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Easy Ride (South Florida Riders Book 3)

Page 7

by Breezie Bennett

  “You’re a nurse. Just consider it…” He gives the camera a wide, exaggerated grin. “Part of being my good luck charm.”

  In twenty-eight years of friendship, I’ve rarely had the ability to say no to Chase Kennedy. Now is no different.

  “Okay. I’ll try to help you out.” I twist the key in the ignition and shove the gearshift into reverse. “How about Wednesday?”

  “I was thinking more like right now.” His voice is raspy, hinting at something neither of us is saying, but we’re both definitely thinking.

  Second down.

  I press my foot onto the brake pedal and shut my eyes, unable to hide the smile on my lips. “Chase, I’m exhausted.”

  “I have a bed.”

  I puff out a breath. I shouldn’t even try to say no to him anymore. Not after that kiss. Not now that I know what’s in my near future. “Fine. Wash your stupid sex sheets before I get there.”

  “I’m offended, Whitney Cooper.”

  I wrinkle my nose.

  “See you soon.” He flicks his brows up and down, giving me a playful nod.

  “Yeah, yeah.” I hang up the phone.

  Pulling out of the hospital parking lot, I try, and fail, to push away the flood of images that overtakes my mind. I never gave two seconds of thought to sleeping with Chase Kennedy, but ever since that kiss, it’s like my brain is making up for lost time, consumed with hopelessly dirty thoughts about my best friend.



  “Shirts. You know they exist, right?” Whitney snaps after her eyes take a lengthy trip down my abs right as I open the door.

  I look down at my bare chest and shrug. “Would you cover this up?”

  She waves her hand dismissively. “Doesn’t matter. You’ll just be taking it off anyway.”

  I laugh in surprise. “Damn, Whit. You wanna at least come into the apartment first? I mean, I know our lessons are very exciting, but—”

  “Don’t you have, like, some sort of private VIP hot tub on the roof? I feel like I have a vague memory of you blabbing about that when you first moved into this place, and I tried to figure out how hard it would be to rob you.”

  I step back slightly, feeling even more surprise now. “Yeah, I do. You wanna go…” I point upward. “Straight to the hot tub? I mean, I’m totally down, I—”

  “For your arm, dipshit. The heat will relax your muscles and ease the tension in your shoulder. I wanna figure out how bad it is.”

  I bite my lip and let my eyes take a little trip of their own. Whitney is nothing short of sexy and adorable in her Riders scrubs, which somehow seem to make her rack look even more divine. “That’s the only reason you wanna go in the hot tub?” I reach around her back and trace the slope of her ass with my finger, making her giggle and shove my hand away.

  “Yes.” She nods aggressively, trying to convince herself, but unable to fight the captivating smile that widens at my touch. “I am here as a medical professional.”

  “And I’m here as another kind of professional,” I remind her, softly grazing her side with my hands. “It’s as good a time as any for lesson two.”

  Her lips part, and I watch her eyes sparkle as the obvious crackling of tension between us burns in her mind.

  She turns her head to the side, looking down the hall and giving me a view of her stunning profile. I notice the dusting of freckles that have always scattered her cheeks. Her painfully cute nose with a tiny slope at the end. Her giant brown eyes, always bursting with some expressive emotion.

  “So, hot tub?” I ask.

  “I wasn’t gonna get in. It was for your shoulder. I don’t even have a swimsuit.”

  I cock my head. “Whitney. You honest to god believed you were gonna go up to the rooftop with me and not get in the hot tub? When I have just oh so much to teach you in that very hot tub?”

  Both my hands are on her waist now, pulling her toward me.

  She leans into my grasp and laughs, letting her body press against mine. “Okay, but I’ll have to just wear my underwear. And it’s broad daylight.”

  My junk wiggles at the thought. I press my forehead to hers and smile. “You can just wear nothing. It’s private, remember?”

  She gasps and leans away from me, making me only want to hold her closer and tighter and harder against me. “We’re not skipping steps in our lesson plan, are we, Kennedy?”

  I look skyward and bite my lip. “No, Nit Whit. I would never,” I tease.

  Any other girl I’d have talked out of her panties and into my bed by now. But she’s Whitney. So we’ll follow the little game. But ripping those scrubs off and satisfying the decade of curiosity throbbing in my cock sounds fucking incredible right now.

  I step into the hallway with her and nod toward the elevator as I lock my apartment door.

  “So what did it feel like, exactly?” Whitney turns to me as a strand of chocolate-colored hair falls out of her ponytail.

  “When I fell from heaven? Hmm. An old line. But a good one, I’ll give you that.”

  “When you hurt your shoulder, you absolute dipshit,” she says through a slightly annoyed laugh.

  “Oh. Right.” I bump my side against her as we get in the elevator and go up to the rooftop, both of us bubbling with laughter and comfort and the palpable buzz of sexual tension.

  Getting physical with Whit, even if all we’ve done so far is kiss, theoretically shouldn’t change the fact that we’re best friends. And it definitely hasn’t. Somehow, it’s made us even closer. And all I can think about is going further with her, pushing every boundary between friends and fuck buddies and whatever the hell else we are.

  Whitney shakes her head with a laugh as we step onto the private rooftop deck above my apartment. “This is absolutely absurd. You have this all to yourself?”

  I eye her as I climb into the steaming hot tub. “C’mon, Whit. I make more racks than I know what to do with.”

  She shrugs. “Better say goodbye to it all, since your arm is obviously dislocated, and you’ll likely never throw a football again.”

  My heart jumps for a nanosecond at those words, even though I know she’s just fucking with me. “You suck,” I say as I slide down into the hot water.

  Whitney stands perfectly still next to the hot tub with some kind of hesitation written all over her face.

  I sink deeper into the water and raise my brows at her. “I don’t think you can be my nurse from so far away.” My tone comes out raspier and dirtier than I intend. I had my first little tease of her. Now I want her right here, with nothing on. I need to know what the rest of Whitney Cooper looks like. Feels like. Tastes like.

  But I have to play her fucking game. Because it’s her.

  “I guess you’re right,” she says slowly, slightly above a whisper. Biting her lip, she reaches down and pulls off her top, revealing a black lace bra that cups the first pair of tits I ever really noticed. I remember thinking how perfect they were when I was, like, fifteen. Nothing has changed.

  I smile and reluctantly pull my gaze away from her. “You’re something else.”

  She laughs and rolls her eyes at me, slipping her pants off and stepping out of them.

  I peek from the corner of my eye. Her legs and ass are just as delicious and incredible as I pictured.

  “All right, Six. Here I am.” She steps gracefully into the hot tub, and I have to hold my hands under the water so I don’t grab her perfectly round ass, which gets remarkably close to my face for a brief second.

  “Here you fucking are, Whitney Cooper.” I draw my words out and inch closer to her. The water between us feels like it’s sparking with electricity. “I always knew you were a smokeshow, but Jesus.”

  She looks down shyly, hiding her blushing face. “Shut up, Chase. You’ve seen me in a swimsuit a million times. You’ve barely ever looked.”

  She’s right. But something’s different now. We’ve officially crossed the line of platonic friendship, and I don’t think I can ever see
her the same. “I’m just sneaky with my looks. Now that we’re gonna fuck, I don’t have to be.” I wink at her.

  She groans as the heat of the water swirls around her neck, wetting her hair. “That’s a nice, delicate way of putting it.”

  I run my hand through my hair. “I don’t really do delicate, Whit.”

  Lust flashes in her eyes, and I watch her chest rise and fall underneath the black lace material that I can’t stop thinking about pulling off with my teeth.

  I swallow hard. I mean, shit, it’s just Nit Whit. I’m acting like I’ve never been in a hot tub with a dime piece before. And trust me, I have.

  Just not one who knows me the way she does. Who calls me on my bullshit and remains unfazed by my overly cocky, panty-dropping attitude.

  “Okay.” She scoots closer, sitting next to me, droplets of water sliding down her neck and between her flawless boobs—which seem to just be begging for me to touch and grab and kiss them all over. “Tell me if this hurts.”

  I nod, keeping my gaze fixed on her brown eyes, which get wider every second.

  Whitney holds my shoulder and slowly moves my arm around in different ways, asking me to push against her hand and to relax.

  “Shit.” I wince as she pulls my arm up at an angle. “That hurts.”

  She smiles brightly. “That’s really good, Chase. That means it’s definitely not your rotator cuff. It seems like a minor sprain.”

  “So what does that mean for football? Is that little rookie douche gonna get my starting spot?”

  She keeps her gentle fingers on my arm, grazing my bicep slowly. Her hands seem so comfortable on me, like they should have just been there all along. “Not anytime soon. The sprain will heal on its own, but you have to take it easy. I can help you with a little physical therapy to keep it strong and maybe get it better a little faster. I wish you’d tell your trainers or a coach or—”

  “No. No one can know anything is wrong. And like you said, it’ll get better on its own. Plus…” I dip my chin low and lightly touch her nose with mine, feeling her breath becoming more rapid the closer I get. “I have you. My nurse.” I slide a hand on her waist. “My best friend.” I run my other hand through her hair. “My…student.”

  She pulls in a tiny gasp as I grip her body harder. “Second down already, huh?” she manages to whisper through some very needy-looking lips.

  “Hey, we’re in a time crunch here. I’m trying to give you years of mind-blowing sexual experiences in just a few weeks.” I run my tongue along my lower lip, watching her eyes glimmer with lust.

  I can’t hide my arousal, either. Her thigh brushes against my achy boner, and I pull her closer in response.

  I’ve learned pretty quickly that Whitney has a special kind of effect on my dick. Maybe it’s the fact that she knows me better than anyone, or maybe it’s just that I’ve apparently been wanting her since I knew how to want a woman. I just didn’t realize it until now.

  “So…” I run a finger down her side and slip my thumb under her lacy underwear over her hip. “Second down is all about…” Sliding my hand around her butt, I give it a gentle squeeze, making her jump, then lean in deeper. “Touching.”

  She nods. “I think I remember that. But I thought second base was just boobs.”

  I shift her body closer to mine, getting two whole handfuls of her perfect ass. The water sloshes up between us. “Once again, we’re playing football here, babe. It’s a heavy contact sport.”

  I guide my hands around to the front of her body, finding the sexy little creases in her inner thighs and rubbing them with my thumbs.

  “You are good at what you do, Kennedy. I’ll give you that.” She arches against me, her chest pressing against mine under the water, sending sparks racing to my dick.

  “Whit,” I breathe, hot need tightening my abs as I savor her soft, gentle curves under my fingertips. “You haven’t seen anything.”



  My body reacts to Chase the way that you think only happens in movies. Here we are, in the middle of the day, in his ridiculous VIP hot tub on the roof, and every inch of me is begging and aching for more of him.

  For Chase freaking Kennedy.

  I’m way too shaky and needy and turned on to think about our history or why this might be a bad idea. I open my mouth, just inches from his, and all I can say is, “Show me second down, Six.”

  He touches his mouth to mine, lightly, taunting me with temptation. “Such an eager student.”

  The water under the sun is blistering, and my whole lower half is in knots.

  Chase’s commanding fingers trace and graze and slide all around me, and every second, I feel more electricity jolting me and pulling me against him like a magnet.

  He’s teasing me. Getting me absolutely, painfully, desperately wet. Must be some classic move of his.

  I take a second to let my own hands explore, running them across his solid abs, gliding my fingers through the deep definition of his muscles. His whole body is tight and hard, and I wonder how I’ve gone my whole life without ever seeing him like this. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to again. “You’re unbelievable,” I say through a gasp.

  He nods at my hand, which is slipping lower and lower down his stomach. “You can touch, too. That’s part of second down.”

  I swallow the fleeting feeling of sheer intimidation that comes with the thought of wrapping my horribly inexperienced fingers around Chase Kennedy’s famous dick. But desire and, well, curiosity take over pretty quickly.

  I slide my grip around his rock of a hard-on and feel myself jump back a little in shock and delight and pure heat.

  Chase pulls in a sharp breath and positions my body on his lap so I’m easily straddling him. I’m still holding his dick under the water, slightly gliding my grip up and down.

  “There you go, Nit Whit,” he whispers, leaning into my mouth and nibbling on my bottom lip.

  I can feel his rapid heart pounding against my breasts, and the water just seems to get steamier every second.

  Chase grabs my wrist and slides my hand off his dick. “You gotta wait for that.”

  I let out something between a whimper and a plea.

  He slips his finger underneath my panties and gently into my pussy, just barely grazing my clit.

  I shudder in response, pressing my body against his. “Shouldn’t you be teaching me how to do something?” I ask, rocking against his fiery touch.

  “I am,” he says playfully, kissing me hard and sliding his fingers in and out of me, sending fireworks exploding all over my body. “I’m teaching you what you should feel. How you should feel it. So you never settle for anything less.”

  His words echo into my mouth, and he moves his fingers faster and harder in magical spots I didn’t even know existed.

  Okay, so it’s definitely not just a cocky act. My quarterback best friend really knows what he’s doing in bed. Or, in this case, a hot tub. And this is only second down.

  He guides his fingers against me at the absolute perfect pace, and I feel my body getting hotter and tighter under the water. I’m completely straddling him, and his raging erection is only turning me on more.

  “Holy shit, Chase,” I moan, arching and leaning against him, my pussy squeezing his fingers.

  I open my eyes, and the whole world is blurry. I see his half smile. He’s clearly pleased with what he’s doing. His brown eyes are wide with lust. I drop my head back as my toes curl and my thighs grip him and I come. My mind is filled with stars and explosions, and nothing else in the entire world matters except for Chase Kennedy’s unbelievably skilled hand.

  I can barely catch my breath as I lean forward, slumping my head against his broad shoulder, letting my body float in the water.

  “That was…” I pant. My heart is still slamming in my chest. “I’ve never come like that.” My words sound slurred.

  Chase holds my waist tightly, running his hands over my skin, still sending chills through
me. “Yeah, I’ll bet you haven’t.” He clenches his jaw. “And it’s a fucking crime, because you’re sexy as all hell. You’re beautiful, Whitney. I don’t tell you that enough.”

  I lift my head and smile at him, resting my forehead on his. “Why would you ever tell me that, Six? We’ve spent more than two decades ragging on each other constantly. And you said nothing would change between us.”

  “I can tell my best friend that she’s beautiful. And it can have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I just gave her probably the hottest orgasm I’ve ever seen.”

  I laugh and slide off his lap, toying with the bubbly water and still reeling from the bursting pleasure buzzing through my body. “I don’t know if I’ve ever heard you say the word beautiful.”

  Chase turns to me, his gaze piercing. “Until I watched you—felt you—experience something like that for the first time, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that really was.”

  I furrow my brow and laugh, trying to lighten the mood. Something resembling butterflies is flurrying in my belly, and looking at Chase is making it more intense. I keep wanting to kiss him. I keep accidentally seeing him as something other than the boy down the street who’s been my best friend since I can remember.

  I wave off his comment. “Oh hush. Why?”

  He looks down and bites his lip, suddenly aware of the not-so-playful-and-friendly mood and quickly making an effort to fix it. “’Cause, Whit. I’ve just always wanted to make you squirm. I guess it’s been silently pissing me off for all these years that you’re the only girl I’ve never gotten to go absolutely crazy. And now I have.” He leans back and grins proudly.

  I splash water in his face. “Shut up, asshole.”

  “So, did you learn something in today’s class?” He pinches my side playfully, and I laugh and wiggle away from him.

  I learned what a real, hard, mind-blowing orgasm feels like, and I can’t imagine anyone else doing it like you. I learned I need to be a little more careful about falling under the magic Chase spell I thought I was immune to.


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