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Serving Fallon

Page 6

by Kaely Steel

  His raging hard-on told me that he did.

  I let my robe slide down my arms and onto the bed next to him. I cupped my breasts and circled the palms against my nipples.

  “I have very sensitive nipples. Did you know that?”

  He didn’t say a word, espresso dark eyes riveted on my every move, arm muscles straining against his restraints.

  “You’d love to touch yourself while you watch me, wouldn’t you?” I watched his cock twitch, then flush deeper red. My excitement grew with the triumph of my control. I liked this game.

  “What a shame you can’t. Not the way I can.” I slipped my middle finger between my lips to my clit. “I can do this.” I spread my inner lips with my fingers and gave them a loving caress. “And I can do this.” I inserted my middle two fingers. “I can even do this.”

  I bent down and rubbed my sex-dampened fingers against his lips. “How do I taste?”

  He licked his lips greedily. “Come for me.”

  “You want me to come?” I pretended to consider it. “Well, all right. I suppose I could.”

  My obliging fingers got busy, one hand teasing my nipples, the other one circling my clit, harder and faster. My breath rose and fell as the pressure built, fueled by the way Hart watched me from beneath heavy-lidded eyes. His chest rose and fell in tandem with my accelerated breathing.

  I watched the flex of his arm muscles as he pulled at his restraints. Heady stuff, watching him suffer while I exalted in my female power. Embraced my sexuality. My freedom.

  I let out a hoarse cry as release washed through me. My legs quivered, my knees weak. I grabbed the headboard for support, breathing heavily.

  “My turn!” He taunted me, stuck out his tongue and made suggestive gestures.

  I straightened. “Weren’t you paying attention? I don’t need you to make me come.”

  “I’ll make you come again. And again. In ways you’ve never come before.”

  His confidence was a gauntlet thrown down between us. So that’s the way he wanted to play! Still clinging to the headboard, I stood directly above him, giving him a good look before I lowered myself to his waiting mouth.

  He opened wide and took me. Darting tongue, hungry lips. Delving, Laving. Sucking. On the heels of my recent performance these new sensations were magical as his tongue darted in and out, filling me, our fluids mingling.

  I started, then relaxed as his tongue slyly made its way toward my anus, to lick and taste me there as well. My muscles grew even more slack. Wave after wave of heat washed through me, heightening everything to a new level of tension.

  He divided his attention between my two orifices and my clit. Back and forth. Slurping, sucking, licking. Faster and faster. I arched. I bucked. I squirted. All over his face.

  He lay beneath me drenched in my juices, tongue lapping up any droplets he was able to capture. His mouth gentled on me as the aftershocks slowly subsided.

  I rolled off him, too limp to move another inch as my body continued to throb and hum in the most satisfied of ways.

  I lay there next to him, slowly catching my breath while I stared at the ceiling, aghast at the way I had lost control. The way, even handcuffed, he stole my power.

  I snuck a sideways look, tempted to leave him wrist-locked for punishment, but he occupied my bed. My space. His cock rested easily against his naked thigh, a smug smile shaping his lips.

  “What shall we play next?”


  I knew I’d rattled Fallon good. Using sex to get to someone wasn’t my typical MO but she scared me earlier tonight. She was exactly what the G Force needed. Everything we needed. And since it appeared The Group had been compromised, we needed to work with her to fix things.

  This organization was my life. With Fallon at the helm we had the power, the means to take things in a new direction. To score even greater triumphs.

  “I’m done playing.” She tugged her robe back on, rose gracefully and dug out the key to unlock the handcuffs. I straightened my arms and rubbed my wrists to get the circulation going again. She must have seen the way I eyed the handcuffs with the intent to wrestle them from her, because she kept them close as she bent down and tossed me my jeans.

  I stood and stepped into them, then hesitated. It was clear from her body language that she was done with me, that she wanted me out of there. But I couldn’t leave things like this.

  I cupped her face in my hand and turned it toward me. “It’s okay to give the control to someone else once in a while.”

  “Not for me it isn’t.”

  I rubbed the soft skin of her cheek with my thumb. “Power is meant to be shared. The more you share, the more everyone else has to also share.”

  “It doesn’t work that way, Hart. You, of all people ought to know that.”

  I fell silent, lost in memories of that fateful day when I shared what I knew with a higher power at work. My suspicions that a rash of fires had been deliberately set proved correct. What I didn’t expect was that the arsonist was my partner and best friend who, together with our boss, started a fire destined to silence me forever.

  The scars I wore were a constant reminder of what can happen when power falls into the wrong hands. The old Hart died that day, reborn to join the fight against corruption of power with my G Force team.

  I looked at Fallon. “Power needn’t always be something that gets abused.” But I knew as I spoke that it happened all too often.

  “Trust me,” Fallon said. “I won’t abuse it. But I won’t give it up without a fight.”

  “You won our trust, Fallon. All of us. We’ll do anything you tell us. What you need to learn is how to trust us.”

  “Trust is impossible.”

  And just like that I lost her. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. The shampoo she used smelled terrific. “The day you give us your trust, Fallon, will be a day above all others.”


  With Hart gone, sleep eluded me. Despite total sexual satiation of my body, my mind refused to rest. Little did Hart know that what he and the others wanted, my trust, was an impossible gift. I had won their love. I had earned their respect. I would never abuse their trust. But I could not offer them mine.

  Chapter 9


  I scratched the back of my neck, feeling the rough ridge of scar tissue. My scars tended to itch, a kind of internal barometer warning when something was about to go down. As I looked around the control room at the others, I figured it must be a false read. Everyone looked pretty relaxed.

  Except for Fallon almost getting killed, last night had gone according to plan. The crooked judge was being taken care of by his superiors. The proceeds from the sale of his horses would be distributed to children and families who had been affected most by his unfair rulings. Score one for the good guys.

  I watched as Dare messed around with some footage from Fallon’s last meeting with The Group. She’d been right about one thing, The Group was splintering apart. She’d arrived at the meeting ahead of time to sweep the room for bugs, which she found and destroyed before she replaced them with her own.

  Dare took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t like this. We all believed The Group was above reproach, true White Knights in a world gone off the rails. A cause we could believe in.”

  “It will be again,” Kiernan said. “Fallon is working on a plan to expose the rotten wood and rebuild the foundation better, stronger, and less susceptible to corruption.”

  “She’s only one girl,” Ledger said.

  “Precisely why she needs us,” I said. “She needs our help to figure who of The Group can be trusted and who has their own agenda.”

  Abruptly the surveillance footage disappeared, to be replaced by Thor’s voice and image. “Congratulations, gentlemen, on a job well done last evening.”

  We all nodded. No one spoke, which was the way Thor liked these chats to go. This wasn’t the first time it had been just him in
contact with us, but it wasn’t typical. “Another mission is in the works. I will send the files along the usual channels.”

  I exchanged a look with my team. It was unusual for us to have jobs assigned so closely together. And as we all knew, it was best to keep up our guard when things deviated from the norm. Hadn’t we all learned that the hard way?

  “Am I the only one who thinks something smells a little off?” Ledger asked once Thor had disconnected.

  “No, Bro,” Wulff agreed.

  “Yeah, my bull shit detector is chiming away,” Kiernan said.

  I didn’t mention the accelerated itching from my scarred back. Obviously, we were all on the same page about this. So now what?

  Suddenly the screen snapped back into focus. Only this time it wasn’t Thor whose image faced us. It was Tomas, a lesser-known member of The Group, a man we rarely heard from. He looked worried.

  “This is an unofficial call. I would like it to stay between just us.”

  I leaned forward. The itching intensified.

  “I need to know if you hear from Fallon. She’s been missing since our last meeting and I’m worried about her.”

  “I don’t understand.” Dare said. “Why would you think we might hear from her?”

  “I don’t know who else to contact,” Tomas said. “She’s alone out there. I have reason to believe she could be a target.”

  I looked around at the four other somber faces in the room with me. To a man, our intent rang clear. If Fallon was in danger, we would take care of it.

  “Targeted by whom?” Dare asked, in deceptively mild tones.

  “I can’t say,” Tomas said. “Not until I have more proof. But if she reaches out, have her contact me immediately.”

  “Do you know anything about the next assignment Thor was talking about?” Dare asked.

  “Thor said there’s another mission in the works?” Tomas’ eyes grew wide. “That can’t be good.” Then he was gone.

  “Who from The Group knows where the ranch is located?” Kiernan asked.

  “You think they might attack the ranch if they know Fallon is here?” I said. It was a pretty ludicrous thought. “Who the hell would be targeting her, anyway?”

  Ledger spoke up. “Who wants to have that conversation with her?”

  I said out loud what the others were thinking. “Looks like your turn, Bro.”


  I channeled my reaction inward as I listened to Ledger. I disapproved of Tomas reaching out to my men, my soldiers, and I felt this huge bolt of possessiveness thunder through me.

  “Vincent and Thor are the only ones who know where the ranch is located,” I said with certainty. “And that is only because they had family members take refuge here while we resolved those situations. Thor has no authority to give you an assignment the rest of us know nothing about and haven’t approved. That’s total abuse of power. It goes against everything The Group stands for.”

  Ledger ran a hand through his hair as if it was suddenly in his way. “Even if Thor and Vincent are not the bad guys,” he said, “it would be easy enough for the information to be leaked.”

  I wrapped my arms around my waist as if I could protect myself. Was there no place on earth I could feel safe?

  I swallowed a sudden rush of bile. It was happening all over again, this feeling of vulnerability that I worked so hard to eradicate. “I don’t believe I’m a target,” I said flatly. “That makes no sense.”

  “You’re bound to have made enemies over the years. What about somebody you locked up?”

  I shot Ledger a glance. “Most people who get locked up deserve it. You didn’t.”

  “And you arranged to spring me.”

  “The Group did.”

  “But you advocated for me.”

  That much was true. I hated injustice and had followed Ledger’s case with more than casual interest. “Someone had to protect your lily-white ass.”

  “And now I get to return the favor.”

  “Maybe protection isn’t what my ass needs right now.”

  He grinned. “Maybe you need a spanking.” He plucked a wooden spoon out of the jar of kitchen utensils and slapped it against the palm of his hand.

  I felt the blood drain from my face. “I…” I couldn’t rip my eyes from the wooden spoon in his hand. The room spun around and went black.

  I came to lying on the couch near the fire. Ledger perched next to me, concern clouding his handsome face as my eyes slowly regained focus. I reached up to his Viking-style locks, wrapping a strand around my middle finger. “Sorry about that. I haven’t blacked out in a really long time.” When I was young it happened on a regular basis. I thought I had outgrown it.

  “Someone must have really done a number when you were a kid,” he said.

  “You could say.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “There’s a lot we never know. And a lot we never need to talk about.” I rolled up the sleeve of his T shirt to expose the tattoo I knew I would find on his shoulder; the scales of justice. All five of them had the same tattoo. I traced my index finger slowly over the ink. “This is what matters. This is what G Force is all about. I refuse to let anything change that.”

  “Me too.” His free hand cupped my face, fingers gentle in my hair. Seconds later his mouth met mine and waves of delight shuddered through me. I felt him pledging his loyalty, pledging his love. Everything I had hoped for and needed from my men.

  “Everyone here fought his way out of his own personal jail cell, one way or the other, to wind up here,” I said softly.

  “I know,” Ledger said. “That’s what made us strong. That’s what drives us.”

  I knew that power, while it can generate more power, can also breed corruption. I craved power in order to keep it pure. And I knew where to get it. I tugged Ledger’s face down close to mine.

  “What else can you do with food besides cook with it?”

  His lips teased mine as he framed his answer. “Hungry, my dear Fallon?”


  “Leave things to me.”

  Chapter 10


  I didn’t have long to wait before Ledger returned wearing only a white chef’s apron tied at his waist. A faint dusting of red-gold hair on his chest caught light from the fire, making it appear as if he was gilded in gold. He carried a dark wooden tray. His right shoulder muscle flexed beneath his tattoo as he placed the tray on the coffee table.

  I sat up, intrigued.

  “My lady’s wish is my command.” He joined me on the couch, his naked thigh snugged close to mine. I waited and watched, curious to see what he would do next.

  He combed his fingers through my hair before he tied it back with a piece of butcher’s twine. Then he unbuttoned my white cotton blouse and tossed it aside, followed by my bra. Well-defined chest and arm muscles flexed with each action.

  I felt the welcome stirrings of lust. Sex was one way of turning off thoughts. Blotting out all else besides the moment. Hard and fast or slow and languid, it served the same purpose, to transport me someplace safe. Someplace untouchable. Ironic really when you considered sex was the ultimate act of touch. Despite that, no one touched my soul.

  I noticed interesting movements beneath the apron.

  He leaned close. “Be a good girl and close your eyes.”

  I felt suddenly cheeky. “No. I want to watch you.”

  “All right. Then be a good girl and stand up so I can undress you.”


  I peeled Fallon from her clothing, piece by piece, until her naked splendor was fully exposed.

  “You’re beautiful,” I said, my hands reverently tracing her feminine curves and valleys. I leaned close and breathed deeply her unique, feminine fragrance.

  “May I sit?”

  “Of course.” I spread a kitchen towel down just before she sank back onto the sofa beside me. Our thighs touched. Her delicate leg looked ridiculously small next to mine, yet I
knew how strong she could be. Quiet strength.

  I chose a large, ripe strawberry from the overflowing bowl, took a bite, then pressed it to her lips. She took a dainty nibble, her eyes wide on mine, bright with anticipation.

  More than ever, I was drawn to her heady mixture of vulnerability and strength. The way she could be at once playful yet distant- a living, breathing contradiction of all things.

  The half-eaten berry trailed juice across her chest as I traced the shape of her breasts, colored her nipples the deep dark red of blood. Licked them clean, then started again.

  “Oh, look,” I said. “Whipped cream as well.” I dipped my fingers in the thick cream and dotted white dollops atop her red, cherry-like nipples.

  I briefly admired my creation. “I think it needs more.” I scooped a handful of cream atop her breasts, turned them into snow-topped mountain peaks, then topped each one with a strawberry.

  “I always knew you’d be good enough to eat. Now I’ve just proven it.”

  “So,” she said huskily. “How do I taste?”

  “I’m about to find out.” I took another scoop of cream and smeared it over her sex. She shifted, allowing me easier access to scoop it inside her.

  “You’re so hot,” I said. “The cream is starting to melt.”

  “You’re sure it’s not the fire?”

  “I am very certain it’s you.”

  I kept one hand on her pubes, teasing and torturing her inner lips while I proceeded to nibble at the strawberries and cream cresting her breasts, taking my time.

  I loved the way she moved with me, rolling her hips, silently begging for more, rubbing her hot little box against my hand like a wanton feline. I obliged with added pressure in just the right place. At the same time I lightly nipped her nipple with my teeth. I was careful not to bite, to only graze the sensitive area as I continued to lap at the remainder of my creamy feast.


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