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A Little Bit Cupid: A Collection of Short Stories

Page 24

by Lady Boss Press

  Jack’s sincere words touched her. She hung her purse back on the chair. “Please tell me you weren’t a bulldog and gave Mrs. Simmons what she wanted.”

  “She got everything she wanted and more,” he said. “I live with a pretty smart woman who gives good advice.”

  “That you do, Jack.” She gestured at the chair across from her. “The seat’s all yours.”

  “I liked your texts. We should do that more often.” He slid into the chair, scooting closer to her. “So? Bond Girl. Good or bad?”

  “Depends” She removed her rose headband and bit back the smile that was attempting to ruin the moment. “Tell me your plans for the night. I’ll tell you if I approve.”

  Jack grinned. She was excited. That mischievous look only meant one thing. She sat back watching him take another drink, then not so conspicuously eyeballing the headband that was now on the table. One eyebrow raised. Another. Then he lifted his gaze on her, hot and ready. “Want to go down memory lane?”

  Did she? Like he had to ask. Although with date nights rarer than seeing a leopard without spots, she knew she had to play it cool or risk Jack bellying up her surprise. Giving into her wants had always been her husband’s kryptonite.

  She took a measured drink of beer, then tried to act unamused. “Okay. I’ll bite.”

  Without a word, he reached inside his jacket and pulled out an envelope. He laid it on the table right between the empty appetizer plates, just a two-finger reach from her hand. She was itching to rip it open. She went for it. Jack stopped her.

  She glared.

  He glared too, but no, his narrowed glance wasn’t just a stare down but some damn sexy bedroom eyes. Aw, crap. The promise of a hot night written all over his face sent a slow, burning heat coiling deep within her.

  Locking gazes with him, she huffed. “Is the envelope for me or not?”

  Jack shot her his lethally charming smile, the one that sealed the deal between them back in college. “I just wanted to draw out the suspense a little. Yeah, sure, you can open it.”

  “You’re the worst.” She playfully slapped her husband’s hand, then grabbed the envelope. She carefully tore it open and pulled out two sets of keys. One appeared to be a hotel keycard, the other she wasn’t too sure, just that it was old. “Not sure I get the surprise,” she said, holding up the contents for Jack to see.

  “Has it been that long since I’ve taken you out that you’ve forgotten what a hotel key looks like?”


  “Okay, okay, I couldn’t help myself.” He leaned forward in his chair, gazing at her with those amazing smokey brown eyes. His eyes studied her shamelessly, a potent combination of sexual energy and playfulness. She shuffled in the seat, disoriented and barely able to think. “You remember how I played football back in college and how you’d come visit me outside the locker room between your classes?”

  She nodded. “Uh-huh. We all remember your football days. The kids even wear the school colors and cheer when our alma mater plays even though they probably only care about the chips and dip.”

  His mouth twitched. “How about that night after we won the playoffs?”

  “You didn’t.” Heat raced across her cheeks. “How—I mean who do you know that has a key?”

  “A lawyer I know owed me a favor. He knows the new head coach, and when I told the guy I had a hot date tonight who’s a Cougar’s fan and if he could hook me up with a stadium tour it would seal the deal…well, he hooked me up,” he said, his voice notably deeper as he gazed at her hungrily. “Still want to do this memory lane thing or just a normal suburban date night dinner? You choose.”

  She knew the stadium well. Spent most nights hanging out at the stadium when she should’ve had her nose pressed in her fifteen century English literature books. Good thing her memory was sharp or else she wouldn’t have passed once the handsome football player caught her eyes. Nor would she be able to give that degree the bird to write fiction novels, doing quite well for herself.

  And the football field? Their catnip.

  She gulped. Blinked up at him, her whole body on fire, needy and tight, ready to cede her fancy dress for any offer her husband placed on the table. Her pulse thrummed in her ears. She was itching to have Jack alone. No responsibilities, but them. Yet she played it cool knowing the buildup was as important as the finale. So instead she offered up what her belly wanted. “Dinner first. Then we can do the memory lane thing.”

  She watched him swallow, long and hard, his defense mechanism when he didn’t want the other party in court knowing what he was thinking. Yet she did. He was good. Thrilled. Whatever Jack had up his sleeve must be impressive. He lounged back in his chair and stretched his arms above his head, staring directly at her. “Should we put dinner on your card or mine?”

  “Yours,” she said. “I swiped our bank account for groceries this morning so tonight’s on you”

  His hot gaze licked over, and an achy, heat spread through her. “Okay. But at the hotel I’m going to tell them I’m your gigolo and your paying at check-out.”

  Her entire body went numb with desire. “You do look young, if not for the beard you’d get carded more, but I’m sorry I don’t think I wore the right panties to meet my young stallion.”

  Jack picked up his beer and took a drink, not taking a beat to look away from her. She liked being his center of attention. When he wasn’t working, she had his world. Jack touched her hand. “No worries. Your panties aren’t invited to the hotel anyways.”

  Heat curled up from her toes to her gut. I hope not,” Holly said.

  Chapter Four

  The stadium streetlamps lit the pavement, and Jack and Holly stood side-by-side taking in the beauty of their alma mater. It’d been a while since either had attended a game, but as Jack stood outside the massive dome football field, he could almost hear the crowd cheering him and his team to victory. Pride swelled in his chest. He was in his element.

  He looked at Holly. “Ready to take the tour?”

  She kicked off her heels. “You’re really asking a repeat offender that question?”

  “Hey!” He threw his hands up in the air and laughed. “It’s not my fault the security guard didn’t find me as amusing as you.”

  “I was streaking across the field because you told me it would bring you good luck at the game on Saturday. How could Mr. Campus Cop not have noticed me?”

  “You were an interesting nineteen-year-old. God, I miss her,” he said sarcastically.

  Holly socked him in the arm gently. “Jack!”

  “What?” He shrugged.

  His wife’s eyes narrowed. “You know what?”

  “Okay, okay.” Their elbows bumped. “I only miss her a little.”

  “If you get picked up by the security guard tonight, I’m not vouching for your ass,” she said, with a teasing tone as she bent over to scoop her heels off the pavement.

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less,” he said.

  “We doing this?” Holly asked.

  The exact same question she’d asked him on their wedding day when they decided to ditch the family idea of a big event and go for a Justice of Peace ceremony. It’d been amazing. Best day ever. Sure, he’d ‘do this’, he’d do anything with Holly…for her.

  She was his partner in crime.

  “Hell yeah. We’re doing this.” He pulled the key from his jacket pocket. “I have our entry ticket.”

  She glanced down at the key in Jack’s hand. “Mr. Entry Ticket, last one to the gate has to buy the other one ice cream.”

  “We share a bank account.”

  “So?” She shrugged unimpressed by his comeback. “Like that changes the bet.”

  “I think you’re going to drive me crazy someday.”

  That earned him a grin. “Probably already have.”

  God, he wanted to skip the football field tour and take Holly to the hotel pronto. They hadn’t had a date night in months, and the thought of having Holly all to himself, no
kids jumping in bed, sent a zap of heat below the beltline. But he’d made a promise. A date night. Tour it was, then he’d introduce his wife to the fancy hotel bed he’d charged on his credit card.

  He inched closer to Holly. His chest tight with need. “I want to apologize for not scheduling us a sitter sooner and taking you out.” He paused, the serene look on his wife’s face making him weak at the knees. She deserved better than his tardiness, especially on a date night. “I’m sorry, I was late. Again.”

  Her eyes softened. “You’ve been busy. Making partner isn’t for the faint at heart.”

  She had always been ready to fall on her sacrifice sword, something he admired about her, her ability to give to others with nothing in return. When he’d blown his knee to a chance at the draft, she’d stood by his side as he went back to law school, working two jobs to help pay their bills. Jack knew she had every right to chase her dreams, but she waited for his first. It was damn time he drew his selfless sword.

  He gently rested his hands on her arms. “Having a successful writing career isn’t either. You amaze me. I couldn’t watch three kids and churn out books on deadline.”

  She blinked up at him. “No need to stroke my ego. You’re already getting in my panties tonight.”

  He gathered her against his chest, running his hand down her back to just above her behind. She shivered against him. He swallowed. Hard. “As your husband it’s my duty to stroke your ego. But I mean it. I’m proud of you. Of your success.”

  Her face lit up. “Thank you. I could kiss you.”

  The heat returned to his gut, and he reminded himself he owed his wife a date before rememorizing every freckle she had on her body inside a hotel room. “Not yet.”


  “Not that I don’t love your kisses.” He shifted in his stance, attempting to adjust his pants. “If you kiss me, we’ll have to just skip to the hotel. I promised you a date night. So, no kissing just yet.”

  Laugh lines tugged at the outer corners of her eyes. “You have no self-control, Jack McQuaid.”

  Jack took a step back from Holly. “Around you, I don’t.”

  “Our ice cream bet is still on,” she said.

  “I never thought it was off.”

  She gave him a cunning grin. “Okay, then. Rocky Road is my favorite.”

  And then Holly took off toward the stadium gates. Jack took a moment to appreciate his wife’s backside. Her curves. Her strong calves. The skip she did after each jogging step. He loved every one of them. He loved her. Holly could beat him any given day.

  Besides, there was some Rocky Road in the hotel fridge waiting for her.

  Chapter Five

  The football field was huge. Holly had forgotten how ginormous the space was in her college days. How small she felt in the stands watching Jack make touchdowns and listening to other co-eds worship the ground he walked on from afar. How every cell in her body sparked to attention the moment he exited the locker room. Perhaps she should remind them both about that thrill.

  Holly faced Jack. His gaze was locked on the scoreboard, with a big appreciative smile spread across his chiseled, shadowed- jawline. Her husband always regarded a good scoring game as one of the best pleasures in life. Holly, however, recognized other things: like her husband’s ability to wake-up daily looking like a walking cologne ad. Now, that was something to be grateful about.

  Just then Jack tore his gaze from the scoreboard to her. “What?”

  She chewed her lower lip. “Nothing.”

  Jack rubbed the back of his neck. “You never have nothing to say.”

  “Ha. Funny.” She dropped her heels on the turf near the thirty-yard line and tilted her head to the side. “I’m having a moment.”

  “Do I have something on my face?” he asked, eyebrows raised.

  “Not yet you don’t.”

  And then Holly inched closer to her husband, grabbed his shirt lapels, and kissed him. Sparks flashed between them. Her heart hummed in her ears. With a tight chest, she yanked him against her. He slid his hand down her thigh, his fingers curling under her skirt drawing the hem up just enough she felt the chill from the night air hit her bare skin. She wrapped the collar around her fingers and pressed her mouth harder to his. It felt good.

  Wow. Every cell in her brain was screaming to tackle Jack to the ground and show him she’d learned a few moves herself from sprinting around the house after kids. He kissed her, and oh, boy, could her husband kiss, and she went weak in the knees when he pushed his tongue pass her parted lips. He tasted of cinnamon stick and orange. Go to for Jack. She couldn’t remember a time when he hadn’t chewed that gum flavor.

  Hands grabbed her ass and lifted her up and before she knew it, she was hitched around Jack’s waist being greeted by a very impressive package. She broke their kiss breathless. “What happened to waiting until the hotel?”

  He took a step back to catch his balance. “You distract me. Always have.”

  She squeezed her legs tighter around his waist to stay upright with him. “I’m deliberating if that’s a good or bad thing.”

  “I promise you it’s a very good thing.” Without warning, he kissed her neck, and warmth spread through her from the simple flirtatious act. “You smell amazing.” His nose nuzzled right beneath her chin. “Are you wearing the perfume I got you for Christmas?” he asked, groaning as he placed another kiss on her neck right before he caught his balance again.

  “I’ll only tell you if put me down on my own two-feet.”

  “Why?” He groaned.

  “That’s why?” She shot her eyes down toward his knees. “You’re groaning. Your knee hurts.”

  “My knee is fine.”

  “It was fine twenty years ago before you blew it out and made crawling around on the hardwood floors a nightly activity with the kids.” Another groan. “See. Down, Jack McQuaid.”

  “People are known to groan from sexual pleasure.” He winked. “I could be aroused.”

  Holly unhooked her legs from his waist and slid down his body, brushing against muscles and a little something extra as she lowered herself slowly to a stand. Jack’s arms were still wrapped around her waist when she looked up at him. “I know you’re happy. And yes, I’m wearing the perfume you got me at Christmas.”

  One corner of his mouth tugged upward. “I’m always happy for you.”

  “God. You’re such a nerd,” she said, punching him gently in the shoulder. “Thanks for the tour even if we didn’t get to third base like we did in college.”

  He let go of her waist and offered his hand. “Arrest for incident exposure probably wouldn’t sit too well with my partner at the law office.”

  “But you’d be infamous at court,” she said.

  He laughed.

  Just as she went to take his hand, the automatic sprinklers came on and cold water sprayed her bare calves. She screamed. “Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.”

  “Run,” Jack shouted over the noise.

  “Which way?” she asked as she tried to dodge a sprinkler head aiming right at her.


  “Okay.” And then she took off but stopped mid-center field. Her heels. She looked at the thirty-yard line. They were getting pelted by water. Her stomach sunk. “My heels. We can’t leave them.” She pointed to the black silhouettes soaked in sprinkler water and grass.

  Jack sighed. “We’ll say a little prayer for them. Now come on.”

  They were her favorite. Finding good heels that didn’t hurt was like finding the lost city of gold. She gnawed on her bottom lip in thought, while her dress clung to her back in a wet sticky mess and her husband motioned for her to press forward toward the exit. She looked at the heels, then Jack. “You know how hard it is to find a pair that doesn’t kill your feet?”

  He grumbled, then without a word took off in the direction of her precious shoes. He loved her. Or was crazy. Probably both. Married with kids while busting their asses to create successful careers was like walkin
g a tight rope.

  As he came rushing back, her heart ballooned in her chest. Jack was the best. Hot as hell too. He’d owned her heart for almost two decades and she couldn’t wait to spend the next ones with him.

  He came to stop in front of her, shirt stuck to his amazing chest which still did very bad things to her and water dripping from his chin. He lifted the shoes in the air. “Got them. Ready to go to the hotel?”

  “Ready.” She stepped in line with Jack.

  “Good. Because I can’t wait to see you naked,” Jack said, taking her hand in his.

  Chapter Six

  Jack’s back hit the hotel door. Soft hands gripped his waistline and gave a yank. If he didn’t get the damn door open soon some guests were fixing to get an eyeful of his wife’s strip tease.

  He jammed the keycard into the door. It clicked open. “Inside.”

  Holly grabbled at his shirt, lifting it higher as she stumbled inside the room with him. “Shirt off.”

  Another click. Door closed.

  “Turn around. I’ll unzip your dress,” he said, shrugging his shirt over his head.

  What he really wanted to do was bang Holly up against the wall in her dress, but Jack knew it was her fancy dress and if he wrinkled the fabric there would be hell to pay the next day. Maybe a hefty dry cleaners bill, too.

  Holly ran her hands down his bare chest, moaning. “But I’ll miss all this.”

  He grabbed her by the hips. “For two seconds.”

  He could tell she was pondering his response. With her hands still pressed to his chest and heat barreling quickly to his groin begging for release, Jack knew if she didn’t shred her dress soon, he’d do it for her. He’d regret for a moment ruining her favorite party outfit, but once he had his wife naked all those second thoughts would go the wayside. When it came to Holly want exceeded rationale. Always had.

  She slid against him, riding her leg up his thigh. “Fine,” she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief.


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