Book Read Free

Taunting Callum

Page 16

by Kristen Proby

  She grabs her purse and jacket and quietly leaves.

  “I’m sorry, Aspen,” Callum says.

  “It’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last. I have customers.” I grab the scones off the shelf and hurry back to my job. Callum jumps right in, fetching food out of the glass case while I fill coffee orders. David keeps the dining room clean as customers leave so new ones can fill the seats.

  We have it down to a science by the time we’re done for the day.

  “Let me take you home, and I’ll rub your feet,” Callum says. He’s massaging my shoulders while I clean the espresso machine.

  “That sounds wonderful, but I can’t. I have to go to my house. Natasha, Monica, Ellie, and Nina are coming over for girls’ night. They want to hear about our trip and the proposal. Monica and Natasha haven’t even seen my ring yet.”

  “Raincheck on the foot rub, then.” Callum kisses my neck, just below my ear.

  “For sure. I have interviews set up over the next few days for potential general managers. I figure, the sooner I get someone in here, the better—if for no other reason than to help me out. We’re never this busy during the off-season.”

  “You’ve made this place something special, Aspen. The locals enjoy it as much as the tourists.”

  “And that makes me happy. So, I’ll be pretty busy over the next few weeks. I hope we don’t have anywhere we need to be.”

  His lips turn up into a smile. “Nothing that can’t be rescheduled.”

  “Thank you.”

  “We’re both making adjustments and compromises, love. We’ll get everything figured out. It’s just going to take a little time.”

  “You know,” Ellie says later that night, “it says something that Father chose the Queen Victoria emerald for you.”

  I take my first sip of Natasha’s margarita and then set it aside.

  “Is something wrong with it?” Natasha asks.

  “No, why?”

  “You scrunched up your nose.”

  “My stomach’s been off for the past couple of days. I think it’s just jet lag and stress. Mostly stress. I think I’ll sip on some water for a bit.”

  “Have some food, too,” Monica suggests.

  “Sorry, Ellie, keep going,” I say, turning back to my friend.

  “Well, that particular set is my father’s favorite of the family jewels. He’s loaned it out before, mostly to my mother for important dinners and such. He actually brought a selection of rings with him to Montana and made the final decision on what Callum should propose with after he met you.”

  “I love your father,” I admit to her. “We got along so well, and I loved hearing about his childhood and some of the shenanigans he got up to as a teenager. How he met your mother. We talked for a long time.”

  “I know. I saw,” Ellie says. “And he might have a little crush on you, I think. After you both left on your holiday, he spoke of you a few times. And the fact that you have that emerald on your finger tells me that he not only approves of Callum marrying you, but he also trusts and respects you.”

  I feel tears fill my eyes. It’s been a hell of a few days, and hearing this makes me feel good.

  “The feeling is mutual.”

  “How did Callum propose?” Nina asks. “Also, holy shit, Natasha, these margaritas are ridiculously delicious.”

  “I know,” Natasha says with a smug grin.

  “He proposed in Fiji,” I say. “On the balcony of our hut. It was kind of spontaneous and sweet. And sexy.”

  “I know that smile,” Monica says, pointing at me. “You’re totally boning a prince.”

  “Oh, yeah,” I reply with a nod. “A lot, actually.”

  “This is not a lovely conversation.” Ellie’s face is scrunched in a scowl. “Let’s skip the sex parts.”

  “No, tell us everything about the sex parts, for those of us not having any sex,” Natasha says.

  “You’re the only one in this room not getting any,” Monica reminds her. “Sorry, babe.”

  “It sucks.”

  “Let’s just say, he can’t keep his hands off me, and the feeling is entirely mutual. Then we went to London, where I was given more clothes than any one person should have, and took some etiquette lessons from Mary.”

  “Mary’s the best,” Ellie says. “And she knows everything.”

  “She’s maybe the kindest woman in the world,” Nina adds.

  “I agree. She was wonderful, and I had a lot of questions. And I kept messing things up. I don’t want to embarrass Callum.”

  “Sebastian gave me some good advice when we first got together,” Nina says. “He and his siblings are taught to be members of the royal family from the day they’re born. It’s ingrained in them. For you and I, we’re starting from scratch, taking a crash course. It’s not easy, but I can assure you, it’s worth it. And things will come easier and faster as time goes on.”

  “Are you moving to London?” Monica asks.

  “We’re going to split our time between there and here, hopefully spending more time in Montana than not. We’re keeping this house, and security will set up in the barn, most likely. It’ll have to be converted into a second house, of course. So, hopefully, we can get the permits for that from the city.”

  “There’s a lot to think about,” Natasha says. “What about Drips?”

  “I’ll hire a manager to take over for me. That one stings a bit, I admit. I’m proud of my business, and I enjoy being there every day. But we’re both making compromises. Hopefully, I’ll still be able to maintain an active role in the café.”

  “Everything will smooth out with some time,” Nina assures me. “It helps that he’s not the heir.”

  “She’s right,” Ellie adds. “He has duties and jobs of his own, but you’ll make it work.”

  “Hey, couples make it happen all the time,” Monica says. “The only difference here is that he’s a prince.”

  “A hot prince,” I add with a laugh. “It feels good to be able to talk to you guys about this. I panicked a bit while we were gone, wondering what in the hell I thought I was doing. But every time I look at him, I go all gooey inside. I know I could survive without him, but I don’t want to go through life without him. We’re connected, you know?”

  Three heads nod yes, and Natasha frowns.

  “I hope I get it one day,” she says. “But in the meantime, I’m so happy for you, friend. And proud of you. You’re a badass.”

  “Damn right, I am.”

  Just as we’re laughing, I hear a knock.

  “Maybe Callum couldn’t wait to see you,” Nina suggests as I walk to the door.

  But when I open it, it’s not Callum.

  “I need your help.” The words are whispered through swollen, bloody lips.

  “Oh my God, Gretchen.” I lead her gently inside as the others gather around us.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt. I just didn’t know where else to go.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Monica says. “What happened to you, sweetheart?”

  “Miles.” My voice is hard as stone. Gretchen nods. “You’re done with him, here and now, Gretch.”

  “I want to be. I just don’t know how to leave him. He threatens me all the time. Aspen, I’m not this girl. He’s been controlling and mean since the week he moved into my apartment. He said if I leave him, he’ll kill my parents.”

  “Motherfucker,” Natasha growls. “Let’s cut off his fucking balls.”

  Gretchen’s crying softly now. Her left eye is swollen shut. Her nose is puffy and split on one side. She winces as she sits on the couch.

  “Ribs?” I ask.

  “I think he broke a couple. He got mad at me because I told him I was going to work tomorrow. He wants me to stay home with him, but we don’t have any money. Every penny I make, he spends. I’m about to be evicted from my apartment, and he doesn’t care. He doesn’t love me at all.”

  “No, honey,” Nina says as she walks in with a wet rag to dab at G
retchen’s wounds. “He doesn’t love you. Anyone who can do this to you doesn’t love you at all.”

  “How did you get away?” Ellie asks.

  “He fell asleep, and I just left. I walked here because I couldn’t risk starting the car and waking him. If he finds me, he’ll kill me. I know it.”

  “Why is your voice so raspy?” I ask, already knowing the answer to that question.

  “He choked me out.”

  “Jesus,” Monica whispers. “He needs to be in jail. Aspen—”

  “Absolutely,” I agree.

  “No,” Gretchen says, shaking her head. “It’ll only make things worse.”

  “No, it won’t,” Natasha insists. “Gretchen, you have to press charges and put this asshole in jail. He’ll keep doing this to you—or to someone else.”

  “He tried to kill you,” I say. “It’s not just domestic abuse, it’s attempted murder.”

  A tear falls down Gretchen’s cheek.

  “I just wanted to find someone to love me.”

  “And you will, sweet girl.” I wrap my arm around her shoulders and gently hug her. “You will. This isn’t love. This is evil. We’re going to do something about it.”

  “I’m calling Liam,” Ellie says. “He’ll know what to do.”

  “We have three security guards sitting outside,” Monica reminds us all.

  “Don’t you worry,” I assure Gretchen. “There’s no way that bastard’s getting near you now. You’ll stay here for a while, and we’ll put a man on the house, keeping you safe.”

  “You’d do that?”

  “Of course, we’d do that,” Ellie says. “I’m calling Liam.”

  “Gretchen’s in bed,” I say to Callum several hours later. We called an ambulance for her and met the police at the hospital where Gretchen was questioned, evaluated, and taken care of before she was released to us. I sit next to him with a sigh. “I’m exhausted.”

  “Did the police arrest that fucker?”

  His voice is hard, but his lips gentle when he kisses my head.

  “Yeah. They said he’ll likely be out on bail tomorrow, so keeping security here for a couple of days until she can leave the state is important. I think he’ll try to come after her.”

  “Agreed,” Callum says. “We’ll keep someone with her for as long as she needs.”

  “Thank you. I’m going to send her to her sister’s place in Portland next week. She’ll be safe there and can start to heal. I feel awful for her, Callum. I feel so guilty.”

  “Why on earth do you feel guilty?”

  “Because I saw from the beginning what a creep he was. I knew he was bad news, and I didn’t do anything beyond telling her he was a douche. I should have done something more.”

  “There was nothing more to do. She’s a grown woman who made a choice to continue seeing him. And then she got trapped in a horrible situation. I’m just relieved that she has you and trusts you enough to come here and ask for help.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you to bed. We’ve done all we can do for tonight.”

  “If we stay here, David has to stay, too.”

  “I love that you think of the staff and their needs, but this is what he’s paid to do, darling. David’s fine. I’ll let him know we’re staying.”

  I kiss his cheek. “I’m grateful that I found you and that you’re so wonderful.”

  He pulls me close and rocks me back and forth. “I feel the same way, my love.”

  Chapter 16


  Getting up early isn’t new to me. I’ve always been a morning person, so rising before the sun to help Aspen at her café isn’t an inconvenience. I just hate that she had to get up so early after being up late worrying after Gretchen.

  We dropped Aspen off at Drips & Sips, and then David brought me back to the boathouse so we could shower and change before joining Aspen once more to work through the day.

  If you asked me a few months ago if I ever thought I’d be serving coffee in a small town in Montana, I would have laughed.

  And now, it seems there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.

  Catching Paula with her hands in the safe yesterday filled me with rage. But Aspen handled it the way she handles everything, with professionalism and class.

  God, I fucking love her.

  I’m walking up the path toward headquarters to meet with David, but when he comes rushing out of the building, I can see by the look on his face that something is wrong.

  Bloody hell, what now?

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t accompany you today. Alice is bleeding, and I need to take her to the hospital. Nick will go with you.”

  “Of course,” I reply. “Go now, and keep me informed. She’s going to be okay, David.”

  “I hope so, sir. She lost a baby earlier this summer, and I don’t want to go through that again.”

  “Go get her looked over,” I say, clapping the other man on the shoulder. “And take a deep breath. She’s healthy and young. She’s going to be fine.”

  “Sir.” He nods. “Thank you.”

  Just as he hurries away, Nick walks out to join me. Nick is Nina’s detail, but they must have made other arrangements for today.

  “I hope you enjoy clearing and wiping down tables,” I say.

  “It’s one of my favorite ways to spend the day, Your Highness.”

  I laugh as we climb the hill to the car. “I like you, Nick.”

  It’s been another busy day at Drips & Sips. Watching Aspen work has fast become one of my favorite pastimes. The way she moves quickly around the café, smiling and checking in with her customers, so full of energy and joy, makes me smile.

  She clearly loves what she does.

  I’m going to do everything in my power to ensure that we’re here in Cunningham Falls more often than not so she can continue working here. I can work from anywhere with video calls and WiFi. We will have to make appearances, but those will be scheduled in advance.

  I’m convinced that we can make our schedules work, basing out of both Montana and London. It’ll just require some work and compromise, but doesn’t every marriage?

  “It looks like the last customers just left, Aspen,” Nick says as he places a tray of dirty dishes on the counter.

  “Excellent, go ahead and flip the lock,” Aspen replies.

  Nick does as she asks, and Aspen sighs in relief.

  “Are you okay?” I ask her.

  “I’m exhausted,” she says, rubbing her eyes. “It’s been a hell of a week. But I interviewed two candidates for the manager position today, and I think I found the right person for the job.”

  “You didn’t offer it to Gretchen?”

  Aspen bites her lip and shrugs a shoulder. “I mentioned it to her, but I suspect that she’ll stay when she goes back to Portland. And, frankly, I can’t blame her. It’ll be a fresh start for her.”

  I walk behind the counter and pull Aspen to me, enjoying the way she fits against me. This woman was made for me.

  “I’m so sorry that you came home to such a mess.”

  “It could always be worse,” she says but rests her forehead against my chest. “But thank you. This helps. You help more than you realize. I’m grateful that I have you to lean on. I’m a strong person, but—”

  “But sometimes even strong people need someone to lean on,” I finish for her and tuck a stray piece of red hair behind her ear. “Indeed. With Gretchen taken care of, and things calming down, perhaps we need a quiet evening tonight at the boathouse. Just the two of us. We’ll sit out and watch the lake, and just be.”

  “That might be the best offer you’ve ever made me. Aside from the whole marriage thing.”

  “Your sassiness is coming back, darling.”

  “I must be feeling better. Speaking of, have you heard from David?”

  “Yes. Alice is doing well. She hasn’t lost the baby, thank goodness.”
br />   “That is good news.”

  I nod in agreement, just as there’s a knock on the door.

  “There’s a man at the door,” Nick says. “Do you want me to ask him what he wants?”

  “Sure,” Aspen says, still cuddled up to me.

  We both turn in surprise as someone barges in, yelling.

  “Where the fuck is she? TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!” Miles is a maniac, waving a gun around, his eyes bulging in rage.

  “Miles?” Aspen scowls at the man, just as Nick advances on him. Before he can reach him, Miles turns and fires the pistol, hitting Nick in the shoulder, then he swings back to us.

  I shield Aspen with my body.

  “Miles, calm down,” I say with a low voice, but I can see right away that there is no reasoning with this man.

  And Nick is bleeding on the floor.

  “Fuck you,” he sputters. “I told that cunt if she tried to leave me, I’d fucking kill her and everyone she loves, and this bitch is the first on my list. You’re the whore who kept telling her to leave me. That I’m a piece of shit.”

  Aspen’s hands fist in my shirt, but her voice is steady.

  “You’re sick,” she says. “Miles, you need help.”

  “I don’t need shit!” He fires another shot, but thankfully he’s aiming for the ceiling. I can hear sirens, grateful that someone called the police. “Now, tell me where that bitch is. She has it coming, in spades, for what she did to me.”

  “You beat her!” Aspen yells.

  “She’s fucking mine!” he yells back. “I can do as I please with her. Now, tell me where she is or I’ll kill you both.”


  He shoots again. This time, he hits me, sending me back into Aspen. We crash to the floor just as the door bursts open, and there’s yelling and more gunfire.

  Blood everywhere.

  On me.

  From Aspen’s head.

  “Oh Jesus, no.” I take her face in my hands. “Baby, wake up. Aspen. Talk to me, Aspen.”

  “Sir, we’ll take it from here.”

  “He shot. I don’t know what he hit, there’s so much blood.”


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