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Immortals of Indriell- The Collection

Page 10

by Melissa A. Craven

  “When did you realize I was your equal?”

  “The second morning on the ferryboat. That’s when it hit me. When you first met Chloe, you could probably sense that she wasn’t quite the same as the rest of us.”

  “Yes. It was more subtle with her.”

  “Her power hasn’t emerged yet. You should have felt like that to us, but the strength of your power masked the fact that you weren’t manifested, so I had to connect the dots. When I finally put it all together it was life altering.” The look on his face was nothing short of rapturous.

  He just doesn’t see how high he’s put me up on that pedestal. When I fall off, it’s going to kill us both.

  “This life can really suck. It won’t be easy and it’s totally not fair, but I’m so grateful to have you in my life.”

  She could understand his overwhelming relief. She felt it too, but his feelings for her were so tangled up with his loneliness, she wasn’t sure he would ever see her clearly.

  At that moment, a loud rumble shot through her belly and she doubled over.

  “Jeez! What’s with this appetite?”

  “We eat aggressively. Especially at first, so don’t fight it. Come on, let’s get you some lunch.” He reached for her hand and she heard his stomach growl.

  “Not just me, then?”

  “Definitely not. You’re not alone in this, Lex. My family is weird and loud, and totally crazy, but we all love you, and we’re here for you.”

  “Thanks.” She knew he was right. She desperately needed their guidance and was grateful for it.




  Allie nearly choked when they entered the kitchen to see Naeemah locked in a shocking embrace with a young man. His rusty, silver-flecked hair was tousled as if she’d just run her fingers through it.

  “Embarrassing, aren’t they?” Aidan grimaced.

  “Oh!” She laughed when she realized it was Gregg.

  “Allie, you’re a remarkable girl, but you must be starving.” His smile was mischievous, just like Aidan’s.

  “The hunger is painful.” She stared at a plate of chicken like she hadn’t eaten in weeks.

  “Eat, sweetheart.” That was all she needed. She dove in without a thought about manners—much less a plate.

  “Our appetites are rather robust,” Naeemah explained. “We require an extraordinary amount of calories to fuel our metabolism, which gives us the strength and stamina our powerful natures demand. Just after your Awakening, you can expect to be hungry most of the time because your body will burn off everything you take in faster than you can consume it. You’ll eventually find a balance and you will manage the diet more easily. And despite the absence of anything remotely nutritious in this particular meal, a balanced diet is very important.” She shot a reproachful glance at her husband.

  “Aye, I made a salad, didn’t I?”

  “With Caesar dressing and fried chicken?”

  “Caesar had no such dressing, I can assure you.”

  “Da, you need new jokes.” Aidan rolled his eyes.

  “You will find if you eat too many processed foods you’ll feel sluggish and cumbersome,” Naeemah continued. “We will set a better example at our next meal. A diet rich in protein, clean whole foods, and complex carbohydrates is very important. Not to say you can’t enjoy dessert.” She frowned at Aidan who was helping himself to a slab of chocolate cake.

  “Hey! Save some for the starving redhead?”

  “You know I’m hot for you, babe, but I draw the line at sharing cake.” He winked. “Around here, if you’re slow, you starve.”


  “Unfortunately, you’ll have to hide your appetite from your parents. You will take your meals with us. I’ll not have you going hungry,” Naeemah added firmly. “We always have a meal ready after school and you will join us. We also spend every afternoon in training, which you will begin tomorrow. During this time, you’ll learn everything you need to know and we will work with you as your power manifests and your gifts emerge.”

  “Naeemah, I—”

  “Sweetheart, you have no choice but to join us, and I’ll not hear another polite protest.”

  “Yes ma’am.”


  “Your grocery bill must be astounding,” Allie said as she helped Gregg load the dishwasher after lunch.

  “Thank God for good investments or we’d go broke trying to feed ourselves. It was easier back in the day when you could just roast a boar and have at least two, maybe three, meals.” He winked.

  Jeez, how old is this guy?

  “Come on, Red. They’re waiting for us.”

  She sat beside Aidan and slipped her hand into his. She was grateful for his silent offer of support.

  “I know you have a great many questions,” Naeemah began, “but I’d like to tell you a story you would have learned had you grown up in our world. You may find it familiar if you’ve read the works of Plato, but I’m sure you have never seen a story quite like mine.”

  “During the time of Mount Olympus, the human race suffered.” Her voice was melodic and soothing as she used her gift to animate the story. Allie gasped at the sketched figures and hastily scrawled Mount Olympus hovering before her eyes.

  “These ancient humans were not like us, for they each had four legs, four arms, and two heads, but shared only one soul. Zeus, the king of the gods, especially favored these creatures, but despite his protection, they faced extinction.”

  “In a desperate attempt to save them, Zeus used the power of his lightning bolt to divide them. With more capable bodies, they flourished, but only a fragment of their shared souls survived the trauma.”

  “While most were pleased with their new forms, a select few mourned the separation. Zeus took pity on those who so obviously belonged together. To make amends for what he had done, he gifted them with Ambrosia, leaving them forever immortal.”

  “Zeus’ daughter also admired these creatures and granted them a powerful gift. Although they were now entirely separate beings, she forged an unbreakable bond between their fragmented souls, ensuring they would always be drawn to the one who was their Complement.”

  “As the years passed and the Immortals grew in number, they spread throughout the world and the younger generations were lost to their Complements. However, as these young ones came of age, they gained an intuitive knowledge of their true companions. This intuition strengthened over time and eventually brought them together. Once bonded, the two grew stronger than they ever were apart,” Naeemah finished with a flourish, and Allie, deeply engrossed in the animation of the story, was sad to see it end.

  “That was incredible!”

  “This legend is a fairytale we tell our children, which is why I chose to show it to you the way I did for these two when they were little, but it still contains a great deal of truth. We don’t really know how or why we came to be. Most likely, the legends of Zeus’ Mount Olympus, Odin’s Valhalla, the Underworld of Osiris and Isis, and countless other mythologies, are just the first recordings of Immortal activity among mortals. I could speculate all day about our origins, but in the end, I can only tell you what we believe to be true. We are descended from the earliest humans and for whatever reasons we have remained powerful. Regardless of how we came to be, it is our duty to use our gifts to care for the mortal race. I cannot fathom why we would exist for any other purpose. We will teach you our ways, but you will always be encouraged to question the world you live in and never believe blindly,” she said firmly.

  “So if this myth is about our origins, what’s with the Complement thing?” Allie asked.

  “The ‘Complement thing’ is the most significant part of our very long lives,” Gregg said. “We each have a counterpart, a person who exists only because we do. Naeemah and I share an extraordinary bond that goes far deeper than just husband and wife. As you age, you will be drawn to the one who binds you to this earth.”

Allie scoffed.


  “Gregg, you’re talking about soul mates?” she wrinkled her nose in disgust.


  “I’m just supposed to fall for some random guy? What if he’s an idiot?”

  “Alexis Ann, you’re crushing my hand!” Aidan snarled. She heard the faint sound of popping bones and immediately relaxed her grip.


  “Relax, it’ll heal.” He carefully flexed his injured fingers.

  “It’s not okay! I’m so sorry!” she cried.

  “Lex, it’s fine. Trust me, that’s not my first broken bone.”

  “Aye, he’s certainly seen worse.” Gregg waved it off as if it were nothing. “Sweetheart, you must understand the Complement bond is a vital part of our lives. Naeemah and I share a connection you couldn’t possibly fathom at your age. For the first three centuries of her life, before I ever laid eyes on her, I sensed her, I knew her, and I loved her. From the moment she drew her first breath.”

  “Imagine living thousands of years alone, watching the mortals you love live and die while you hardly change. The enormity of loss couldn’t be born without the promise of something greater. You may feel averse to the idea now, but in time you will long for your true companion.”

  “I don’t even have a choice about who I marry?” Allie felt a surge of anger as she leapt to her feet. Something warm and powerful surged within her. “Has my whole eternal life been decided for me?”

  “Did you see that?” Sasha gasped. “She’s touching her power already! That’s not possible!”

  “Allie, you need to calm down,” Gregg said gently.

  “I don’t think I can!”

  “Deep breaths, sweetheart. You’ve every right to be upset.”

  “I don’t feel well.” Tears burned her eyes.

  “Breathe for me, Red.” Gregg grasped her hands. “It seems your power is responding to that feisty temper. You’re extremely volatile right now. It is very important that you settle down. You are safe here, Allie.”

  “I’m okay.” She took another deep breath. “I just don’t feel like me.”

  “We’ve thrown enough at her tonight,” Naeemah said. “You’ve had a big day and I’m afraid it will be a difficult evening as well.”

  “How can I go home? How can I possibly explain the vanishing scars?” She gestured at her arms.

  “Wear long sleeves tonight and we will take care of it soon.”


  “Enjoy your birthday, honey?” Carson asked as Allie shuffled into the kitchen.

  “Yeah, it was … fun.” Her parents had to know something of what transpired over the past few days, but she was bewildered by their casual indifference.

  “It was so nice of your friends to throw you a party,” her mother babbled.

  She expected to find them out of their minds with worry, but they were oblivious—too oblivious. They only acted like this when they had something to hide.

  Is no one in my life what they appear?

  “I’m glad you’re home safe, Allie-girl,” Lily said softly. Allie promptly burst into tears, sliding to the floor in a heap. It was the “Allie-girl” that sent her over the edge. Her mom only called her that when she was feeling particularly nostalgic.

  “Allie.” Her father pulled her onto his lap. As she wrapped her arms around him, he winced. Then it clicked, she’d hugged him too tightly when he gave her the car.

  “Oh, Dad! Did I … hurt you?” She must have cracked his ribs.

  “Nah, I’m just old.”

  “I-I don’t know how to do this!” she sobbed.

  “I know, honey. It isn’t fair, but you have to accept that your mother and I can’t be part of this. We’ve kept this from you to keep you safe. Now it’s our turn to look the other way.”

  “How could you not tell me?”

  “It was for the best.” Lily slid to the floor beside them. “I’m so sorry. Your friends and their parents can’t know we suspect anything. We can never talk about this after tonight. Just promise me we won’t drift apart?” She cried as she held her daughter.

  “Of course.” But Allie feared she’d never be able to keep that promise. Her life was headed in a direction her mortal parents would never be able to follow.


  Back in the comfort of her room, Allie flung herself onto the bed and let her tears flow. They were tears of fear and anger over the loss of the normal life she thought she had but was nothing but a lie.

  She flinched at the sound of Teenage Dirtbag. She’d forgotten all about her new iPhone and rolled her eyes at Aidan’s choice of ringtone for Vince.

  “Hi!” She prayed she sounded normal.

  “Hey, Allie. Sorry I didn’t call yesterday. I got stuck at work.” He instantly had her at ease and Allie realized he might be a small portion of “normal” she could keep.

  “Come over tomorrow for a homework date?”

  “Sure, we’ll do a real date soon. But it’ll have to be a weekend when I don’t have an away game,” he said. “I work every day I don’t have practice. I hope you can understand if I don’t have much free time.”

  This might actually work. If he’s busy, I won’t have to lie.

  “I get it, you’re a busy guy. I’ll just have to settle for some boring homework dates in the evenings.”

  “Have I mentioned you’re awesome? Most girls flip out when my schedule gets crazy.”

  “You should know by now I’m not most girls.”

  “No, you are definitely not.”

  “Night, Vin. See you tomorrow.”

  Allie felt better after talking with Vince. She thought she might actually survive this if she could keep him as an escape back to reality.

  Her phone chirped with a text from Aidan.

  Aidan: Meet me out back in five. I have food.

  Allie: How’d you know my stomach was trying to eat itself at this precise moment?

  Aidan: Get used to it. Now get down here!

  Allie: Patience is a virtue, you know?

  Aidan: Alexis Ann!

  Allie: Keep your hair on, Aidan Loukas!

  As she trudged down to the beach, she felt better—like she’d accepted this monumental shock and was ready to move on.

  Or I’m just happy about the prospect of food, she laughed.

  “I wasn’t sure if I’d hear that laugh again anytime soon.” Aidan emerged from the darkness. He was loaded down with grocery bags and a huge bucket of chicken wings, which she immediately attacked.

  “You certainly know how to win a girl over.”

  “Yeah sure, let me know if that actually works.” He pulled a huge metal tin from one of the bags.

  “This concoction will save your life.”

  “Trail mix?”

  “It’s full of protein and calories and I added extra dark chocolate pecans. When you’re starved, grab a handful to tide you over. Let me know when you’re running low and I’ll get you a refill.”

  “I’ll have to get a j-o-b just to feed myself. I can’t keep taking from your parents.”

  “Sure, try saying that to Naeemah El Sadawii. Trust me, you won’t win that argument. Besides, your free time is officially a thing of the past. Training is your new full-time job.”

  “It’s too much, Aidan. I can’t expect your parents to foot the bill for me too.”

  “You seem to be doing better this evening.” He ignored her protests about money.

  “Well, I was feeling really sorry for myself, but then I remembered I have really great friends and I’m not alone. I just can’t think about anything else right now.”

  “Don’t worry, you’ve got this, Lex.”




  Allie knew she faced a sleepless night and wasn’t looking forward to it. As she stowed her groceries at the back of her closet, she noticed a small leather-bound book tucked in with the protein bars. A slip of paper fel
l from its pages.


  This history is vital to your education. I hope it will serve as a distraction on this first of many long nights. Please join us tomorrow morning when you’re able. Don’t dwell on unpleasant thoughts tonight, my darling girl. You are so much stronger than you know.



  “Just what I need.” She paced to the surround sound to sync her new iPhone. She launched the Spotify app, intending to browse the playlists Aidan made for her. She smiled when she saw the one titled “First Night Alone” with Philip Glass’ Metamorphosis topping the list. She curled up in her armchair beside the tall balcony windows. The moon was bright enough to read by, and the carefully selected book and music were a strong reminder that she was not alone.

  She carefully flipped through the delicate pages of the priceless, illuminated manuscript and began to read.

  Long ago, before the most primitive of mortal man existed, a mighty race of humans inhabited the earth.

  In those days, the Power was pristine and the forest city of Indriell was the greatest in all the world. Governed by the beautiful Indriell Queens, the city prospered. Queen Fáelynn reigned for centuries, preceded by her mother, the Dowager Queen Alyvia and her mother, Celyn, and her mother, Ashlyn. All royal daughters of Indriell, ruling in an unbroken line of succession stretching back further than living memory.

  As Queen Fáelynn’s reign drew to an end, she prepared to pass the kingdom to her only daughter, the Lady Eiselynn, First Princess, fifth of her line.

  She was a shy but powerful young woman who dreaded the day she would be coronated and forced to marry Lord Teigan. He was her equal in skill, but a man she could never love.

  One morning, she rode through the meadows and came upon a young farmer. She watched as he called upon the Power to plow his fields. He was not strong, but the intricacy with which he handled his task was breathtaking to watch.

  She absently mimicked his simple manipulation, reaching out to his more refined touch. He saw her and inclined his head in respect, but continued working. Mesmerized, her curiosity grew and he responded to her curiosity with his own. He was confused when she fumbled with the simple chore.


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