Book Read Free

Taunting Callum

Page 12

by Kristen Proby

  “She’s quite talented,” Callum agrees. “And inventive. She talked our father into eating things that I never thought I’d see.”

  “Father is a picky eater,” Ellie adds.

  Finally, after we’ve all eaten our fill of breakfast, the other women return to the room.

  “Thank you again, Hannah,” Alice says, shaking her hand. “I’ll come see you next week.”

  “Perfect. Have a great day, everyone. I have to get to the office.”

  With a wave, Hannah leaves, and we’re all left staring at Alice and David, who both have goofy grins on their faces.

  Before they say anything at all, I know.

  “Well?” Callum asks.

  “I’m going to have a baby,” Alice replies and is swept up in hugs and well wishes.

  “It’s a good day,” I say as I lean my head on Callum’s shoulder. “A very good day.”

  Chapter 11


  These past couple of weeks have been like living in a fairy tale, and I stopped believing in those many moons ago. If I ever did at all.

  I’m dating a prince. Like, an honest to God prince, not just someone named Prince. And I’m still not sure how that happened, but I don’t want it to stop anytime soon.

  We haven’t spent a night apart in two weeks. Mostly, I stay at the boathouse at night because David should be with his wife. It’s just easier, security-wise. And I like the boathouse. There’s really no need for me to be home, especially now that we’re firmly into autumn, and my summer duties around my property are all over for the season. Meaning, no watering, weeding, or pulling vegetables out of the ground. So, spending time away isn’t hurting anything.

  And I don’t know how long this will last, how long Callum will be here, so I’m soaking in every minute I can.

  Callum is romantic, attentive, and funny. He’s also damn good at his job. This morning before I left for work at the ass crack of dawn, Callum was already up and arguing over the phone about something to do with the Olympic committee.

  The other person on the line finally saw things Callum’s way. I have a feeling they usually do.

  Hearing his stern voice was a turn on. I didn’t know before him that I had a thing for gruff, intense men. And I don’t outside of the bedroom.

  But when we’re in bed? Holy hell, his intensity, the way he takes control with a firm hand renders me defenseless in the best way possible. A shrink would probably tell me it’s because nobody’s done that for me in any context over the course of my life. I’ve always had to make the decisions and fend for myself. Being with a man who takes the reins out of my hands, at least where intimacy is concerned, is liberating.

  And they’d be right.

  But I’m also leaning toward it’s hot as fuck.

  I smirk at the thought as I put the tray of fresh huckleberry muffins into the display case. We’re about fifteen minutes from opening, and so far, I haven’t seen or heard from Gretchen.

  In the past, that was unusual. Since she’s been seeing the douche nozzle, sadly, it’s the norm.

  I hate that guy.

  The door dings and, speak of the devil, there’s Gretchen and the boyfriend of the year himself.

  “Good morning,” Gretchen says. Her eyes look tired, but she offers me a small smile.

  “Hello.” My eyes turn to Miles. I don’t smile. “Miles.”

  “Hey there, boss lady,” he says with a wink. “Don’t worry, I’m not here to stir up any trouble, I’m just dropping off my girl for work. I’d love to take a cup of coffee with me.”

  “That’ll be three-fifty.” I pass him the empty cup so he can fill it himself at the self-serve station.

  “No employee discount?” he asks.

  “You’re not now, nor will you ever be, my employee.” I’d rather go out of business.

  “Ouch.” He winces and then shrugs as he passes me a five-dollar bill. “Give the change to Gretch, will ya?”

  I roll my eyes and turn to the cash register. Miles takes his time making his coffee, then turns with a wave for Gretchen. “Have a good day, hon. I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  “Bye,” Gretchen calls after him. When the door closes behind his sorry ass, I turn to my employee.

  “Why are you still seeing him?”

  “Don’t start, Aspen,” she says with a sigh. “I know you don’t like him, but I do.”

  “Why do you look so tired?”

  “Because I was up late and had to work early this morning.” She presses her lips together, and it’s clear she doesn’t want to say anything more about it.

  “Gretch, I don’t want to see you unhappy, and he makes you unhappy.”

  She smiles at me, trying to make it bright and cheerful, but it falls way short.

  “I’m totally happy and completely fine. I promise. I’m just tired. No need to worry about me.”

  Oh, there’s every need to worry. I’ve seen idiots like him all my life. Controlling, manipulative, mean bullies. I’ll never understand why she can’t seem to kick him to the curb after knowing him for less than a month.

  “Okay, I’ll drop it. But I’m here if you need to talk, a place to stay, anything. Please promise me if you’re ever in trouble, you’ll call me right away.”

  “I promise.” It’s a whisper. I want to shake her and make her talk to me. But I know that won’t work. I have to give her space and let her come to her own conclusions about that loser.

  It’s a slow Friday morning. The lunch crowd picks up a bit, but it’s dead again by the time my new hires arrive, reporting for the afternoon shift. If they were both fully trained, I’d let one of them go home, but for now, I’d like them to work together.

  “What are your plans this evening?” Gretchen asks as we leave the café and I head over to my car. Miles is late picking her up.

  “Housewarming party for Liam and Ellie up at their new place,” I reply. “It’s all decorated the way she wants, and she’s ready to show it off. It’s just a casual get-together. How about you?”

  “I’m not sure what Miles has planned. He said it was a surprise.”

  “Why don’t you sound excited?”

  She shrugs, and for the first time, it looks like she might actually admit that there’s trouble in paradise. But before she can say anything, a car screeches to a stop in front of us, and the passenger door flings open.

  “Get in, babe.”

  “I hate that guy,” I mutter, only for Gretchen to hear.

  “I’ll see you later,” she says and hops into Miles’ car. The door shuts, and he tears away, leaving me scowling at the taillights.

  When I approach my Honda, I grin, and my mood instantly lifts.

  “You didn’t have to meet me here.”

  “Have to? No.” Callum’s hands are in his pockets as he leans on my vehicle. He has sunglasses on, even though it’s overcast. His dark hair is windswept.

  I could eat him with a spoon.

  “But I missed you today, and I wanted to see you right away.”

  He pushes off my car and pulls me in for a big hug. Callum’s good at hugs. If it were an Olympic sport, which it should be, he’d be a gold medalist.

  “How was your day, love?”

  “Kind of boring, actually. Now that we’re firmly out of tourist season, we’re slow.”

  “I can guarantee you that there will be no more boredom for the rest of the day.”

  I glance around but don’t see David. “Where’s your detail?”

  “Worried for me?”

  I just raise a brow, expecting an answer.

  “No need to be concerned. He’s parked two spaces down and will follow us up to Ellie and Liam’s.”

  “Do you mind driving?” I ask him. “I’m tired, and a little brain dead. I could use the time to gather myself before I’m around a bunch of people.”

  “Of course, I don’t mind.” He opens the passenger door for me, and once I’m settled inside, he walks around the car, waves at David,
and gets into the driver’s seat. “I’ve never driven a Honda before.”

  “I’m sure you haven’t.” I giggle at the thought. “What kind of car do you own in London?”

  “My favorite is the Porsche. That baby can move.”

  “So, you have more than one?”

  “Technically, the royal family owns the entire fleet. I believe there are more than forty vehicles at my disposal.”

  My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. Forty cars. Most likely, all luxury vehicles. Because…royalty.

  “Well, this won’t move like your Porsche, but she does well in the snow and on windy roads.”

  “Safety is the most important,” he says with a wink and maneuvers us through town and up the mountain road toward Whitetail Mountain Resort, which boasts a world-class ski resort in the winter, and biking and hiking trails in the summer, along with zip lining and other outdoor activities.

  Right now, everything is shut down between seasons.

  About a mile before the actual resort, Callum turns onto a road that takes us in the opposite direction, toward the other side of the mountain, and then through a gated driveway, staffed by security.

  “This feels like a lot of security for us,” I say with a frown as I take in the number of people milling around the gate. “Did Ellie turn this into a huge party? Because I’m only dressed for the small, informal shindig she told me it was yesterday.”

  “It’s just the family,” Callum replies. “I believe Liam invited his friend Sam, and Ellie invited Natasha and Monica. Aside from that, it’s just us .”

  “Good.” I sit back in the seat in relief. I’m in my work clothes, with my hair barely tamed in a long braid down my back and not even a speck of makeup. This was supposed to be a chance to get together with friends, enjoy Ellie’s new home, and relax for the evening.

  Just what the doctor ordered.

  “Maybe Liam’s men are training the whole team right now or something, getting ready to take shifts. It just feels like a lot of security.”

  “Hmm,” is all he says as he parks in front of the beautiful, brand-new home. When Ellie found it late last year, it was already half-built and owned by the contractor. She took one look at the view of the lake and the house itself and knew she had to have it. And it was early enough that they could customize pretty much everything.

  “I hope Natasha made her famous margaritas,” I say as David opens my door. “Hi, David.”

  “Miss,” he says with a nod. “I trust you had a pleasant day?”

  David’s always so formal. I guess that’s his job. “It was pleasant enough, thank you. And you?”

  He flashes me a smile that reaches his eyes. David likes me. “Quite, thank you.”

  “How’s Alice?”

  His eyes warm more at the mention of his wife’s name.

  “She’s well and resting this evening after cooking most of the day for tonight’s party.”

  “Oh, I’m sure we could have had it catered.”

  “My wife would be absolutely mad if someone suggested such a thing. She’s just fine with her feet up now.”

  “Well, please tell her hello for me.”

  “It will be my pleasure.”

  Callum takes my hand, kisses my knuckles, and escorts me to the entrance of the house. I stop short so I can take it all in.

  Nestled in tall evergreen trees, the house faces the lake that’s a few hundred feet below, and the small mountains on the other side. The neighbors aren’t too far away, but I can’t see them through the trees.

  The house is a craftsman style with a bit of a rustic look to fit in with mountain living. It’s big, but not nearly as grand as Sebastian and Nina’s place.

  “I can’t wait to see what they’ve done on the inside,” I say as I start walking again. “The last time Ellie walked me through, it was just drywall and subflooring. She hasn’t let me see anything.”

  “She wanted everything to be just so before she unveiled it,” Callum replies. “And I can’t blame her. It’s her first home.”

  “That’s sweet.”

  We walk through the doors and see that the main level is open concept so we can see through to the floor-to-ceiling windows that show off the incredible view. The living room has vaulted ceilings and is open to the massive black and white kitchen. The fixtures are nickel and industrial. Everything is modern, mixing feminine and masculine elements perfectly, just like Ellie and Liam.

  “You’re here,” Ellie says with a huge smile as she hurries over to give me a hug.

  “It looks like we’re the last to arrive,” I reply, looking around the room. I see Liam, Sam, and Sebastian are out on the balcony talking, Liam pointing at something. Natasha and Monica are mixing margaritas, God bless them.

  And Nina is sitting in the living room with—

  “Oh, God.”

  I stumble back a step, sure I must be seeing things. I want to run away. Hide. Get the hell out of here.

  But before I can do anything at all, Callum pulls me forward.

  “Aspen, it’s my honor to introduce you to my parents.”

  Oh, God.

  I’m blinking rapidly. Despite having met them briefly at Ellie’s wedding, I have no recollection at all of the protocol here, or what I’m supposed to say.

  “Aspen,” the queen says with a nod.

  “Nice to meet you.” I hold out my hand to shake and see Nina’s eyes go wide.

  I’m doing everything wrong.

  “Your Majesty.” I try again. Ellie hurries behind her parents and quickly shows me how to curtsy. I quickly mimic her, botching it completely, and then simply give up and hang my head in my hands. “I’m so sorry. I just left work, I look awful, and no one warned me. This is what you get from a girl from foster care.”

  I gasp and look up in horror.

  “I can’t believe I just said that.”

  My face is flaming hot, and I wish the floor would open up and swallow me whole. I’ve made a complete ass out of myself in front of Callum’s parents.

  And not just any parents. No, these are the freaking king and queen of Britain.

  Way to go, Aspen.

  “Take a deep breath,” the queen says calmly with humor in her eyes as she crosses to me and wraps her arm around my shoulder. I can’t even look the king in the eyes. This is not how I planned to meet Callum’s parents. “Everything is perfectly fine, and you must be beat after a long day of work. There’s no need to bother with formalities. This is a casual gathering among family and friends.”

  “You’re very kind,” I reply and feel my blood pressure start to lower. “I apologize. Deeply.”

  “No need.” She waves me off, and I finally turn to the king, who’s watching me with shrewd, brown eyes like his youngest son’s.

  “Your Majesty,” I say and do a better job with a curtsy this time.

  “Ms. Calhoun,” he replies. “I do believe you could use a drink.”

  “Oh, I think you’re right about that.”

  He smiles at me, and I could almost weep with relief. It’s no wonder their children are so wonderful; these two are perhaps the best parents I’ve ever met, no matter their station in life.

  They’re the kind of mom and dad I always wanted for myself.

  Before long, we’re swept up in the joy of the party. Ellie gives us all tours of the house. I’m incredibly impressed with the décor, the local artwork she chose, the beautiful paint colors.

  “Your designer did an impeccable job,” I say when we return to the living area.

  “She did. She’s here in town. Tate Donovan. If you ever need decorating advice, she’s your girl.”

  “I’ll remember that,” I reply, knowing that I’ll never need this kind of decorating help. But I’m thrilled for my friend. “Married life has been good for you.”

  “It’s been wonderful,” she agrees and searches the room for her husband. He and Sam have their heads together over by the fireplace, talking intently about something. “Wh
ere did Callum and Sebastian go?”

  “They’re outside, down at the firepit,” Natasha says as she and Monica join us. “Ellie, this is the best evening I’ve had in a long time.”

  “Same here,” Monica adds.

  “Not me,” I say and hold my hand over my still-queasy stomach. “Why did your parents surprise us all that way?”

  “Oh, they didn’t,” Ellie says. “I think Callum just wanted to surprise you.”

  I feel my eyes narrow. If he were in the room, I’d hunt him down and twist his ear off.

  “A surprise for me,” I repeat.

  “Uh-oh,” Monica says. “I’ve seen that look before. It’s the I’m-gonna-kill-someone look.”

  “Oh, yeah. Someone’s gonna die.”

  But first, I let myself relax and enjoy the food and the company. The laughter. Despite how the evening started, I do feel relaxed, and I don’t even bumble my way through a conversation when the king comes over to talk with me.

  “I trust you’re enjoying your evening,” he says kindly. He’s eating some strawberry shortcake.

  Seeing him eat dessert makes him more human to me somehow, less…regal.

  “I am, thank you. And you?”

  “More than I anticipated,” he replies. “I didn’t know what to expect when we agreed to come for holiday. Of course, I knew that my children had fallen in love with this little piece of the world, and I’ve seen photographs, but I wasn’t sure what the fuss was about.”

  “And now?”

  He sets his empty bowl aside and chews thoughtfully. “It’s quite magical here, isn’t it?”

  “That’s a wonderful way to describe it.” I smile and sit back, enjoying the king’s company. “I felt it the first time I came here, as well. And it was a good thing because I’d loaded up everything I owned and planned to stay.”

  “Without seeing it first?”

  “That’s right. I didn’t have any family to keep me in Tennessee, and frankly, I needed a fresh start. I’d seen a documentary on Glacier National Park, and I decided to set out and come here to live.”

  “And it stuck for you.”


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