Book Read Free

Taunting Callum

Page 10

by Kristen Proby

  “So, we’ve been to Frontier Park,” I say, thinking about our day so far. “Ed’s Diner. Drove around the entirety of the lake, went to the birds of prey sanctuary where I fed baby owls, and now we’re having ice cream.”

  “Busy day,” she says with a nod. “There are some other places I could take you, but they’re a bit of a drive away, and I’m getting tired. This will probably ruin my dinner, by the way.”

  “Who says ice cream can’t be dinner?”

  Her green eyes warm, and she grins as she licks some ice cream from her spoon.

  Jesus, the image that just went through my brain of her using that tongue elsewhere should be illegal.

  “What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” she asks.

  “Actually, I have a confession.” I sigh and take the last bite, then set the cup aside. “I don’t love it at all.”

  Her eyes go wide. “You should have said so!”

  “No. You’re showing me what you love about this town, and this is a piece of that. I’m not a sweets person. But give me a bag of crisps, and I’ll eat the whole thing.”

  “What’s your favorite kind of crisp?” she asks.

  “I’m quite fond of the American barbeque ones,” I reply. “What’s next on our agenda?”

  “I have one last place to take you.” She stands, and I join her, walking behind her to the door. She loses her grip on her handbag, and it falls to the floor. When she reaches down to retrieve it, her jeans rip, right down the crack of her arse.

  She stops cold, then straightens, and I quickly move in to stand directly behind her as I take off my jumper and wrap it around her waist.

  “Well, well,” I say into her ear, unable to keep the humor out of my voice as my cock stirs in my trousers. “You weren’t lying when you said you don’t wear knickers.”

  She blows out a breath of disgust.

  “It’s the manicotti,” she says. “I ate so much, my ass grew two sizes. I can’t believe that happened, especially in front of you.”

  “Better in front of me than in front of some other bloke I’d have to tear into shreds for looking at your fine arse.” I pull my lips away from her ear and finish tying the jumper’s arms around her waist. “That should get you home.”

  “Thank you.” She leads me out to her car. David’s brows climb when he sees my clothes wrapped around Aspen. She shrugs at him. “Change of plans, David. We’re headed back to my house.”

  “Yes, miss.” He nods and follows us back to Aspen’s house. She hurries up the front steps, lets us inside, and turns to me.

  “Make yourself at home. I’m just going to run and change my pants. It’s a bit drafty running around like this.”

  I laugh and watch as she unties the jumper and tosses it to me, then turns and walks out of the room, her bare arse exposed.

  I rub my hands over my face. Jesus, I want her. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I do Aspen Calhoun.

  Rather than stomp down the hall behind her, toss her onto the bed, and have my wicked way with her, I look around her home. She has excellent taste in art and furniture. I wander down the wide hallway, admiring the artwork on the walls, and turn into her bedroom.

  There isn’t just a splash of color. Color and texture are everywhere. Rich, red bedding, pillows in greens and purples, some in satin, and others in velvet. The furniture is simple but sophisticated.

  This room reflects what I know about Aspen. Sexy. Fun. Classy. I can see us tangled in those sheets, moving together, exploring each other.

  A photo on the side table catches my eye, and I immediately reach for it.

  It’s Aspen with a little girl, who I assume is Emma. They’re smiling at the camera, holding up teacups.

  “We were at a tearoom in Nashville,” she says. I look up to find her leaning on the doorjamb, her arms crossed over her chest, looking at the photo in my hands. “She loved tea parties. It was the only girlie thing she enjoyed, and it was something we did together all the time. So, when she got to be old enough to appreciate being there, I made us a reservation at this gorgeous tearoom. She was enthralled with the owner’s accent, and after the day that photo was taken, she mimicked it when we had our tea parties at home.”

  “That’s quite adorable.”

  “It was a happy day, so I’ve kept the memory by the bed.”

  I nod and set the photo down, then turn to the woman who’s captured my attention so completely.

  “I ruined a perfectly good pair of expensive jeans,” she says with a sigh, but her eyes are full of humor. It seems that talking about Emma doesn’t leave her sad at all. She tips her head to the side. “What are you thinking?”

  “That I love how easily you speak of your daughter, and that it doesn’t leave you distraught.”

  “I don’t speak of her often, to be honest. But, no. It used to make me very sad. And I still miss her. But I read a quote once, and it resonated with me. ‘If you don’t heal from what hurt you, you’ll bleed on those who didn’t cut you.’ I don’t know who said it, but I’ve thought about tattooing it on my body.”

  “Why don’t you?”

  “I haven’t had the time,” she says with a small smile. “Have I ever told you that I like your ink?”

  “No. In fact, until very recently, you made it a point to make sure I knew that you didn’t like anything about me.”

  “Well, my pride was bruised,” she says with a shrug. “And I’m done bleeding on you.”

  “I’m the one who cut you.”

  “I healed.” She pushes away from the doorway and walks to me. “I was surprised the day I saw the tattoos on your arm. You’re the bad boy prince, aren’t you?”

  “I’m not a direct heir to the throne,” I reply and have to swallow hard when she drags her fingertips up the arm in question, currently covered by my long-sleeved shirt. “And I do cover them when I’m in an official setting, out of respect. But my body is my own.”

  “Is that why you didn’t finish the sleeve all the way to your wrist? So it’s easy to cover?”

  “That’s right.”

  I can smell the citrus in her hair as Aspen raises her gaze to mine. You could cut the sexual tension in this room with a bloody knife.

  “Are you ever going to kiss me?” she asks. Her voice is rough, her eyes pinned to my lips.

  “Hell, yes.” I’d be a bloody idiot to make her ask again. I swoop in and cover her mouth with mine, drinking her in. Her hands dive into my hair, and she holds on tightly, giving me as good as I give.

  I want to tear her clothes off and have my way with her. I remember, in great detail, what it feels like to be buried deep inside her, where I don’t know where I end, and she begins. To be consumed by her.

  I spin her around and guide her back to the bed. I need a taste of her.

  I push her T-shirt up her belly and nibble the soft, smooth flesh revealed, delighted when goosebumps break out over her skin.

  “You’re so damn responsive,” I mutter and move up between her breasts. I fucking love the way she feels beneath me. The way she smells.

  Every bloody thing.

  But I’m just starting to gain her trust back, and I won’t take the chance of ruining everything now—because I plan to have Aspen in my life for a very long time.

  For the first time in my life, I can see myself married, perhaps with children.

  And I want it with Aspen.

  I nibble a bit on her neck and then settle in to kiss her softly, slowing things down. Her lips are soft, plump, and wet. She’s every dream I’ve ever had.

  I place a kiss on the tip of her nose and lean back to smile down at her.

  “Why did you stop?” she asks.

  “Because we have time.” I link our fingers and kiss her hand. “I’m not here just for sex. We’ll get there. I want much more than that with you, and I don’t want you to think that I’ll bed you and leave you again.”

  “Bed me?” She snorts. “You didn’t bed me the first time.”

sp; She laughs, an all-encompassing belly laugh this time, and I can’t help but join her.

  “Bed me,” she says after she takes a deep breath. “That’s hilarious. This isn’t 1677, Your Highness.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “You’re not going to fuck me and forget me again.” There’s no anger in her voice, but I wince. Having that tossed in my face will likely always sting.

  “No. I’m not.” And hearing the words crassly spoken in that way angers me. I sit on the side of the bed and push my hands through my hair in agitation. “And one of these days, you’ll finally believe me.”

  “I believe you today,” she says, sitting next to me. “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have been ready to get naked just now.”

  I cup her cheek. “We’re getting there.”

  “I’ll cook you dinner,” she offers. “I was thinking of putting together some chef salads.”

  “I think I’ll call it a day,” I reply and soften the rejection with a deep kiss. “I have a couple of calls to make before London goes to bed. I’d like to see you tomorrow, though.”

  “I’m available all day.”

  “Make no mistake,” I say when I see the confusion in her gorgeous eyes, “when you’re ready, I’ll take us both to bed for days, surfacing only for food. I want you more than I want my next breath, but I have to make sure we’re on the same page, Aspen. It’s imperative.”


  “Because you matter. This matters. At that’s why I’m treading carefully.”

  She blows out a gusty breath. “Well, how am I supposed to argue with that?”

  “You can’t.”

  She brought me BBQ crisps. Not just one kind. Or two. But three bags of my favorite snack.

  I’ve already blown through one as we lounged around my flat all day, watching movies. I tried to get her to watch European football with me, but after fifteen minutes, she started to fall asleep, so we changed things up.

  “I love that you’re here with me today,” I say as I pull her legs up onto my lap and press my thumb into the arch of her foot.

  She moans beautifully, making my cock stir.

  “But if you have other things to tend to on your last day off, I understand.”

  “If you stop rubbing my foot, I might scream. If you wanted me to leave, you should have said so before you started doing that.”

  “I don’t want you to leave. I was trying to be thoughtful.”

  Her plump lips tip up into a grin. “I’m doing exactly what I want to be doing on my day off.”

  “Good, because I was going to hold you hostage anyway. Please don’t make me watch another sappy romantic comedy this afternoon, love.”

  “What would you rather watch? Besides soccer.”

  “It’s football.”

  “It’s soccer.”

  “We could watch a Bond film,” I suggest.

  “That’ll make me nap for sure,” she replies. “What about a documentary on serial killers?”

  I stop rubbing and frown at her. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah. I like them.”

  “I knew I liked you.” I reach for the remote and flip on Netflix, paging through the options until I find what we’re after. “Before I start this, should we get dinner?”

  “I don’t want to go anywhere.”

  “We can get takeaway,” I suggest. “I can ask someone to fetch us pretty much anything your heart desires.”

  “How can you be hungry after eating that whole bag of chips?”

  “David and I ran for fifteen miles this morning.”

  Her eyebrows climb in surprise, and I raise her big toe to my lips and press a kiss to the pad of the digit.

  “You’ll be burning calories for days,” she replies. “I think I want a burger from Ed’s. With onion rings and a shake.”

  “That’s Ellie’s favorite, as well,” I reply. “And that sounds delicious to me. Let’s get takeaway, eat too many calories, and watch this macabre documentary all evening. Shall we?”

  “Oh, we shall. We shall indeed.” Her nose is in the air as she tries to mimic my accent.

  She’s so bloody adorable.

  In less than an hour, we’re seated on the floor with our meal spread out before us on the coffee table, and the show queued up on the tele.

  “I think you already know this about me, but before I dig into all of this deliciousness, you should know that I’m not one of those girls who picks at her food. I eat.”

  “Good. Eat.”

  She shoves her burger into her mouth and takes a massive bite before sighing in delight. When our stomachs are full, we move to the sofa, and I pull Aspen into my arms. We’re dressed in sweats and socks, our legs tangled. I kiss the top of her head and breathe her in.

  “This is lovely,” I whisper.

  “The fact that two women have been raped and beheaded so far in this episode?” she asks.

  I chuckle. “No. Being here. With you, like this. Holding you. It’s quite nice.”

  “I agree.” She kisses my cheek and then points at the screen. “Don’t do it! Don’t marry him. You’re asking for trouble.”

  “I hope that’s not your typical advice to women who wish to wed.”

  “Nah, I keep those opinions to myself.”

  “You were married once.”

  “Once,” she agrees. “And I most likely won’t be again.”

  My heart stills. “No children either?”

  “I don’t think so,” she replies. “I’ve done those things, and it didn’t work out for me. I’m not in a hurry to try it again. Although, one thing I’ve learned is to never say never.”

  I want those things with her. Desperately. And I plan to have them. But for tonight, I’m content to have Aspen in my arms, here like this, where the rest of the world isn’t watching, and we can simply be together. The idea of not being with this woman for the rest of my life is out of the question.

  “Stay tonight,” I whisper in her ear. “Just let me hold you. Nothing more.”

  “I have to be at Drips early in the morning,” she replies.

  “I’ll get up with you,” I promise. “I’d like to have you with me tonight. I told you, it won’t go further until you’re ready, and we’re getting there. But this is too lovely for me to say goodbye this evening.”

  “I’d like to stay,” she says.

  “Thank you.”

  “Hello, Mum.” I press the mobile to my ear and watch the lake reflect the moonlight. It’s getting dark earlier each day as we move toward winter.

  “How are you, darling?” she asks. I can hear the smile in her voice. My mum is simply the best there is. One minute, she can be the consummate queen, foreboding and regal. And the next, she’s laughing and playing with her children or grandchildren.

  We all adore her.

  “I’m doing well. And you?”

  “Just lovely, thank you. How are things in Montana? Your father and I must get over there to see this place that has captured our children’s attention so. The photos are beautiful.”

  “They don’t do it justice.” I take a sip of the whiskey I poured when I walked into the flat after having dinner with my family. I haven’t seen Aspen since she left for work this morning, and I needed the distraction. “You’d enjoy it very much. I hope you’ll come to visit soon.”

  “It’s never a good idea to have so many members of the family gone at once,” she reminds me.

  “Frederick never leaves Europe,” I say. “The commonwealth will be just fine if you and Father take a holiday in the States for a few weeks.”

  “I suppose you’re right. I’ll have a chat with your father. What’s on your mind, Callum? I know you didn’t call to simply talk about holidays.”

  “I suppose not.” I drain the rest of the glass. “I’d like to talk about Aspen.”

  “Have you been seeing her?”



  “I’m in love with her.”

  She’s quiet for a moment. “I knew that when you stood here in the palace last week and told us about her. I’ve never seen that look on your face before.”

  “And how big is the shit storm going to be when I ask her to marry me?”

  “Callum.” I can just picture her jaw dropped in surprise. “You are in love with her. Well, I knew that when it happened for you, it would be all-encompassing. You’re not one to give emotion away frivolously.”

  “No. I’m not.”

  “We read the report from security on her past,” she says slowly. “I assume you did the same?”

  “Yes, and I spoke with her about it at length. I also suggested that she think long and hard about being with me because this life is no picnic.”

  “And what did she say?”

  “That she’s not ashamed of her past or the events that led her to where she is now. And that us being of the same mind is the most important thing.”

  “I think I’m going to like this woman very much.”

  “You will. But, Mum—”

  “Your father and I are traditional people,” she says, interrupting me. “We take our duties seriously and love our family’s history. But we’re also not going to tell you that you can’t follow your heart. We learned valuable lessons with both Sebastian and Ellie in that regard. And now, both of them are happily married to the people meant for them.”

  “I need you to do me a favor, Mum.”

  “Anything, you know that.”

  “It’s not a small thing.”

  “It never is with you, darling.”

  I smile with the knowledge that she’s not being cold but telling the truth.

  I’ve never been easy.

  I outline my idea to Mum, and by the time I hang up, we have a plan in place—as long as my father agrees.

  The king always has the final say.

  I would have spoken to him this evening, but he was already asleep.

  The clouds from the past few days have cleared, leaving the sky scattered with millions of stars. It’s amazing how clear the sky is here. How quiet the nights.

  I walk back inside, ready to open my laptop and work for a few hours before I try to sleep when I hear a knock at my door.

  I frown. Usually, if David or any of the others need me, they text or call.


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