they can hand her the keys to her new apartment in the most luxurious building in the city. He hands her a piece of paper giving her tenure at the EAO and dozens of employment offers on top of that, as well as a whole crowd of students wanting to study under her.

  Even though we are in the same room, it feels like she is miles away from me.

  We head to her new apartment and she runs around inside, exclaiming at the view, the furniture, the size of the rooms. There’s a very fancy bathroom and a little machine where she can order any type of food at any time.

  She throws herself into my arms, breathless with excitement. She’s never been aggressive before and I hold her close, kissing her and running my hands over her body. She gropes at me and rubs herself against me, getting me hard.

  She spins me around and pushes me into her bedroom, shoving me at the bed. The thing is huge, big enough for six people and covered in thick blankets and smooth, dark blue sheets.

  When she pushes me on to the bed, she climbs on top of me straight away and kisses me hard. I grip her thighs lightly, but I feel like the whole situation is out of my control on every level.

  She sits up and pulls off her dress, breasts bouncing. I reach up for them, but she folds at the waist to get my pants open. When she slips forward and slams herself down on my cock, I have to blink hard, taking in a deep breath. She’s wet, tight and so very eager.

  She grips my shoulders and starts working herself on top of me, eyes screwed shut and face turned up to the ceiling as she cries out in joy. She’s smiling with excitement and her whole body is alive and singing.

  I can feel her pussy grabbing hold of my cock as she grinds against me, working her clit against the base of my cock. She looks up at the ceiling with her eyes screwed shut as the biggest orgasm I’ve ever felt her have rocks through her body.

  She stays rigid on top of me as the shudders rumble through her, shivering through her shoulders and down into her legs. She falls forward, catching herself on my shoulders as the trembling begins to subside.

  I reach up and stroke her arms gently, letting her fall against my chest. I give her a few quiet moments then I grip her arms lightly and flip her on to her back. When I settle on top of her, she reaches up to stroke my cheek, eyes wide as she drinks me up with her eyes.

  I kiss her and push my hips forward, feeling my tongue and my cock as far deep inside her as they will go. I feel my love for her but now its edged with desperation. I can’t lose her. I can’t just walk away, knowing that I’ll never have this again.

  I wrap my arms around her, pulling our bodies together and burying my face in her hair. She writhes against me, little laughs punctuating her sighs as I start to thrust into her.

  I savor every moment. Her body moving under me. The scent of her sweat as her skin heats up. The way she grabs at me eagerly with her legs and hands. Her hot, wet pussy that seems to get more excited the harder I pound her.

  She bends under me, yelling under the force of another orgasm. She’s so happy and it makes me sad. She has everything she ever wanted, and now I’ll be leaving her. I don’t even get to enjoy her company now that she’s completely unburdened.

  I push everything away except for the dancing of our bodies. I hold her tight as I let my body go. I can’t release my feeling of dread, but I can forget it for a few seconds.

  As my cock starts to shudder and blow, she cries out underneath me, pussy trembling and grabbing hold of my cock as she comes again.

  I roll to the side and wrap my arms around her, keeping her close to me. We fall asleep like that, holding each other with our heads together.

  The smallest shaft of light wakes me. When I stir, I see her watching me.

  “Tsunis.” Her eyes are deep and dark. I lean forward and kiss her once, just gently.

  “Stay with me Tsunis.” Her eyes beg me to stay. She looks frantic now, all her casual triumph from the previous day evaporated. I shake my head.

  “I can’t. I’m needed at home. Why don’t you come with me?”

  She shakes her head. “I can’t leave. The EAO needs me here.”

  We both stare at each other a few moments more. There is nothing to say.

  I get up quietly and gather up some things, getting dressed. She sits up in bed watching me, putting some clothes on as I get ready to leave.

  She takes my hand and holds it all the way out to the dock. Several shuttles are hanging out on the concrete waiting to take off. I head towards mine, not even able to kiss her as I go. When I turn on the ramp, she’s crying.

  I turn and walk into the cabin, almost staggering like a man wounded. I feel like my heart has been split in two. There’s no hope of healing it, because the other half has gone.

  It’s in Eliana’s hands, and it always will be.



  As I get up each morning, I try to hold on to the excitement of having everything I ever wanted.

I look over my beautiful apartment and all the luxuries I have. All the modern devices so I can have any entertainment I want. Lovely clothes. I can order any food I want through the machine and it is delivered to me within half an hour. It’s a brilliant system only used by the most important members of the city, so they don’t have to stop working to prepare food.

  I go to my excellent job, which involves flying around on earth and taking samples from any remaining rivers or bodies of water. By examining the microclimates and what lives in them we are hoping to repair the earth’s water and eventually, her entire ecosystem.

  I have students with me all the time, desperate to learn what I know. I travel to nearby planets lending my expertise and there is talk of me going out to other galaxies. Some of the ocean planets they suggest to me excite me no end as I’ve always wanted to visit them.

  I’m asked to give frequent reports, and everyone wants my input on their projects. I’m recognized as the top marine biologist between several galaxies.

  Every morning, all I feel is intense pain in my chest that Tsunis is not lying beside me. I can’t just go and find him, hear his voice, see his smile. I miss him fiercely for a few minutes then push it aside to throw myself into my work.

  But every morning it gets worse.

  After a week or so I get up one morning and I find I can’t move. The pain in my chest has grown and spread its cold reach through my limbs like the branches of a great tree. There is nothing in me but loss and a terrible encompassing misery.

  None of this success means anything without my love. I can’t be happy without him.


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