Taunting Callum

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Taunting Callum Page 15

by Kristen Proby

  Aspen glances back at me with surprised eyes. “Where will you be?”

  “I’ll be here,” I assure her. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  Mary whisks her away to fuss over her, the way she fussed over the rest of us all of our lives, and I wander through my flat. The kitchen is freshly stocked with my favorite things. I have two bedrooms and three bathrooms in my six-thousand-square-foot place, along with a lap pool, a media room, and an office.

  It’s too much space for me, but it’s the smallest flat in the palace.

  I wander into the guest bathroom since Mary and Aspen are currently using the master, and take a hot shower of my own, changing into sweats and a T-shirt after. When I walk back into the living room, I find my gorgeous fiancée sitting on the sofa.

  “Where’s Mary?” I ask.

  “She said she’d be back later after we’ve had time to rest. I didn’t realize it’s barely noon.”

  “Jet lag is a bugger.” I pull her to her feet, but when she simply shuffles after me, I lift her into my arms and carry her into my bedroom. “Do you know how many times I’ve daydreamed about having you in my bed?”


  I smile and kiss her pouty lips. “I lost count. When you were in this house last year for the wedding, I had to stop myself from abducting you from your room and hauling you back here, caveman-style.”

  “I wouldn’t have enjoyed it nearly as much then as I would now.”

  I tuck her under the covers and climb in beside her. “And now you’re here with me.”

  “Hmm.” She turns around so she can bury her face in my chest whilst she sleeps. “And when I wake up, I’m going to seduce you in your bed.”

  “I’ll hold you to that, love.”


  I can tell by the sound of her voice that I’m in trouble. I just have no idea what on earth for.


  “Can you come in here, please?”

  I join Aspen in the walk-in closet that is exclusively hers and raise a brow. “Yes?”

  “Why do I have a closet full of clothes here? A closet the size of my first apartment, I might add.”

  “I didn’t know you lived in a studio apartment.”

  “This is more the size of a two-bedroom, and you’re changing the subject. Why do I have all of this?”

  “Because when I called ahead and told the staff we were coming, they set this all into motion.”

  “Why? What’s wrong with my clothes?”

  “Nothing, but you don’t have enough of them. The same was done for Nina when she came to the palace.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  I pull my mobile out of my pocket and FaceTime my sister-in-law.

  “This is a nice surprise,” Nina says when she answers. “Are you having a wonderful trip?”

  “We are, thank you for asking. But Aspen is concerned about the clothes that have been made for her—”

  “Made for me?”

  “—and I was hoping you could have a word with her.”

  “Of course. Put her on.”

  I pass the cell to Aspen, who immediately starts asking questions.

  “Nina, what in the hell? I don’t need all of this. We’re only here for a few days. And how did they know my size?”

  “Okay, friend, take a deep breath,” Nina interrupts. “First of all, you do need them, and more. Congratulations, by the way.”


  “You’ll attend events that you need to be dressed appropriately for. I know you’re drop-dead gorgeous in your jeans and T-shirts, but that won’t fly when you’re appearing in an official capacity. You need suits. Also, pants aren’t really acceptable.”

  Aspen’s eyes narrow on mine. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that when you’re in public, you have to wear skirts or dresses.”

  “Like hell.”

  “Hey, I don’t make the rules. Privately, you can wear whatever you want.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  I shrug and smile as Aspen continues peppering Nina with questions.

  “Why didn’t anyone warn me?”

  “Think about it, Aspen,” Nina says. “Have you ever seen Ellie or me in jeans when we’re being photographed?”

  “No, I guess not.”

  “Trust me, the clothes are the best you can buy. They’re gorgeous and will fit you like a glove. And don’t even get me started on the shoes. I’m getting all hot and bothered.”

  Aspen laughs, and I feel my stomach loosen.

  “Okay. I guess. Mary’s going to work with me over the next few days.”

  “You’ll love her. Please tell her hello for me. And, Aspen, just relax and soak it in. No one will quiz you, and we’ll all help you as time goes on. I’m still learning, too. Oh, and just let that whole article roll off your back. It’s ridiculous, and people say stupid things.”

  Aspen’s eyes fly to mine, and I hurry away to fetch my iPad. What in the bloody hell is she talking about?

  “I haven’t seen an article,” I hear Aspen reply.

  “Oh. Well, when you do, put on your thick skin and remember that they don’t know you, and they never will. Keep your chin up. I’m going to hug you properly when you get home. I’m so excited for you, my friend.”

  “Thank you. I’ll probably call again for more advice.”

  “I’m here anytime,” Nina assures her before hanging up, and Aspen passes my mobile back to me.

  “What article?” Aspen asks.

  The image on the screen, along with the headline, have me raging on the inside. I want to tear someone apart.

  But I remain calm and turn it for her to see.

  “Prince Callum to wed poor American widow: a rags to riches story.” She raises a brow and looks at me. “Well, they work fast.”

  “Bloody vultures,” I mutter and take the tablet away, turn it off, and toss it onto the bed. “She’s right, ignore them.”

  “I have more important things to think about,” she says, waving it off. “I’ve been here less than twenty-four hours, and it’s already painfully obvious that I’m way underqualified for this.”

  “We all are. But you’ll learn. The most important part, the loving-me part, you have down to a science.”

  “You say pretty things just to appease me.”

  “Did it work?”

  “Sort of.” She rubs her hand over her face. “What do we have for today?”

  “Lunch with Freddy and Catherine. That’s it. And tomorrow, we have the ribbon cutting for the hospital in Edinburgh.”

  “Lunch with the heir to the throne and ribbon cuttings.” She laughs and sits on the bench in the middle of the closet. “Custom-made designer clothes. And a prince.”

  “It’s a lot.”

  “It’s massive,” she agrees. “And you’re right. I’ll learn. But damn, Callum, I had no idea. Am I going to have to give up Drips & Sips?”

  “No.” I sit next to her and take her hand. “Owning a business isn’t against any rule. You may have to hire a general manager to oversee it for you because there will be some travel for us, but it’s my goal to live in Montana as much as possible.”

  “What about your responsibilities here?”

  “We’ll figure it out. I can work remotely for a lot of it.”

  “Will I need to sell my house?”

  “Do you want to?”

  She bites her lip. “I don’t think I do. I love that house. I know it’s not fancy, but it’s mine.”

  “Then we won’t sell. You have plenty of space and buildings for security. I like your home.”

  “You don’t want something fancier?”

  “Aspen, I want you. And I want you to be happy. If living in your lovely Montana home makes you happy, that’s where we’ll live. Yes, there’s a lot of pomp and circumstance that comes with marrying a member of the royal family, but let’s not lose sight of the heart of this, shall we? It’s you and me. We’re two people who
love each other. We make the rest fit into that.”

  “I like that. And I needed the reminder. Thank you.”

  “Now, choose something to wear, and we’ll go see my brother.”

  “How formal is lunch?”

  “Not formal. I’ll be wearing slacks and a button-down shirt.”

  “So, a casual dress is appropriate?”


  “Okay, I’ll be ready in thirty minutes.”

  “You’re lovely.” I kiss Aspen’s hand as we walk down the hall to the dining room to meet Freddy and Catherine. “Green is your color.”

  “Of course, it is, I’m a redhead.” She smiles up at me and then looks a bit nervous as we reach the dining room’s threshold.

  “You’ve already met him,” I remind her.

  “That was different.” She takes a deep breath. “But let’s do this.”

  Frederick and Catherine are already waiting for us and stand to greet us warmly.

  “Your Highness,” Aspen says to Freddy, who smiles warmly and takes her hands in his.

  “Aspen, it’s lovely to see you again. We’re about to be family, so please, call me Freddy.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And you remember my wife, Catherine.”

  “Of course.”

  “How is Montana?” Catherine asks. “Your parents are staying for a while, so they must be enjoying it.”

  “It sounds that way,” I agree. “It’s beautiful there.”

  “You should come and visit,” Aspen says. “I think you’d enjoy it. And your children would love all of the outdoor activities.”

  “It’s certainly on our list of places for a holiday,” Freddy says.

  “Well, if nothing else, you’ll get to see it when we get married.” Aspen grins, and my brother’s startled eyes find mine.

  We haven’t started to plan the wedding yet, but obviously, Aspen assumes we’ll marry in Montana.

  “I honestly don’t know if that’s possible,” I say, sitting back in my chair thoughtfully.

  “If what’s possible?” Aspen asks.

  “Marrying out of the country. I don’t think a royal descendant ever has. Do you, Freddy?”

  “Not that I’m aware of,” he says. “But that doesn’t mean it’s out of the question.”

  “I hadn’t considered having a huge wedding like Liam and Ellie,” Aspen says. “It’s just not my style.”

  “I understand,” Catherine says. “Were you thinking a smaller, country wedding?”

  “Yes, with close family and friends, and no press.”

  “Well, this might take some convincing for Father,” Freddy says. “The citizens will be disappointed if they don’t get well-publicized nuptials.”

  “What if it’s a compromise?” Catherine asks. “A small, private ceremony and a party in Montana, and then a larger reception later here in London?”

  “It sounds like the perfect scenario,” I agree and reach for Aspen’s hand. “What do you think?”

  “It’s definitely a good compromise. I’m sorry I assumed. I guess I’m still getting used to everything. I’ve never had to worry about the press before.”

  “We have people to worry about the press for us,” Freddy says with a wink. “You just live your life, Aspen.”

  “That’s my plan.”

  It’s been a busy week for her. I can see the exhaustion in her eyes as we take the helicopter to Edinburgh for the hospital opening. She’s absolutely beautiful in a navy-blue dress, her hair loose around her shoulders.

  This is our first official public event together. I know she’s nervous, but there’s no need to be.

  “Just smile and wave,” I remind her. “They’re not allowed to touch you or ask for a photo with you. You can shake hands if you like.”

  “Got it.” She nods and offers me a reassuring smile. I’ve already run through the schedule of events, and we should be in and out in just over an hour. We’ll get a tour of the facilities and meet with some of the patients. Then I’ll cut the ribbon, we’ll pose for photos, and call it a day.

  “Are you ready to go back to Montana?”

  “Will it hurt your feelings if I say yes?”

  “Not in the least. I’m ready to get back myself.”

  The helicopter touches down on the helipad of the roof of the hospital, and we’re escorted inside. The next hour is filled with a tour, meeting patients, and posing for photos.

  Aspen is wonderful with the patients, asking questions, and engaging with them. She has a knack for speaking with strangers, which is probably one of the reasons Drips & Sips does so well.

  Finally, we’re escorted outside to the front of the building where the paparazzi are camped out, waiting to take photos of me cutting the ribbon and making a speech.

  Having Aspen by my side for all of it is the best feeling ever.

  Just as we turn to leave, one of the media members, someone I’ve known for a long time, calls out to us.

  “I never pegged you as someone gullible enough to fall for a gold digger, Callum.”

  I turn back and narrow my eyes at the man, who’s currently smirking at me. The crowd has gone silent, waiting for my response.

  “Mr. Parsons is now permanently removed from the media ticket,” I announce to my team. “And if anyone else has anything inflammatory to say about my fiancée, speak up now so I know who to blackball.”

  No one else says a word as we turn to walk away. I hear Parsons complaining behind me, but I don’t turn to engage with him further.

  Because if I did, I’d likely break his blasted nose.

  “Let it roll off, remember?” Aspen whispers to me and squeezes my hand. “They don’t matter.”

  “I want to kick his arse,” I mutter. “And yes, I realize I need to follow my advice. I’ll get there.”

  “Let’s go home, Callum.”

  “That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day.”

  Chapter 15


  I’ve been back in Montana for seventy-two hours, and I’m slammed. Gretchen hasn’t been in to work since I arrived, calling out every single day. Wendy and Rachel are both on vacation, a scheduling snafu made by me, so it’s just Paula and me here.

  “Paula, I need you to go see if we have more scones in the back.”

  My new hire, who’s been here for a month and should be fully trained by now, blinks at me. “Are those still on the second shelf?”

  I take a deep breath so I don’t snap at her. I don’t want to snap at her. We all learn at different paces, and she’s excellent with the customers. But this is not the week for this.

  “Yes, ma’am. Just grab everything that’s there. I don’t know why we’re so busy today, but everyone in town has decided this is the hot spot, and we’re shorthanded.”

  “Okay.” She hurries into the stock room, and I turn to the next customer in line, surprised to see my fiancé standing before me.

  “Well, hello.”

  His eyes narrow on me. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m just busy, and Gretchen called out. Again. My other two employees are on vacation, and Paula’s great, but she’s not speedy.” I take a breath and offer Callum a smile. “But it’s really nice to see you. How are you?”

  “On duty.” He nods to David, and both men roll up their sleeves.

  “No, you don’t have to help.”

  Callum marches behind the counter and tips my chin up with his finger. “We’re a team now, darling. I won’t leave here knowing that you’re drowning in work, any more than you’d let me stand in front of fire-breathing media by myself.”

  “Are you still mad at that man?”

  “Hell, yes.”

  I take his hand and kiss his palm. “I love you.”

  His eyes soften, and he leans in to kiss my forehead. I have a line of people, and no time for this, but it feels so damn good.

  “What can I do for you, love?”

  “I’m here, too,” David says. “I’m go
ing to clear and clean some empty tables if that suits you, ma’am.”

  “That’s incredible, David, thank you.”

  “And me?” Callum asks.

  “Can you check on Paula to see what in the hell is taking her so long to grab more scones?”

  “On it. Take another deep breath, darling.”

  He scurries away, and I turn to find Mrs. Blakely, the owner of Little Deli just down the street, smiling at me.

  “He’s a handsome one,” she says with a wink.

  “It’s sort of absurd how handsome he is,” I say with a sigh. “Sorry to keep you waiting. Things are a little nuts in here today.”

  “Oh, I’m just fine. Watching you two lovebirds together is a balm to my cynical soul. That’s a beautiful ring, Aspen. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.” I glance down at the green stone shimmering in the light of my café. Every time I look down at it, I’m always surprised that any of this is real. “What can I do for you, Mrs. Blakely?”

  “Well, I’ve been craving a white mocha, and I’d love a huckleberry scone if you have any left.”

  “I sent Paula back to check. Let me go see what’s keeping her. I’ll be right back.”

  I rush to the back room and find Callum glaring at Paula, whose head is down, her hands linked behind her back.

  “What’s going on?”

  “She was stealing,” he says. “I caught her red-handed with her hands in the safe.”

  “It was just until payday,” Paula says. “Tips aren’t covering my bills, and I just needed something to hold me over until Friday.”

  “Get out,” I say immediately. “I don’t have time to deal with this shit, Paula. You’re done. If you’d just come to me and asked me for an advance, I would have happily done so. Instead, you’re fired. Get your things and go.”

  “But we’re so busy.”

  “I’ve handled far worse, Paula. This is my business. And Callum’s here to help. He’s not going to steal from me.”


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