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A Little Bit Cupid: A Collection of Short Stories

Page 21

by Lady Boss Press

  Landon is on the steps, in a pair of jeans only, the v of his torso disappearing in his pants. Ren appears from the part of the downstairs I’ve not seen, but one guess, he’s been in his art studio with both pink and red paint on his fingers.

  “Abigail Spencer.” The sharp tone from Landon is louder than the alarm, as I watch Ren amble over to the system, disabling it. I know I’m about to get in trouble. Landon never calls me Abigail. “Were you leaving after last night?”

  I turn my head from them. They’re hurt. Maybe I misread all of this. “Abigail? We’re waiting?” This is Ren, and when he doesn’t call me Sweet Abigail, it’s obvious I’ve fucked up.

  “Yes, okay, I’ll admit it.” I shut the door, blocking the cold breeze from outside. “I was going to leave, only after saying the most awkward of good-byes.”

  Landon stays on the steps. “Why do you think we want you to say good-bye?”

  “You left me to wake up on my own, and I thought this was your way to salvage your friendship with my brother.” I stand dumbfounded at their reaction to me leaving.

  Ren is behind me, and he doesn’t move. Landon, however, is down the stairs and across the room in four long steps, in my space. “The only reason we’re upset is that you were leaving us, after a night we’ve dreamt about for years. I mean, if we don’t mean anything to you, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. But I sort of thought we all were on the same page.”

  I wiggle out of their space, finding my way against the door, and fall down it, my head in my hands. “It’s just, I thought it was too good to be true. With it being Valentine's day—you’d let the wine, the flirting, and the memories cloud your decision.”

  Ren finally moves closer to us, and he’s the first one in front of me, kneeling to my level. “I thought we were clear last night, our sweetest Abigail. We’ve wanted you with us for a long time. Did you not believe us?”

  “I…um…” I stutter, partially not trusting what they’re sharing with me to be the truth. “I thought it was just talk.”

  Landon’s behind him, and it’s his turn to kneel like Ren. “Abs, Ren and I are madly in love. And because we’re lucky, we have so much love to share. But it’s not like we were looking for just any female to complete us. We’ve only wanted you. Last night was not a ploy to get in your pants. Let me be clear, we’ve wanted in your pants for some time, I won’t lie. But last night, was the most honest and sincere we’ve been with you. We want you because we fell in love with you a long time ago, and you’ve never left our hearts.”

  “You love me?” I ask.

  “Fuck, you’re a stubborn woman, Abigail Spencer. We didn’t just merely fuck you last night—we made love to you, and if you have us, we’ll make love to you for the rest of our lives.” Ren’s words are sharp but sincere.

  “But when I woke up, without you both, I just thought—”

  Ren’s eyes flash back to Landon. “Yeah, this jackass was supposed to stay with you until you woke.” He winks at Landon and continues. “I was in my art studio, moving stuff around. Until we can add to this place, I wanted part of my studio, to be yours. I know you can work anywhere, and giving you a space of your own, was our way of expressing how much we want to build something—the three of us together.”

  “Yeah, and honestly,” Landon begins, “I’d been gone for ten minutes. I wanted to start cooking your breakfast to get you nourished. But first, I was making plans. We know how much your best bitches mean to you, so we were going to take you to Denver, that way, we could still do what we did last night.” His wink has my heart ready to burst. “I was in my home office, making reservations for the three of us.”

  I raise one eyebrow higher than the other. “You both have been busy this morning.” They nod. “Simply to show me how I could fit into your life?”

  Landon, who is behind Ren, leans in and kisses Ren on the cheek. “By golly, baby, she’s finally getting it.”

  Ren searches my eyes. “You now understand what you mean to us, our sweetest Abigail?”

  I nod when Landon and Ren stand to bring me with them. “And you’d drive me to Denver, stay in the hotel waiting for me, so I can spend time with my best bitches?”

  “Like this asshole,” Ren swings his gaze to Landon, “you’re part of our life, sweet Abigail.”

  Landon chuckles, playfully slugging Ren. “See all the terms of endearments my man has for me.”

  Both of them surround me, Ren in front of me, Landon behind me. “I’ve loved you forever, as long as I can remember,” I declare, and as they caress my cheeks—there’s one thing I can’t help but bring up. “We only have one problem,” I begin.

  “Only one?” Landon asks his lips on the back of my neck.

  “Yeah, who’s going to tell Zander?”

  They both moan and Ren moves my white curls from my face. “This problem will still be here, waiting for us when we get back from Denver, but for now, let’s get you ready to see your best bitches.”

  They have me up the stairs, naked, surrounding me in the shower, and like last night, they ravage my body.

  “This is it,” Landon calls with the last suitcase in his hands, coming down the stairs. “I think we’ve got everything we need.” He leans it up against the front door. After breakfast, he made me another cup of coffee and demanded I sit on the couch with Ren as he got everything together. Let us spoil you, Abs. We’ve wanted this for too long.”

  I’ve been surprised how he is the one who loves to spoil Ren and now me, by taking care of things like cooking and packing. Ren had taken the time to show me his workspace. It’s huge, two rooms. He had given me one for my photography equipment. I could work anywhere and nothing, besides my brother, had been keeping me in New Mexico.

  Over breakfast, It was Ren who suggested that we leave next week to pick up my stuff, and maybe break the news to my brother then. Both of us groaned, but not the way I had earlier when I watched Landon push Ren against the shower, entering him hard and fucking him. No, that had been hot and overly enjoyable, where the thought of sharing my love for both men with my brother had me breaking out in hives.

  Landon empties the space between us, pulling us both up, as he pebbles kisses down my neck, and Ren reaches into my shirt, squeezing my nipples. I’m about to pull away, suggesting we hit the road, when a loud knock on the front door garners our attention.

  “Who could that be?” Ren asks.

  “Ah, shit, I think I might have forgotten to cancel my Uber,” I explain, walking toward the door. I could have sworn I had, since it had been a good hour. I pull it back to what I am expecting is an angry Uber driver. However, I’d already paid him. He couldn’t be too angry.

  Instead, I’m looking into the deep, almost violet eyes of my brother. “What the hell, Abbie,” he starts, passing me, letting himself in. “I couldn’t reach you last night, and then I couldn’t get either one of these assholes. I was so worried about you.” My brother brings me into his embrace. “You aren’t far from your phone ever.” He moves his eyes to the guys, jutting his chin out at them. “Thanks for taking care of my little sister.” He squeezes me one last time, then walks over to both men, bringing them into a bro hug. “I knew you’d always take care of her, like a sister.”

  He falls back on the couch, again making himself at home in the guy's space. I guess after today, it’s my space too, but his impromptu visit has me experiencing an out of character hot flash. His eyes turn back to me, then past me, to all our luggage near the door.

  “Are you all going somewhere?” His question has a level of amusement to it—curiosity mixed with gratification.

  “Well…yeah.” Ren begins. Staring at Zander, the top of Ren’s forehead has broken out in a sheen of sweat. “With Abigail’s car in the shop, we thought we’d take her to Denver.”

  “Ah, that’s nice of you, but now that I’m here, I can take her, or since Layla is at her parents this week, Abbie can take my car, and we can hang out.” He’s between both m
en, and he claps them on the shoulders again. “How does this sound?”

  My men are noncommittal, and he picks up on this right away. “Well, hell, it sounds like you both have a hot date or something? You’re telling me you’d rather hang out with Abbie’s crew than me?”

  “Was just planning to spend some time with my man,” Landon explains.

  “I won’t get in the way. So what do you say, unless there’s something you aren’t telling me?”

  Again, both men are quiet, and unlike last night where I had needed to change my panties because I was hot and bothered, now I’m going to have to change my shirt due to the fact I’m sweating like a banshee.

  Zander stands, and my brother hasn’t made millions from being stupid. “Or you three could just tell me what the fuck is going on here, and man up.” This is directed toward Ren and Landon.

  Landon takes Ren’s hand, bringing him flush to his body. Leaning around Zander, he calls for me. “Abs, come here.”

  When I get within his space, he pulls me close to him, like Ren, on the other side. “Zander, both Ren and I have loved Abs for years. We never wanted to cross that line, but we couldn’t stop fantasizing about a future with her, the three of us committed together. But we didn’t want you to think we had forced ourselves on her. She feels the same way, and although it’s sudden, we’re moving in together.”

  My brother’s hands find passage to his waist, and he stands as tall as he can. His eyebrows knit together, and his gaze is on me. When he reaches into his pockets, producing a remote of sorts, a scowl is still on his face.

  “Do you remember when I took your car last week because Layla needed my truck?” I nod. “I went and got this installed, knowing you were going to be close to Landon and Ren. I called you every thirty minutes, asking where you were.” I nod again, confused by this. “I knew the three of you would never take this leap without a little bit of help. It being Valentine's was the added bonus. Maybe, just maybe, you finally might admit what I’ve known for some time.”

  I move my eyes to Landon, then to Ren. I wonder if they understood where my brother is going with this. “What are you saying, Bro?” Landon asks.

  “I’m saying, I had this remote installed in Abbie’s car. When she was ten miles from your house, I made sure she was safe and disabled her vehicle, where it basically stopped, and couldn’t be restarted.” My mouth fell, and a slew of curse words was about to be unleashed on my brother.

  “I’d heard Landon and Ren talking at my wedding, how they wanted to tell you then. I have to admit, I was pissed, ready to take their heads off. But then, I was with this incredible woman who I was promising to love and cherish forever. How could I deny you the same sort of love?” He turns his attention and words from me, to Ren and Landon. “It took me a while to come to grips with this, but why should you be denied loving my sister, just because you love each other too? And anyway, there’s no one I trust more with her than the two of you.”

  Ren moves around Landon, sandwiching me in between the two men.

  “Well,” my brother begins, “My work is done here. I’m on my way to my in-law's house. You know you really love someone when you endure the in-laws from hell.” He shakes both Ren and Landon’s hands adding one last thing. “But with me, I’m the best brother and best friend there is.”

  He pulls me into a full hug. “I only want you happy, Abbie.” He gives me a kiss, leaving before I can say another word. He’s at the door. “Best friends or not, I’ll hurt you if you ever cause my sister pain.”

  As he shuts the door behind him, Landon begins, “Yeah, like we’ll ever let that happen. You’ve been our missing piece.”

  Ren cups my face, as Landon circles Ren’s waist with his long arms. “Now that we have you, we’re never letting you go, our Sweetest Abigail.”

  Chapter Seven

  2 years later


  My best bitch, Shayna, is behind me, zipping up my dress. “Fuck, Abbie, when I told you two years ago it was time for an Abigail sandwich and to make sure you squeezed both the buns, I didn’t mean it literally.”

  I give her a playful slap on the arm. “Ah, you’re just jealous that I have two beautiful men.”

  She throws her head back, a loud high pitched cackle assaulting my ears. “Fuck, yeah, I am. Not every day I attend a wedding where three people say I do.”

  She’s right. It may not be legal, but it’s still the most important day of my life. In the mirror, I admire the long sleek satin dress, hugging every curve of my body, when out of the corner of my eyes, Shayna appears with my veil. “Here you go, let’s get this on you. I heard this wedding has an open bar. I’ll drink to your vows, and boy do I intend to drink to my heart's content.”

  It’s my turn to cackle at my best bitch. I’m about to tease her when my brother, with his dark violet eyes, enters the room. “Are you ready, Abbie?” he asks.

  As I take his hand, Shayna on my heels, I remember how my brother nudged us all in the right direction. “Never been more ready for anything in my life, big brother.” The music begins to play, lofting from the other room, as Shayna turns the corner. My happy ever after may not be conventional but it doesn’t negate the fact, I’m marrying the loves of my life. Fuck conventional, hello happiness. With both men in my line of sight, they’re all I’ll ever want.

  About the Author

  Leigh Lennon is mother, veteran and a wife of a cancer survivor. Originally with a degree in education, she started writing as an outlet that has led to a deep passion, writing twelve books. Now ready to publish all of them, she lugs her computer with her as she crafts her next story. Her imaginary friends become real on her pages as she creates a world for them. She loves pretty nails, spikey hair and large earrings. Leigh can be found drinking coffee or wine, depending on the time of the day.

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  Wrong For Me

  Wrong For Me

  By Stacey Lewis

  Wrong For Me

  Copyright © 2020 Stacey Lewis

  All Rights Reserved

  No portion of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying or recording, or by any storage and retrieval system without permission in writing.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, event or location is coincidental.

  Chapter One


  All week the shop guys have been talking about the new girl at Patsy’s. I’ll admit, after hearing how fuckable she is, I’m curious to see how she measures up to their descriptions. That’s the only reason I walk over with them. At least, that’s what I tell myself.

  Nick and Angelo promptly make assholes out of themselves, waving at her with big grins on their faces and acting like the teenagers they haven’t been for years. Granted, it’s been way less time for Nick than Angelo since he’s at least ten years older than me and Nick’s barely twenty-five, but they’re only embarrassing themselves.

  I turn my head to see if she matches the descriptions they’ve been giving all week, but she must’ve walked into the back because the only one I see is Meg. She’s been here for longer than I can even remember. I know she finds my guys amusing since she’s shaking her head and chuckling, but the new girl is nowhere
to be found.

  The conversation at the table captures my attention and I look away from Meg to see Angelo patting Nick on the shoulder consolingly. “You’re much too young my friend,” he explains. “A woman like that wants a man who can take care of her and keep her satisfied, not a pup she’ll have to train.” All five men at the table burst into laughter, though I’m not sure if it’s at Angelo’s words or the indignant look on Nick’s face. Since I’m the boss, I look down at my menu and try to keep the smile off my own face.

  “Bullshit, old man.” Nick raises his arm and flexes it, showing off the muscles he works very hard for. “I can satisfy any woman. All they have to do is look at me and they cream their panties.”

  This time even I can’t stop my laughter. “Boy, if you think that’s all it takes, I feel sorry for every woman you’ve had in your bed.”

  “Yeah,” Simon agrees, “just so you know, those moans in porn? They’re fake, and so are all the ones you’ve been hearing.”

  Everyone starts giving Nick shit after that. It’s a good thing the restaurant is pretty empty right now. The benefit of going to lunch after two, I guess.

  The soft sound of a throat clearing silences the laughter immediately, and a hard pang goes through my chest when I meet warm brown eyes in a pale, pink-cheeked face. She’s even better than advertised. I can see why my guys have been making bets on who will get her number first. The second I see her, I want to tell them all to back the fuck off, but I know I can’t.

  “What can I get for you guys today?”

  Boy, if that isn’t a loaded question. Directing a glare around the table, I tell them all silently to behave. There’s a chorus of, “Hey Hailey” or “Hi darlin’” from the guys sitting at the table as they all start telling her what they want, flirting all the while and making the red in her cheeks deepen.


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