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The Celtic Symbol

Page 8

by V M Jones

  They realized that the prince, Caoimhe, and the others had not escaped the castle. They mourned the loss of their noble leader and his beloved Caoimhe. The plan to protect the world had worked but at the expense of consigning Prince Nuallan, Caoimhe, and his men to the netherworld along with King Dubhshlaine and his evil followers.

  All other records of the existence of the castle were destroyed. Only this record of the old friar remained.

  Dr. Ryan contemplated what he had just read. Now he understood why there was no known record of the buried castle.

  The metal plate that had been removed from the castle tower loophole was now identified. Its purpose was not to keep evil out but rather to keep evil in. Its removal provided an opening for the evil within to have contact with the living world.

  Dr. Ryan carefully made digital pictures of various pages of the old book. The last page of the book had included the incantation of the curse used to seal the castle and consign the inhabitants to the netherworld.

  Dr. Ryan carefully closed the book and handed it to the curator. “Thank you Jace. You’ve been very helpful.”

  “Let me know if you need anything else.”

  Armed with the information from the book, Dr. Ryan was anxious to get back to the excavation site to share the information he had learned about the castle and its occupants.

  8 The abduction

  The day after Dr. Ryan left for Dublin, Dr. McNamara and his team were finishing up for the day. The excavation team from the museum had dug down about two and a half meters in front of the tower over the past week.

  The IPP had been investigating the entire homestead for any signs of paranormal activity. Things had been quiet for the past few days.

  “I’m getting some increased readings from the K II meter and the laser thermometer in front of the tower,” said Brody with a little excitement in his voice.

  “How much of a change?” asked Dr. McNamara, his eye-brows narrowing.

  “Just a slight difference but enough that’s its noticeable,” responded Brody watching the indicator.

  “Let’s keep an eye on it,” said Dr. McNamara as he glanced at the tower. The increased activity was somewhat worrisome to him.

  The sun was starting to set as both groups headed over to the backyard for dinner.

  Ansley and Patrick were busy preparing the evening meal with the children’s help.

  “Make sure everyone has a plate,” said Ansley watching Siobhan set the tables.

  “Ok Ma,” replied Siobhan as she counted out the places.

  They fed their guests on makeshift tables behind the house.

  “Thanks again for the lovely meal,” said Dr. McNamara as he finished his plate.

  “It’s our pleasure,” replied Patrick with a smile. “You’ve helped us so much.”

  “I hope Dr. Ryan is finding the answers he needs to bring Tevan home,” said Ansley as she cleared the tables with Siobhan.

  “I’m sure he is,” answered Dr. McNamara with complete confidence in his friend. “He’ll let us know what he finds as soon as he can.”

  It was near ten o’clock in the evening. Everyone began to settle down for the night.

  Dr. McNamara was still feeling uneasy about the possibility of paranormal activity indicated by the equipment earlier that evening. He decided to wait a few more minutes then go back outside to check it.

  Patrick and Ansley had just dozed off to sleep. All seemed quiet in the house.

  A flash of blue light outside the bedroom window woke Ansley. She looked over at Patrick and found him sleeping soundly. She tried to go back to sleep but now felt anxious.

  As she lay in bed she heard a small noise coming from the direction of the playroom. She got up to see which one of the kids was stirring.

  She moved quietly down the hallway and looked into the playroom. All was quiet.

  She checked Siobhan’s room and found her sleeping soundly with her arm wrapped around her pillow.

  Next, she checked on Declan and found him asleep with his covers kicked off as usual.

  Satisfied that everyone was alright, she made her way to the hallway. She turned to take one more glance into the playroom at the children’s bedroom doors.

  As she stepped back, she bumped into someone.

  “Patrick, I didn’t mean to wake you up,” she said as she turned to face him.

  She stood face to face with a man dressed in leather armor holding a sword and shield. Behind him stood another soldier.

  She let out a scream.

  The soldier hit her on the left side of her face, knocking her out. He picked her up and laid her over his shoulder.

  Patrick heard the scream and came running out of the bedroom. He was surprised to see the two soldiers in the house.

  “Let her go!” he demanded standing in front of them.

  A soldier stepped forward with his sword raised. Patrick stepped back against the wall. The soldier lowered his sword and began walking down the hallway. He headed down the stairs with the other soldier who was carrying Ansley right behind him.

  Patrick frantically looked around for anything he could use against the soldiers. He remembered the hunting shotgun that he kept on top of the armoire in his room.

  He ran back to his bedroom and grabbed the gun along with the box of ammunition next to it.

  He raced down the hallway as he loaded the gun with shells.

  The soldiers were just leaving the house through the back door as Patrick caught up to them.

  As he looked out into the back of the house where the tower stood, he could see a blue light forming near its base.

  “You can’t take her!” he yelled at the soldiers as he ran out the back door.

  They were now a few meters from the house. The first soldier turned to face Patrick with his sword raised.

  Out of nowhere, Euan lunged and tackled the soldier. He had heard the commotion and ran out of his tent.

  Patrick tried to take aim at the soldier but couldn’t get a clear shot as Euan and the soldier struggled on the ground.

  The soldier hit Euan on the side of his head with the back of the sword. He let go of the soldier. The soldier stood up and started towards the blue light.

  Euan got to his feet and lunged at the soldier. His back was towards Patrick.

  Patrick watched in horror as a sword blade burst forth from Euan’s back. He watched as Euan’s body went limp and fell backwards as it slid off the sword.

  Patrick yelled out at the soldier who turned towards him and raised his sword.

  Patrick raised his gun and fired. He hit him in the chest. The soldier dropped to his knees and fell to the ground.

  Instantly, a red light and black mist started forming around him. Within a few seconds he disappeared in a flash of red light.

  The other soldier carrying Ansley was quickly retreating to the blue light that had expanded at the base of the tower.

  “No! Please No!” cried out Patrick as he rushed after them.

  He was panicking to see his beloved wife nearing the blue light. He remembered the blue light that had taken Tevan. If she entered it, he would lose her.

  He raised his gun and aimed for the soldier’s feet so as to not hit Ansley. He fired but nothing happened. His gun had jammed. He tried unloading it and reloading it with fresh shells but was out of time.

  The soldier was about a meter away from the blue light.

  Patrick dropped to his knees and began to sob.

  Suddenly, a tripod hit the feet of the soldier knocking him to the ground. It was Dr. McNamara. He had come back outside to check the equipment when he noticed the blue light forming at the base of the tower. The tripod made a good weapon.

  “You’re not taking anyone!” he yelled at the soldier that was lying on the ground. He had dropped Ansley in the fall.

  Dr. McNamara quickly grabbed Ansley and dragged her over to where Patrick was kneeling.

  Patrick laid her head on his lap.

Ansley, wake up!” he said panicking as he held her up to his chest.

  She was unresponsive for several seconds. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked up at him.

  “Where am I?” she asked a bit confused.

  “Everything’s fine,” he replied as tears began forming in his eyes.

  Dr. McNamara turned and looked over at the soldier lying on the ground. He was starting to get up when a red light started forming around him.

  “No! No!” he began screaming as he swatted at the light.

  The red light started to go black as a mist enveloped him. He disappeared in a flash of red and black.

  The blue light at the base of the tower disappeared as well.

  By this time several people had awoken from the commotion and were running over to the tower.

  Brody and Aine came running and arrived about the same time.

  “What’s going on?” asked Brody trying to catch his breath.

  “An attack by some soldiers from another world,” replied Dr. McNamara shaking from adrenalin. “They almost got Ansley into a blue light at the base of the tower.”

  “It sounds like the same blue light that took Tevan,” contemplated Brody out loud.

  “You mean like ghost soldiers?” asked Aine with wide eyes. “What happened to them?”

  “These weren’t ghosts. They had a solid form. I’m not exactly sure what happened to them other than they seemed to disappear in a flash of red and black,” said Dr. McNamara pointing to where the last soldier disappeared.

  “Just like the one we recorded the other night,” said Brody excitedly.

  “Aye, just like that one. It seems whoever they are, they don’t stay long in our world before passing on to the afterlife,” said Dr. McNamara coming to a realization.

  “You said they were dressed like soldiers?” asked Brody still concerned.

  “Aye, like soldiers from an ancient time,” said Dr. McNamara.

  “Why would these apparitions be dressed like ancient soldiers?” asked Aine.

  “I would guess that they were the inhabitants of this tower at one time,” said Dr. McNamara rubbing his chin.

  “Why would they take Tevan and try to take Ansley?” asked Brody.

  “That part I haven’t been able to figure out yet. Hopefully Dr. Ryan will be able to answer those questions when he gets back,” replied Dr. McNamara anxious to regain control over their situation.

  All three went over to check on Ansley and Patrick. Ansley was now standing up. She had a big bruise on the left side of her face.

  “I almost lost you,” said Patrick gently touching her face.

  “Thanks to you, I’m still here,” she replied as she gave him a big hug.

  “Don’t thank me, thank Dr. McNamara. If he hadn’t knocked down the soldier, you would be gone by now,” he responded.

  “I wasn’t the only one, if Patrick hadn’t shot the first soldier, I don’t know if I could have stopped them,” said Dr. McNamara giving Patrick a nod.

  “If it wasn’t for Euan, I don’t know what would have happened,” said Patrick as he looked back at the still body near the back door.

  “Thanks to all of you,” said Ansley as she gave Dr. McNamara a big hug. She then turned and gave Patrick a hug and a kiss.

  “Where’s my other rescuer?” asked Ansley as she looked around her.

  A group had assembled around Euan. Brian had rushed over and lifted his head. Euan had blood running out of his mouth and couldn’t speak. He looked into the faces of the assembled crowd and went limp. He was dead. Brian couldn’t believe what had happened. It was the young man’s first excavation and he was gone.

  Patrick helped Ansley over to where Euan lay.

  “He’s so young. Why did he have to die?” she said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “He tried to stop them. I tried to get off a clear shot but couldn’t,” said Patrick shaking his head. He kept wondering if only he could have done something more, the young man might still be alive.

  Everyone was in shock. They couldn’t believe they had lost one of their own. Excavations were not supposed to be this dangerous.

  “Dr. McNamara, who were those soldiers? Did they take Tevan?” asked Patrick.

  “I don’t know who they were but I’m sure they had something to do with Tevan’s disappearance.

  Dr. McNamara turned to Brody, Ansley, Brian, and the rest of the group that had assembled, “From now on we are going to have to be more careful. Someone or something wants us and is going to continue to try and take one or several of us.”

  “We’re going to have to have someone stand guard at all times. We’ll take turns on the night shift,” he said sternly making eye contact with all of them.

  Everyone nodded in agreement.

  Brian and his team carefully lifted the body of Euan and moved him to the supply truck.

  Patrick helped Ansley into the back of the house.

  Dr. McNamara turned to Brody and Aine.

  “This is going to make our research and the excavation of the tower more difficult. We are going to have to proceed with extreme caution,” he told them.

  “I can rig an alarm system onto the K II meter positioned on the tower,” said Brody trying to be helpful.

  “Great, that will be a good start. At least it will give us a warning before we have another experience like tonight,” said Dr. McNamara with an approving nod.

  “Shouldn’t we check on Ansley?” asked Aine.

  “Aye, let’s go,” he agreed.

  Ansley was in the kitchen with Patrick who was holding a bag of ice on her face. Declan and Siobhan were in the doorway with fear in their eyes.

  “How are you doing Ansley?” asked Dr. McNamara showing his concern.

  “I’m a bit sore but doing ok,” she said as she took the ice from Patrick and held it herself.

  “It’s a nasty looking bruise, but at least she’s here,” added Patrick. “I’m not leaving your side,” he told her as he put his arm around her waist.

  “I’ll be fine,” Ansley said trying to make Patrick and the children feel more at ease.

  “That young man is dead because of us,” said Ansley as she began to cry again.

  “It’s not your fault. There’s something evil in the tower of a paranormal nature. We have to stop it from getting out. But first we have to go in and get Tevan. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure nothing else like this happens again,” said Dr. McNamara seeing the fear in the children’s eyes.

  “Siobhan, Declan, off to bed now, everything is going to be fine,” said Patrick sternly.

  “But we’re scared,” said Declan holding onto his sister’s arm.

  “Then climb into our bed,” said Ansley. “We’ll be there shortly.”

  The two kids slowly left and climbed the stairs to their parents’ bedroom.

  “Can you really be sure this doesn’t happen again?” asked Patrick.

  “We’ll keep a watch on the tower from now on. Nothing will get by us,” said Dr. McNamara trying to calm them.

  Ansley turned to Dr. McNamara with fear in her eyes and asked, “Is Tevan already dead? If the soldiers killed the young man maybe they already killed Tevan.”

  “No. I believe Tevan is still alive. Whoever or whatever took him needs him for a reason. I don’t think they would kill him,” replied Dr. McNamara giving them hope.

  Ansley nodded and turned to Patrick. He pulled her in close and hugged her.

  “Patrick, can you give me Garda Bracken’s card. I’m going to have to call him and let him know what happened tonight,” said Dr. McNamara holding out his hand.

  Patrick pulled out his wallet and found the card. He handed it to him.

  Patrick and Ansley left the room and slowly climbed the stairs to go to bed.

  Dr. McNamara reflected back on the events of the night. He was angry with himself. He had failed to protect everyone from the paranormal. Euan had fallen victim to its grasp on his watch. He had to be more careful. He re
fused to lose anyone else to this adversary.

  He pulled out his cell phone and dialed the number on the card.

  “Hello. This is Thomas Bracken.”

  “Hello. This is Dr. McNamara. We met the other day at the Murphy’s home.”

  “Aye, I remember you. Any progress on finding the lad?”

  “Not yet but I’m afraid we’ve had a terrible accident. How soon can you be here?”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Garda Bracken arrived about 30 minutes later. Dr. McNamara was out front waiting for him.

  “What’s wrong?” asked Garda Bracken when he saw the look of despair and sorrow on the parapsychologist’s face.

  “Come with me,” he responded.

  The two men walked over to the back of the supply truck. Dr. McNamara lifted up the blanket covering Euan’s body.

  “What happened?” asked Garda Bracken with horror on his face as he uncovered the blanket. He could see the large wound in the abdomen.

  “Remember the apparition we showed you on the camera?”


  “Two more came through tonight and tried to abduct Ansley. This poor lad tried to stop them.”

  “I have to report this. This is a murder.”

  “And tell your superiors what? That two soldiers from and ancient time came through a blue light and killed this young man?”

  The policeman let out a big sigh.

  “I know someone who works at the morgue. I’ll take the body there. I won’t be able to keep this quiet for very long. Probably a week at the most. You better find a way in and get the lad.”

  “Thank you. The Murphys are in your debt. We’ll find the lad then we can get all of this sorted out.”

  Garda Bracken pulled his car up next to the supply truck. With Dr. McNamara’s help, he placed Euan’s body in the back seat of the car.

  Garda Bracken started the car and headed off into the dark night.

  Dr. McNamara volunteered to take the first watch for the night. He sat in a chair behind the house keeping an eye on the tower and the equipment monitoring it.

  Brody came to relieve him of watch around 4:00 a.m.


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