Taunting Callum

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Taunting Callum Page 14

by Kristen Proby

  “Excellent.” I kiss her lips softly. Just as I lean in to deepen the connection, someone clears her throat.

  “Sorry to interrupt. You’re all packed, Aspen. You might want to swing by Willa’s for a few things, but you’re good to go.” Monica waves as she and Natasha walk past us and out the front door. “Call me later!”

  “You have lovely friends.”

  “I know.” She hugs me again, and I rock her back and forth. “I have the best people in my life. And I’m going to Fiji. I hope they packed my bathing suit.”

  “I thought you didn’t like the water?”

  “I can’t go to Fiji and not snorkel. I think that might be against the law there.”

  I laugh and kiss the top of her head. “Well, we are law-abiding people.”


  Chapter 13


  I have no idea what’s happening back home. Drips & Sips could have burned down at this point, and I would have no clue. And right this second, I don’t think I care.

  It’s our last day in paradise. And that’s exactly what Fiji is. I’m pretty sure if there’s a heaven, I’ll see Fiji when I walk through the pearly gates. With the bluest and warmest water ever, warm temperatures, and wonderful people, it might be the best place I’ve ever been.

  We’ve snorkeled, walked the beach, gone hiking, and had so much sex, my muscles are tired and sore.

  I’m not complaining in the least.

  Callum is out on a boat, fishing, and I stayed back to spend our last day here in the spa. I’ve been rubbed and polished, fed, and now I’m soaking in a tub, looking out at the water. I’m loose and relaxed for the first time in maybe my whole life.

  Callum brings serenity to my life. Security. He calms me and makes me feel safe. And not because of his wealth or his status but because of who he is. When he says everything will be okay, I believe him because he says it with so much conviction, I know he’s right.

  This trip was more than a gift. It was magical. I’ll never forget it.

  And it’s not over quite yet.

  “Miss Aspen, is there anything else I can do for you today?”

  I smile at my personal attendant, Kaneli. She’s been wonderful today.

  “If you do anything more, I’ll never want to leave.”

  Her smile is bright and full of pride. “I’m happy to hear you enjoyed your day. You’re free to soak as long as you want. I’ve laid your clothes out for you in your room, and you can go whenever you’re ready.”

  “Oh, I have to pay for the services.”

  “His Highness has already made arrangements. You needn’t worry about anything, miss. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

  She nods and then leaves me alone.

  Callum spoils me. It seems to be second nature for him to buy me gifts, to take care of me.

  This is all new to me. Greg, even though he was a good husband, didn’t pay me this much mind. Honestly, I didn’t realize I was starved for a man’s attention until Callum came into my life.

  I stand in the tub, let the water drip off me, and then step out and reach for my robe.

  Maybe I wasn’t starved for attention. Perhaps it was Callum’s consideration that I needed. Because frankly, the idea of another man coming into my life doesn’t interest me in the least.

  I walk into the private room assigned to me when I arrived—no shared locker room in this joint—to find my clothes are indeed waiting for me. Upon further inspection, it looks like they’ve been washed and pressed.

  Even my underwear, which I wore on this trip because…you just never know.

  I’ve never stayed somewhere fancy enough for them to wash my clothes for me. I wonder if this is the resort that was offered in the auction, or if Callum upgraded us.

  I dress and walk along the windy path above the water to get to our suite, followed discreetly by security. Our room is a hut suspended over the ocean. We can see fish below us, and we have a rope hammock thing to sit on, also over the water.

  I think I could live here.

  Of course, then I’d take it all for granted, and it would become old hat. I wouldn’t appreciate it nearly as much as I do right now.

  No, I’ll just have to work my ass off and save my money so I can visit often.

  I key in the code to our suite and let myself in. The security guard assigned to me will stand guard outside.

  I step out of my flip-flops and turn, then stop cold. Pink rose petals are sprinkled on the floor, leading through to our bedroom. I eagerly follow them and feel tears fill my eyes when I take in the scene before me.

  Pink roses are everywhere. The bed is littered with petals, and more are on the floor here, leading out to the balcony.

  Callum’s sitting in a lounge chair, clad only in swimming trunks. His torso is bare and tanned, his muscles toned under smooth skin. His arms are up under his head, and his feet are crossed on the lounge chair.

  “Well, don’t you look relaxed?”

  I don’t sit next to him. I climb onto his lap and rest my head on his shoulder. Touching him without hesitation, as if he’s mine, is something I’ve grown used to—and enjoy.

  “Thanks for this week,” I murmur.

  “I can say, without a doubt, it’s been the best week of my life.” He kisses my head and drags his fingertips up and down my arm. “We’ll have to do it often.”

  “I was just thinking while I was at the spa that I could come here regularly. I’ll have to make a Fiji fund jar and squirrel away my tips.”

  “Hmm,” is all he says in response. I can tell, just from that little reply, that it irritated him.

  “I don’t expect you to take me on vacation all the time.” I kiss his jawline.

  “I’ll take you on holiday, Aspen. I quite enjoy it.”

  “I’m not with you because of the money, or the trips, or the roses. Although, the roses are nice.”

  “If I thought that was the case, we wouldn’t be here. In fact, I think you’re with me despite all of that.”


  He kisses my hair again and then shifts so he’s facing me. “I know that the press has always painted me as the playboy prince. As irresponsible, spontaneous, and carefree. I let them believe that about me because it was easier to just flash a smile than try to defend myself, especially when the rumors weren’t true. I knew the truth, and my family knew, and that’s all that mattered.”

  I frown and lace my fingers with his, wondering where this is going.

  “I’m a planner, Aspen. An overthinker. I usually make a schedule for things and stick to it. And I had a plan for this. But being here with you like this right now, open and raw, sharing our feelings, is the appropriate time to lay it all on the line.

  “I knew the minute I saw you standing in my brother’s kitchen two years ago that you were going to change my life. I felt a connection to you that I simply couldn’t explain. And then I messed everything up, and it took me years to fix it.”


  “Let me finish, love. You are everything wonderful in my life, and I love you so completely, so madly that it’s an ache in my chest. Your passion for life, your work ethic, your humor, they all breathe life into me. Being with you has made me a better person, and I never want to lose you. So, I’m asking you here, in this beautiful place—

  “Wait.” He scurries off the chair and kneels next to me, holding my hand.

  Holy shit.

  Prince Callum Wakefield is going to ask me to marry him.

  “I’m asking you here, in this beautiful place, if you’ll do me the honor of becoming my wife. Spend your life with me, Aspen. I promise you I’ll remind you every single day how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you in my life.”

  I lick my lips as Callum pulls a ring out of his pocket and offers it to me.

  “Callum.” His name is a whisper on my lips. I can only imagine the complications that will come with marrying royalty. Will I have to sell my café?
Will I have to move to London? How will everything happen?

  But as I stare into his brown eyes, so hopeful and full of love, I know that I’d do all of those things and more to be with him for the rest of my life.

  “I have so many questions,” I admit as I lean in to rest my forehead on his. “And before I answer, I need to tell you that I love you, too. We haven’t said the L-word before now.”

  “I love you so much, Aspen.”

  “Yes, I will marry you, Callum.”

  He leans back and stares at me as if he’s surprised.

  “Did you think you’d have to talk me into it?”

  “Honestly, yes.” He laughs and slides the ring, this stunning emerald ring with diamonds, on my finger, then pulls me in for a soft, romantic kiss.

  “Holy shit, we’re getting married,” I say against his lips.

  He urges me to my feet and tugs me into the bedroom.

  “These flowers were a nice touch, by the way.”

  “That was the resort because they know it’s our last night here,” he replies and kisses my shoulder as he pushes my sundress off and lets it pool around my feet.

  Aside from my panties, I’m standing naked in front of him.

  “I wasn’t planning to get married again,” I admit to him. I’m naked, and this is the time for confessions. “Not to anyone. Because loving someone that much means setting yourself up for loss.”

  “Sweetheart, I can’t even imagine the pain you’ve been through. The thought of losing you that way isn’t fathomable.”

  “I wanted to die, too.” He pulls me in to hug me close, skin to skin. “And then you happened. I wasn’t ready for you years ago, Callum. Even if we’d started dating then, it wouldn’t have worked because I hadn’t finished healing yet. And I certainly would have run in the other direction if you’d proposed. I needed time. And maybe hanging on to the anger is what gave me that time.”

  “And now?”

  “Now, I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I know everything is about to change big time. That it’s not as simple as you moving to Montana and us living a quiet life in my little house with my little business.”

  “I wish it was that simple. For your sake.”

  “I’m marrying all of you. The man and the prince. And you have important responsibilities that I admire very much. We’ll figure it out.”

  “You’re a wonderful woman, Aspen. I’m a lucky bloke.”

  I grin as his mouth descends to mine, and with all of the words we needed to speak spoken for now, we fall onto the bed. Instead of the frenzied, intense sex I’ve come to expect from him, Callum’s hands are gentle, almost lazy as he glides his fingers up my side to my breast.

  His lips wrap around the nipple as his hand travels down my belly to my core.

  If intense sex with this man is fabulous, gentle sex is out of this fucking world.

  “If you’re trying to kill me, it’s working.”

  “I’m enjoying you,” he whispers and kisses my chin. “Your skin, your scent. The raspy tone of your voice when you’re turned on.”

  “I’m damn turned on.”

  “I know.” He’s at my side, not nestled between my legs. And rather than shift, he lifts my leg and guides himself into me. “So slick, so perfect.”

  “Holy shit.” This position is new, and the angle is ridiculous. I reach down to press on my clit as he moves in a slow rhythm, set to drive us both mad.

  I’ve never felt so exposed, so linked to another human being as I do at this moment.

  Callum kisses my shoulder, and I feel the tension begin to build, low in my belly.

  “I’m going over.”

  “Yes, darling.” He moves just a bit harder, a smidge faster, and that’s all it takes to push me into the orgasm. I bear down, and he follows me over, then pulls me into his arms, holding me tightly.

  I glance down at my left hand.

  I’ve only ever worn a simple gold band on that finger. And now, it’s a huge emerald.

  “That was Queen Victoria’s,” he says casually and brings it up to his lips for a kiss.

  “I can’t wear this.”

  “Why ever not?”

  “Callum, it’s priceless. What if the stone gets lost or stolen?”

  “Given that it will stay on your hand, and you have constant security, I’d say it being stolen is unlikely.”

  “This is a family heirloom.”

  “Indeed. And it’s staying in the family. My father gave it to me to give to you. He brought it with him to Montana.”

  I stare at him, stunned. “What?”

  “That’s why they made the trip. I originally asked them to send a royal courier with a ring for you, but Mum and Father decided to come themselves. I told him I wanted an emerald because they remind me of your eyes, and he chose this from the family vault.”


  “If you don’t like it, I’m sure we can choose something else. Or have something made.”

  “Of course, I like it. My God, look at it. This stone must be ten karats.”

  “Twenty-one, actually.”

  My first instinct is to take it off and give it back. Not the proposal, but the ring.

  “The girl from the wrong side of the tracks is wearing Queen Victoria’s ring.”

  “Don’t ever refer to yourself that way again, Aspen. You’re not less than because of where you come from.”

  “You’re right. But this is insane.”

  “There’s a matching tiara that will be on loan to you from the Crown whenever we appear in an official capacity. After we’re married, of course.”

  “Of course.” I shake my head. “I’m already overwhelmed.”

  “I know.” He kisses my temple. “I’d like to go to London when we leave here tomorrow so you can see Frederick and his wife. You’ll also meet Mary, who was the lady in waiting for my sister most of her life. She also helped Nina extensively when she became engaged to Sebastian.”

  “That’ll help. Can we think about all of that tomorrow? For today, I just want to enjoy our last day of vacation like a normal couple who just got engaged.”

  “I think that’s a marvelous idea.” He shifts over me and kisses me down the middle of my chest. “I do believe a normal couple would make love again. Don’t you?”

  “Probably. At least once more. Maybe twice.”

  “Your wish is my command, sweetheart.”

  Chapter 14


  We’ve been on the plane for twenty bloody hours. Aspen and I are both knackered when we arrive in London and endure a short drive to the palace where my flat is.

  I’m excited to have her here for a few days to show her where I live and what I love about London. She’s been to the palace before, when Ellie and Liam wed last year, but this is a whole new experience for both of us.

  “That was the longest flight of my life,” she says as she leans her head on my shoulder.

  “We’ll get home and take a nap.” I kiss her hair, breathing in her scent.

  “I’m exhausted,” she says, yawning. “But I want to see everything.”

  “You’ve been here before.”

  “I was in and out for the wedding. I arrived the afternoon before and had to leave the morning after. I had just hired Gretchen and didn’t want to leave Drips for long, but I wouldn’t have missed the wedding for the world.”

  “So you didn’t do any sightseeing when you were here?”

  “No, but I did get to see parts of the palace that others don’t, and that was cool.”

  “Well, you’ll certainly do that again, but I’d like to show you other things, as well. Some of my favorite things.”

  “I love the sound of that. Are your parents here?”

  “No, they’re still in Montana.”

  She looks up at me in surprise. “Really?”

  “Yes. It seems they’ve fallen in love with it there and wanted to look around for a while. They’ll probably be there when we
get back.”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful. I’d love to see them again.”

  We drive past the crowds and through the gate, then around to the back of the palace where we’re out of sight from prying eyes. This is the entrance the family uses most often when coming and going.

  David escorts us to my flat, and once we’re behind closed doors, Aspen wraps her arms around me for a hug.

  Being held is important to her, and something I’m happy to indulge.

  “David’s been away from Alice for quite a while,” she says.

  “We’ll be back in less than a week. Travel is a part of his job, and they knew that when they got married.”

  “I know.” She leans back and smiles up at me. “It was only an observation.”

  “Before we get married, we’ll assign a personal detail to you, as well. In the meantime, you’ll stick close to me.”

  “I’m certainly not planning to drift far from you, especially while we’re here.” She kisses my chin just as a knock sounds on the door. “I thought we had time to rest?”

  “I need to introduce you to someone first. It won’t take long.”

  I open the door and am immediately hugged, my cheek pinched.

  Only Mary could get away with this.

  “Callum, my sweet boy,” she says. “You’ve been gone too long.”

  “Well, I’m home now, and I brought someone for you to meet.”

  Mary, at sixty-something years old, retired, and grandmotherly, turns to Aspen.

  “Why, miss, you’re dead on your feet.”

  “Sweetheart, this is Mary. If there’s something you wish to know about protocol, being a royal, etiquette, or anything else you may need, Mary knows. She’s been with us for most of her life. Certainly, all of mine.”

  “I was there when this one was born,” she confirms.

  Mary’s been a second mother to my siblings and me. We adore her.

  “Well, then, I’m sure I have a million questions for you,” Aspen says.

  “Mary, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to my fiancée, Aspen Calhoun.”

  “You’re just lovely,” Mary says and then takes Aspen’s shoulders in her hands. “I just know we’re going to be fast friends. I’m here to help, to teach you, and to assist with anything you might need. But first, I’m going to start a nice hot shower for you, and then we’ll get you nice and comfortable for a long nap. You’ve had a long journey.”


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