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Wild, Wicked, & Wanton

Page 13

by Jaci Burton

  foot on the gravel.

  "Get lost, Rand. I'm late for an appointment."

  She couldn't see Rand's eyes behind the silver of his Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the slow slide sunglasses, but his smirk told her everything she needed to of his Ray Bans down his long, straight nose, the revelation of know.

  his steel gray eyes, the firm line of his full lips.

  "You were speeding."

  She would not be affected. She would not be affected.

  "Was not."

  Her pebbling nipples be damned, she would not be affected!

  "Eighty-five in a sixty is definitely speeding, Blair."

  "Maybe you misunderstood that siren I was wailing

  "So write me a ticket and let me get out of here."

  behind your speeding ass for the past three miles, Miss

  "I'll need to see your driver's license and insurance verification."


  Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

  "Oh for the love of God. Like you don't have my data skimpy silk skirt and tank top were all she could tolerate in the memorized." He knew everything about her, including her summer heat. If she wasn't meeting Blair and Callie for drinks address and license number. They'd known each other forever.

  she wouldn't even have a bra on.

  They'd been at each other's throats since high school. She

  "Turn around and face your vehicle."

  knew Rand McKay better than any other man. The most He kicked her legs apart and stepped behind her, the irritating man she'd ever known. She leaned into the open nearness of his body crowding her against her car. She window of her vehicle and took out her purse, rummaging breathed in the spicy scent of him, made even more powerful through it for her identification.

  by the afternoon heat. What was it about this man that both

  "Is that a gun in your purse, Blair?"

  infuriated her and turned her on so much?

  "You know damn well it is."

  "I'm going to report you to your superiors," she

  "Put the bag down, turn around and place your hands complained.

  on the roof of your car."

  "You do that."

  She arched a brow. "Are you serious?"

  He started at her wrists and ran his hands up her bare

  "Do as I say. Now."

  arms, over her shoulder, then made his way down. He didn't

  "Rand, you know damn well I have a--"

  need to touch her there, dammit. Her skin broke out in

  'Do it!"

  goosebumps when his fingertips brushed the outer swells of her Man, he was in a pissy mood. And normally she'd fight breasts.

  him on this. But she could tell he was into playing cop today

  "Careful there," she warned.

  and she wasn't going to make lunch if she stood there and

  "Oh, I'm being very careful."

  argued with him. This was a game. They'd played it before. If He reached around and palmed her breasts. Her sheer she let him have his way and he annoyed her for a few seconds, silk bra couldn't hide her traitorous rising nipples, her breasts she'd be on her way. She turned around and placed her swelling eagerly into his hands.

  fingertips on the roof of her car.

  "That is not patting me down!"

  "Spread your legs."

  "Just checking to see if you have anything hidden in Which is exactly what he'd said to her when he pulled your bra."

  her over. Only she'd thought he was joking. "Christ, Rand.

  "I do. My breasts. Now leave them alone!"

  This is not funny."

  His warm breath blew against the nape of her neck, not

  "I'll have to pat you down, see what else you're at all cooling the sweat there. "They don't act as if they want hiding."

  me to leave them alone." To prove his point, he scraped his She shot him an irritated glare over her shoulder. "You thumbs over her distended nipples. She bit back the groan that see what I'm wearing? I could hardly be hiding much." Her wanted to escape her throat. God, that man had talented hands.


  Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

  And she hadn't been touched in...far too long. Her clit was

  "Bullshit. I can smell you. That sweet scent is pussy, throbbing, her pussy wet and her panties clung to her skin.

  baby, not sweat."

  She wanted sex.

  Asshole. And his cock was hard, rubbing against her But she didn't want Rand. She didn't!

  ass as he clenched her hip. She breathed in and out through her

  "Are you quite finished?" she asked, gritting her teeth.

  nose, trying to avoid panting. She was so aroused every fiber of

  "Not quite."

  her being was screaming at her to turn around and beg him to Somehow she'd make him pay for doing this to her, for fuck her. Right there on the side of the road.

  forcing her to ignore her body's needs. Any other man and And that's just what he wanted her to do.

  she'd have her legs wrapped around him and her pussy on his Never!

  dick by now.

  His hand inched along her upper leg, his fingertips But she would never, ever fuck Rand McKay.

  traveling precariously close to her pussy. He began to rub her Not if he was the last man on Earth and she was inner thigh now, mere inches away from her clit. If she shifted, desperately horny. She'd rather fuck a cactus.

  just a little, she could place the throbbing bud right in his hand.

  He finally relinquished his hold on her breasts and she Oh, and he'd take her there. She knew he could. A few strokes exhaled, but then his hot, huge hands skimmed her ribcage, and she'd fly right over the edge. She was so damn close sliding up and under the tank top to touch her bare skin. She already. Hot, achy, her pussy quaking with need.


  She hated Rand McKay right now, hated that he had

  "Something wrong?"

  this much control over her.

  "Nothing." She'd be damned if she'd give him the

  "Let me go, Rand. This has gone way beyond a simple satisfaction of knowing he affected her. She'd simply pretend body search."

  irritation and nothing else. And then she'd get him fired.

  "Oh, I'm searching your body all right, Blair. I'm His knee insinuated itself further between her legs as looking for a key."

  his hands found her hips. When he jerked her toward him, She swallowed, her throat dry. "What key?"

  she'd had enough.

  "They key to unlocking the fire within you, Blair. Just

  "Rand," she warned.

  say the word and I'll do it. You know I can. I'm the only one But her warning fell on deaf ears. He lifted her skirt and who can."

  sat her on his jean-clad thigh, the scrape of denim against her His fingers massaged the spot where her panties met swollen clit enough to make her gasp.

  her thigh, the side of his hand a fraction of an inch from her

  "You're wet," he whispered against her ear.

  clit. Her swollen pussy lips trembled at his touch.

  "It's hot outside. I'm sweating," she lied.

  "You need me to take you there, baby," he said, rocking his hard cock against her. Give up that famous Newcastle 77

  Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

  control to me, and I'll make you come like you've never come level. She was so goddamned hot she was going to self before. Let me have it, Blair."

  combust. On fire with anger and unrequited passion.

  She froze as if a sudden icy rain had begun to fall in the She hated him. Absolutely hated him.

  dead afternoon of August. Rigid, she began to push at his hand.

  And she'd never wanted a man more than she wanted

  "Let me go, Rand."

d McKay.

  And he knew it, too. In an instant he backed away and She always had.

  she smoothed down her skirt, ignoring the inferno flaming inside her, the roaring climax she'd been seconds from having.

  Rand leaned against his squad car and watched Blair The one she was never going to have with Rand speed away, her tires spitting out gravel in her wake. Breaking McKay.

  the speeding laws again, no doubt. He owed her a ticket, too.

  Forcing a calm and cool demeanor she didn't feel, she Then again, he knew right where to find her.

  whirled around and took two steps toward him, placing a finger And she knew where to find him. Which she would, in the center of his wide, masculine chest. "Get this straight, soon enough.

  Rand. You want to write me a ticket for speeding, fine. You For fifteen years he'd watched her go through man after want to haul me into the station for possession of a gun I have a man. She'd even gone as far as getting engaged to three of permit to possess, do it. But don't you ever"--she accentuated them, but had never made it to the altar yet.

  the ever with a push of her finger against his chest--"ever He knew why. Because none of those men could satisfy touch me again."

  her. They didn't understand what she needed.

  Instead of arguing with her, he folded his arms across Rand knew exactly what she needed.

  his well muscled chest and smiled smugly at her. How dare he Blair Newcastle might be cool, calm and in charge on look so unaffected when she was damn near shaking all over?

  the outside, but inside she was desperate for a man to take If it wasn't for the ridge of his erection clearly visible through charge and dominate her.

  his jeans, she could swear the man was cold as ice.

  He knew it, and she knew it.

  "When you're ready to turn over control, Blair, you He slipped into his squad car, radioed the station that he know where to find me."

  was back on patrol, and drove off, heading toward town.

  "When they announce the next Winter Olympics in His cock was still hard and aching. God almighty was hell, I'll do that."

  he miserable right now. It as all he could do to resist taking it Without bothering to gauge his reaction, she mustered out and jacking off on the side of the road, releasing the tight up what dignity she had left, slipped in her car, buckled her throbbing in his balls. He lifted his fingers to his nose, inhaling seat belt and drove away, blasting the air conditioner at arctic Blair's sweet, musky scent that lingered on his hands.


  Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

  Shit. He groaned and mentally cursed the stubborn over and turned the ignition off with an oath of disgust, woman. What the hell was wrong with her, anyway? Her dropping her keys in her purse.

  nipples had been tight when he'd cupped her full breasts, her Asshole. Her body was still vibrating from his touch, pussy moist when he'd brushed his fingers against her silken the way he whispered dark promises in her ear with his deep, panties. It had been damn torture for him not to palm her heat husky voice, enticing her toward an orgasm she was all too and take her over the edge. He'd heard the soft panting gasps eager to have at his hands.

  she thought to mask, knew she could fall with the slightest Never. Never, never never. Once she gave up her power brush of his fingers against her hard little clit. She'd been to a man, she'd never be in charge of her destiny again. And primed and ready for a good hard climax. Until she'd fought Rand was alpha to the core, the kind to wrestle control away her natural urges.

  from her and stomp her freedom right into the ground. He was Though she'd hardly fought. Usually she cussed him nothing like the men she usually dated. Nothing. The men she out and slapped his hand away when they tussled. Not this time chose were men she could manage.

  though. Arousal had seethed inside her and she'd been Tossing thoughts of Rand into the gentle summer moments away from giving up control to him.

  breeze, she walked through the unlocked front door of Callie's But she just refused to surrender the last vestiges of it, modest little house, announcing her arrival. "I'm here!"

  too afraid of what might happen if she submitted to him.

  "You're late!" Callie called from the kitchen.

  They'd been dancing around each other for fifteen

  "I know!" She grinned and wandered into the kitchen, goddamn years. He'd never force the issue with her, because thrilled to see a laughing Abby parked at the island counter.

  she was going to have to come to him if she wanted him to take She threw her arms around Abby and gave her a huge hug.


  "Looks like you survived your wild weekend."

  So far she hadn't. But he was a very patient man. And

  "She sure did," Callie said. "She's been smiling like she was waffling, getting closer and closer to caving in, he that since she got here but she won't tell me a damn thing."

  could tell.

  "Hey, it's not my fault Blair's late."

  Sooner or later she'd figure out that the only man who

  "Guilty as charged," Blair said, pulling up a stool at the was going to make her happy was him.

  counter. She grabbed one of the mimosas Callie slid in her And when she did, he'd be ready for her.

  direction and took a long swallow of the cool liquid, hoping it would douse the fire burning inside her. "But it wasn't my Debating whether or not to spread her legs in the car fault. I was...waylaid on my drive over."

  and massage her hard clit to orgasm right there in Callie's Callie arched a dark brow. "Really."

  driveway, Blair mentally cursed Rand McKay a thousand times

  "Yeah. Rand McKay was fucking with me."


  Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

  "Oooh. In a good way, I hope," Abby said, wagging her When Abby looked back at them, her eyes were filled eyebrows.

  with tears. "I fell in love."

  "No. Just fucking with me in his normal annoying as

  "You're joking," Blair said.

  hell way."

  "No, I'm not."

  Abby and Callie exchanged knowing glances.

  Abby filled them in on what transpired over the

  "Oh, you two quit looking at each other like that. And weekend and the following week. Everything, including her don't even start on me and Rand. You know damn well I'm not individual reactions to both Mike and Seth and her run in with the least bit interested in him. He's like a pesky brother."

  Chad at the casino. By the time she'd finished, it made perfect Callie snorted. "Yeah, right. I don't think so."

  sense to Blair. "Of course you're in love. Seth is the ideal man

  "We are not here to discuss me. I want to hear about for you and Mike isn't. Mike is sexually overpowering--fun to Abby's wild weekend with Mike and Seth. How did it go?"

  play with but not a man to have a relationship with. Seth is Abby's face flushed with the cutest blush. "It everything you should have had the first time around, but was...phenomenal."

  instead you ended up with Chad, the lying, cheating, whoring Callie squealed. "I knew it!"

  son of a bitch."

  Blair nodded. "So did I. So, details, woman, details! At

  "Oh, honey. I'm so damn happy for you!" Callie the club they were both drooling over you, and we saw you hurried around the counter and enveloped Abby in a hug.

  outside on the balcony with them. Dayum. What woman Even Blair had to admit to blinking away a few tears.

  wouldn't have multiple orgasms over attention like that from Okay, she was downright thrilled for Abby. And admittedly, two men?"

  more than a little envious that a bet in order to have a little sex Abby laid her elbows on the counter and palmed her had turned into a love match for one of her best friends.

  face. "I can barely even think about it now without flushing So they spent the
afternoon wildly celebrating Abby's with heat. I can't even describe what that night was like other newfound love while she filled them in about what was next than to say it fulfilled every single fantasy I'd ever had--and for her--namely graduation and starting out her new career as then some. They were magnificent."

  a veterinarian while finding her way in her relationship with Blair laid her hand over Abby's. "Well it's about time Seth.

  you got laid."

  By the time they were kicked back in Callie's living Abby's eyelashes fluttered down and she clasped her room, Blair had relaxed and had a good buzz going. She hands together. "Oh, it went way beyond just sex, Blair. Way propped her feet on the worn wood coffee table and laced her beyond."

  arms behind her head.

  "There's more? Come on, girl. Spill," Callie demanded.

  "So, Blair, I think it's your turn next."


  Jaci Burton/ Wild, Wicked & Wanton/Unedited Advance Reading Copy Berkley Heat/May, 2007

  She looked over at Abby, who was equally kicked back Callie gasped. "Blair Newcastle. You have never with her feet tucked under her in the wicker chair. "My turn for backed out on a bet in all the years we've known you. Are you what?"

  that much of a coward?"

  "The bet."

  Goddammit! Callie was right. She had never, ever Blair arched a brow. "Oh yeah?"

  failed to see a bet through. But it was Rand for the love of God.

  "Great idea. And I have just the suggestion for man How could she accept the terms? Why were they doing this to meat for you," Callie said

  her when they knew how she felt about him?

  Now they were talking a subject that interested her. She

  "Blair," Abby said. "You might think you're keeping couldn't imagine what man Callie and Abby would have in some deep dark secret, but not from us."

  mind for her. "Who?"

  Blair's eyes widened. They could not know! "What are

  "Rand McKay," Callie replied with a smug smile.

  you talking about?"

  "Rand is perfect," Abby added.

  "Rand McKay. You've been hot for him since high

  "Oh you two are hilarious." Blair stretched and wiggled school. It's obvious to everyone who knows the two of you."

  her toes. "But I don't think so."

  "It is not." And that wasn't her secret. It wasn't what

  "Unless I'm mistaken, Miss Newcastle, you were the kept her away from Rand. They had no idea what they were one who thought up and set the terms of this bet," Abby said.

  asking of her.

  "And those terms included that we got to choose who you


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