Serving Fallon

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Serving Fallon Page 8

by Kaely Steel

  Kiernan took my place near Sezanne. “I got this one. You guys go take care of Thor.”

  Power reigned supreme and fueled my energy as I advanced on Thor, Wulff and Hart on either side of me. This was my destiny; the thing I had been born to do. Marching into battle with my men by my side.

  Thor had reached the middle of the lake, paddling for all he was worth. He stood and started firing when he saw us, but the canoe rocked unsteadily throwing off his aim. Abruptly the canoe shifted. I watched him struggle to stabilize it before he went over.

  The night air rang with the sound of splashing and Thor’s hoarse cries for help. I smiled at Wulff and Hart. “Why do I get the feeling Thor can’t swim?”

  “I believe the lake could be bottomless,” Hart said. “Formed here in the ice age.”

  “Anyone feel like jumping in and rescuing him?” I asked.

  “Nah,” Wulff said. “I don’t feel like getting all wet. Do you?”

  “Not really,” Hart said.

  “Unless… Do we need him to find out who else from The Group was on his team?” Wulff asked.

  I shook my head. “I’m pretty sure we can squeeze that information out of Sezanne.”

  “So we’ll just hang here and make sure he doesn’t make it to shore,” Hart said.

  “Exactly.” I felt no pity as I watched Thor’s pathetic efforts to save himself grow less and less visible. We all heaved a collective breath for justice when the splashes ceased and the lake was once more serene. Thor had killed Tomas along with countless others. He had abused the power of The Group. A watery grave seemed almost too good for him.

  “Anything in there that will eat him?” I asked hopefully.

  “Nah,” Hart said. “We’ll have to come fish him out tomorrow when it’s light.”

  We formed a straggly group to make our way back through the dark with Sezanne safely restrained. One of the men had shoved a rag in her mouth to keep her quiet, which I thought was a commendable idea. Sezanne never had known when to keep her mouth shut.

  Part way back we were met by the welcome party of Dare and Ledger. Seeing us all safe, they fired up lanterns and flashlights to guide our way home. Off in the distance the ranch house stood as a welcome beacon, lights blazing from every window on the main floor.

  “Are we having a party?” I asked Dare.

  “Well, we do have company. A welcome guest of honor, I hope.”

  My curiosity was piqued. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Vincent. He has lots to share.”

  I had never been one for parties but tonight, with this group, a sense of utter delight and satisfaction suffused me. Vincent had sent Sezanne off with his driver to be interrogated by a reliable third party. Once they were finished with her, she would most likely be exiled.

  Ledger had worked his magic in the kitchen, while I raided the wine cellar. I could tell the others felt as satisfied as I did.

  “What happens now?” Kiernan asked.

  “After she tells us what she knows, Sezanne will be exiled,” Vincent said. “Someplace far from whatever is left of The Group and G Force.”

  I tugged on Vincent’s sleeve. “I think Kiernan means G Force. Will they still be governed by The Group? Or will a new Group form with a vision that doesn’t include the G Force?”

  Vincent slanted me a warm, caring look. “I think we both know The Group’s days are numbered. What started off as a noble venture has some serious cracks in the foundation. No doubt Thor had recruited others and made elaborate promises. Inside and outside of The Group.”

  I nodded.

  Kiernan spoke up. “I know I’m the newcomer here, but to me the G in G Force always stood for doing good. Wielding the power and means to continue to fight for the underdog and see justice prevail where justice is due.”

  Vincent looked at me. “Do you agree, Fallon?”

  “Wholeheartedly. The world needs more white knights.”

  “Are you willing to stay on here? You don’t need a Group consensus. You have the skills and resources to carry on the work started by The Group.”

  My heart accelerated with excitement. “But do we have the monetary resources?” I knew what kind of funds were required to keep a group like G Force active and effective.

  Vincent gave me a secret smile. “You do, thanks to Ledger.”

  I slanted a questioning glance toward my Viking.

  “I’m more than just a whiz in the kitchen you know. Much more.”

  I bit back a smile. “Do tell.”

  “Before he left, Pierce taught me everything he knew about the stock market and day trading.”

  “How can you work the market? You’re officially dead.”

  “My buddy Dare here, created me an untraceable on-line account. We’ve done quite well, if I do say so myself. Enough to fund years and years of G Force justice.”

  Vincent raised a glass. “To Fallon’s Five. The new Force to be reckoned with.”

  “Fallon’s Five. It has a nice ring.” I checked in with my men. “Does everyone agree?”

  The room rang with my team’s murmurs of approval as we touched glasses and drank a toast to our future.

  Vincent glanced over his shoulder to the window. “I see my driver is back. I’m off the meet the General and do some damage control.”

  “Please tell the General I’m sorry I misjudged him,” I said.

  “He already knows. He and I have some projects on the backburner. We’re closely united in our goals to make the free world a better place.” He stood. “We’ll call you when we need your help.”

  I stood also and gave him a hug. “You better.”

  He smiled at the six of us. “It’s good to see you’re finally where you belong, Fallon.”

  I let out a sigh of contentment, my heart full of love for my men. Unconditional love. What more could a girl ask for? “Isn’t it just.”

  “We have a surprise for you later,” Hart said, the next day.

  “What is it?”

  “Can’t say till Wulff gets back.”

  Earlier that morning the bodies of Tomas and Thor had been collected and loaded in to the chopper for Wulff to deliver to whoever was left in The Group. Disposing of them that way was easier than having a cleaner brought in, and we all agreed no one wanted them buried on the ranch.

  I had a couple of minutes to say my private good-byes to Tomas. To thank him for his ultimate sacrifice. Perhaps he hadn’t been as weak as I had thought. Or perhaps I was just too strong for one man. I couldn’t help but smile to myself. It appeared I needed five.

  “It’s time.” Hart arrived at my room to collect me for the surprise.

  “What’s that?” I eyed the swath of black silk warily.

  His smile was gently teasing. “Don’t tell me you don’t trust me after all we’ve been through together.”

  I froze.

  Did I trust him?

  Could I truly trust anyone?

  “I don’t think I can.”

  “Sure you can.” He gave me a loving kiss that helped to settle the butterflies in my stomach and stir up a different kind of internal turmoil. I tried not to flinch as he pushed my hair aside and fastened the blindfold across my eyes, ensuring I couldn’t peek even a little.

  “This must be some surprise.”

  “I think you’ll like it.”

  Out in the hallway he placed my hand on the handrail and guided me carefully down the stairs. My mouth felt dry and I moistened my lips with my tongue. “I wouldn’t go along with this for just anyone, you know.”

  “Neither would we.”

  Chapter 13


  Downstairs, I waited in anticipation for Hart to bring Fallon to us. One by one I made eye contact with each of these men to whom I was closer than any blood brother. We were united as one force to serve our lady. To allay her fears and distrust, to wash away her anxiety, to dispel the demons from her past. We each believed we had the secret to what she needed, and combining strength
and power was what we did best.

  I didn’t totally understand it, all I knew was that singly we were broken while together we were whole. And from the ashes of our combined loss rose a powerful new phoenix, an unstoppable force prepared to serve Fallon to the death and beyond.


  The soft strains of music greeted me as I reached the bottom of the stairs, Hart’s arm protectively around my waist. Without my sight, my other senses seemed heightened. I smelled a subtle fragrance in the air. Scented candles perhaps? I heard the snap and crackle of the fire in the fireplace. I turned to Hart. “Do you still have issues with fires?”

  “Less all the time. The past is not meant to be part of our present. Lately I’ve learned what it means when they say, ‘Don’t look back. You’re not going that way’.”

  “It’s a powerful message.” For too long I had let the past shadow my life. Allowed it to cloud and color me, influence every move and decision and interfere with a life that was intended to be glorious. And glorious it was, thanks to the G Force.

  Their service.

  Their loyalty.

  Their love.

  I couldn’t see them, but I sensed their presence, all five forming their protective hive around me. I knew I would always be safe.

  Was this what trust felt like? My mouth was dry with the newness of it.

  “We love you, Fallon. Please allow us to worship you as you deserve.” I recognized Dare’s voice.

  The others chimed in. “We love you, Fallon.”

  I felt like a sacrificial offering, except I was being celebrated, not sacrificed.

  “We pledge you our loyalty.”

  “We are yours to command.”

  The room felt, by turns, hot and cold.

  I shivered as I felt them undress me, slowly and reverently as if opening a precious gift. First my cashmere sweater was unfastened, unhurried fingers brushed my collar bone, slid over my bra and traced a path down my belly. The sleeves were peeled back, one at a time, allowing the fire’s warmth to reach my bare skin. Cool fingers against my spine unfastened my bra, freeing my breasts to the air and their sight.

  I felt my nipples harden in anticipation, even as different hands on my waist unfastened my jeans and tugged them over my hips. Other fingers curled around the waistband of my thong panties to ensure they followed the journey of my jeans.

  I was held and supported against a number of hard bodies as first one foot, then the other was lifted and separated from my clothing. I pictured each of them, hungry eyes devouring every inch of me as I stood proudly before them, innocent as a bride.

  The images in my mind of my men in various stages of undress dissipated, taken over by the reality of their touch. Callused fingertips grazed my legs, my ass, my hips and arms, and one stroke glided into the next. I had no idea where one man’s touch ended and another began.

  I felt goosebumps prickle my skin as I was guided to the floor atop the thick white rug which always held place of honor before the fire. An honor I shared tonight.

  The fire’s warmth heated my skin and chased away the goosebumps as I lay prone, trembling in anticipation amidst the faint smell of woodsmoke, overlaid by the sweet fragrance of roses.

  I sensed movement, heard them murmuring among themselves as if nearby preparations were underway. My body and mind were so relaxed I could have been floating atop a cloud. My limbs were far too heavy to move, my breathing shallow as I forced my mind go blank and allowed my senses free reign.

  I felt someone in position near my head, his strong thighs cradling my head and neck in a most soothing pose. Fingertips wove through my hair and brushed my scalp in slow, soothing movements that soon spread to the rest of my body. An internal blaze ignited as my feet were bathed in slippery warm liquid, allowing the easy glide of probing fingers against my instep, my heel, my toes.

  My fingers fell victim to the same delicious treatment, anointed with scented oil to enjoy a sure, steady massage of warmth and skin, gliding from my hands to my elbows to my shoulders. I couldn’t have moved if I’d wanted to.

  Warm hands glided over my breasts, teasing my nipples into tight buds of pleasure that spilled through my limbs and saturated my inner core. The fire that burned nearby was nothing compared to the fire kindled within me. And still their hands continued their journey, up my legs, past my knees, kneading and stroking my inner thighs, edging ever closer to my needful, pulsing center. Lips replaced hands, fastened on my breasts as if drawing nourishment from my body.

  Other lips grazed my heels, damp and warm on my feet, my legs and beyond.

  My legs grew slack, parted to allow intimate access. The resultant pleasure spread from a slow burn to an incinerating need as I was kissed and stroked and loved to ecstasy and beyond.

  I lay there with them, secure in my hedonistic harem. Had a woman ever been so loved? So cherished as to be anointed, caressed and adored by five men at the same time? I drifted into the most peaceful of existences I had ever known, a safe place where nightmares were forever banished and the future shone bright and true. Awash in the completeness of their love, the ability to trust no longer felt elusive in this place where my heart was full and my life complete. I had truly come home.

  As special and magical as our evening had been my G Force, Fallon’s Five, were more than ready to head into battle the day we received word from Vincent. And no one would dare stop me from standing alongside them.

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you shared my enthusiasm at meeting the G Force Harem.

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  I would love to know which of the G Force men are your favorites and why.



  Reverse Harem Readers and Authors

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  Kaely Steel admits to a serious character flaw; she loves men!

  Her lucky husband doesn’t mind her indulging her many fantasies through writing about them, and is happy to reap the rewards of being used for research.

  Her hobbies include skinny-dipping and wine-tasting, sometimes, but not always at the same time.



  G Force Five Book 1


  G Force Five Book 2


  G Force Five Book 3




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