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HAGEN: 1. Revelations

Page 19


  It took several minutes for the tension around the table to subside. John tried as best as he could to start a conversation about the next classical concert at the Opera Garnier, but Hugo shut him up with a single murderous sentence.

  As she was preparing her third slice of whole grain toast, Tara glanced at the bouquet of roses that Victor had bought for her. It was so beautiful that it pained her to not be able to call him and thank him.

  “Do you want me to take it out of your sight?” asked Mark playfully.

  Tara blushed. Between Stanislas, who guessed her disgust, and Mark, who seemed to read into her thoughts, she felt that her emotions were completely exposed.

  “It would give me great pleasure to get rid of them,” added Mark with a smile.

  Tara looked away. She had never seen the Viking smile before. His charm had just increased tenfold. Hugo was right: the angels were exceptionally beautiful. She became flustered and blushed again when she realized that Stanislas and Mark could read into all her emotions. Feeling trapped, she wanted to run away to protect herself from their psychic aptitudes.

  “How are you both able to know what I’m thinking and feeling?” she asked.

  She was terribly ashamed, but she continued to spread jam on her toast in the hopes that she would seem indifferent.

  “We’re angels,” reminded Stanislas. “We incarnated into bodies that are highly developed on a spiritual level. We feel everything. If you had chosen a body that was intended for the seraph that you are, you would have been much more powerful than we are. You could have read us all like open books.”

  “And what if I don't want you to feel my emotions anymore?”

  “Then you're going to have to learn how to create a protective shield for yourself, like any self-respecting seraph would do. You need to be undetectable to your enemies and impenetrable to your subordinates. Emily and I will teach you how to do just that in the coming weeks. Your spiritual capacities will improve over time.”

  “Will I be able to read into all of you?”

  “With the body that you’ve chosen you’re going to have to wake up very early in the morning for that to happen!” answered Stanislas, laughing. “You didn't make it easy for yourself by choosing to be Tara Châvignier.”

  Tara looked down at her plate, disheartened. Realizing that everyone knew everything that she was thinking and feeling, she suddenly felt very naked in their presence. Embarrassed, she decided to cut her breakfast short and went to join Emily in the main living room. She was sitting peacefully on the cream-colored sofa reading a cookbook when she saw Tara come in. She looked surprised:


  “Yes, I wasn't very hungry,” Tara lied, wiping her lips.

  “You know that you won't eat again until tonight I hope?”

  “Yes, so I was told... Can you explain why by the way...”

  Emily nodded and closed her book. Hesitating for a moment, she finally answered:

  “For three months, we're going to put your body to the test. It has to suffer stress in order to awaken to its true strength and for your spiritual capacities to come back online. So, you’ll only be able to eat in the morning and in the evening.

  “Three months?” continued Tara, to whom it seemed easy. “I think I can do it.”

  “If you say so,” replied Emily, smiling. “You’ll eat what I prepare for you, like everyone else, and you’ll be absolutely forbidden to snack.”

  “That’s not a problem for me.”

  “You'll lose weight,” warned Emily.

  Tara had a little more trouble with that notion. Motionless, she gave Emily an inquisitive look: lose weight? Lose her generous shape and attractive curves? It suddenly seemed to her that they were again trying to take away something that was dear to her. She didn't want to lose weight; she thought she was perfect just the way she was. With a lump in her throat she uttered:

  “If I have to...”

  Satisfied, Emily got up and lead Tara into the hallway:

  “You have no choice,” she said categorically.

  “How many pounds do I need to lose?” asked Tara nervously.

  Emily turned to her and examined her from head to toe:

  “The unnecessary weight... Let's say twenty-two pounds.”

  Tara gagged. Did Emily want to turn her into Nina’s double: a small, skinny, resentful woman?

  “Is that really necessary?”

  “Oh yes,” exclaimed Emily. “You'll have to run, you'll have to fight... Agility is a requirement for your survival in the face of your enemies.”

  “And you think I'm not agile enough like this?” replied Tara, offended.

  Emily smiled tenderly and approached her, gently caressing her face as she answered:

  “You won't even notice.”

  Then she turned on her heals and walked towards the door. Tara remained immobile, shocked by what she had heard. She watched Emily's chubby silhouette move away. Who did she think she was? She certainly wasn’t in a position to give this kind of advice. If her first workout session was today, Tara would prove that she could have a generous figure and be agile. Determined to prove herself right, she followed her into the hallway. They walked back to the kitchen where the Viking and the others were still having breakfast. Still embarrassed, she blushed again and did her best not to look in their direction.

  The kitchen was at the end of the hallway, right across from Nina's room. At the far end of the hallway there was a white wood and glass door which opened onto a second living room that was even warmer and brighter than the first.

  As she entered, Tara was astounded by the beauty of the room. On the left, two large small-paned windows overlooked the courtyard, while on the right, two identical windows overlooked the street with a breathtaking view of the Seine and the Tuileries Gardens. In the center there was a wall with a door that led to another part of the apartment, a part that Tara had never known existed. To her right, a small fire burnt in the period chimney, warming the air in the room and compensating for the humid Parisian climate. In the middle, a very large white carpet was spread out on the parquet floor, surrounded by huge beige sofas. Above them, a big crystal chandelier illuminated the room with hundreds of small lights, its crystals reflecting on the walls and on the two large paintings of angels that hung on either side of the windows:

  “Those paintings were made by humans who had the eyes to see us for who we really are,” Emily explained proudly, noting Tara's amazement. “They’ve always been fascinated by the power of our wings.”

  To the right and to the left, between the windows, on small white wooden pedestal tables, stood huge bouquets of pink and white peonies. The room felt alive, warm and cool at the same time. Emily must have packed all her love into this room to make it shine so brightly.

  “It's very beautiful Emily...” Tara said in astonishment.

  “It's my favorite room,” replied her hostess, who contemplated the room with the same amazement. “It has very positive energy. This is where we come to meditate, so we always take care not to pollute the space with our daily concerns and negative energy.”

  Tara nodded. She indeed felt peaceful in these serene surroundings.

  “Sit here,” began Emily, pointing to the carpet.

  “What’s behind that door?”

  Emily turned to look behind her:

  “Over there is my room and Stanislas’ room. And at the very end, you'll find the training room. You'll go there with Hugo and Nina, but not right away.”

  She took off her slippers and sat on the carpet.

  Tara did the same and sat down in front of her.

  “Do you know the procedure, or should I explain it to you from the beginning?” Emily asked, looking her straight in the eyes.

  Tara smiled and offered Emily her hands in response. The journey she had made into her previous life the other day had allowed her to recover most of her memories.

  “The goal today is...” said Emily, while taking her h

  “To open my mind so I can find the entrance to the Sphere again,” Tara interrupted in a soft voice. “I know. That’s the only way I’ll be able to regain command of the Fifth Legion. I have to present myself to the Decision-Makers.”

  “If They're willing to see you,” Emily said cautiously. “Here we go.”

  The two women concentrated. Tara was sitting cross-legged with her back straight, facing the window that overlooked the courtyard. When she closed her eyes, she understood why this room was reserved exclusively for meditation. The powerful positive energy in which she was immersed instantly propelled her into the other dimension. Within seconds, she reconnected to her angelic body. She could feel her wings folded behind her back.

  When she opened her eyes, she saw the archangel that Emily was, sitting in front of her. The incarnated being and the angel looked exactly alike, only their ages separated them. Her wings were a bright shimmering orange that reminded her of the highlights in her red hair. Her large green eyes shone with infinite hope and integrity. Her milky complexion was highlighted by her fine pink lips. She looked at her and smiled:


  “Sofia,” replied Diane, moved.

  They were sitting opposite each other, their angelic bodies superimposed on their earthly bodies. The room around them had practically disappeared, as if a white filter had separated them from the earthly world.

  “It's been a long time since I've had the pleasure of talking to you,” Sofia remarked with emotion. “How do you feel?”

  “A little trapped in this body. I don't feel free of my movements, and I don't feel in full possession of my memories.”

  “That's normal, Tara has no spiritual capacities. That's why you chose her,” Sofia explained lovingly. “However, seraph, I promise that we’ll succeed in changing that together. When you’re ready, stand up and try to move forward.”

  Diane looked at Sofia gravely and nodded. The next moment, she felt as though she was struggling against an invisible force as she attempted to get up, leaving Tara's body sitting on the floor. It was as though thousands of invisible threads connected her to her earthly body, prevented her from moving.

  However, with her exceptional willpower and determination, Diane finally succeeded in separating herself from her earthly body and standing up. Once she had broken through the bonds that connected her to her body, she instantly regained her power. Her breathing felt lighter and more efficient, and above all, she was able to move with much greater ease and speed.

  Once she had completely freed herself, she looked down at Tara, who seemed so tiny to her now.

  “Try to enter the Sphere, seraph,” said Sofia while still sitting, her large orange wings folded behind her back.

  Diane looked all around. She couldn't see an entrance or find any clues that could help her access the Sphere. She groped around in the empty space, feeling the energy of the space circulating around her limbs. However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t find the rift that would lead her to the realm of the Angels. As she moved further away from Tara's body to better explore the new dimension, the force that drew her back to her incarnation manifested itself once again.

  “I don't remember how to do it!” exclaimed Diane, distraught.

  She feared she would remain attached to Tara until the death of her body.

  The more she searched, the more she panicked. She was afraid she had lost her privileges as a seraph, and that she would never be able to access the Sphere again.

  “Concentrate,” replied Sofia, who tried not to be discouraged herself. “I can't do it for you seraph, I don't have the power nor the knowledge.”

  Diane nodded as she tried to relax. She breathed deeply and concentrated more intensely. Suddenly, she felt her wings quivering on her back. How pleasant it was to sense her powerful organs coming to life! She could feel the full potential and strength that her blood red wings held within them. Then, in an instant, she opened them completely. Suddenly she found herself evolving in a parallel dimension, as she passed through the walls of the room like they didn’t even exist.

  With a strong impulse, she flapped her powerful wings until her body took flight. She was propelled into the air with such speed that she briefly felt nauseous. As she flew through the ceiling and out of the room she was still able to see Sofia; they were in the same dimension. From a distance she could see her archangel still sitting cross-legged, her big green eyes following her.

  “I did it!” exclaimed Diane, flapping her wings with more and more force.

  “How do you feel?” asked her archangel from the ground.

  “I’m thrilled Sofia!”

  Diane came to a standstill in the air. She knew the Sphere was there, close by. All she had to do was cross over to the other dimension; it was like going through a waterfall. She felt that if she just took a step forward and stretched out her hand towards the veil that separated her from the angelic world, she would be able to push it aside and step in. But something was missing.

  “I need Hagen,” Diane said, as she flew back down to Sofia. “The Sphere is so close, I can feel it, I can almost penetrate it. But I need to create an opening.”

  Sofia looked at Diane gravely and asked:

  “What do you think of Tara?”

  “She's a strong and healthy woman.”

  “If you got rid of her,” Sofia resumed, “you'll regain all your powers. It's your connection to her spiritually diminished body that’s preventing you from fully recovering your memory.”

  “You mean you want me to destroy the body I chose to incarnate into?”

  “If necessary. After all, it’s been over two hundred years since we lost you. Tara's body has no psychic abilities and no exceptional physical skills. Eliminating her would save us time by allowing you to regain full consciousness immediately.”

  Diane looked into the other dimension at Tara's unconscious body.

  “You know Sofia, I see a lot of potential in this young woman.”


  “Rather than killing her and choosing another body, and then having to wait fifteen years for it to be ready to go into battle, I'd rather take a year out to train this body.”

  “She has absolutely no gifts whatsoever,” answered Sofia, desperately.

  “Every human being has the capacity to develop his or her spiritual gifts,” Diane objected. “Tara has lots of willpower, I know she’s capable of great things. When I'm in her body, I trust her. I know I can push her beyond the limits of what you think is possible. She’s capable of anything she wants to do.”

  Sofia remained silent as she displayed her dismay. She had the harsh face of a military officer who didn’t approve the strategic decisions of her superior.

  “You know her better than I do,” she replied, looking away. “After all, you chose her body, seraph.”

  She remained silent, obviously opposed to Diane's decision.

  “The meditation session is over,” she resumed, trying to mask her disappointment.

  “I need to find my weapon,” Diane said, talking to herself. “Without Hagen, I can't access the Sphere. Even if I killed Tara, I wouldn't get very far without it. Finding Hagen is my priority.”

  “It's too dangerous, you're not ready. Tara is totally vulnerable, she's unable to detect the enemy and defend herself.”

  “Then train us fast! We both know we can get Hagen back.”

  “You sound just like Tara.”

  “We understood the demons Sofia. They want to return Hagen to us.”

  “But that's so absurd!” exclaimed Sofia, losing her temper. “How could your worst enemies want such a thing? I beg you, get rid of Tara. She's preventing you from thinking rationally!”

  “Sofia! I believe in this human and I request that you to do the same. Moreover, humans are sacred: I refuse to kill Tara without a valid reason. I want to give us a chance.”

  With these words, Diane reintegrated Tara’s body. Instantly, Ta
ra opened her eyes, saddened by what she had just come to understand. Emily stared at her.

  “You want to kill me?” asked Tara, hurt.

  “It's not me who wants to,” replied Emily, sincerely sorry. “You were there too, and you know what you have to do now. It's up to you to prove that you can do it.”

  Tara was in shock as she watched Emily get up. She felt betrayed by her closest ally. Now, she knew she could only count on Diane and herself. There was no room for error.

  A powerful rage took hold of her. Determined, she leapt to her feet and followed Emily who showed her the way to the other part of the apartment, the part she hadn’t seen yet.

  “You're about to enter the weapons room and the training room. This is where you’ll work out with the others. Nina will train you in combat.”

  “Why Nina? She hates me.”

  “Because she's the best. And no, she doesn't hate you.”

  Emily opened another small-paned door that led to a second, shorter corridor.

  “On the left is my room and to the right, Stanislas’ room. In front of us, behind this door, is the weapons room.”

  Tara was no longer intimidated. Sofia's betrayal, contrasting with the confidence that Diane had placed in her, had made her see things in a new light. Nevertheless, when Van der Worthen opened the door, she couldn’t help but be fascinated. The magnitude of the efforts taken by the missionaries to train was astonishing. The armory was larger than all the other rooms. Its floor was completely covered in black tatami and one of the walls was fully mirrored. On the other walls hung weapons from centuries past: crossbows, bows and arrows… and in a corner, on the righthand side, hung approximately thirty different firearms. Several hundred weapons adorned the high white walls, all dedicated to combat. The six windows of the room had been completely condemned. The only source of light came from the copper chandeliers that hung from the ceiling and illuminated the room with their warm glow.


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