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Immortals of Indriell- The Collection

Page 23

by Melissa A. Craven

  The games were hard, but now that it was over, Allie was eager to celebrate.

  “Allie, I have something for you.” Gregg gestured to his office. “We’ll get back to the festivities in a moment.”

  As they crossed the darkened room, she saw an ancient looking enameled box resting on his desk.

  “Another weapon? I can’t keep taking such priceless things from you. It’s too much.”

  “Just have a look, you stubborn little minx. I think you might actually like this one. Think of it as a Christmas present if you must.”

  She lifted the ornate lid to reveal a pair of exquisite crystalline blades. Each was clear as glass, sharp and slim with an oddly shaped hilt. She could grip them with her fist, leaving the intricate guard to protect her hands. Or she could wield them like daggers in a more traditional approach. The potential for flexibility had her intrigued.

  “These are akin to the more common Asian sai. I think they might be the right choice for you. I know you really don’t enjoy this aspect of your training, but these blades will act as an extension of your body, which should feel more natural. You fight well, but when I put a weapon in your hand, you fall apart on me. I’m hoping this will make a difference.”

  Allie felt an unusual spike of interest. There was something about the sai that called to her. They were beautiful, but intimidating, like she couldn’t possibly be good enough to wield them. As she stroked the razor sharp edge, a strange musical sound echoed from within. She flinched at the cold shock surging through her like ice.

  “They’re so old,” she whispered reverently. “A powerful woman gave them to you. Her ancestor forged them using the ancient power when it was pure. Infused with the strength of their previous owners, they are stronger today than when they were pulled from the fire thousands of years ago. They have no equal. And now they belong to me?” she finished uncertainly. Allie dropped the sai back in the box as if burned. “What was that?” Those words hadn’t come from her.

  “It seems I was right,” Gregg murmured sadly. “They belonged to my good friend, Kassandre, who was a very gifted Clairvoyant. Somehow, the weapon’s memory has spoken to you.” His smile was stiff. “They would only acknowledge you as their owner if you had the gift of true clairvoyance. It is going to be very exciting to watch you grow into your full potential, Alexis Carmichael.”




  “Allie, I swear, you will get past this aversion to fighting if I have to bloody beat it out of you!” Gregg’s patience with her was obviously slipping.

  “She’s perfectly willing to spar with Aidan,” Jin said.

  “He’s my EQUAL!” Allie didn’t understand how they couldn’t see the huge difference that made. It was a Saturday several weeks into the New Year and she was supposed to be training with Jin, but Gregg felt the need to stage an intervention.

  “Aye, and I know you feel more comfortable bouting with Aidan, but you hold back with everyone else. It has to stop,” he said. “Sasha isn’t a delicate little flower. I’m her father—I give you permission to wipe the floor with her. She’ll only respect you for it!”

  “She’s my friend, Gregg. I just can’t.”

  “Two thousand years and I’ve never met anyone so stubborn.” He raked his hands through his hair. “During the games we saw just how much work we still have ahead of us. Every decision you made was what a mortal would choose when faced with the same challenge. The only time you used your power was when you helped Aidan with the first clue. You should have won the challenge against Erin. She was terrified to face you, but she recognized your hesitation and took advantage of it.”

  “How am I supposed to be okay with this? I don’t care if you heal fast, it just isn’t fair when I’m so … whatever.”

  “Aye, you’re a powerful girl, Allie. You have something most Immortals would kill for, and make no mistake, they will come for you, sweetheart. Sooner than you might think and you have to be ready. I need to know you can protect what is rightfully yours. I’ve no doubt you would pull it together to defend those you love, but I’m not so sure you’d defend yourself.”

  “I don’t know. I guess I still don’t see this power as mine. If someone wanted to take it from me, I don’t know if I wouldn’t just let them,” she said truthfully.

  “Allie, no,” Gregg said. “Your gifts are who you are. It isn’t some luck of the draw. You were meant for this because you have the inner strength to control it. You need to own it. It doesn’t just belong to you, it is you, and no one has the right to take it from you. You and Aidan are so unwilling to own your power. Perhaps it’s your youth, but one day you’ll take pride in your strength—in what sets you apart, and you’ll fight to protect it.”

  “I know your power must confuse you,” Jin said, “but imagine what it could do in the wrong hands?”

  “I never really thought about it like that,” she said. “I know I have to do better.”

  “Unfortunately, practicing on each other is how we learn, but I’m guessing you just don’t see it that way.”

  “This is a problem, Allie,” Gregg said in his best, ‘listen-to-me-because-I’m-old’ voice. “Your mental blocks could destroy you if you don’t learn to overcome them.”

  “Blocks? I wasn’t aware I had multiple issues.” All things considered, Allie thought she was killing it in her training.

  “Aidan showed me how much you struggled through the cave challenge. I’m so sorry we did that to you. It never occurred to any of us that you would react so strongly, like a mortal. I realize now it may take years for you to adjust your way of thinking, but I’m afraid we might need to take more drastic measures to get through that bloody thick skull of yours. I don’t expect you to become a ruthless fighter overnight, but I do expect you to be aware that this is a problem. And there’s something I have to know before I leave.” He paced across the room. It happened so quickly, she barely saw the sword in his hands.

  “No!” she screamed in horror as blood spattered across her face and Jin’s head rolled across the floor. His body slumped forward in a boneless heap.

  She fell to her knees beside him, not sure what to do. “There’s so much blood! What have you done? Help him, Gregg, please!” she sobbed.

  He carefully returned Jin’s blank staring head back to his lifeless corpse.

  “I’m so sorry, Red.” He pulled her into his arms. “You know we cannot die, but you’ve reacted as if you still don’t believe it. You need to see this. Watch and witness the miracle that is your life.”

  She stared at Jin’s body for a long time. When the mangled tissues began to knit and fuse before her eyes, she let out a startled gasp. His skin gradually smoothed to a thin angry red line and she wondered if he was in pain.

  “Aidan! He can feel this! Gregg, how could you?”

  “Allie, I do not make a move without first considering if it will harm my child. I sent him away with Daniel.”

  Admonished, she continued her silent vigil. When Jin stirred and his amethyst eyes flew open, the concept of immortality finally resonated deep in her mind.

  “You son of a—” he rasped, trailing into a string of profanities in ancient Chinese. He rose to his feet, grinning like it was all some great prank.

  Allie flung herself into his arms, completely overcome. He was fine! But she couldn’t still her sobs. She knew he was Immortal, but to witness it was life altering.

  “Hey, kid, I’m fine. Come on, no tears.” He hugged her tightly. “Jeez, Gregg, did you have to be so violent? She’s shaking like a leaf.”

  “Aye, I may have overdone it,” he admitted. “But I needed to know how she would react. I don’t know if it will help, but I wanted to leave no doubt in her mind.”

  “I know I needed to see that.” She gulped, managing a wry smile. “Maybe a little heads up next time?”


  “Saturday worse than usual?” Aidan eyed her blood-splattered clothes. Allie was making a
run for the kitchen between sessions, hoping to avoid him. They didn’t do well one on one these days.

  “Your father decided I should witness a beheading!” she snapped.

  “That’s why he sent me and Daniel out. That’s an injury I’m in no rush to experience.”

  “It’s not funny! And why have you been discussing my progress with Gregg?”

  “You need all the help you can get.”

  “Here’s a thought; when you’re all sitting around discussing MY training, how about you INVITE ME?” She shook her protein drink vigorously. “I know everyone has my best interest at heart,” she relented, “but I will never stop worrying about hurting people! I know some of my reactions have been over the top, but just give me some freaking time! You all may just need to accept that my empathy is who I am and it’s not going to change.”

  “No one’s asking you to change who you are, least of all me. I just worry if you find yourself in a dangerous situation, you’re going to get hurt.”

  “Duly noted. And appreciated,” she added stiffly.

  “I know that must have been awful for you.”

  “It was an effective exercise.” She left in a huff, relieved to be away from him. She missed Aidan terribly, but everything was just so wrong between them. She wished they could go back to the way it was before they screwed everything up with that damned kiss!

  That incredible kiss that can never happen again.




  “Looking for this?” Aidan gestured at the last piece of birthday cake.

  “No. It’s yours, you take it,” Allie muttered uncomfortably.

  “You can have it.” He dropped the paper plate onto the counter and moved to leave.

  “You two need to get over yourselves,” Quinn said irritably. “Everyone’s sick of it.”

  “Stay out of it!” Aidan snapped.

  “Don’t be a jerk!” Allie bit back.

  “You’re both total assholes lately! Figure it out on your own or I’ll drag it out of you in front of everyone!” Quinn stalked from the kitchen.

  “You suppose he’s right?” Aidan asked.

  “He usually is.”

  “Let’s get on with it then.” He offered his hand.

  She stared at it for a moment before she took it and followed him outside.

  “Want to go for a ride on my new bike? It’s a Christmas and birthday present from Dad.”

  “I don’t have a helmet.”

  “Seriously?” He rolled his eyes as he straddled the beautiful classic Harley. Then she noticed he didn’t have one either.

  “Right.” She climbed on behind him. “I know we heal fast, but pain is pain and if you can avoid it, why risk it?”

  “Point taken. I’m sorry I give you such a hard time for your mortal brain.”

  He makes it sound like a disease.

  Aidan’s gift muffled the chilly winter wind as they traveled in a cocoon of his warmth. It was quiet inside their bubble and she wasn’t surprised when music filled her ears. The song was a familiar one, but he infused it with his gift, allowing him to speak to her in the most honest way he knew. He had such a beautiful way of communicating, but they still had so much to say.

  She had tears in her eyes by the time they reached North Shore Beach. The tension was thick in the air. They would either have it out or reconcile, she wasn’t sure which way it would go yet.

  “I haven’t been back here since the fire.” She scrubbed at the tears in her eyes.

  “I do not want to be the one who makes you cry.” He sighed as they walked down the path to the beach. The distance between them still seemed impossible.

  Allie busied herself with clearing the snow from a corner of the deck that had served as the stage that night.

  “Seems like a hundred years ago.” He paced across to the railing, watching the sluggish, icy waves lapping at the shore. “I felt so certain about what would happen after your Awakening. That was my first mistake,” he said sadly.

  “Aidan I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too.” He smiled and she saw the wall between them begin to crumble.

  “I’ve been a complete—”

  “Buttmunch?” she offered with a smile.

  “Sure, we’ll go with that.” The sound of his laughter eased some of the tension between them.

  “I won’t pretend to understand why you’ve shut me out. Or why you’ve been such a jerk about it, but I know you needed some time to yourself. Everyone deserves their selfish moments,” she said.

  “I’ve been too hard on you.” His self-loathing made her want to shake him.

  “It doesn’t have to be like this between us. This all or nothing attitude just isn’t fair.”

  “I know.” His phone buzzed loudly.

  “Wendy, again?” She knew it was totally irrational, but she was insanely jealous. Ever since Wendy came home for the holidays, the two had been inseparable.

  “Yeah, she’s just letting me know she got back to school safely.”


  “You have no cause to be jealous.”

  “It’s not that—”

  “Jealous of my time, maybe?” He turned to face her.

  “I suppose.” These last weeks had been difficult, seeing him with Wendy and how happy they were together. It was like salt in the wound.

  “She could never replace you, Allie. Not as a friend or anything else. We share a deep abiding love of music and we will eventually go to the same college. That’s it.”

  “I know. It’s just … I’ve missed you like crazy one moment and the next, I just want to punt you off my rooftop.”

  “I deserve that.”

  “No you don’t! That’s just my bad temper. Why do you do that?”


  “You’re so critical of yourself!”

  Aidan just shrugged and turned away.

  “I wish you’d talk straight with me for once!”

  “I do.”

  “Not about yourself.”

  “It’s hard for me, Allie. I’ve never had someone I can talk to so freely. I know it’s new to you, too. It just seems easier for you. You always say exactly what you feel.”

  “Do I?” she scoffed.

  “Come on! You’re not even remotely shy about telling me what I need to hear.”

  “That may be true sometimes, but I’m so uncertain about myself—especially Allie the Immortal. Aidan, I don’t know who she is yet, but I do know I will always be here for you. You need to remember that.”

  “Thanks.” But she knew he was just humoring her.

  “Talk to me now. I’m here freezing my butt off, but I’m listening.”

  “Sorry!” He moved to her side, bringing his warmth with him.

  “Allie…” he hesitated and then the floodgates opened. “My whole life I’ve been held to a higher standard. The pressure I feel from my father, my mentor, and myself is stifling. You’re only just beginning to understand what that’s like.”

  “I sense it building everyday,” she said. “Like a dam about to burst at any moment. As soon as Emma feels like I’ve had enough time to adjust, it’s going to blow and I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up.”

  “You’ll handle everything in stride, like always.”

  “You set a good example.” She smiled.

  “No one has ever understood me like you do,” he said. “But you’ve only seen me with my family. Wherever I go, other Immortals are cold and distant. They fear what I might become once I’m an adult fully Proven. Some actually think I should be controlled, like I couldn’t possibly be trusted with this much power. They’ll think the same of you,” he added sadly.

  “My training is brutal, and I’ve tried to shield that from you for as long as possible. I’m in pain most of the time because I have to work so hard to stay one step ahead. If I slack off for even a day, I could lose control. You know that, but you don’t know how m
uch I train. I’m up to two hours with Jin before school every day, and an hour longer than the rest of you after. Dad says I might have to quit football next year. I want to keep what normal life I have, even when I feel like giving up. It’s just so exhausting! I’ll be a target before I’m thirty and I know I have to be ready to defend myself from those who would take what’s mine, but sometimes I’d gladly give it all away. I hate teaching Chloe, and now they have me working with Graham, too. I don’t want to be this authority figure to my friends, but Dad insists I take a leadership role. He claims people will always look to me for guidance and I need to learn to shoulder that responsibility now. I just wish I didn’t have to practice on my friends.”

  “I know you hate it.” Allie was so glad that he was finally letting it all out. “But you’re a natural leader. The others respect you, yes, but they love you, Aidan. And don’t ever forget, I don’t see you that way. So when it gets to be too much, I’m here. You can’t keep it bottled up like this. I had no idea you felt such pressure!”

  “Allie, you’ve been a godsend for me these last months.”

  “But you’ve been so preoccupied with taking care of me and helping me through all of this, you haven’t thought of yourself and what you need. It’s time you stop focusing on me so much. I’m doing okay now, Aidan. You got me through it. Let me be here for you now.”

  “I’m a fixer, Allie. Taking care of others is what I do. I don’t know how to turn it off.” He shrugged. “You know I’ve not always dealt with this life very well. You’ve heard the stories about me before you came along.” “But that’s when everything changed. I had an equal. For the first time in my life, I could be with another person and not feel their fear and discomfort. I love you, Allie. I can’t help it, it just feels so damned natural.”

  “Aidan, I—”

  “I need you in my life. In whatever way you’ll have me,” he said in a rush. “We could be amazing together, I know it and you know it, but you have so much on your plate. It’s too much. I get that now,” he said miserably. “It was selfish of me to push so hard so soon.”

  “Aidan Loukas, you are the most selfless person I know! It’s difficult to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and I’m just as guilty of that as you are. It’s been all about me for months and I haven’t stopped to think about how this has affected you too. You know how much you mean to me. I love the closeness we share and I crave it just as much as you do. In a different way, I suppose, but that’s not fair. I don’t know if I can explain my feelings well enough for you to understand, but—you and I—it’s just too much. I don’t want to be that girl who’s nothing without her boyfriend. I want to be a reflection of what I love—of who I am on my own, not just an empty echo of who I love. Does that make sense?”


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