Serving Fallon

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Serving Fallon Page 7

by Kaely Steel

  As I gorged, I watched and waited for her response. Satisfaction fueled my own lust as the catch in her breathing signaled her orgasm starting to build. I fed it to her bit-by-bit, rubbing, slowing, rubbing harder, biting, licking, sucking. When she came, a deep, keening moan reverberated through her and into me, racing through my veins like a hungry brush fire.

  “God, Fallon. Do that again.”

  I knelt before her, smeared her sex with more cream before I fell upon her like a parched dessert traveler who comes upon an oasis.

  No gentleness. No teasing. I was consumed by raw, primitive hunger and thirst which only Fallon could quench. Her juices sweetened the richness of the cream, turned it into ambrosia. I could eat her forever. Exist on nothing save Fallon. Exist in a world which contained only her. For she was beauty and strength. She was me and I was her. Except she wasn’t mine, she was ours.


  I admired the view as Ledger rose, wisps of whipped cream clinging to his lips. I watched the movement of his lips and tongue as he licked himself clean. And then I turned my admiring glance to the way the front of his apron was tented over his enormous erection. When he headed toward the kitchen the muscles of his ass cheeks flexed with every step he took. His strong back rippled as he turned on the tap. I heard the gentle hiss of running water.

  As pleasant aftershocks tingled through me I stirred, replete, eyeing the action of his apron as he returned and wiped me clean with a warm, damp cloth. “What else have you got on that tray over there?”

  “Frozen grapes from our greenhouse.”

  “Well, well.” I helped myself to a small handful and pulled him close so I could push the apron aside and admire his erection at eye level. And an impressive erection it was. Hard and thick and flushed with readiness, a tiny pearl of anticipation glistening on its tip. I cupped the grapes in both palms and rolled them across his balls and up his shaft while he watched impassively, pretending my actions weren’t having an effect. I wasn’t fooled. I saw his pupils dilate. I heard his breath catch.

  “I planned to use those grapes on you,” he said.

  “That’ll be later.” I popped three into my mouth, savored the biting cold, then took his cock, rolling it between the icy grapes and my hot, lashing tongue. His fingers dug through my hair, his nails raked my scalp. I watched his face as he exploded with a guttural cry. Satisfaction thrummed through me as his power surrendered to mine.


  I stood on the landing and watched as the scene before me on the main floor came to its end. Ledger gathered up the linens and tray of food while Fallon shimmied back into her clothes. The others had surely watched as well, each from their own vantage point. After all, Fallon was ours. She belonged to all of us. It was important we all treat her the way she deserved. To watch her grow her power now that she was here where she belonged.

  Once things appeared to be back to rights, I strolled into the kitchen. I smiled as the others trooped in on my heels from wherever they’d been observing the action. I’d always envied Ledger his talents with food, but never more than at this moment.

  “Strawberries and cream. What a great idea,” Kiernan said with a naughty wink as he dipped a berry and popped it into his mouth.

  “I’m always full of good ideas,” Ledger said.

  “I’ve heard that about you.” Kiernan scooped up another berry. He dipped it in cream and popped it into Fallon’s mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise at the gesture.

  “Dare’s been working on a strategy, Fallon. With our help, of course. In case whoever is after you shows up here.”

  Fallon swallowed the berry. “I wouldn’t put much weight behind anything Tomas says. I’ve caught him in an outright lie before.”

  “How’d that happen?” I asked.

  “The details aren’t important.”

  “I mean, how’d you let someone close enough so they could twist the truth?”

  Fallon appeared unfazed. “Tomas and I were lovers. Until he betrayed me.”

  “So you trusted him once?” This from Dare.

  She cast her gaze to the floor. “Not fully,” she admitted. “And with good reason considering the way things turned out.”

  Hart spoke up. “Fear is never a good decision-maker, Fallon. It only holds us back.”

  She raised her chin. “Other times it can keep us alive.”

  “I beg to differ,” I said. “That’s where our instincts come in.”

  “I don’t think anyone here relies on their instincts. If you had, none of you would be here,” Fallon said.

  “Wrong,” I said. “For me, at least, the problem compounded when I ignored my instincts. I knew something was wrong in the town, but I listened to my head not my gut and let myself be influenced by others.”

  The rest nodded in agreement.

  “Not anymore,” I added.

  “I don’t believe in instinct,” Fallon said, dismissively. “I believe in cold, hard reality. Reality never lies.”

  Chapter 11


  The waiting was the worst! And yet what other choice did I have? Despite what Thor said the other day there had been no more contact from him about the so-called job for the G Force. My men were on edge with the waiting as they tried to go about their normal routine.

  So did I.

  No easy feat. I had no routine. What the hell was I trying to prove here, anyway? The G Force didn’t need me. Despite the loftiest of ideals, The Group wasn’t working. The law didn’t work. I had failed at everything I tried to do.

  After a restless hour of beating myself up I got changed and headed for the gym to work off some adrenalin. Maybe if I showed those weights who was boss I would feel I had some control over my life. It was a hell of a theory.

  “Working out? Great, I’ll go with.” Kiernan fell into step beside me on the stairs. “Always good to have a spotter.”

  I shot him a look, letting him know I wasn’t fooled. I had barely managed to go to the bathroom alone these past few days.

  “I don’t need a keeper.”

  He wasn’t fazed. “We do. We need you.” He opened the door to the gym and held it for me.

  “I doubt that. You managed fine without me before.”

  “Ever think maybe we were just waiting for you? Our ruling goddess? Ours to serve and protect.”

  I turned to him, exasperated. “Kiernan, I need time alone. I can’t breathe.”

  His look was completely sincere. “I’ll breathe for you.”

  I recognized the truth behind his words. This five would do anything for me. Anything I needed. Anything I asked. Unconditionally.

  And just like that I became whole. Complete. The mistress of my domain.


  I had no time to enjoy my memorable moment with Fallon- an intimacy of the mind and the soul- before the quiet was shattered by the alarm.

  “Looks like showtime.”

  I felt Fallon tense in readiness and took advantage of it to hustle her safely through a second tunnel that led to an underground bunker. For once, she didn’t protest. There was a quiet strength about her, as if she had just realized she didn’t have to take on the world single-handed. Not when she had us.

  “Stay here until we know what we’re up against.”

  She gave me a thoughtful nod.

  I raced back to the command center, as per protocol. It was our gathering place. I got there last and froze just inside the doorway. “Come in Kiernan. Please close the door behind you.”

  “Sorry, I was in the gym.” I recognized Thor from having seen him on-screen, but in person he was less commanding. Under six feet with an average build, nearly bald, with expressionless light grey eyes.

  “I was just speaking with your team mates regarding G Force’s next mission. It’s of the utmost sensitivity as it concerns Fallon.” He steepled his fingers, shot us a look full of sadness and regret. “I’m afraid she’s lost her way. I have learned she is spreading untruths about The Group and ou
r solidarity. I need her found and brought to me.”

  I was speechless, and was relieved when Dare spoke up. “We don’t work for one member of The Group against another.”

  Thor’s nostrils pinched in displeasure. “May I remind you who created your illustrious boys club here? Who gave you life and purpose when you had none.”

  “The Group gets credit for that,” Wulff said. “We answer to no single person in The Group.”

  Thor’s eyes narrowed. “That’s not what I hear. I hear you’ve been influenced by Fallon. I admit she’s a tasty little piece, not above using you all for her own end. She no longer cares what happens to The Group.”

  I knew that wasn’t true. Fallon cared desperately for The Group which is why she was so upset to see its demise.

  “Who else is here with you, Thor? I track movement on the property,” Dare said.

  “I came alone.” Thor stood. “Come, let’s take to the air and see who’s out there.”

  The others stood. I had never sat down. Clearly no one was happy about this latest turn of events, but Thor had one thing right. The Group made us. We needed more time to find out what Thor was about. Reluctantly, one by one, we filed into the tunnel toward the hanger and through the door; it closed behind us with a heavy thud that echoed through the space. Thor remained on the other side.


  I paced the bunker from end to end and back as I fought the familiar feeling of powerlessness. How could I command my men when I had no idea who or what we were up against? I’d arrived convinced the enemy was The General. Now I knew he was just one more pawn, and the enemy could be any number of others. I had no one I could trust. Except my G Force. I knew with certainty they would never let me down or betray me the way others had.

  I heard the door to the bunker open and raced forward. They had come for me. They had news. I stopped short as Tomas stepped into view.

  “Fallon, you must come with me right away. Thor is here and he intends to do away with you so he has command of G Force. I can keep you safe.”

  I stood firm. “Where are the G Force?”

  “Thor has them trapped. Come. There is not much time.”

  “Even if I believed you, I would never leave the G Force any more than they would leave me.”

  I stiffened as Thor stepped into view, my gaze passing from him to Tomas and back to Thor.

  “Spoken like the true, if somewhat misguided leader,” Thor said. “What a shame the G Force will never know of your undying loyalty.”

  Thor stepped up to Tomas. “You’re as bad as them. Being taken in by her. Pledging your loyalty to her.”

  I couldn’t quite believe what Thor was saying. Tomas had betrayed me. Hadn’t he? Had I accused the wrong man? “Tomas?”

  His eyes were full of sadness. “I don’t blame you for thinking badly of me Fallon. It was made to look that way. I came in an effort to win your trust. To ensure your safety.”

  “Waste of time,” Thor said. Which is when I saw the overhead light glint off the pistol he aimed my way. “Good-bye, Fallon.”

  Things were a blur as shots rang out and Tomas lunged toward me, his body shielding mine. He fell against me and I went down beneath him, carried to the ground under his weight, both of us covered in blood while Thor continued to empty his gun. I felt the jolt as each bullet pierced Tomas’ body.

  “Thor! We have to go. The explosion is set.”

  Whose voice was that?

  Whoever spoke had their back toward me and both captors vanished seconds before I heard a loud explosion from the direction of the ranch house.

  I turned my attention to Tomas, who was bleeding profusely from several wounds. I wiggled out from beneath him and rested his head in my lap. I leaned close. “Stay with me, Tomas. I’m sorry I misjudged you.”

  I leaned down, barely able to hear his strangled reply. “I loved you the best way I could.”

  And then he was gone. I have no idea how long I sat, sheltering his lifeless body in my arms, numb with shock. Tomas hadn’t betrayed me. Tomas had loved me.

  Tomas had saved me.

  Then I remembered the explosion. The G Force. I rose shakily to my feet and reached into Tomas’ waistband to retrieve his Glock. Its weight felt good in my hand. Comforting. Solid.

  I was going for my men. Woe to anyone who tried to get in my way.


  I wasn’t surprised when Thor locked the tunnel door behind us. I had been expecting just such a move; anticipated that he would try to isolate us and go after Fallon. But I had a plan. You didn’t get to be the best of the best by being stupid.

  The tunnel had been built with numerous escape hatches that led to above ground. We scrambled up the closest one, the one to the garden maze behind the house. We moved quickly through the maze, and took advantage of the cover of the woods to head toward the bunker where Fallon was.

  We hadn’t gone far when Wulff stopped us. The air was thick with silence, broken only by our barely audible breathing. Wulff pointed to two shadowy black figures. They moved in a speedy but furtive fashion away from us. Just then the ground shook with the force of an explosion. It came from inside the tunnel.

  There were no flames. Even if there had been, I wouldn’t have been spooked. We had far more important matters to deal with. Without a word exchanged we split into two groups. Three of us went after the invaders. The other two, Dare and Ledger, went the other way to find Fallon and make sure she was safe.

  Chapter 12


  I raced through the woods from the bunker toward the helicopter hangar, my eyes peeled for my men, but there was no sign of anyone from the G Force. My hand shook as I fought with the lock on the hangar door, to no avail. It stood strong, programed to only open for members of G Force. As leader, I would see that changed. I needed access to everywhere.

  I stared at the heavy steel door. Were they trapped in the tunnel? What could I do? Waves of powerlessness threatened to swamp me. I couldn’t give in to those old childhood memories. I was not helpless!

  The ranch had been designed to withstand any crisis or invasion. The tunnel had been built with a number of escape routes, which Wulff had pointed out to me on my first time through. The G Force were okay. They had to be. No way was I prepared to lose them. We had too much work to do. I needed them.

  That in itself was a revelation; that it was okay to need someone.

  The fact that I needed G Force didn’t take away my power; it enhanced what we shared as a whole. Peace, glorious peace flowed through me, washing away all angst and uncertainty. I really was home. Now to find my men so we could deal with Thor.


  Kiernan took the lead as he and Hart and I followed Thor and his accomplice from a suitable distance. We’d apprehend them when the time was right. Right now, it was more important to see where they were headed and who they met up with. It wasn’t easy to get onto G Force ranch; it was even harder to get out.


  The bunker was a blood bath, as was the lone, shot-up victim. Ledger and I exchanged looks.

  Inwardly I breathed a relieved sigh. “Fallon would have got away.” I circled the body. “It looks like he died protecting her.”

  Ledger straightened, ready to rock. “Any of us would have done the same.”

  Amen to that. I pointed to the faint set of blood-rimmed footprints leading out the way we had come in. “She’s out there somewhere. Let’s just hope she doesn’t run into Thor.”


  I spotted movement through the trees. Whoever it was, they were moving fast and low, heading away from the house. Dusk was the most disorienting time of day. I’d far rather be out here in the black of night than the misleading half-light that made focus vague and clear vision difficult. The duo ahead stuck to the tree-line and appeared to be headed for the waterfall. I stumbled on loose rocks and caught myself. Damn the light, it was hard to see where I was stepping. At least I knew there were no booby-traps in this area. It
appeared whoever was ahead of me knew it as well.

  My instincts were bang on, and soon it became obvious the waterfall was their destination. I’d paid attention when I was up in the air with Wulff. I knew a way that would allow me to loop around and reach the site ahead of them.

  Seen at dusk, the waterfall was a majestic sight. It was more than thirty feet high and crashed noisily over the cliff to fill a good-sized waterfall lake below. I took cover behind scrub bush, not far from where an inflatable canoe had been pulled up on shore. So that was how they planned to get away. It would have been easy to bring in and inflate.

  I didn’t have long to wait. Thor burst out of the woods first, alone. Too late I heard a faint rustle from behind me. I spun to see Sezanne, a stocky Frenchwoman from The Group, another member who I had misjudged.

  “I see Thor has you doing his dirty work,” I said.

  “You know nothing!”

  “I know enough that Thor’s jumping into the canoe this second without giving you a thought. He’s like that.”

  With a shrill cry she came for me, but I was braced and ready. I dropped to the ground and she overshot me. I managed to grab her foot as she passed. I gave her ankle a karate chop that could break a 2 by 4 and saw her collapse to the ground with a shriek of pain.

  I rose.

  I stood over her, Glock primed. “What did Thor promise you?”

  “To be everything you’re not,” she hissed. “World domination. To be Queen of G Force.”

  “That won’t be happening.”

  I spun and saw Kiernan behind me. Followed closely by Wulff and Hart. My men!


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