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Edge of Desire: (Let Me In, Book 3)

Page 14

by Marin, Jessica

  Without another word, we reach for each other, the need to finally taste what we have been craving all night long too strong to deny any longer. As our mouths touch, our kiss is anything but light and sweet.

  It’s hungry, primal and hard.

  He slips his tongue through my lips and I whimper in happiness as he tastes as good as I knew he would. We try to get as close to each other as we possibly can, but the middle console of the car makes it difficult. We finally release each other in order to catch our breaths.

  “There’s no turning back, Isla, because now that I’ve had a taste of you, I want more. Promise you’ll stop running from me?” His eyes search mine, waiting for me to show any kind of hesitation. I’m done running from him, because all I want to do right now is run into his arms.

  “I promise,” I confirm and am rewarded with one of the most breathtaking smiles I’ve ever seen from him. We give each other a knowing look and get out of the car. He reaches for my hand again once we are within distance of each other and run the rest of the way toward the house, our laughter of excitement for what’s to come filling the night air. We quietly let ourselves in and race up the stairs, only to come short at the sound of Brooks crying.

  Before we can get to Sean’s room, Jenna is in the hallway, trying to shush Brooks when she sees us. She stops and just stares at our entwined hands, then her gaze travels to our attire and then to our faces.

  “Hi,” she says with an awkward smile. “How are you guys?”

  “Fine, but what’s wrong with Brooks?” I ask, reluctantly releasing my hand from Sean’s and walk over to Jenna to help her soothe him.

  “I think he had a nightmare. Shook him up real good since he won’t stop crying. I was going to take him downstairs so he wouldn’t wake up Avery and to see if milk will help calm him down.”

  As if on cue, Avery’s door opens and she comes out with disheveled hair, rubbing her eyes from sleep. “Mommy, why won’t Brooksy stop crying?” She removes her fists from her eyes and upon seeing three adults, her eyes become wide with excitement. “Uncle Sean!” She runs to him and he picks her up to nestle her against his hip.

  “Wow Izzy, you look so pretty,” she says, her eyes looking over my dress. “Did you go out on a date with a boy looking like that?”

  I laugh at her astuteness, especially since the ‘boy’ is the one holding her. “I sure did,” I wink at Sean, who wiggles his eyebrows up and down at me.

  “Avery, you need to go back to bed,” Jenna commands as she tries to hush Brooks’ cries.

  “But I want someone to put me to bed. I can’t go back to sleep now with Brooksy being so loud. His screams hurt my ears.” Avery turns her attention to me, her blue eyes looking like a little lost puppy who wants some attention. “Izzy, will you put me to sleep?”

  I look at Sean and he smiles at me, understanding that this probably means the end to our night. With a slight nod, he puts Avery down as I agree to put her to bed.

  “Thank you, Isla,” Jenna says and then proceeds to mouth out, “I’m so sorry!”

  “It’s okay. C’mon, Avery,” I respond back and with one last look of longing at Sean, I grab Avery’s hand and escort her back to bed.

  As I lay down next to her and rub her back to soothe her to sleep, I can’t help the smile that stays permanently on my face from my night with Sean. I sigh in contentment, happy that I took Robert’s advice as tonight was the perfect first date.

  And I look forward to many more perfect evenings with Sean to come.



  If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought the Harrington children were conspiring against their dear ol’ Uncle Sean with the way they have been blue balling me from Isla during our vacation. I understood I wasn’t going to get to have alone time with Isla on the first night of our arrival due to everyone’s exhaustion from such an exciting first day. Avery’s reaction when she figured out where we were going was priceless and in no time, she had us running ragged around the Magic Kingdom. Jenna arranged for a special tour guide, so we were able to hit every single ride and meet every single princess imaginable within an eight hour timeframe. After a long day at the park, we checked into a mammoth rental home Jenna found, located in a gated community with its own private pool, tennis courts, and playground. The house is able to fit all of us, but since I was the last minute addition, I had to sleep on the third twin bed inside the room that houses the younger male Harrington cousins. Jenna did nothing to hide her glee when she was showing me where my sleeping accommodations were. She and Cal decided to sleep at a hotel near the airport since their flight out the next day was very early. Isla was sleeping in a room with Brooks and Avery. I didn’t think the sleeping arrangements were going to prevent me from getting alone time with Isla since the kids go to bed usually before we do.

  Boy, did they have me fooled!

  Those little buggers, along with their cousins, stayed up until midnight every single night that we’ve been here. What makes it even worse is that Avery and Brooks seem even more attached to Isla since their parents aren’t around, despite having their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins here from England to spend time with them.

  The week has gone quickly and I can’t handle not being able to touch Isla any longer. Just staring at her lush lips and wondering what they would look like around my cock has made me take multiple showers a day. Enough is enough! Tonight is our last night here before Cal and Jenna arrive tomorrow and I have a plan in motion.

  I decide to forego visiting Disney again with the rest of the family in order to conduct business with Philip and meet with my assistant since they are both based here in California. I killed two birds with one stone by having a lunch meeting with both of them, signing off on a new movie contract that will start to shoot next year and finalizing travel and itinerary plans for the upcoming press tour. While meeting with my assistant, I had her book a room for Isla and I at the upscale Hilton in the Presidential Suite that’s close to the house for tonight. Now I just need to get the Harringtons to agree to watch the kids for us.

  I make it back to the house just as everyone is coming back from the park. The children immediately go get their swimsuits on, which gives me an opportunity to ask Cal’s sisters if they will watch over Avery and Brooks tonight.

  “Why does one of us need to sleep with the children, Sean?” Jane, Cal’s oldest sister, asks me with a raised eyebrow. I kept my request pretty vague, which I should’ve known wouldn’t be acceptable considering how nosey those two are.

  “Because Isla will not be sleeping here tonight.” I give her a sweet smile, hoping she’ll take the hint that I don’t want to divulge any details in front of the older Harringtons, who just happen to walk into the kitchen to get some snacks for the kids.

  Bridget, the second eldest sister, looks over at her parents and then at her sister. The two share some sort of secret message and then look at me with devious smiles on their faces.

  I am screwed!

  “And where, pray tell, will the sweet, beautiful Isla be sleeping tonight, Sean?” Bridget says in a loud voice, batting her eyelashes at me with a wicked smile. These two are like naughty little Siamese twin cats, getting ready to cause mischief. I’m shocked that Cal survived childhood with them as his sisters.

  “I have decided to treat my new girlfriend to a wonderful night out in a hotel.” There, the cat is out of the bag now.

  “Girlfriend, eh? Funny how Cal and Jenna never mentioned that you and their nanny are dating. When did that come about?” Cal’s father has now joined the conversation and I can already feel my body start to sweat underneath his stare. Cal definitely gets his intensity from his dad, just not as severe. I used to loathe getting into trouble at Cal’s house when we were younger, because just the thought of receiving one death stare from Charles Harrington was all it took to scare me. My parents were too busy to punish me for getting into trouble, but not Cal’s dad. He had no problems handing out punishment
s to children who misbehaved in his home.

  “We are newly dating, sir. Trying to keep it quiet from Avery so she doesn’t worry that I might take Isla away from her.”

  “Will you take Isla away from her? Because if you want this relationship to go somewhere, then she can’t be their nanny forever now, can she? She’ll be with you, won’t she?” I swallow the ball of anxiety that has formed from his rapid fire inquisition and smile at him, hoping my charm will yet again save me from my uncomfortableness.

  “I haven’t thought that far out yet, sir. Just seeing if we are compatible and living in the moment.” My shoulders sag with relief when Isla and the children walk in, rescuing me from any more questions. Avery runs toward me and wraps her little arms around my waist in a hug. Isla comes to stand next to me with Brooks.

  “Isla, we are going to watch the kids for you tonight so you can have some quality time with your boyfriend,” Charles announces while looking me up and down in warning before grabbing a beer and heading outside to the pool. Isla gives me a funny look, while Cal’s sisters try to hide their giggling.

  “Eew, you have a boyfriend, Izzy? Don’t you know boys are gross?” Avery scrunches up her cute little nose while still holding onto me. “Their breath smells and they eat boogers.”

  “How did you know that your Uncle Sean eats his boogers, Avery?” I shoot daggers at Bridget, hoping Avery doesn’t put two and two together now.

  “Uncle Sean is your boyfriend?“ Avery shrieks as she drops her arms from around my waist and looks between the both of us in denial.

  “Wow, one date and you think I’m your girlfriend already? Creep-y!” Isla leans in close and jokes softly, mischief gleaming from her sexy eyes.

  “You can’t be her boyfriend, Uncle Sean! You don’t live with us and Isla can’t leave us!” Tears start to form in Avery’s eyes and I start to panic, as I can’t handle Avery upset. She definitely has me wrapped around her gorgeous little finger. “Please don’t take her away from me,” she whimpers, robbing me of speech as I look to Isla for help.

  Isla kneels down to her eye level and gives her a hug. “Avery, your Uncle Sean is not taking me away from you.”

  “Well, only for tonight I am.” Isla’s head shoots up in surprise at my announcement. “Sorry, but I wanted to ask the Harringtons if they would watch the kids first before telling you.” I get down on my knees in front of Avery and look into her stormy blue eyes. “I promise she will be here in the morning.”

  Avery sniffs and looks at Isla, who gives her an encouraging smile, before looking back at me. “Okay, but you better be nice to her or I won’t love you anymore!” Avery stomps her feet and gives me her own little death stare that she inherited from her father’s side. Before I can reassure her, screams of laughter from the pool catch her attention and she races out there to be part of it.

  “Can you please go pack a bag so we can leave before Brooks decides he’s going to start talking at one and questions me as well?” Isla throws her head back in laughter, hands Brooks to Jane and runs to go pack a bag.

  I thank everyone and remove myself to wait in the car for Isla before Cal’s family decides to continue their fun at my expense.

  * * *

  “Wow, this place is beautiful!” Isla exclaims as we enter the hotel suite an hour later. She walks ahead of me, her mouth open in awe at the beautiful decor of the full size kitchen and living room. She looks and stares over at the ceiling-to-floor windows to admire the view we have from being at the top of the hotel. My eyes are transfixed on her, marveling at the fact of how beautiful she looks in a simple black sundress with her hair down and minimal makeup on. The scent of food hits my senses, reminding me that I ordered room service to be waiting for us when we arrived. My stomach grumbles at the delicious smell and I concede to the fact that I might have to wait a little bit longer to make Isla mine.

  Isla inhales the scent of food as well, looking at me in question before walking over toward the dining room to see a table set for two with cover plates of food, wine and a bouquet of roses. I walk over to where she is standing and wrap my arms around her from behind, pulling her against my chest.

  “You did all of this for me?” she whispers, as she turns her head to look at me, gratitude shining in her eyes.

  “Selfishly, I did it for us because I couldn’t take another night not being able to touch you.”

  She turns around in my arms and caresses my cheek. With our eyes locked on each other’s lips, she slowly moves her head toward mine and kisses me. Softly at first, each kiss being more of a sensual peck of glorious torture, as if she is studying the shape and firmness of my lips. Her kisses start to linger longer and before long, she slips her tongue past my lips, making me moan with happiness at finally getting to taste her. Her hands make their way into my hair, gripping me closer to her as our tongues continue tangoing together. She’s making me delirious with the need to be inside of her and soon my hand makes its way down her back, grabbing her ass to crush her pelvis to mine so she can feel how hard I am for her.

  She slows our kisses down, removing her tongue from mine and steps back. She gives me a slow, salacious smile while grabbing my hand and leading me to the bedroom. This confident, take charge side of Isla is the sexiest thing I have ever seen, making my erection scream for immediate release out of my pants.

  “Don’t you want to eat first?” I ask, hoarsely, still trying to be somewhat of a gentleman, when all I want to do is completely ravish her. She takes us straight into the bedroom and to my utter surprise, starts taking off her clothes.

  “Food can wait, Sean. I’ve got to have you inside me now.” She pulls off her dress and the sight of her in only her black lace bra and thong almost makes me come undone. I close my eyes, imbedding that image into my brain forever and when I open them back up, she is standing in front of me, working the buttons of my shirt free with her magical fingers. Once all the buttons are done, she pushes the shirt down my arms and throws it to the floor. I place my hands on the curve of her hips and start kissing her neck as her hands unbuckle my belt, pulling it out of the loopholes of my jeans. My tongue makes a trail of hot kisses down her neck and clavicle, my fingers unhooking her bra behind her back. Once her breasts are free, I descend upon one of her nipples, her moans of pleasure making my cock ache with need. I continue my assault on her breasts as I guide her with my hands to walk backwards until the back of her legs hit the end of the bed. I release my hold on her nipple, stand to my full height and look deep into her eyes, silently communicating to her that once she is on that bed, she is going to be mine.

  As if she understands exactly what I am telling her, she sits down on the bed, looks up at me and continues taking off my pants, her eyes never wavering from mine. She pushes my pants and underwear down to my ankles and stares at my cock that is begging for her touch. I expect her eyes to be fearful when her gaze comes back up to mine.

  Instead, it is full of hunger.

  She licks her lips before wrapping her soft hands around my shaft, squeezing it slowly as she rubs her thumb against the head, rubbing the pre-cum that has surfaced. I inhale sharply as she slowly smiles at me while guiding me into her mouth. Her lips close around me and I feel like I’m going to come right then as I feel her tongue lapping me up.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” I hiss as I watch her slowly move her mouth up and down my cock. I thrust my hands into her head and start massaging her, guiding her a little faster. She moans at the increased tempo and wraps her arms around me, her hands squeezing my ass as she sucks me harder. My hips start moving faster against her mouth and it won’t be long before I am done. This is not how I want our first night of sex to be together, so I slow myself down and put my hands on her shoulders, squeezing them to get her attention.

  “Lie back,” I command and her eyes light up as she realizes what is about to happen. She releases me from her mouth and lies down. I get down on my knees in front of her, grab the sides of her thong and bring it down her le
gs and feet, throwing it to the floor with my shirt. I start kissing the insides of her thigh to get her to open them wide for me. My tongue starts to make love to her clit, her moans purring loudly as I bring her higher and higher to ecstasy. When I feel her getting close, I release her clit and grab my pants to get the condoms out of my pocket.

  As soon as I roll one on, I stand up and align my cock with her opening. I take the tip of it and bring it to her clit, slowly rubbing my head up and down, teasing her until she is panting for more.

  “Please get inside me, Sean, please!” she begs and I love hearing my name come out of her mouth. I pull her legs closer to me and further apart, causing her hips to come slightly off the bed. I hold her legs straight up as I enter her slowly, both of us groaning at how amazing it feels. I grit my teeth at how tight she is, feeling her walls gripping me already. I am not going to last long if she keeps doing that. I slowly start moving in and out of her, relishing in the feeling of finally being inside of her. I lick the pad of my thumb and bring it to her bud, rubbing back and forth as I move faster inside of her. Her hands are at her sides, fisting the sheets. Her moans coming out faster as I rub her harder, trying to be in sync with the rhythm of my pelvis. Her eyes are closed, mouth open, and suddenly I feel her squeezing me tighter. Her eyes snap open to mine and she screams out her orgasm, her reaction making me roar out my own release at the exact same time. I fall over her, my arms bracing me so I don’t crush her as I thrust into her the remnants of my release. Her hands grip my ass as she tightens a couple more times around me and then stops. I relieve my arms and lay on top of her, her legs still wrapped around me. We struggle to catch our breaths as we slowly come down from the most amazing high I have ever experienced. I feel her heart rapidly beating and know that she couldn’t have faked what just transpired between us.


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