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Elsie's Womanhood

Page 17

by Martha Finley


  "His house she enters, there to be a light Shining within, when all without is night; A guardian angel o'er his life presiding, Doubling his pleasure, and his cares dividing." --ROGERS' HUMAN LIFE.

  At the set time our friends turned their faces homeward, leaving theirloving dependents of Viamede all drowned in tears. In the six weeks oftheir stay, "Massa" an' "Missus" had become very dear to those warm,childlike hearts.

  Elsie could not refrain from letting fall some bright sympathetic drops,though the next moment her heart bounded with joy at the thought of homeand father. The yearning to hear again the tones of his loved voice, tofeel the clasp of his arm and the touch of his lip upon brow and cheek andlip, increased with every hour of the rapid journey.

  Its last stage was taken in the Ion family carriage, which was foundwaiting for them at the depot.

  Elsie was hiding in her own breast a longing desire to go first to theOaks, chiding herself for the wish, since her husband was doubtless fullyas anxious to see his mother, and wondering why she had not thought ofasking for a gathering of both families at the one place or the other.

  They had left the noisy city far behind, and were bowling smoothly alonga very pleasant part of the road, bordered with greensward and shaded oneither side by noble forest trees; she with her mind filled with thesemusings, sitting silent and pensive, gazing dreamily from the window.

  Suddenly her eyes encountered a well-known noble form, seated on abeautiful spirited horse, which he was holding in with a strong andresolute hand.

  "Papa!" she exclaimed, with a joyous, ringing cry; and instantly he haddismounted, his servant taking Selim's bridle-reins, the carriage hadstopped, and springing out she was in his arms.

  "My dear father, I was so hungry to see you," she said, almost crying forjoy. "How good of you to come to meet us, and so much nicer here than inthe crowded depot."

  "Good of me," he answered, with a happy laugh. "Of course, as I was in nohaste to have my darling in my arms. Ah, Travilla, my old friend, I amvery glad to see your pleasant face again." And he shook hands warmly."Many thanks to you (and to a higher power)," he added reverently, "forbringing her safely back to me. She seems to have been well taken care of;plump and bright and rosy."

  "I have been, papa; even you could not be more tender and careful of methan--my husband is."

  Her father smiled at the shy, half-hesitating way in which the last wordslipped from the rich red lips, and the tender, loving light in the softeyes as they met the fond, admiring gaze of Travilla's.

  "No repentance on either side yet, I see," he said laughingly. "Travilla,your mother is in excellent health and spirits; but impatient to embraceboth son and daughter, she bade me say. We all take tea by invitation atIon to-day; that is, we of the Oaks, including Aunt Wealthy and MissKing."

  "Oh, how nice! how kind!" cried Elsie.

  "And to-morrow you are all to be at the Oaks!" added her father. "Nowshall I ride beside your carriage? or take a seat in it with you?"

  "The latter, by all means," answered Travilla, Elsie's sparkling eyessaying the same, even more emphatically.

  "Take Selim home, and see that both he and the family carriage are at Ionby nine this evening," was Mr. Dinsmore's order to his servant.

  "Ah, papa! so early!" Elsie interposed, in a tone that was half reproach,half entreaty.

  "We must not keep you up late after your journey, my child," he answered,following her into the carriage, Mr. Travilla stepping in after.

  "The seats are meant for three; let me sit between you, please," requestedElsie.

  "But are you not afraid of crushing your dress?" asked her fatherjocosely, making room for her by his side.

  "Not I," she answered gayly, slipping into her chosen place with a light,joyous laugh, and giving a hand to each. "Now I'm the happiest woman inthe world."

  "As you deserve to be," whispered her husband, clasping tight the hand heheld.

  "Oh, you flatterer!" she returned. "Papa, did you miss me?"

  "Every day, every hour. Did I not tell you so in my letters? And you? didyou think often of me?"

  "Oftener than I can tell."

  "I have been wondering," he said, looking gravely into her eyes, "why youboth so carefully avoided the slightest allusion to that most excitingepisode of your stay at Viamede."

  Elsie blushed. "We did not wish to make you uneasy, papa."

  "Of course, you must have seen a newspaper account?" observed Mr.Travilla.

  "Yes; and now suppose you let me hear your report. Did the villain's shotgraze Elsie's forehead and carry a tress of her beautiful hair?"

  "No, no, it was only a lock of her unworthy husband's hair--a muchslighter loss," Travilla said, laughing. "But perhaps the reporter wouldjustify his misrepresentation on the plea that man and wife are one."

  "Possibly. And did your shot shatter the bone in the rascal's arm?"

  "No; Dr. Balis told me the ball glanced from the bone, passed under thenerve and severed the humeral artery."

  "It's a wonder he didn't bleed to death."

  "Yes; but it seems he had sufficient knowledge and presence of mind toimprovise a tourniquet with his handkerchief and a stick."

  "What rooms were you occupying?" asked Mr. Dinsmore. "Come, just tell methe whole story as if I had heard nothing of it before."

  Travilla complied, occasionally appealing to Elsie to assist his memory;and they had hardly done with the subject when the carriage turned intothe avenue at Ion.

  "My darling, welcome to your home," said Travilla low and tenderly,lifting the little gloved hand to his lips.

  An involuntary sigh escaped from Mr. Dinsmore's breast.

  "Thank you, my friend," Elsie replied to her husband, the tone and thelook saying far more than the words. Then turning to her father, "Andto-morrow, papa, you will welcome me to the other of my two dear homes."

  "I hope so, daughter; sunlight is not more welcome than you will alwaysbe."

  What joyous greetings now awaited our travelers. Elsie had hardly steppedfrom the carriage ere she found herself in Mrs. Travilla's arms, the oldlady rejoicing over her as the most precious treasure Providence couldhave sent her.

  Then came Rose, with her tender, motherly embrace, and joyous "Elsie,dearest, how glad I am to have you with us again."

  "Oh, but you've missed us sadly!" said Aunt Wealthy, taking her turn; "thehouse seemed half gone at the Oaks. Didn't it, Horace?"

  "Yes; the absence of our eldest daughter made a very wide gap in thefamily circle," answered Mr. Dinsmore.

  And "Yes, indeed!" cried Horace junior, thinking himself addressed. "Idon't believe I could have done without her at all if she hadn't writtenme those nice little letters."

  "Don't you thank me for bringing her back then, my little brother?" askedMr. Travilla, holding out his hand to the child.

  "Yes, indeed, Brother Edward. Papa says I may call you that, as you askedme to; and I'll give you another hug as I did that night, if you'll letme."

  "That I will, my boy!" And opening wide his arms he took the lad into awarm embrace, which was returned as heartily as given.

  "Now, Elsie, it's my turn to have a hug and kiss from you," Horace said,as Mr. Travilla released him; "everybody's had a turn but me. Miss Kingand Rosebud and all."

  Elsie had the little one in her arms, caressing it fondly.

  "Yes, my dear little brother," she said, giving Rosebud to her mammy, "youshall have as hard a hug as I can give, and as many kisses as you want. Ilove you dearly, dearly, and am as glad to see you as you could wish me tobe."

  "Are you much fatigued, Elsie dear?" asked Rose, when the greetings wereover, even to the kindly shake of the hand and pleasant word to each ofthe assembled servants.

  "Oh, no, mamma, we have traveled but little at night, and last night I hadnine hours of sound, refreshing sleep."

  "That was right," her father said, with an approving glance at Travill

  Mrs. Travilla led the way to a suite of beautiful apartments prepared forthe bride.

  Elsie's taste had been consulted in all the refitting and refurnishing,and the whole effect was charming. This was, however, her first sight ofthe rooms since the changes had been begun.

  The communicating doors were thrown wide, giving a view of the whole suiteat once, from the spot where Elsie stood between Mr. Travilla and hismother. She gazed for a moment, then turned to her husband a facesparkling with delight.

  "Does it satisfy you, my little wife?" he asked, in tones that spokeintense enjoyment of her pleasure.

  "Fully, in every way; but especially as an evidence of my husband's love,"she answered, suffering him to throw an arm about her and fold her to hisheart.

  There had been words of welcome and a recognition of the younger lady asnow mistress of the mansion, trembling on the mother's tongue, but she nowstole quietly away and left them to each other.

  In half an hour the two rejoined their guests, "somewhat improved inappearance," as Mr. Travilla laughingly said he hoped they would be found.

  "You are indeed," said Aunt Wealthy, "a lily or a rose couldn't looklovelier than Elsie does in that pure white, and with the beautifulflowers in her hair. I like her habit of wearing natural flowers in herhair."

  "And I," said her husband, "they seem to me to have been made for heradornment."

  "And your money-hoon's over, Elsie; how odd it seems to think you've beenso long married. And did you get through the money-hoon without aquarrel? But of course you did."

  Elsie, who had for a moment looked slightly puzzled by the new word, nowanswered with a smile of comprehension, "Oh, yes, auntie; surely we shouldbe a sad couple if even the honeymoon were disturbed by a disagreement.But Edward and I never mean to quarrel."

  Mr. Dinsmore turned in his chair, and gave his daughter a glance ofmingled surprise and disapprobation.

  "There, papa, I knew you would think me disrespectful," she exclaimed witha deep blush; "but he insisted, indeed ordered me, and you know I havepromised to obey."

  "It is quite true," assented Mr. Travilla, coloring in his turn; "but Itold her it was the only order I ever meant to give her."

  "Better not make rash promises," said Mr. Dinsmore, laughing; "these wivesare sometimes inclined to take advantage of them."

  "Treason! treason!" cried Rose, lifting her hands; "to think you'd saythat before me!

  "'Husband, husband, cease your strife No longer idly rove, sir; Tho' I am your wedded wife, Yet I am not your slave, sir.'"

  There was a general laugh, in the midst of which the tea-bell rang.

  "Come," said the elder Mrs. Travilla good-humoredly, "don't be setting abad example to my children, Mr. and Mrs. Dinsmore, but let us all adjournamicably to the tea-room, and try the beneficial effect of meat and drinkupon our tempers."

  "That's a very severe reproof, coming from so mild a person as yourself,Mrs. Travilla," said Rose. "My dear, give your arm to Aunt Wealthy, or ourhostess. The ladies being so largely in the majority, the younger onesshould be left to take care of themselves; of course excepting our bride.Miss King, will you take my arm?"

  "Sit here, my daughter," said Mrs. Travilla, indicating the seat beforethe tea-urn.

  "Mother, I did not come here to turn you out of your rightful place,"objected Elsie, blushing painfully.

  "My dear child, it is your own place; as the wife of the master of thehouse, you are its mistress. And if you knew how I long to see youactually filling that position; how glad I am to resign the reigns to suchhands as yours, you need not hesitate or hold back."

  "Yes; take it, wife," said Mr. Travilla, in tender, reassuring tones, ashe led her to the seat of honor; "I know my mother is sincere (she isnever anything else), and she told me long ago, even before she knew whowas to be her daughter, how glad she would be to resign the cares ofmistress of the household." Elsie yielded, making no further objection,and presided with the same modest ease, dignity, and grace with which shehad filled the like position at Viamede. The experience there hadaccustomed her to the duties of the place, and after the first moment shefelt quite at home in it.

  Mr. Dinsmore's carriage was announced at the early hour he had named. Theconversation in the drawing-room had been general for a time, but now thecompany had divided themselves into groups; the two older married ladiesand Aunt Wealthy forming one, Mr. Travilla and Miss King another, whileMr. Dinsmore and his daughter had sought out the privacy of a sofa, at adistance from the others, and were in the midst of one of the long,confidential chats they always enjoyed so much.

  "Ah, papa, don't go yet," Elsie pleaded, "we're not half done our talk,and it's early."

  "But the little folks should have been in their nests long before this,"he said, taking out his watch.

  "Then send them and their mammies home, and let the carriage return foryou and the ladies; unless they wish to go now."

  He looked at her smilingly. "You are not feeling the need of rest andsleep?"

  "Not at all, papa; only the need of a longer chat with you."

  "Then, since you had so good a rest last night, it shall be as you wish."

  "Are you ready, my dear?" asked Rose, from the other side of the room.

  "Not yet, wife; I shall stay half an hour longer, and if you ladies liketo do the same we will send the carriage home with the children and theirmammies, and let it return for you."

  "What do you say, Aunt Wealthy and Miss Lottie?" inquired Mrs. Dinsmore.

  "I prefer to stay and talk out my finish with Mrs. Travilla," said MissStanhope.

  "I cast my vote on the same side," said Miss King. "But, my dear Mrs.Dinsmore, don't let us keep you."

  "Thanks, no; but I, too, prefer another half hour in this pleasantcompany."

  The half hour flew away on swift wings, to Elsie especially.

  "But why leave us at all to-night, auntie and Lottie?" she asked, as theladies began their preparations for departure. "You are to be my guestsfor the rest of the winter, are you not?" Then turning, with a quick vividblush, to Mrs. Travilla, "Mother, am I transcending my rights?"

  "My dearest daughter, no; did I not say you were henceforth mistress ofthis house?"

  "Yes, from its master down to the very horses in the stable and dogs inthe kennel," laughed Mr. Travilla, coming softly up and stealing an armabout his wife's waist.

  Everybody laughed.

  "No, sir; I don't like to contradict you," retorted Elsie, coloring butlooking lovingly into the eyes bent so fondly upon her, "but I am--nothingto you but your little wife;" and her voice sank almost to a whisper withthe last word.

  "Ah? Well, dear child, that's enough for me," he said, in the same lowtone.

  "But, Lottie," she remarked aloud, "you are tying on your hat. Won't youstay?"

  "Not to-night, thank you, Mrs. Travilla," answered the gay girl in hermerry, lively tones.

  "You are to be at the Oaks to-morrow, and perhaps I--well, we can settlethe time there."

  "And you, auntie?"

  "Why, dearie, I think you'd better get your housekeeping a little used toyour ways first. And it's better for starting out that young folks shouldbe alone."

  Mr. Dinsmore had stepped into the hall for his hat, and while the otherladies were making their adieus to her new mother, Elsie stole softlyafter him.

  "My good-night kiss, papa," she whispered, putting her arms about hisneck.

  "My dear darling! my precious, precious child! how glad I am to be able togive it to you once more, and to take my own from your own sweet lips," hesaid, clasping her closer. "God bless you and keep you, and ever cause Hisface to shine upon you."


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