Wicked Game: A Paranormal Romance (Feathers and Fate Book 2)

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Wicked Game: A Paranormal Romance (Feathers and Fate Book 2) Page 17

by Sadie Moss

Maybe that’s why when Remi finally draws out of me, Nix plops down onto the mattress to my right, waggling his eyebrows as he tugs me over to lie on top of him. Cum drips down my thigh, but he doesn’t seem to mind at all as he drapes my body over his.

  “So fucking lazy,” Ford mutters, and Nix laughs, his blue eyes sparkling as he gazes up at me.

  “You up for one more, sweetcakes?” His brows pull together a little. “I don’t want to push you. I know this is already a lot.”

  He’s not wrong. This is a lot. My body isn’t used to being with one man, let alone more than half a dozen—although Ryland and Knight still haven’t stepped foot onto the bed.

  But I want this. I want to feel Nix inside me too, and I don’t want this moment to end yet.

  So I nod, making his grin widen into a beaming smile.

  “Fuck, you’re so gorgeous.” He reaches down to grip my waist, helping me rise up and situate myself over his lean hips. “Grab my cock, sweetheart. Put it inside you.”

  I have a feeling those words are pretty tame on the scale of Phoenix’s capacity for dirty talk, but they light a fire in my veins anyway. My breath catches a little in my throat as I reach between us and wrap my fingers around his thick length, relishing the way his nostrils flare as I touch him. Then I line him up and sink down slowly, letting my eyelids droop closed as I feel him fill me up.

  My body is a little sore and a little tired, but as I squeeze my inner walls around him, my clit throbs with a little burst of pleasure.

  “Fuck…” Nix lets out a breathy groan, his hands tightening on my hips. “Do you know what to do? Ride me. Use me however you like, okay? Whatever feels good.”

  I blush a little, suddenly a bit anxious about being the one in control. But when I move my hips, the way he groans leaves no doubt that he likes it—and so do I.

  So I do it again, and again, finding a rhythm that makes my skin tingle as arousal begins to build up inside me again. Knight and Ryland are both glued to every movement I make, and I find my shyness slipping away as Nix begins to thrust his hips up to meet my movements.

  I like having them watch. Not as much as I’d like their hands on me, but I like having them here, knowing that the sight of this is turning them on. Ryland’s undone his pants and is stroking himself with long, hard motions. Knight hasn’t unzipped his pants, but he’s still palming his cock through the fabric, his expression one of agonized pleasure.

  “That’s it, Trin. Shit, you’re so good at this.” Nix grins at me, his eyes flashing with heat. “You sure it’s your first time?”

  A little flush of pride expands in my chest, and I hear Ryland groan nearby. I don’t even care that he knows I’m proud. It feels amazing to know that these men react to me the same way I react to them—with a need that’s starting to feel like it might be insatiable.

  I don’t answer Nix with words, but I pick up my pace a little, arching my back and using my thigh muscles to steady myself as he hits a new spot inside me.

  Ford and Sawyer are stroking themselves too, their gazes locked on me as I ride their brother. There’s something so dirty and sexy about watching them pleasure themselves, knowing exactly what they’re thinking about as they do.


  I can feel myself teetering on the edge of another orgasm, and when Nix’s thumb finds my clit, all it takes is a little bit of pressure to make my world shatter again.

  My head falls back, and Nix keeps circling his thumb as I twist and swirl my hips. Then he grabs on to my hips again and brings me down hard, his cock swelling as he floods my womb.

  Sawyer curses under his breath as he spills all over his hand, and a second later, Ford comes too, splatters of his cum hitting my chest and stomach.

  For a second, we’re all frozen in place, staring at each other as our bodies come down from the high. Then Nix helps me off his cock and deposits me on the bed between him and Sawyer as we all collapse onto the mattress.

  I’m a sticky, sweaty mess, my thighs coated in cum and my own arousal, but that hardly seems important right now.

  Holy fuck.

  Holy fucking fuck.

  I can’t even find the energy to mentally chastise myself for cursing. And honestly, it feels a little silly not to curse after what just happened—like I’m holding on to a piece of innocence that no longer fits inside me.

  The Trinity who made up her own curse words and avoided swearing? I don’t think I’m that girl anymore.

  I also don’t think I’m going to be able to move for… a week. Yeah. A week feels about right.

  Sawyer lifts his head from where he’s lying on the bed beside me and gives me an unbearably smug look, as if to say I told you so. Not that he ever told me anything one way or another, really, about sex—but he looks very much like the cat that ate a dozen canaries, and I can’t quite blame him. He has to be absolutely swimming in our lust and sated desire.

  Another little tremor of pleasure washes through my body, and I can’t tell if Sawyer caused it or if it was just my own thoughts.

  “You’re all going to have to feed me,” I slur. “Carry me around. Because I’m not moving. Ever.”

  Beckett makes a noise low in his throat that could be an agreement or could just be because he can’t move either. Maybe that’s giving myself way too much credit, to think that sex with me has rendered him so helpless. But the way he looked when he finished? The way the muscles in his neck stood out like cords, the sound he made?

  My clit gives another hard throb, and I swear I just came a little again.

  Holy crap. I think they might’ve just set off some kind of never-ending loop, where I just keep coming and coming. I should be exhausted—I am exhausted—but my entire body feels electric at the same time.

  My gaze slides past Beck to Ryland, who’s still standing near the wall, watching me. I lock eyes with him, and I don’t look away. He might not have touched me, but he came while he was watching me. I saw it. He was as affected by all of this as I was, as his brothers were, even if he couldn’t bring himself to be fully involved. He can’t deny that. Can’t hide from it.

  Ryland’s gaze breaks away from mine first, and I feel the loss of connection like it’s a physical thing.

  I’m not sure what to say, or if I should even say anything at all.

  Things are changing between us. There’s a bond between all of us, and I don’t know if I’m saving them or if…

  If they’re corrupting me.

  It’s a concerning thought. I can’t think of anything I’m doing that’s brought them into the light, so to speak, or any obvious signs that they’re closer to being redeemed now than they were. Instead, I’m the one who seems the most changed. I’m off on a crazy adventure with them, giving in to impatience and anger and impulsive need.

  Am I losing myself? Losing sight of who I’m meant to be?

  “You’re thinking too loud, beautiful,” Sawyer murmurs.

  His hand comes up to my chin, tilting my head, and whatever my next thought was, it’s swallowed in his kiss.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  It’s the middle of the night when I wake up with a start.

  I don’t know what I was dreaming about—it’s fading even as I try to grasp at it—but it almost doesn’t matter as I realize that I’m not alone. I’m too warm for that.

  My eyes adjust slowly to the darkness as I shift my head slightly to look on either side of me. Remi and Nix are holding me between them, our legs all intertwined in a tangle.

  But something woke me up, and both of them are dead to the world, so it couldn’t have been one of them.

  I look up, propping myself up on my elbows as I catch sight of a dark shadow near my feet. Knight is sitting at the edge of the bed, facing away from me with his forearms resting on his thighs. He’s shirtless, but he’s wearing pants now, which he definitely wasn’t when I fell asleep.


  At the whispered sound of his name, he straightens a little
, turning to look at me over his shoulder.

  I feel a softness for him bloom inside my chest, a kind of protectiveness. I don’t want him to feel bereft. To feel that empty ache inside that envy brings. I’m pretty sure that’s why his brothers sometimes seem so protective of him—they don’t want him to feel that way either.

  I hold out my hand, biting my bottom lip. “Come here.”

  Knight’s gaze falls on my open palm before moving over the rest of me. I was too exhausted to get dressed earlier, so I’m still not wearing anything, and I didn’t even bother to pull the blankets up to cover my chest either.

  For a moment, I see the naked want on his face, the raw desire, and I think that he’ll come to me—but then he shakes his head as a shadow passes over his features. It’s a sad, aching kind of shadow, almost like a physical pain or the ache of an old wound.

  I wonder if he’s feeling it for himself, or for someone else. As Envy, he must feel what his brothers feel to an extent, right?

  As I watch, he gets up and slips out of the room, and I instinctively know that trying to call him again isn’t going to work.

  Still staring at the door, I sink back down onto the mattress. Remi shifts in his sleep, pulling me a little closer, which makes Nix give a sleepy noise of confusion and nuzzle against my neck. I feel like melting, like I might dissolve into a puddle right here between them.

  They’re being so soft and affectionate—but they’re the only two left. The others have all gone.

  I wish I could say I was surprised.

  Something has changed between all of us. I know that. Or rather, things have been changing this whole time, and now, with the sex, we acknowledged it and crossed over that line for good. But that doesn’t mean that I’ve knocked down all of their walls, and I have to squash some disappointment at that knowledge.

  Well, at least Remi and Nix have no problem showing me affection. And they’re both so warm and comfortable…

  With a little sigh, I snuggle deeper into the little pocket of space between them, enjoying the way Nix’s arm wraps around my waist as his body curls around mine.

  I feel safe here.


  I’ll deal with my myriad of problems in the morning.

  When I wake up again, I’m alone in bed, but I don’t panic—the sun’s coming in through the windows and I can smell food, so that means Remi is up and making breakfast.

  It probably says something about how exhausted I was from last night that even Nix, the personification of Sloth, is up before I am.

  I’m glad to know they didn’t all skip out on me in the middle of the night. That’s always been a possibility—they could just go back to New York, leaving me to figure out this portal issue on my own, and I’d have a hard time tracking them down again.

  I could find Beck and Ryland pretty easily, since they live such public lives. And Remi, too, probably. But a lot of them are good at lying low, and I only found most of them because the others helped me.

  But they didn’t leave.

  When I get downstairs, they’re all there, eating breakfast.

  I should probably be freaking out a lot more about the whole “had an orgy with the personifications of sin” thing. Especially considering it was technically my first time having sex at all.

  Way to dive right into the deep end, Trin.

  But I find that I’m not as upset or weirded out about it as I probably would’ve been at the beginning of this whole thing. Compared to the crazy stuff I’ve been doing to try to get these portals closed, it sort of seems like sleeping with these men is the least of my worries. I’ve got bigger things to be concerned about, honestly.

  Huh. Maybe this is me becoming more worldly. I kinda like it.

  When I enter the kitchen, Remi smiles and brings over a plate of food for me. “I was wondering if I should send someone to wake you up.”

  A blush warms my cheeks. “I was a little worn out. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m not.” He hands me the plate, and to my surprise—and pleasure—he kisses me softly. “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” I mumble, trying to contain the sudden racing of my heart. I turn to sit down, looking for which seats are unoccupied, but before I can claim one, Nix tugs me down to sit on his lap instead.

  “Oh, are you a cuddler in the mornings?” I tease.

  “I’m lazy, of course I am.” Nix keeps one arm wrapped around me as his other hand sneaks up to steal some of my bacon.

  He seems perfectly comfortable, which I guess makes sense. He’s not the type to dwell on stuff or overthink things.

  But he’s definitely the only one who’s completely at ease. The others all seem to be avoiding looking at me—except Knight, who isn’t so much not looking at me as he is focusing on the others, like he’s trying to figure out what each one of them is feeling.

  You and me both, buddy.

  I sigh. I suppose that it would be too much to ask to expect them all to be perfectly relaxed about all of this. It’s not like any of us planned this. Things just boiled over after my near death in the ring yesterday, and then… well, then sex happened. Lots of it.

  I may be pretty innocent, but I’ve watched enough movies and seen enough TV shows to know that sex complicates things.

  And this thing between me and the sins? It was pretty damn complicated already.

  So I don’t push them—not like I did yesterday. After the fight, I felt an almost primal need to know what on earth was going on in their heads and their hearts. And now that I’ve gotten at least a little peek, now that I’ve seen past the masks some of them wear like armor, I don’t feel quite so off-balance anymore.

  I may not know exactly where we all stand, but at least I know that on the shifting sands of strange new emotions and overwhelming desires, I’m not standing alone.

  It’s kind of nice, in an odd way, to realize that I’m not the only one who’s kind of scrambling with this and trying to figure out how this all works and what I should do about it. How I should feel. When I first met Beckett, Ryland, and even Ford, I thought they always knew what they wanted. Even Sawyer oozes confidence. To see that they’re kind of wrong-footed, that they aren’t perfectly in control and confident all the time… it’s nice. It’s good.

  It makes them seem more human, in a way. Like I’ve seen a part of them very few people ever get to know.

  So I just settle more comfortably on Nix’s lap and eat my breakfast, letting him steal a few more pieces of bacon off my plate.

  “All right,” I say, partially to get rid of the tension that still hangs in the air and partially because we really do need to discuss this, “when are we going back to New York?”

  I screwed up—we all screwed up—and we got kicked out of the competition. So now we’ve got to close the portals another way. Or I do, at least.

  Beckett finally looks at me, and his face lights up with a grin that I can only call… delighted.

  “Oh, no, angel.” He shakes his head. “We’re not going anywhere. Not until we get what we came for.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Trinity blinks. “We’re—we’re not?”

  Beckett’s grin widens. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen my brother smile quite like this. It erases some of the stoic harshness that usually dominates his features, making him look almost… happy.

  “No, angel. We’re not. We’re going to steal the crystal, and we’re going to use it to close those damn portals.”

  The angel straightens a little, still cradled in Nix’s lap, as her gaze shifts from Beckett to Ryland to the rest of us. “Holy crap! I mean, I know I should probably try to talk you out of this. Stealing isn’t very angelic.” She purses her lips before her expression brightens again. “But I don’t see what other choice we have. And if you guys are willing to help me, then maybe we can really do it.”

  “Of course we can, baby doll.” Nix nuzzles her hair. “You’ve got all seven of the sins on your si
de. We can do anything.”

  “Damn right.” Beckett’s green eyes gleam.

  “How will we do it?” Trinity loops an arm around Nix’s neck, turning slightly on his lap so she can face the rest of the table more fully. “I’ve never planned a heist before. Where do we start?”

  “I asked around a bit, and the crystal won’t be brought in until the day of the final challenge,” Remi says. “That’s a security measure meant to keep it safer. But all it means for us is that we know exactly what window of time we’ll be working in. While the contestants are competing in the final challenge, we’ll have a little challenge of our own.”

  Conversation begins to buzz around the table as Ryland and Beckett share what they’ve learned about the storage and transportation of the crystal. The thick sexual tension in the room shifts to an easy camaraderie as everyone begins to bat around ideas for how we might steal the crystal before it’s awarded to the winner of the competition.

  Jealousy closes around my heart like a fist, squeezing just hard enough to make an ache spread through my chest.

  I know why my brothers seem so happy, and it’s not the prospect of stealing the crystal, although they’re clearly excited about that.

  It’s her.

  It’s Trinity.

  Even now, I can tell Beckett is trying to convince himself that nothing has changed, that he’s still in utter control of his emotions. He may even believe that. But he can’t fool me.

  Something changed last night when he claimed Trinity, and when Nix and Remi claimed her too. Something has shifted between all of us, and even if Beck seems determined to try to regain his footing, I don’t know if that’s possible. Because the ground we’re standing on isn’t the same.

  I’ve always been good at reading people. I’ve had to be. From the moment I was created, speech has been impossible for me. Sound has been impossible for me. My entire existence has been wrapped in silence, and in all the millennia that I’ve lived, I have never uttered a single noise.

  That makes me invisible to many people, overlooked and ignored because I’m not adding to the cacophony of the world.


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