Taunting Callum

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Taunting Callum Page 13

by Kristen Proby

  “Oh, yes. I bought my business not long after I moved here, and I have wonderful friends. The community has accepted me. For the first time in my life, I can say that I feel like I have roots. That I belong somewhere.”

  “And isn’t that a lovely feeling?” He reaches over to pat my hand.

  “Yes, it is. And I have to tell you, I feel that same acceptance from your family, and that’s a lovely feeling, as well. Thank you for that.”

  “You’re most welcome. My son has talked about you several times. He’s quite taken with you.”

  “Your son is a special man.”


  “Is this where you warn me away?” I ask quietly. His gaze shifts to mine.

  “Why would I do that?”

  I don’t look away from him. “Because he’s royalty, and I’m a commoner. I’m as common as it gets, Your Majesty.”

  “So you think you’re not good enough for him?”

  I frown. “I didn’t say that.”

  “Didn’t you?”

  I blow out a breath in frustration. “I worry that you, and the citizens of your country, will think I’m not good enough for him.”

  “Well, when it comes to the people and their opinions, you’ll never win. They can be ruthless in every country, even those I don’t rule. Gossip, speculation, rumor, it will all happen, Aspen. And, yes, it can get ugly.”

  “Callum already warned me of that.”

  “As he should. Because it’s not to be taken lightly, and it takes someone with thick skin to live through it.”

  “I understand living with a thick skin.” I smile, but there’s no humor in my voice when I continue. “I’ve been pointed at, taunted, laughed at for most of my life, and usually not for anything that was my fault or within my control. Well, except getting pregnant at sixteen. That was my fault.”

  “And how you handled it was also your fault. Which was with dignity, love, and responsibility. You have nothing to be ashamed of, Aspen.”

  “I’m not ashamed at all.” I raise my chin. “So, no, the rumors and speculation don’t intimidate me.”

  “What does intimidate you?”

  I glance over at Callum, who’s talking with Ellie and Sebastian in the kitchen.

  “The three of them have their heads together, most likely cooking up some kind of scheme,” I say.

  “That’s as it’s been for most of their lives.”

  I smile. “I’m intimidated at the thought of losing Callum. Which may sound silly because I don’t really have him, and I haven’t known him long.”

  “I knew my wife just weeks before we wed. I love her more every day. Time has little to do with it.” He waves his hand. “I suspect that you and my son will work things out, Aspen. I’d like to come into your business and enjoy a cup of American coffee sometime.”

  “I’d love that.”

  “We’ll see that it happens, then.” He smiles kindly. Yes, I like Callum’s parents very much. “May I give you a piece of advice?”

  “Of course.”

  “When you love someone, losing them is the biggest fear of all. As you well know.”

  I nod.

  “Just live your wonderful life, sweet girl. Every day. Enjoy him and your time together—whether that time spans several months or the rest of your lives. Don’t worry so much about the what-ifs, because when you do, it takes away from the joy of today. And time is precious.”

  “You’re right. Thank you for that reminder.”

  “You’re most welcome. Now, go enjoy yourself with people your own age, rather than entertaining an old man.”

  “I don’t see an old man here.” I get more comfortable in my chair. “Tell me more about you.”

  “There are documentaries and books—”

  “I’d like to hear it from you,” I reply. “I’d like to get to know my new friend.”

  “Well, then.” He clears his throat. “I was actually born in Norfolk…”

  Chapter 12


  “I think I might have a bit of a crush on your father,” Aspen says once we’re safely tucked inside the boathouse for the evening.

  “I suspect it’s mutual, given the way you two had your heads together for half of the night.”

  “He’s an interesting man,” she says and steps out of her trainers. “And I’m not talking about being a king. He enjoys dancing and tending rose bushes. I learned a lot about him this evening that I could never find out in a book or from a documentary.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed him.” I reach for her, but Aspen steps out of my grasp and props her hands on her hips. “What’s this?”

  “I may have a soft spot for your father, but you are on my shortlist.”

  I frown. “Whatever for?”

  “Callum, you let me walk into an ambush today. I was a complete fool in front of your parents.”

  “You recovered nicely.”

  She pinches the bridge of her nose. “That’s not the point. The point is, you knew they were waiting for us, and you didn’t warn me. I was dressed like this,”—she points at her T-shirt and jeans—“ready for work, not ready to meet the king and queen. Everything I learned about etiquette when I attended Ellie and Liam’s wedding flew right out of my head. I was embarrassed and felt inadequate.”

  “You’re not inadequate.”

  “I was today.” She sighs and turns her back on me. “You can’t just spring things on me, Callum. Not stuff like that. It’s important to me that your family likes me. And I feel like you set me up to fail today.”

  “That’s not what I was doing.” I approach her and take her shoulders in my hands. “I would never do that to you. I thought it would be a fun surprise to have them here. That’s all.”

  She turns to look up at me, and I see hesitation in her gorgeous green eyes, which makes me feel like a complete arsehole.

  “You reminded me that I’m less than.”

  “No, I invited my parents to come and meet you. Clearly, I went about it all wrong. I should have told you.”

  “Yeah, you should have. I know this isn’t permanent, and who knows, a few months from now, this won’t matter, but I deserve to see your royal parents with dignity.”

  “This matters.” I move in and cup her cheek. “How can you think that this won’t matter? Have I given you the impression that this is a fling for me? That you’re some kind of paramour?”

  “No.” She swallows hard as her pulse hammers in her delicate throat.

  I lean in and press my lips there and feel her soften against me. I drag my nose up to her ear and lick her earlobe.

  Lifting her easily, I stride into the bedroom and make quick work of our clothes. My hand immediately finds her naked pussy, and I push my fingers inside of her.

  “Oh, God,” she moans, lifting her hips in invitation.

  “This is mine, Aspen.” I press my thumb to her clit and watch as she quickly falls into an orgasm. “Mine.”

  She grabs onto my arm, her short nails digging into my flesh as she writhes beneath me.

  How can she think that she doesn’t matter? Everything I’ve done over the past month, every decision I’ve made, has been with her in mind. She is the best part of my life. She’s become the single reason I get out of bed each morning.

  “You don’t just matter,” I murmur as I protect us both and then slide inside her, seating myself balls-deep. “You’re everything, Aspen, and I’ll spend every minute of each day reminding you, convincing you, if I have to.”

  She lifts her legs, wraps them around me, and holds me close as I move faster and faster, chasing the climax I feel gathering in my balls. Jesus, I never stop craving her.

  I link my fingers with hers and watch her beautiful face as I fall over the edge into paradise.

  When I’ve caught my breath enough to speak, I press a kiss to her temple. “Tonight won’t happen again, love.”

  “Thank you.” She brushes her fingers through my hair. “And, Callum, you
’re everything for me, too. Which is one of the reasons I was so mortified today. I want to make you proud. I never want to embarrass you.”

  “You don’t embarrass me,” I assure her. “But I’ll also make sure you always have the tools in your arsenal to be comfortable and confident.”

  “That’s all I ask,” she says. “Well, that and I could use some sleep.”

  “I can’t promise sleep.” I grin and roll us onto our sides, facing each other, still connected. Her eyes widen.


  “I’ll never get enough of you.”

  “I need your help.” I’m standing in Monica’s beauty salon before they open for the day, watching as she and Natasha place clean towels in a rack above the hair washing bowls.

  Monica raises a brow. “You need our help?”

  “That’s right.”

  “I can’t wait to hear this,” Natasha says and sits on one of the chairs. “How can we help? If you’re about to ask how to dump Aspen gently, I’ll remove your genitalia.”

  I wince. “Not where I’m going with this.”

  “Good. Proceed.”

  “Did Aspen mention to you that I bought us a trip to Fiji when we attended the benefit together?”

  “She mentioned it,” Monica replies.

  “Well, I want to take her. In three days.”

  “You move fast,” Natasha says.

  “She has new employees that she trusts, and I know Gretchen can handle things for a while,” I say.

  “You pay attention,” Monica says, nodding. “I agree, the café is covered, and if they need any help, I can step in. Natasha and I have both helped out from time to time.”

  “She’s right,” Natasha says, “the café won’t be an issue, once you talk her into it. She’s a bit of a workaholic, so getting her on a plane might be tough.”

  “Well, I’m planning to propose while we’re there, so it needs to happen.”

  Both women smile at me as if I just proposed to them.

  “That’s so romantic,” Monica says.

  “Just the sweetest thing ever,” Natasha agrees. “You love her. Oh my God, I’m so happy for her.”

  “I’d like to take her away, have a holiday, and ask her to marry me. We will most likely go to England for a few days before we come back here.”

  “We’ve got this,” Monica assures me. “You just tell her, don’t surprise her because she’ll want to make sure everything is squared away at Drips, and we’ll do the rest.”

  “Oh, trust me, I’ve learned my lesson with surprises. I’ll speak with her this evening. Thank you, ladies.”

  “I can’t wait to hear everything,” Monica says. “We’ll plan a girls’ night for when you get back.”

  I laugh and walk out of the salon, with David right behind me, and saunter down the block toward Drips & Sips. I make a quick stop at Brooke’s Blooms, buy a bouquet of pink roses, and then walk into the café where I see Aspen glaring at a man from across the counter.

  “Why are you here? Gretchen doesn’t get off work for another hour.”

  “I can just hang out here and wait for her. It’s a free country.”

  “It’s my business, and I can ask you to leave. You won’t leave her alone and let her work,” Aspen replies. “If you won’t go, I’ll call the police.”

  “For what?” he asks, pushing his nose close to Aspen’s.

  I want to beat the shite out of this wanker, but David shakes his head and steps forward.

  “Trespassing,” David says as he approaches the man. “She asked you to leave.”

  “Jesus, this is so fucking stupid. I just want to be with my girlfriend.”

  “Do you want to go with him?” Aspen asks Gretchen. “However, if you go, you won’t be allowed back, Gretch.”

  “I’m staying,” Gretchen says, despite the shit coming out of this arsehole’s mouth in response. “I need the job, especially because Miles won’t work. Miles, just go home. I’ll see you a little later. I’m at work.”

  “Yeah, so you say,” he sneers. “Yesterday, you came home late.”

  “I went to the grocery store.”

  “Or you met up with someone for a quick fuck,” he says.

  “Enough,” David says. “Go.”

  Miles turns and slams out the door.

  “I’m so sorry, Aspen,” Gretchen says. “I told him to go home, but he just won’t listen to me when he gets in these moods.”

  “He’s not welcome back here,” Aspen says. “Ever. If he drops you off or picks you up, he waits outside. If he steps foot in here again, I’m calling the police. He’s disruptive, rude, and makes a scene every single time, Gretchen.”

  “I know,” Gretchen says. “I’m sorry.”

  “He can’t be worth all of this,” I say.

  Gretchen’s eyes don’t meet mine. “He’ll calm down and be fine.”

  “Gretchen,” Aspen says, but Gretchen interrupts her.

  “I said I was sorry. I have work to do.”

  She stomps away, and Aspen sighs as she turns to me. “It’s been a day already, and I’m only halfway in.”

  “Anything I can do?”

  “Are those for me?”

  I remember the roses in my hand and smile as I pass them to her. “Of course, they are.”

  “Well, these help a lot. Thank you. What are you two up to?”

  “Just bringing you flowers,” I reply, deciding on the spot to wait to discuss Fiji until after work.

  “I have to go home after work today to check my mail and get some clothes and stuff,” she says.

  “Do you mind if I meet you there?”

  “I don’t mind at all. I should be home by two.”

  “I’ll see you soon, then.”

  “Thanks again for the flowers.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  David and I leave the café. On our way to the car, I say, “We need a background check on that Miles arsehole.”

  “Already on my list of things to do,” he replies.

  “Today. I want to know what he ate for breakfast when you’re done.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  David and I pull into Aspen’s driveway just behind her. It’s a complete coincidence, but a happy one.

  “Why is Monica at my house?” Aspen asks when we step out of the car, pointing to what I assume is Monica’s Lexus SUV.

  “Your guess is as good as mine, love.”

  David follows us up the steps, and when we walk into the house, it’s quiet.

  “Where is she?” Aspen wonders, looking around the empty living room and kitchen.

  “She does need this.”

  “Bedroom,” I say as Aspen makes a beeline for her boudoir. When we arrive, not only is Monica there, but Natasha, as well. There’s a suitcase open on the bed, and clothes piled around it.

  “What’s going on?” Aspen asks, her hands on her hips.

  “Hey!” Natasha says. “We’re just packing for you.”

  “Packing for me for what?”

  Monica turns to me. “You didn’t tell her?”

  “Tell me what?”

  “Let’s go out here and talk, shall we?” I lead Aspen to the living room. David discreetly leaves through the door to wait in the car.

  Smart man.

  “Where am I going, Callum?” Aspen asks as she rounds on me. “And let me guess, this is another surprise?”

  “I had no idea they were going to take my request of help quite this far,” I reply and rub my hand over my face. “I didn’t intend for this to be a surprise at all. I bought the vacation to Fiji weeks ago, as you well know.”

  Her eyes narrow, and I keep talking.

  “Now that you’re fully staffed at the café, I thought it was a good time for our holiday. Monica assured me that if Gretchen needs anything while you’re gone, she or Natasha can step in to help. I just asked them for advice, and they ran with it. I didn’t ask them to pack your suitcase.”

  “She’s not going t
o wear many clothes,” we hear Natasha say loudly. “They’re just going to have sex the whole time. Why does she need such a big bag?”

  “Because, you nitwit, they’re going to go out to dinner and stuff. You’re the only one who thinks about sex twenty-four-seven.”

  “No, I’m not. Everyone thinks about sex twenty-four-seven.”

  “Did you tell them that we’re going on vacation to have sex?” Her lips twitch with humor now, and I think the worst of the storm is over.

  “I might have implied it.” I shove my hands into my pockets. “But, no. Of course, not. But if that’s what they want to think, who am I to tell them otherwise?”

  “Hmm.” She laughs and walks to me to wrap her arms around my waist and press a kiss to my chest. “When is this fabulous holiday happening?”

  “In three days.”

  “Three days.” She steps back and shakes her head at me. “Callum, that hardly gives me time to make sure Drips is okay and pack my bags and—”

  “No need to worry about your bags.” I cup her face and brush my thumb over the apple of her cheek. “Apparently, they have it handled.”


  “I need this with you.”


  “I don’t know. I just do.”

  “How long will we be gone?”

  “Two weeks.”

  She pales and swallows hard. “I’ve never left Drips alone for that long.”

  “I’m not going to say something stupid like how hard can it be because I know it’s hard, and that it’s very important to you. But it’s all going to be okay.”

  “I’m so far outside my comfort zone, I don’t even know where it is anymore.”

  “You can say no.”

  I can propose in Montana. I don’t mind readjusting my plans in the least if that will make her more comfortable.

  Aspen bites her lip as she seems to think it over.

  “Oh, and I should mention that we won’t be using the commercial airfare that came with the package. We’ll be taking a private jet.”

  Her jaw drops. “I guess I should have realized that.”

  “What do you say? Are you ready for a holiday?”

  “I shouldn’t. But yes, I’m ready for some time away with you.”


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