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Beast's Rose

Page 4

by L M Wilson

  Secrets: Rose

  An awkward silence falls as Fader leaves. I have no idea where he’s going but I assume the guys have some stuff stashed somewhere close by. The silence continues for a while until Bryant breaks it. “Do you know anything about the “asshole” that could help us find him?”

  The last thing I want to do is talk about Loki but with no idea what else to talk about while we wait for Fader to return, I sit down on the couch next to Kalum, forgetting that he is naked beneath my pink knitted rug. He moves his thigh closer to me, drawing my attention to his nakedness and I quickly glance away to avoid being caught ogling his sexy body. And boy is the man sexy. I mean seriously, it’s like he was made to please women, those abs are perfect washboards, his pecs, and nipples… Don’t look at his nipples, Rose! Think of anything else…

  “Loki isn’t human, I’m fairly sure he was at some stage, but he isn’t anymore.” I pause thinking about what else could be useful to them. “I really don’t know much else; I mean it has been centuries since I saw anything outside of Devil’s Glade. You know, can’t go out passed sunset and all that.”

  “What exactly happens when you go out?” Kalum’s face is a mask, no emotion what-so-ever showing on that handsome face.

  “I relive every death.” I state simply. It’s a half-truth but it’s enough to placate them without having to tell them that it’s not just my death I relive.

  “Every death, so like you’ve died and come back more than once?” Bryant seems genuinely curious and I can’t detect any malice behind his questioning, but I’m too ashamed to admit that I’ve tried several times to take my own life. I hit a really bad time in my long life where all I wanted was to give in to the oblivion of death, but Loki’s curse ensures that I’ll never find peace. Not even in death’s sweet embrace.

  “Yes, I’ve died more times than I can remember.” Understatement of the century.

  “If we break the curse does that mean you’ll die? Like for real die, for good?”

  I stare at Bryant in shock. I hadn’t thought of that but now that he’s brought the thought to my mind I can’t help wondering if he’s right. I really don’t want to die before really living, I mean, I want to fall in love. Travel and see the world. Find out how much has changed but if I have to die to end the suffering of not just me but all the people Loki fucking Bromamere has cursed over the centuries, then I’ll happily leave this miserable life behind.

  “We need to find out more about the curses. I don’t want to see you die. You’re the first person who’s ever been able to approach my lion without him harming you.” My gaze cuts back to Kalum as he speaks. His golden eyes hold a sadness that makes my chest hurt. I see in him a kindred spirit, another soul bound to loneliness and it endears me to him more than I can say.

  “We’ll find a way to break all of our curses, safely.” He swallows but doesn’t move away from me.

  “What’s it like to live forever?”

  I laugh at Bryant’s question. “I haven’t lived forever. I don’t want to live forever.”

  Another silence fills the small cottage but this time it’s more of a comfortable, contemplative silence than an awkward one. It’s not until the front door opens that I realise the sleeping situation is going to be difficult to work out. I only have the one bed and while it’s big enough for two people, I’m not sure I really want to be sharing my bed with men I’ve only just met.

  A quick glance at the sexy Kalum though and even I’m starting to doubt my own motives for letting these guys stay.

  The dilemma is solved however, when Fader comes walking through the door with three duffle bags, complete with sleeping bags and rolled up sleep mats. As much as I’m tempted to invite one of them into my bed, (It has been over a hundred years since I got laid.) I’m still not sure just how far I trust these three cursed men.

  “That was quick.” I say trying to break the silence again.

  “Our stuff wasn’t too far away.” Fader says tossing a pair of army-green cargo pants to Kalum.

  Now that the scare factor is gone, I take my time looking at the three guys. They are built like military men; all hard muscles and confident. Their clothes look like the uniforms I’ve seen the army guys in town wearing. The difference between the guys in town and these three though, is that these three look like they’re uniforms are outdated, like they’ve had them for more than twenty years.

  “Just how old are you guys?” I ask, suddenly curious to know more about them.

  “I was cursed when I was eighteen, my body doesn’t seem to have aged since then, but I’ll be ninety-nine next month.” My jaw is officially on the ground. I don’t get a chance to respond to that though, “Kalum was cursed when he was twenty-one, he too hasn’t aged a day. But… Fader you really need to tell her.” Bryant gives Fader one of those warning glares, you know the kind that has his brows drawing down but no actual frown on his face.

  “No!” Fader’s shout startles me, but I don’t scream this time, thankfully.

  “Come on man, she’ll understand, I’m sure of it.”

  “I said no.” If looks could kill Bryant would drop dead on the spot from the look Fader is giving him. Unfortunately for Fader, his adamant refusal to tell me or let the others tell me is only fuelling my curious nature.

  “What could possibly be so bad that you are scared to tell a girl who’s lived and died for over four hundred years?” I goad.

  “Fine, you really want to know?”

  I nod my head so vigorously that if I’m not careful, I’ll give myself whip-lash.

  “I’m not human.”

  “You said that already.” I raise my eyebrows, “You can’t scare me.” I say, daring him to shock me with the truth.

  “I’m a demon.”

  Okay, so I was wrong about not being scared. I back away from him so fast that I literally trip over my own feet. My ass hits the ground and I bite my tongue, but I keep myself from screaming. Barely. I can’t take my eyes off him. His silver hair and ethereal eyes make so much more sense now.

  “See? I told you she’d never be able to deal.” His growl reminds me of the demon I saw in Mr Bromamere’s basement.

  “What…” I swallow and start again, my whole body shaking. “What kind?”

  “Please don’t run, the sun will be going down soon and I don’t want to have to watch you writhing in pain again.” His concern for my wellbeing actually has my shaking subsiding.

  “Show me.” I whisper.

  The Sexiest Demon: Rose

  A tearing sound then huge black wings with blood red veins pop out from behind his back. The wings look like they belong on a bat but something about them is decidedly sexy. I blink a few times to clear the haze of lust before climbing to my feet and taking a step closer.

  His silver hair is the same, his hypnotic blue eyes are still as unearthly as usual. Ha, unearthly, he’s a fucking demon. A sexy demon with wings that look like silky soft leather. I wonder if they are as soft as they look.

  My eyes travel over his face, taking note of his pointed ears and the fangs now protruding from beneath his top lip. He’s not scary. In fact, he appears almost like a dark elf.

  I blink and he’s right in front of me. Without thought my hand lifts to touch his left wing, which is wrapped around his shoulder as though he’s protecting himself with it. My fingers touch the super soft… “Flesh? They’re skin.” My hand travels over the hard ridges and they feel like bone but somehow more pliant. “They’re beautiful.” I whisper reverently.

  “What?” Fader stumbles back a step, staring at me as though I’ve lost my mind and right now, I’m not entirely sure I’m sane either. Demons are the reason I’m cursed but what Fader doesn’t know is that he’s not all that different than I am.

  “Well, now I’ve heard it all.” Bryant laughs. “She’s more scared of my wolf than she is of your true form.” He puffs his chest out like this fact makes him somehow scarier than the demon in the room. Honestly it does but
I’m not about to tell him that. Or tell any of them why.

  “Who’s hungry?” Kalum asks jumping up from the couch. I’ve been so busy paying attention to Bryant and Fader than I completely forgot that Kalum was naked. And oh boy is he naked…

  The boy is lickable. Every inch of his body is pure muscle. And the muscle between his legs, well, let’s just say he’s got no reason to be shy. Even soft that monster is hanging. As I ogle his body, it begins to grow.

  “Ah, I’ll just…” I trail off, turning towards the kitchenette and rummaging around in the cupboards. I’m not really sure what I’m searching for but right now if I look at that gorgeous man again, I’m going to lose control and that really can’t happen.

  I’m so lost in trying to fend off my lustful thoughts that the second someone touches my shoulder to get my attention, I embarrass myself and let out a small moan.

  “Seriously, how are you not running screaming from the room? I’m a demon for fucks sake.”

  Yup, you are. A sinfully sexy demon with super soft wings that only make you sexier…. Fader lets out a low chuckle and I gulp and turn around to face the loungeroom. “I said that out loud, didn’t I?” My face goes from its normal light pink flush to blazing red in a microsecond.

  “Sinfully sexy?” Fader takes a step closer and once again I’m trapped within those blue depths. “I like the sound of that.” Before I can even open my mouth to form a response, his full, luscious lips are on mine. The kiss is dominant and demanding, but somehow sweet and full of tenderness at the same time.

  I feel like I’ve lost my mind for sure. Especially when I hear two groans from behind Fader. Groans that sound more lustful than painful.

  Is seeing their friend kissing me, turning them on? That thought snaps me out of the haze and I shove Fader away from me, before running into the bathroom and slamming the door behind me.

  One look in the mirror and I know I’m screwed.

  Blue-black hair, Ice-blue eyes, wings that look like they’re made from the night sky that fade to my normal skin tone where they meet my shoulders and to make matters worse, I have a fucking tail. A long blue tail with a triangle shaped tip.

  The damn tail flicks with my annoyance and I accidently knock over the ceramic soap dish that was on the counter beside the sink. The shatter is so loud that I know the guys heard it.

  “Rose, are you okay in there?” Bryant calls out.

  “I’m fine!”

  “You’ve got five minutes, any longer and I’m coming in.” Fader’s voice sounds like it’s coming from right up against the door.

  I gulp. Five minutes isn’t going to be enough to make these fucking things disappear.

  I search around trying to find my dressing gown, only to remember after a couple of minutes that I flung it across the bottom of my bed the other night.

  “Two minutes.”

  “Bossy asshole.” I grumble under my breath.

  “I heard that!”

  “You were meant to!” I shout back.

  I don’t have a choice. I’ll have to leave the bathroom eventually. In less than a minute if Fader has anything to do with it. Panic sets in and I start eyeing off the tiny window. It’s too high up and way too small for me to fit through though.

  “Get out here now or I’m coming in!”

  “Fine. If any of you laugh or scream, I’ll kill you where you stand!” I shout back. Slowly I lift the latch then turn the handle. I close my eyes as I step through the doorway and hold my breath, waiting for the screaming to start.

  “Holy fucking sexy demons!” Kalum groans.

  My eyes fly open just in time to see him shift into his lion.

  “Is this a side effect of the curse?” Bryant asks, his voice is husky, and his pupils are so blown I can hardly see any of the bright green that surrounds them.

  “No wonder you didn’t scream when you saw me.” Fader’s wings pop out and I can see the front of his pants straining against his hard-on. He must have retracted them while I was in the bathroom.

  “No, it’s the reason Loki was so adamant about having me for his bride.” I take a deep breath and finally tell them the full truth. I kneel down beside Kalum and run my fingers through his soft fur, it only takes a second before he’s sitting on his heels, completely human again.

  “My mother was a demon, an Adrat demon, obsessed with her vanity.” I begin to explain as I turn my back so Kalum can get dressed, again. “My father was a human, he had no idea what my mother was, and she never told him what I am. Half demon, half mortal. I would have lived a normal life, well normal for a demi-demon anyway. Demi’s only lived until their twenty-first year. They are capable of bearing both human and full demon off-spring, but the reason Loki pushed for marriage is because the only way a demi can bear the child of a full-blooded demon is if they enter into marriage of their own free will. I told you I wasn’t the beauty from the story. I wasn’t lying, I’m the beast. A creature born for one purpose and only one purpose. To birth the first demon king, a creature who wants nothing more than to rule the earth through fear and chaos.”

  I cross the room and sit down on the couch, my tail swishes behind me like a snake with a mind of its own.

  My heart rate begins to slow down as I sit there waiting for the guys to say something.


  But they just stand there staring at me.

  “So um, what’s for lunch?” The deadpan way Kalum says it contradicts the smile on his face. I’m not kidding, an actual smile and he’s not turning into a lion either. The smile turns his face into a roguish boyband kind of sexy. He’s something else with those dimples showing on either side of his cupid bow lips. I actually let out a groan as my wings, which were receding only seconds ago, pop back out with a loud snapping sound.

  “So, they react to your lustful thoughts, huh?” Bryant’s mischievous look is all it takes for me to know that I’m in real danger right now.

  Danger of losing control.

  Danger of falling.

  These three are going to be the death of me.


  Strangers no more: Kalum

  Perfect dusty pink skin, long dark hair, huge blue-black wings. This girl. Fuck she’s gorgeous. I’m sporting a boner that just won’t quit, but for the first time in decades, I’m not changing into a lion.

  When my curse first hit, I was a mess. I’d just killed my girlfriend, the beast inside me actually ate her. Devoured every last inch of her and all because I had gotten horny while kissing her. Talk about a fucked-up curse huh?

  I’m no saint, might not have deserved being cursed the way I am, but I’m not the good guy. Far from it. I’m a murderer, and I don’t just mean because I killed the first girl I ever kissed. No, I mean an actual murderer. I’ve killed for war, for sport, hell I was even a hired killer for a time. What better way to get away with murder than to kill as an animal. No one looked twice at a mauling done by an animal. The deaths were always declared to be tragic accidents, every single one.

  That all stopped when I met Bryant though. He was supposed to be my next victim, but there was something about him that just called to me. It wasn’t a love connection or anything, he just felt like a brother. Like we were the same. After that day, I stopped killing, I started learning how to control my emotions and I’ve never looked back since. I guess you could say that Bryant saved my life, my soul from being even more damned than it already is.

  We spent the next few years in the military, doing everything we could to save others. That’s when we met Fader. He was on the enemy’s side of the fight, but again we felt that connection. We both knew the instant we met him that he was meant to be a part of our group. We left the military and started living off the land, avoiding humans where we could. Those first few years with Fader were hard. He was still devouring the souls of humans, but we convinced him to only go after the bad guys, people who deserved to die for the crimes they committed.

  I’m brought back to the here and n
ow by the sound of Rose’s laugh. Rose might be part demon, but she’s all woman. Her laugh goes straight to my heart. I could watch her work in the kitchen all day. Bryant and Fader sit on the other side of the counter talking about going for a hunt to get some more meat and I just stand here, watching. Rose might think she’s a beast, a monster, but all I see is a beautiful woman who has been thrown into a terrible life. She’s strong to have survived mentally as long as she has, I’d have gone insane by now.

  I don’t know about my brothers, but I sure would like to get to know her better. With that in mind, we spend the rest of the morning talking about everything from our pasts to what we hope to have in the future.

  Lunch time comes around and Rose tells us that she’s completely out of food, so I head into town with the meagre amount of money the four of us had between us to buy some necessities.

  Mistakes: Rose

  The rest of the day passes in relative peace. The guys talked quietly amongst themselves while I made food, then Kalum took off into town to do some shopping. Fader spent the afternoon chopping firewood and Bryant spent the afternoon up on the roof, repairing a hole that dripped into the bathroom whenever it rained.

  Me, well I sat at my breakfast bar writing down everything the guys had told me about themselves, each of the guys got their own character sheet, complete with description and personality type. I’m just working on writing the part where the guys told me about their curses when Bryant comes inside, shirtless and stretching his arms above his head. My eyes follow the lines of his muscles and I surreptitiously wipe my mouth, checking for drool. He catches me staring just as I bring my hand back down to my lap and winks.

  Butterflies, squirming, flapping butterflies.


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