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Immortals of Indriell- The Collection

Page 122

by Melissa A. Craven

  Tessa gave him a hard stare. He was a total wreck. Hands shaking, with sweat beading at his temple. "What's going on, James? You know you can count on me."

  "It's Lennox."

  "What about her? I just had her in my class two weeks ago and she seemed fine.” But she wouldn't doubt if some of what Santi had said upset her.

  “We have to get her out of here. It's not safe for her anymore."

  "They found out?" All the color rushed from Tessa's face. She'd really thought they could get her through the next couple of years before they would have to face this.

  "We've been hiding it as best we can, but Livia and Ryan know about her early Awakening. They're going to put her into the mortal foster system."

  "That's … inhumane. What about her parents? I always thought they would come back for her under the circumstances.”

  "They signed over their parental rights to Soma years ago. Foster care is protocol in this situation."

  "She'll just run away the first chance she gets; everyone knows that. You're right. We have to get her out of here," Tessa said.

  “Will you help me?” James asked.

  “Of course.”

  “You've always been such a stickler for the rules.”

  “I know, but I've been keeping Len's secret. I love that kid and I can't let her go into foster care. That's not the answer. I can't imagine what Livia is thinking.”

  “Livia doesn't always have a choice either,” James said softly.

  “I can send Lennox to my mother,” Tess offered. “That's sort of what I've planned for her anyway.”

  “Trust me when I say we need to make Lennox disappear.”

  Tess nodded. She felt the urge not to ask too many questions and of all the people at Soma, she trusted James the most. “All right, what do you need me to do?”

  "I'm leaving with Lennox on Thursday, during all the hustle and bustle of Amrita prep. Everyone expects me to be leaving with the team, but I'm suspended. I should be able to get past security with my suitcase, but I need you to sneak her out of the building in yours. They always stop me at security, and I can't take the chance that they might do a bag search. But you're the Soma golden child. You skate through security all the time. I'm counting on the fact that they never check your suitcase.”

  “What if they do this time?”

  “Have they ever?”

  “No,” she admitted.

  “You love it here, Tess. You're their poster child for the way this place is supposed to work. I can't believe you don't realize it, but you get whatever you want, whenever you want it.”

  “You make it sound like I have it easy.” Tessa bristled at the insinuation that she somehow didn't have to work as hard as everyone else.

  “No one questions how hard you work. You deserve your rank and everything that comes with it. That's what Lennox needs from you-your unquestionable status.”

  “So I get her out of the building and meet you?” Tessa heaved a big sigh. She didn't like this, but she liked the thought of Lennox in foster care even less.

  “I'll be waiting for you at the coffee cart near the park. I'll have your real suitcase. If they happen to search my bag and find girly things, I can blow it off like I grabbed the wrong bag since we all have the same luggage. That's a corner I can talk myself out of. A child in my suitcase, I can't. Once we meet, we'll make the switch, and no one will notice she's gone until it's too late. Then you go on to Amrita like always.”

  "Where will you take her?"

  "I have some friends helping. We're going to find her a real home," James replied.

  "When will you be back? They'll wonder where you've gone,” she said.

  "I'm not coming back, Tessa. I can't explain, but Soma has become a dangerous place for me. I need to go."

  “Dangerous?” Tessa frowned. “Life here is hard, but I wouldn't call it dangerous.” She understood the compulsion to leave. Not everyone made it through to agent status. But dangerous?

  “Not all of us can be the kind of rising star you are, little Tessie.” James smiled at her fondly.

  Tess nodded uncertainly. "Be careful, James. I'll miss you.” She leaned over to hug him. “I'm not sure I can imagine Soma without you.”

  “Not everything is as it seems.” He hugged her tight. “Don't let your ambition cloud your judgment.

  More and more, Tessa was seeing things at Soma as she never had before. Questioning her world, trying to make sense out of things that made no sense.

  “You will trust in yourself, Tessa St. James.” His voice took on a formal note. Far too serious for James. “The child of prophecy needs you. Trials lie ahead for us all but especially for you. Circumstances will tear you down to the studs, only to build you back up again. Open your eyes, Tess.”

  “What was that?” She stared at him, his eyes glowing with the dim light of his power.

  “Just call it a tiny bit of advice from someone who loves you.”


  "It's this or foster care. Get in the damn bag, Lennox," James insisted.

  "I'm way too big to fit in there. How will I breathe?" Lennox's voice squeaked in fear.

  "It's a cloth bag, sweetheart. You'll be fine. I promise," Tessa said.

  Lennox shook her head. "I don't want to get in the bag." She took a step back.

  "You know why we have to do this, Len. Now get in the damn bag," James said.

  "James, give her a break." Tess glared at him. "It'll be just a quick ride to the park, and then you can get out."

  "And then I'll have a new home?" Lennox stared up at James. "With parents? And school like you promised?”


  Tess hoped it wasn't a lie. She hoped Lennox would get the most perfect childhood there ever was, wherever she was going.

  "Who knows, maybe one day we'll see each other again." Tessa smiled.

  "Okay, I'm gettin' in the damn bag." Lennox crouched in the suitcase on the floor and curled into a ball. "You just better be fast, Tess. I don't like this.”

  “Remember to be quiet and still," James said.

  "I'll meet you there in a few minutes," Tess said, wheeling the suitcase with Lennox into the hallway.

  "Take care of yourself, Tessa," James said. "This place … It's not everything our world has to offer.”

  "It's a hard life, and it's not for everyone. I'll make the most of it. I always do."

  "Let's get this show on the road already. I'm dying in here." Len's voice was muffled but clearly irritated at their lingering sentiments.

  Tessa nervously walked to the elevator as James took the stairs back down to his office where he had her real suitcase stored.

  "Have a good trip, Tess!" Eric called from his station at the front desk lobby. "They're gathering outside to load the van to the airport. You're early. You want a cup of coffee?"

  "No, thanks. I'll take a walk over to the park."

  "Leave your suitcase here. I'll make sure it gets loaded.”

  "I'm good, thanks," Tess said in a rush as she swept through the doors at the security checkpoint. James was right: they never checked her credentials at the door. Most of the guards were used to seeing her come and go as she pleased.

  "Have a good trip, Ms. St. James," the head of security said, tipping his hat to her.

  "Thanks, Robert." She flashed a smile as she stepped through the doors and into the fresh, crisp Atlanta fall.

  Once she was across the street, she picked up her pace.

  "It's cold," Lennox whispered.

  "Almost there, kiddo. You're doing a great job."

  “Tessa?” Lennox said.

  “What is it, sweetheart?”

  “Keep an eye on Hunter for me? The kids pick on him.”

  “I will. You just worry about yourself.”

  Tessa stepped around the corner to find James waiting impatiently for her in front of the coffee cart.

  "Thanks for doing this," he whispered. "You have no idea how grateful I am." He handed her a cup of
coffee like they were just friends meeting for a quick cup and a chat. They walked to a car parked on the street and seamlessly switched suitcases. He lifted Lennox into the back seat, easing open the zipper enough so she could get herself out of it when it was safe. James turned and gave Tess a hug.

  "You take care of our girl, James. She's special."

  "I will. You take care of yourself.”

  With that Tessa turned and taking a sip of her coffee, she walked back to Sterling Tower feeling a little lost. It was the second time in as many months that she had defied Soma. It was becoming a bad habit. But she could no longer deny that there were things about Soma that just didn't add up anymore. This business with Lennox crossed a line with her. The kid deserved more from the people who'd raised her. She just hoped James was able to follow through on his promises.

  "There she is," the Soma driver called. "Ms. St. James, just the one we were waiting for." His smile was wide and genuine.

  "Mr. Owen, it's good to see you. Sorry to keep you waiting." She lifted her coffee cup.

  "And you didn't bring me one?"

  "Next time." She grinned and slid into the front seat. It was time to do her job now. After this trip, she only had one more. The end of her stint in the arenas was coming to a close.

  "Where you going this time?" Mr. Owen whispered. She wasn't supposed to disclose any details about Amrita, but he enjoyed hearing about the places she got to visit.

  "Spain." She was looking forward to a few nights in Barcelona. Maybe she'd get her head on straight while she was gone. Ever since that night with Dean, she'd lost her focus, and it was time to get it back. She had one more star to earn.




  Three days. Amrita only kept her away from Soma for three days, but it felt like a lifetime. The fights exhausted her physically, and the parties exhausted her mentally, but she desperately needed that fat paycheck for all the extra training time she'd booked with Chase.

  Tessa walked through the front doors of Sterling Tower feeling like a new woman. Barcelona was amazing. Amrita was the same old game, and she was eager to get back to what mattered. She only had a few days to prepare for her quarterly meeting with Livia, and she intended to impress her with all the progress she'd made since their last meeting.

  “Heya, Eric!” Tessa beamed at her friend as she stepped into the lobby, feeling like this homecoming was more exciting than usual.

  “You're expected in Livia's office right now.” He looked worried, and like he hadn't slept at all since she left.

  “Now?” Her breath caught. She so wasn't ready. She needed at least one more session with Chase before she would feel even remotely prepared to face her boss.

  “There's been a … changing of the guard while you were gone,” he whispered, glancing at the lobby cameras. “Livia's missing.”

  “What? Missing, how?”

  “I don't know. She left the same day you left for Amrita. She took Quinn and Santi with her. None of them have returned. James and Lennox are missing, too.”

  “It's only been three days. I'm sure it's-”

  Eric shook his head. “We have a new director. He's waiting for you now.”

  “Who is it?”

  “I think this … I think this might be a good thing, Tess.”

  Tessa raced up to her apartment to drop off her bags and rushed to Livia's pristine office. Except it wasn't so pristine. Boxes and duffle bags lay scattered about the room, like someone lost interest taking over Livia's space. He sat at the desk with his back to her, his worn boots propped up on the white marble console table.

  It can't be! He'd never want this job.

  “Tess! You're back.” His broad smile lit his face, marred only slightly by the aged Soma tattoo on his cheek.

  “Jayesh?” She rushed across the room to hug him. He'd been like a big brother to her for most of her life, but she rarely got to see him since he left his position at Soma to head up a special forces team of seasoned agents. She'd like nothing more than to work directly for him one day. “You're taking over until Livia gets back?”

  “That might not be any time soon. I'm your new boss, for now.”

  “What happened to Livia?”

  “Not sure.” He shrugged. “The big boss called me and here I am.”

  “You wanted to see me?” She sat on the chair in front of his desk, twisting her hands in her lap.

  “Yes. I have an assignment for you. They've been waiting patiently for your training to be complete.”

  “I'm not ready.” She shook her head. “Maybe in a few more months.”

  “You're ready.” He frowned. “You've been ready for a while now. I have some good news and some bad news.” He slid a folder across the desk. “The good news is your gift works perfectly. You've been removing all traces of toxins from larger bodies of water for nearly a year. Your specimens have been perfectly safe to drink. The bad news is your trainer, Chase, has been fleecing you for a lot of unnecessary training hours. You've paid him thousands for training and research you didn't need.”

  Tess shook her head again. “No. Chase would never do that to me.”

  “The proof is right there in front of you, sweetheart. As well as a sizable check to reimburse you for every penny he stole from you.”

  Tessa's hands shook as she opened the folder. The lab results of the last year of her work didn't lie. Chase-someone she trusted with the most important aspects of her training-had lied to her. He saw her as a cash cow and took advantage of her trust. The cashier's check came straight from Chase's bank account. Every dime she'd given him for a year, he'd returned in full. The enormity of the amount of money she held in her hand stunned her. How had she paid him so much?

  “He agreed to return the money?” She cast her eyes up at Jayesh. He sat on the desk in front of her, a sad frown on his face.

  “Selena can be very convincing.”

  “You had her threaten to take his gift?”

  “He was all too eager to empty his bank accounts to avoid a date with her.”

  “Thank you. Jayesh … I don't even know what to say. I'm so stupid.” She was crushed. She should have seen it. The way Chase charged her for every little thing.

  “No, you trusted your trainer as you should. It is Soma's fault for allowing such a thing to happen to you. We will be keeping a better eye on you now.”

  “So, you're giving me my first assignment?”

  "I am.”

  “Am I really ready?” She couldn't believe this was happening so quickly. Her pulse pounded in her ears, terrified and elated at the same time.

  “You have to be. This isn't going to be an easy first task for you. But I know you can do it.”

  “I absolutely can.” She sat up straighter. “When do I leave? Where am I going?” Excitement flushed her face as her mind whirled with all the things she needed to do before she left.

  “You will leave for South America next week. Until then, you need to spend every free moment preparing your new student for this assignment.”

  “My student?” She'd never heard of a student going on an assignment. If that were a possibility, she would have been given that opportunity long ago.

  “Yes. A special case. We've recently discovered a new recruit with an environmental gift like yours. I believe you two will work so well together for this assignment that I had to make an exception. It will be your job to continue your student's training in addition to your new responsibilities. I've ensured your new employer you are up to the challenge.”

  “I've trained all my life for this. How can a new recruit possibly be ready? It isn't fair.”

  “Fair? Nothing about what we do is fair, Tessa,” Jayesh said softly. “You and your student are needed for a very important job. It is as simple as that.”

  “You're right. I will not fail either task. When will I get to meet this recruit?”

  “Right now.” Jayesh leaned over his desk to reach for the phone. “Ryan
, send him in, please.”

  “Unfortunately, your student has had a little trouble adjusting to Soma's higher expectations. You will counsel him through this difficult time. Teach him that Soma is here to help him become the best he can be.”

  Tessa hesitated to turn when the door opened behind her, and her student stepped into the room. All her life, she'd dreamed of the moment when she would finally become a real agent. And now she had to share that with someone else. It wasn't at all like she'd planned, but she would roll with it.

  “Tessa?” His voice no longer carried that teasing tone that haunted her dreams, but the sound of her name on his lips sent her heart racing.

  “Dean?” She turned to find her student could barely hold himself upright. Ryan shouldered him across the room, easing him into the chair beside her. Dean's face was bruised, and his right eye was nearly swollen shut. She almost didn't recognize him.

  “What's happened to you?” She lunged from her seat to kneel beside him. “What are you doing here?” Her hands fluttered uselessly in her lap. She wanted to touch him, but she didn't want to hurt him.

  “I take it you two have met before?” Jayesh said.

  She nodded. “Amrita. Two months ago. Why does he look like he's gone through a meat-grinder, Jayesh? What is the meaning of this?”

  “He's had a rough few days, but he knows what is expected of him now.”

  “This is not one of your military operations. We don't treat people like this! I'm so sorry, Dean. This isn't right.”

  “This?” Dean scowled at her. “Isn't this what you wanted, Tessa? Or is that even your real name?”

  “Of course it is,” she whispered, reaching for his hand. But Dean pulled away.

  “I trust if you're old friends, then there should be very little trouble getting Dean settled?” Jayesh continued, not giving her an actual answer about Dean's condition. “He will stay in the solitary dormitories until you leave for your assignment.”

  “He will stay with me until his face doesn't look like that anymore. And then if he wants to leave, he leaves.” She stood to face Jayesh. He needed to understand that this was unacceptable. This was not the way they handled the students who came to them for help.


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