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Bound To The Enemy Eternal Flames Maddox 3

Page 2

by Cree Storm

  Oh, by the Gods! Kerrick! How the fuck could he have forgotten how Kerrick had jumped in front of him to save his life? Rune tried to shut his thoughts up so he could hear Logan.

  "He had to of taken one hell of an energy blast. He was also stabbed in several places. I got him stitched up, but whether he makes it is up to him. He's the leader of his tribe, so I would think he was strong, but Destrain, I have to tell you, a lesser man would have already been dead. Even if he makes it, I have a feeling he will be scared. Something is stopping him from healing as an Elf should," Logan said.

  "Do you have any idea what could stop a paranormal from healing?" Destrain asked.

  Rune moaned, "Blood spell."

  It didn't take but two seconds for Logan to get to him. "Hey there, Rune. If you wanted to see me all you had to do was knock on my door."

  Rune laughed and his head felt like it might explode. Groaning, Rune rasped, "Don't make me laugh. My head might blow off my shoulders."

  "Looks to me like someone tried to do that without making you laugh," Dain muttered.

  Logan shined a bright light that made Rune feel like someone stabbed him through his eye and into his brain. Moaning, Rune said, "Can you sharpen the knife before thrusting it through my skull?"

  Turning off the light, Logan replied, "Sorry. I had to check you out. "

  Rune struggled to sit up, but Logan pushed him back down. "Oh no, you don't. You have a major concussion, Rune. Besides, your body is still trying to heal from those nasty stab wounds."

  "What were you saying about a blood spell?" Dain asked.

  "Fallon used a blood spell on Kerrick," Rune replied.

  "That would mean that Fallon would have had to of gotten his hands on Kerrick's blood. I can't see him sitting around and just letting that happen," Dain replied skeptically.

  Rune went to shake his head and groaned as the world began to spin. Hissing as the pain flared then subsided, Rune said, "I don't know how he obtained Kerrick's blood, but it is also the only thing he would know of to stop another paranormal or magic from healing."

  "What is a blood spell?" Logan asked.

  "You have to have the blood of the person you are placing the spell on and red candles," Dain replied.

  "So, it's like a magic spell?" Logan asked.

  Nodding, Dain replied, "There's a bit more to it, but it is magic―black magic."

  "Is there a cure?" Destrain asked.

  Dain snorted, "It isn't a cold, Destrain."

  "There is a cure, a counter spell, but it takes no less than five days to perform," Rune softly replied.

  Logan shook his head. "Kerrick doesn't have five days, Rune. He's bleeding out as it is. I stitched him up, but his pulse rate is very low, and I think his energy is being depleted."

  "We might be able to help," Pascal said quietly.

  Rune watched as the two Santorini fox boys walked in. Hope filled him until Dain shook his head and vehemently said, "No! Absolutely not."

  Olli stepped forward, looked at Logan, asking, "If Kerrick was to be given small doses of energy daily, would it help to keep his heart working until Dain and Rune can fix him?"

  Logan thought a moment, saying, "It should."

  "No! I forbid it!" Dain snapped.

  Rune struggled to sit up, ignoring his pain, saying, "He's our mate, Dain. Can you stand there and honestly not be willing to try anything you can to keep him alive? Can you not get past your hate enough to save Kerrick?"

  Dain walked towards Rune, angrily saying, "First, I have no idea if you and I are mates to begin with. Second, even if―"

  Rune grabbed Dain's arm and pulled hard. Dain fell into Rune. Not missing a moment, Rune kissed Dain. The kiss was even more amazing than Rune had imagined so many times. The flavor of ginger and nutmeg ran over Rune’s taste buds and his cock went ramrod straight. Somehow Rune knew that if he kissed his mate long enough, he would come in his pants like a teenage boy. Reluctantly he pulled back and whispered, "Now you know I am not lying."

  Dain looked dazed and Rune didn't blame him. He had dreamed of this moment for hundreds of years.

  "If you take us to Kerrick, Pascal and I will try to help him," Ollie said.

  Dain pulled back from Rune, rasping, "No."

  Pain encompassed Rune's heart, he rushed to say, "You know we're mates, Dain. I just proved it to you. Please, trust me when I tell you that Kerrick is our second mate. I know that the dragons and phoenix have been at war with Kerrick's people and you are their allies, but that's because Fallon lied to Kerrick. He told Kerrick they had killed his brother. However, it was Fallon that killed him, not the dragons and phoenix. That's how he got hurt. I went to him to tell him the truth. I didn't know that Fallon had found me, and he overheard me telling Kerrick what happened and how you, he, and I were mates. Fallon attacked us and I tried to save him. I swear I did. We were outnumbered and Fallon sent an energy blast my way and Kerrick jumped in front of me. I was hit from behind, but I got us out of there and came here because Fallon can't get here and I had to warn you―"

  Dain placed his hand over Rune's mouth, looking genuinely sad. "Rune, I forbid them to help our mate because it could hurt them, possibly even kill them. I will not allow Pascal and Ollie to help our mate at the expense of their own lives."

  Rune agreed with Dain and felt his heart break, knowing that all they needed was time and he and Dain could heal Kerrick. Yet, he couldn't ask two men to risk giving up their own lives to save him.

  "We can do this, Dain. I swear, it won't hurt us. It might make us a little tired, but it won't hurt us. Pas and I can take turns," Ollie insisted.

  Logan stood up, saying, "I can hook up a special monitor. When his heart gets below sixty, they can give him a little pick me up until it is eighty again. Dain, it might just work."

  "You have to at least let us try. We can't just let your mate die without trying, Dain," Olli insisted.

  Dain looked at Rune, then Logan. "Where do we get this monitor?"

  "We have one at the station, I can give Sut a quick call and ask him to bring it." Logan answered.

  Destrain stepped forward. "Better yet, I can pop us over there and we can grab it quick. Logan, call Nick and tell him he is going to be needed here. I also need to call Illan, Justice, and Ezra."

  "You would report my mates to the council?" Dain asked in shock.

  Destrain looked at Dain. "You are my brother, and I love you, Dain, but I can't in good conscious keep this from the council. As Regent, you know I'm right. We will talk and see what it is we can do to help you and your mating. For all you know, Kerrick will be healed and then attempt to kill us all."

  "Kerrick will listen, Destrain. He will not try to kill anyone," Run insisted.

  Destrain looked at Rune. "I know you believe what you are saying, Rune, but I'm sorry, I cannot risk my people being harmed a second time."

  Rune sighed, knowing Destrain was right. He didn't like it, but he understood Destrain's predicament. He could only nod and hope that he was not signing his and Kerrick's death warrants.


  Dain slowly walked up the stairs, feeling conflicted. He had been truly shocked to discover Rune's truth about being mates, but then to be told that Kerrick was also his mate was something Dain couldn't wrap his mind around.

  Dain had thought he might have another mate out there, but since he already had one, Rhys' seed father, Garlin, Dain didn't understand how now he had two. Dain had known he was not an easy man. Hell, he was a prick most of the time, but with his history, was it really a surprise he had trust issues?

  Dain had one man, Remmus, who Dain had thought would help him with his duties as Regent, betray him, and then there was Dain's very own mate, Garlin.

  Garlin had plotted and planned the execution of his brother King Destrain, Destrain's mate, Clove, and Dain's nephew, Desdain. Discovering your mate to be a treasonous fuck to your people would make anyone question their judgment and feel completely betrayed.

Dain had tried to put Garlin in his rearview mirror, but every time he looked at his son, it was next to impossible. Rhys had the same small dainty stature of Garlin, and the same hair coloring. Hell, sometimes when Rhys laughed, he could swear Garlin was the man standing before him and not his son. He never told anyone, but sometimes it had been painful to be in the same room with Rhys. However, since he and his son had started rebuilding their relationship, Dain had seen that even though Rhys may look like Garlin, he most assuredly didn't have the man's personality.

  What people didn't know was that his lack of trust was within his own self, more than with others. His judgment left a lot to be desired as far as Dain was concerned. Now here he was, getting ready to walk into a room with a man that he and his king had sworn to fight against, only to meet another man he had sworn an allegiance against. What would Illan and Justice think about his mating? Hell, what did he think about this mating?

  "Dain, are you going to open the door?" Rune asked quietly.

  Dain hadn't realized that he had been standing looking at the door leading to his other mate. He was even more shocked when he raised his hand to turn the knob and noticed it was shaking.

  A small gentle touch had Dain looking down. Pascal looked at him in concern, softly asking, "Do you want me to open it, Dain?"

  "I don't know what's wrong with me, Pascal. I'm a Regent. I'm supposed to fear nothing and no one, but right now, I'm terrified," Dain whispered softly.

  Pascal's eyes softened, as did his voice. "I can't imagine not being terrified knowing that the man behind this door is your other mate. He is a man that you know is meant to be yours for all eternity. However, you also know he is someone that is despised by your people and allies."

  Dain turned away and swallowed hard, but Pascal didn't stop. "Dain, it is the unknown that always makes us afraid. The thing is, I refuse to think that fate would bless us with a mate that they didn't know would be who we need to help complete us. Rune has already admitted that Kerrick had been lied to from the beginning by the fairy king. Rune also admitted, both he and Kerrick have known about this mating for centuries. You have questions and concerns. You also know that you may lose the man before you have a chance to get those things answered."

  "I don't know if I can accept him or Rune as my mates, Pascal," Dain admitted for the first time out loud.

  Pascal blinked softly, and gave a shrug. "That's understandable. No one is going to force you into anything, Dain. Only you can decide what it is you want. My suggestion is, let's do this by steps. First step is healing Kerrick, then we can move to step two."

  "What's step two?" Dain asked.

  "Asking the questions that might help give you the answers that you need to decide," Pascal replied.

  Dain gave the smaller man a gentle smile. "You are a very wise young man, Pascal."

  Pascal snorted, "Try convincing Ollie of that. Now, let's do this."

  Dain drew in a deep breath and turned the knob. The first thing Dain noticed was the God like beauty laying on the bed. Damn, his mates were both fucking beyond gorgeous. It was a shame that looks were not a factor to Dain when deciding about accepting his mates. However, the man on that bed was beyond breathtaking. Hell, Dain didn't know if there was even a word to describe the man's beauty.

  Walking closer, Dain couldn't stop himself from touching Kerrick's purple hair. It ran down his face and didn't stop until it reached Kerrick's ass. It framed his perfectly oblong-shaped face, and only enhanced his silky-smooth flesh tone skin. It was a shame Kerrick had his eyes closed, because Dain would love to know what color they were. As it was, Dain took note that Kerrick's eyes were perfectly spaced and lined with some of the longest, blackest eyelashes Dain had ever seen. They sat above a straight-edged Romanesque nose. His lips were beautiful. The top lip slightly thinner than the fuller bottom lip, had Dain wanting to discover if they were as soft and sexy to kiss as they appeared.

  "Dain, I know he's your mate, but fuck me, he's gorgeous," Ollie said, breaking the silence.

  "Helen of Troy would have had nothing on the man," Dain whispered.

  Pascal looked at Rune, asking, "Is he part American Indian or something? His cheekbones are so high."

  Shaking his head, Rune said, "That is an elfin feature."

  Sighing, Dain asked, "Destrain was supposed to get someone to bring me the supplies I asked for. Who's going first, Pascal, you or Ollie?"

  "I will," Pascal replied.

  Logan walked to Kerrick, and looked at the monitor, saying, "This is the last blood pressure we have on Kerrick. However, this here, is the number you are going to watch. Right now, it is at fifty-eight. Bring it to eighty-two, then stop. "

  Pascal placed a hand on Kerrick's hand and closed his eyes. It didn't take long before Kerrick's vitals began to rise.

  "That's enough, Pascal. Don't do it again until it goes back under sixty, then bring it back to eighty- two again. This should keep his heart beating well enough until Dain and Rune can finish whatever it is they need to do."

  "What time is it?" Dain asked.

  Logan looked at his watch, saying, "Eleven fifteen."

  "Anybody here?" Rhys yelled out.

  "We're up here, Rhys," Logan yelled back.

  Dain shouldn't have been surprised that Destrain would have contacted Rhys to pick up the supplies, but Dain really wished he hadn't. Not because he didn't love to see his son, but Rhys was very pregnant, and Dain didn't want him near the unknown, even if that unknown was his mates.

  Day and Ethan were, not surprisingly, with him as he waddled in carrying a brown paper bag. "Uncle Destrain said you needed these for a spell casting. He told me what was going on," Rhys gave Rune a once over. Showing his displeasure, Rhys said, "If you hurt my father, I will have my beautiful mate here turn into his phoenix and char your ass. Then my big gorgeous beast here will shift into his dragon and eat you. Are we clear?"

  Smiling, Rune replied, "Crystal."

  "Good," Rhys stated, then turned back to his father. "So, what is it you need me to do?"

  Shaking his head, Dain replied, "Nothing. Just you coming here is more than enough."

  "Dad, I'm pregnant, not an invalid," Rhys insisted.

  Dain started taking out the red candles. "I know that, Rhys, but there is really nothing you or anyone else can do to help me with this. The spell is not a difficult one, just one that is time consuming and exhausting."

  "What do you have to do?" Ethan asked in interest.

  Dain held up two red candles. "Rune and I will each take a candle. We light it and have to say a chant over and over until the candle melts down. It can only be done as close to midnight as possible. We need to do this each night for five nights. Once we complete the ritual, the blood spell will then have been reversed to the person that cast the spell."

  "I will then bind the spell on this end so it cannot be repeated against Kerrick," Rune said quietly.

  "No one is doing any spells until the Council has had a chance to discuss this," Illan stated firmly from the bedroom door.

  Dain and the others all turned to see that Illan, Justice, Nick, Destrain, and Ezra had gathered in Kerrick's room.

  "Illan, this is my mate, so no offense, but I don't really give a shit what the Council has to say. You have no right to interfere," Dain said with a sharp lift of his chin.

  "Move! Please, Ezra, let me in. I need to see Kerrick!" Another man said, pushing his way past everyone.

  Jewel rushed to Kerrick and took his hand, crying, "Kerrick, it's Jewel. You have to wake up now. Please, you have to wake up."

  "You know Kerrick?" Illan practically barked.

  Ezra hissed, showed his fangs, and snarling, "Do not speak to my mate in that fashion, dragon. Our alliance is on unsteady ground as it is, do not test me."

  "I'm not trying to be disrespectful to your mate. However, Kerrick declared himself as a threat to mine and Justice's people. He damn near killed Angelo, and I think it is only right to ask and understand the relati
onship between your mate and our enemy," Illan snapped right back.

  Jewel sniffled as he brought Kerrick's hand to his cheek, whispering, "He's my brother."

  Illan opened his mouth and Justice quickly covered it with his hand. "Enough, mate. Dain is right, we can't interfere in a mating. However, when they are finished here, we can hold a council meeting."

  "We can take Rune in, now," Illan insisted.

  Rune went to object, but Nick stepped forward. "No, we can't. We all heard Dain say that he needs Rune to perform the ritual spell with him to heal their mate."

  "We have two men in front of us now that have threatened our people. We must do something to make sure our people do not come to harm," Illan insisted.

  "Well, it's a good thing that I am in charge on the Maddox end. That might be why my men are guarding this location," Destrain said with authority.

  Illan didn't look happy, but he understood what it was Destrain was saying, Maddox is my town, so back the fuck off.

  "Destrain, my father is not trying to tell you how to run your town, however, this isn't about just Maddox. This is about all of us. You might be okay with having two of our greatest enemies here, but they are a threat to every pixie, dragon, phoenix, vampire, and shifter," Day calmly said.

  Ethan nodded. "We are in this together, Destrain. Is there a way to place a protective barrier so that neither man can get out?"

  "Yes, I can do a protective shield around Dain's home," Destrain replied.

  "I can have Wyndingo assign a few of his men to Dain's home in case things get ugly," Illan replied.

  Destrain nodded. "That would be fine."

  "My brother is no murderer!" Jewel shouted angrily.

  "Your brother has been after every one of us for years, Jewel. We have to look out for everyone's best interests until we can hold council," Illan replied.

  Ezra nodded. "We have agreed to working with them, Jewel. We cannot break our alliance, we would all suffer for it."


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