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The Celtic Symbol

Page 13

by V M Jones

  “I agree,” said Dr. McNamara nodding his head. “We have to keep everything intact. I don’t know how we are going to keep this place a secret for very long.”

  Everyone agreed.

  “We better get moving if we’re going to get everything ready for more mapping,” said Dr. Ryan as he stood up.

  “Brody, Aine, and I will continue researching and producing the pulse devices and the boxes needed to shield the equipment. Brody will get you the list of materials for the portal generator,” said Dr. McNamara as he turned to Brody.

  “Sounds good,” replied Dr. Ryan content they had a plan. “Father Fahey, Father O’Brian, and I will go over the plan with the Murphys.”

  The team split up to complete their assignments.

  Brody got to work trying to figure out how to build a device to simulate the green pulse from the shields.

  Aine tried to explain the green pulse to Brody, “The green pulse is like a sound wave that ripples through the air just like water ripples when a stone is thrown into a pool of water. The sound wave is accompanied by a low bass sound.”

  “Your explanation does sound like some kind of electro-magnetic pulse,” replied Brody as he visualized the pulse. “The first thing to do is to start researching EMP devices.”

  He returned to browsing the internet for information on devices he had already started earlier. He found one that would be small enough to carry but would need modification to meet their needs. The device was in London. Brody printed off the information to give to Dr. McNamara to have four devices shipped the next day.

  Aine began researching how to protect equipment from electro-magnetic pulses. She found several articles on Faraday boxes. The metal boxes were lined on the inside with Styrofoam or cardboard keeping the equipment from touching the outer metal casing. The equipment was placed inside the material. The EMP shock would be absorbed by the outer metal box and the non-grounded equipment would be safe. She made a list of casings and materials in various sizes that would fit the equipment they needed down in the castle rooms.

  Dr. McNamara checked with his two team members to be sure they had completed their research and compiled a list of everything they requested. He placed the orders for both the EMP devices and the EMP protective materials and made sure they would arrive by tomorrow.

  Dr. Ryan, Father Fahey, and Father O’Brian met with the Murphy family.

  “We’ve come up with a plan to get Tevan. First we have to finish mapping the castle. Brody is working on some pulse devices to help give us protection. Aine is working on a casing to protect our equipment. Dr. McNamara, Brody, and Aine are also working on a portal generator to get us into the netherworld. Once all of this is completed we will be ready to go get Tevan,” Dr. Ryan explained to the family.

  “How soon can you go?” asked Ansley hoping things would happen quickly.

  “There will be a lunar eclipse in less than a week. We have to rescue Tevan before then,” answered Dr. Ryan.

  That afternoon the group met together to report on their assignments.

  “Everything has been ordered and hopefully will arrive soon. We will assemble and test the devices and protective boxes tomorrow afternoon,” reported Dr. McNamara proud of their progress.

  “We spoke with the Murphy family and briefly outlined our plan with them,” reported Dr. Ryan. “The materials from your list for the portal generator should be here shortly. They had trouble finding a few of the items so I had an acquaintance from Dublin drive over with the items. The rest of the equipment is tested and ready for our next expedition.”

  As the group was discussing what needed to be done for the next day, Ansley walked up to the group.

  “Dinner is ready. Would you all please join us out back to eat,” she said gesturing to the back of the house.

  Preparing meals for the large group and cleaning the house helped to divert her attention away from Tevan and her feeling of helplessness. The group appreciated the home cooked meals and hospitality of the Murphy family. Now that the clergy were here, the family felt a little more at ease.

  After dinner, Dr. Ryan and Dr. McNamara offered to do the dishes but were politely refused by Patrick and Ansley.

  “You’re already doing more than enough for our family,” they told the group.

  “We have a lot to do team. Let’s get a good night sleep so we can start early,” suggested Dr. Ryan.

  Everyone agreed and went to bed.

  The next morning, Brody, Aine, and Dr. McNamara began putting together pieces of the portal generator. From the diagrams that Brody designed from information he had researched, they were able to build the generator portion of the portal. They also began building the pieces of the portal itself to be reassembled down in the tower.

  Around mid-day, the equipment for the pulse devices and the materials for shielding the equipment arrived. Immediately Brody and Aine began working on their respective pieces of equipment.

  Brody reviewed the EMP devices and took one out into the woods. It didn’t create the same pulse that Aine had described. Discouraged he took the device back to the Murphy home and took the device apart. With some modifications and some added circuitry, he felt he could duplicate the green pulse. He recalled how the shields and swords included a green crystal so he placed one into the circuitry to see if it would help boost the pulse. The devices were about the same size as a hand radio. Brody had attached a belt clip on each one for quick access. The trigger was a button on top of the device.

  He took Aine with him and tested the modified device about a kilometer away from the house in the woods. Aine watched as Brody detonated the device. A powerful green pulse wave rippled through the woods like a shockwave from an explosion. It scattered all the animals for about 50 meters. It also knocked Aine off her feet and threw her back a few meters into some bushes.

  “Wow!” exclaimed Brody at the result of the shockwave. “Are you alright?” he asked Aine laughing at the result.

  “I’m fine,” replied Aine as she got back up on her feet and brushed herself off. She was obviously irritated.

  “That was a lot more powerful than the pulse from the shields. That might be too powerful for the small rooms down in the castle,” she said impressed with the device.

  “I can adjust the power down some which should give you the protection you need,” said Brody as he contemplated improvements to the design.

  Aine thought for a moment. “Can you make the strength of the pulse adjustable?” asked Aine.

  “Sure, but will you need that strong of a pulse down in the castle?” asked Brody.

  “Who knows, it might come in handy,” answered Aine reflecting back on her encounter with the creature.

  They took the device back to the Murphy house where Brody modified all of them.

  Aine took the materials to build the protective boxes for the equipment. Based on diagrams she found online, she was able to build the boxes to the dimensions of the equipment they would be taking. The boxes were lined with both Styrofoam and cardboard. She took a smaller box and placed a hand held radio inside.

  She took Brody with her who brought one of the pulse devices. Brody adjusted the power to a moderate setting and detonated the EMP device. The green shock wave rippled through the forest. Aine was happier with the result.

  After the detonation, Aine tested the radio equipment and was pleased to find that the radio worked fine. They returned to the Murphy house where Aine completed the other protective boxes.

  Dr. McNamara continued wiring the circuit board of the console for the portal generator. He carefully tested each circuit to be sure they worked. He wanted to be sure nothing could go wrong so no one would get left behind in the netherworld. Once the console was complete, they would be able to attach the wiring connecting the console to the portal section. Once the portal section was reassembled down in the tower, the portal would be ready.

  They were that much closer to getting Tevan.

  Dr. Ryan retested the
DRD to be sure it would work properly. He didn’t want to have any problems with the device that would require them to have to re-record any rooms and waste precious time. The device tested properly. Dr. Ryan packed up the equipment and gave it to Aine to place it in the metal box to protect it from any EMP pulses they might encounter on their trip to the castle in the morning.

  The group met in the evening to report on their progress.

  “The portal generator is almost complete. It has three separate components we are assembling. The power generator is in place and working fine. The portal section is in pieces and will need to be re-assembled down in the tower. The control console is partially complete and I have tested the circuits on the board,” reported Dr. McNamara.

  “I finished the modifications on the pulse devices and tested it with Aine. The devices are ready and should give you the protection you need,” said Brody, proud of his work.

  “I completed the protective boxes for our equipment. Brody and I tested a radio in one of the boxes. The radio survived an EMP pulse. The boxes will protect the equipment,” said Aine as she held up the box used for the radio.

  “Good work team,” commented Dr. Ryan excited things were nearing completion. “I checked the recording equipment and radios and all are in good working order.

  “It looks like we’re ready to go,” said Father Fahey smiling at the group.

  That evening, Father O’Brian led the group in a devotional. It was decided that the team of four, Dr. Ryan, Dr. McNamara, Aine, and Father Fahey would enter the castle first thing in the morning for the second exploratory trip and mapping of the structure.

  “Well team, thanks for your hard work. Let’s get some sleep,” suggested Dr. Ryan.

  Everyone nodded in agreement and went off to bed. Dr. Ryan, Dr. McNamara, and Aine had a little trouble falling asleep as the events of their previous trip kept going through their minds. They were anxious to finish the mapping and move to the next step of Tevan’s’ rescue, but they were not eager to face the creature from their previous encounter.

  Father Fahey slept well not understanding what lay ahead for him in the castle below.

  Dr. Ryan had just dozed off. He opened his eyes and was surprised to find himself deep in the castle.

  He could hear a woman laughing. “You dare to enter my domain. Now you will pay,” she said.

  The room began to glow red and orange. He could see the outline of the creature rising from the ground. He felt as if his soul was being drained from his body. Gloom and despair filled his being.

  Suddenly he could hear the voice of his beloved Tara, “Remember, I will always be with you.”

  The darkness of the creature seemed to fill the room yet Dr. Ryan stood defiant as he stood against its advance.

  He noticed a white light that began to encircle him. The light and the darkness seemed to be battling for control and suddenly the room seemed to explode.

  Dr. Ryan awoke suddenly covered in sweat. His hand was clasped around Tara’s diamond ring he wore around his neck. As his head began to clear he realized it had only been a dream. He lay in his bed pondering its meaning.

  After several minutes he drifted back off to sleep.

  11 new discoveries

  Daylight gradually filled the room as Dr. Ryan opened his eyes. He sat up in his sleeping bag and looked out the window. He was excited to explore more of the castle but felt anxiety as well. He could hear the others starting to stir in the house.

  Not long after, the aroma of breakfast began to drift from the kitchen. He got dressed and went downstairs. He was joined by the rest of the group as they went outside to eat.

  “Ansley, I know I’m gaining weight with all this good food. You’re a great cook,” said Dr. McNamara as he looked over the appetizing meal.

  “Thank you,” responded Ansley with a smile.

  The group finished breakfast and met next to the tower. Four backpacks were leaned up against it. They put on the packs and checked their equipment and headlamps.

  “Everyone ready?” asked Dr. Ryan anxiously.

  “Ready,” they all responded as they waited to ascend the ladder.

  “Brody, I hope we don’t have to use the pulse devices you designed but I’m glad we have them,” said Dr. Ryan as he checked the one on his belt.

  “Better prepared than not,” Brody responded. “I’ll be monitoring your communications. Aine put the radio equipment into the protective boxes. They should work if you have to use the pulse devices. If you need anything let me know.”

  “You’ll be the first to know,” promised Dr. McNamara putting his hand on Brody’s shoulder.

  Dr. Ryan climbed up the ladder to the top of the tower. The others soon followed.

  Father Fahey was the last of the four up the ladder. He was excited to be chosen to be part of the group to explore the old castle. He loved Cahir and its history.

  Dr. McNamara grabbed the iron loop on the trap door on the top of the tower. He swung it open and laid it over to the other side. The four stood around the opening and looked down into the darkness and then up at the sun. Dr. Ryan, Dr. McNamara, and Aine each took a deep breath. They had already experienced something evil down in the recesses of the castle and they were not looking forward to encountering it again.

  Father Fahey looked through the opening and down the tower steps. It was dark and ominous. He felt a little fear swell up inside, yet he was determined to do what was needed.

  They all took off their packs and laid them next to the opening. The packs were larger now that they had the protective packaging surrounding the equipment.

  Dr. Ryan stepped down onto the stairway and stopped as his head cleared the opening. Dr. McNamara handed him his pack. Dr. Ryan followed the stairs down to the first room.

  Aine stepped down onto the stairway next as Brody helped her. He lowered the large pack holding the DRD. She hugged it as she went down to the first room.

  Father Fahey looked down at the opening and was concerned that he might get stuck.

  Dr. McNamara sensing his concern laughed and said, “Father, you might be a little overweight but you’re not that big. But if you do get stuck at least you’ll keep the witch from getting out.”

  Father Fahey smiled and shook his head. He climbed down onto the first step and slipped through the opening. Dr. McNamara handed him his pack. He followed the stairs down to the first room where Dr. Ryan and Aine were waiting. He was filled with excitement as he took his first look into the past. The sunlight was shining in from the small loophole Dr. Ryan had cleared. He stood in awe as he surveyed the room.

  Dr. McNamara entered the tower last. As his head cleared the opening, Brody handed him his pack. He grabbed the pack and headed down the stairs.

  They all checked their packs and equipment and helped each other put them on.

  “Masks on,” ordered Dr. Ryan as he handed each one a surgical mask.

  He checked Aine’s pack and turned on the DRD which was now encased in a protective box. He opened the casing and checked the cables to be sure they were attached securely.

  As the group reunited on the first floor of the tower, they all looked at each other.

  “Welcome back,” said Dr. McNamara with a grin.

  They only spent a few moments in the first room before making their way back to the spiral staircase. The group did not stop in any of the other tower rooms as they had already been recorded. Dr. Ryan led the group down the tower steps to the bottom of the tower and into the storage room.

  “Today we turn right towards the back rooms of the castle,” said Dr. Ryan. “Keep a good eye out.”

  They made their way to the old wooden door.

  “Be sure you don’t trip on anything Father,” said Dr. McNamara sheepishly, “I learned the hard way.”

  “Aye, please be careful,” added Aine. “We don’t want to let anyone know we’re here.”

  Dr. Ryan pulled on the iron ring on the door. It gave a loud pop as it swung partially op
en. Dr. McNamara helped pull it open far enough for the group to pass through.

  The door opened up into a larger room. From the ceiling hung two candle chandeliers. The grey stone walls had metal torch holders about two meters apart. Between the torch holders were tattered pieces of cloth which were once tapestries but now were so decayed it was hard to distinguish what had been on them.

  On the right wall hung a large dusty, torn tapestry with enough of the design visible that one could see it was a dragon crest. There were two large doors on the south wall. At the far end of the room was another wooden door.

  There was an eerie green glow coming from the floor of the room just as there had been in the stable from their previous journey.

  As they shone their headlamps about the room they could see that it had been the scene of a battle. The tables and chairs had been overturned. Old metal cups and plates were scattered all over the floor. Swords, shields, and spears were also scattered about the room along with skeletal remains. The group stepped carefully into the room and maneuvered around the clutter.

  “There was quite a struggle here,” said Aine as she surveyed the room.

  “Many people died here,” contemplated Father Fahey with a sense of sadness.

  “What is this room?” asked Dr. McNamara as he shone his headlamp around the room.

  “This appears to be a hall where the troops ate and gathered,” said Dr. Ryan contemplating the castle layout.

  Suddenly there was a loud metal clang. Aine, Dr. Ryan, and Dr. McNamara jumped with fright. Instinctively they put their fingers near the pulse device button but stopped when they realized what had happened.

  “Sorry,” said Father Fahey with a sheepish grin. He had accidently kicked a metal cup across the floor.

  “Please watch your step,” begged Aine looking around for any signs of paranormal activity.

  “I know, you told me. I’ll try to be more careful,” he replied apologetically.

  Aine stood in the center of the room and pressed the switch to start the recording device. She began turning in a complete circle to capture the entire room.


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