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Rise of the Alphas

Page 45

by Alexis Davie

  Farrah wondered whether Pike was also having hallucinations, but it could also just be that he remembered something. She’d seen many movies of supernatural creatures who had visions in the same trance-like state Pike was in now.

  Even she had been in some trances as she remembered things from her childhood.

  She was about to open her mouth to ask Pike what he saw when Pike fumbled with the straps of the restraints and loosened them. He stepped away from the chair and backed himself against the wall behind him.

  Farrah glanced down at the loosened leather restraints and her hands relaxed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I untied you.”

  His voice sounded strange. Remorseful, even. Haunted.

  “I-I can see that, but why?” she stuttered.

  “You’re not an animal. You don’t need to be tied up.”

  Farrah furrowed her brow, feeling very confused all of a sudden, but she slid her hands out of the restraints and sat upright, her hands resting on her lap.

  “Did you see something?” she asked.

  Pike turned around and frowned at her.

  “I saw your eyes change, and it was like you were in another world. Normally when I remember something, recalling a memory or a certain kind of feeling, I space out too,” she spoke slowly and carefully. She definitely didn’t want to upset him in any way. Even though he hadn’t said that he had the ability to turn into a wolf, his eyes revealed more than his mouth ever would. “What did you see?”

  “Something that I can’t change. Something that haunts me till this very day,” he answered. “That’s why I untied you. Because you deserve a better fate.”

  “So, you’re not going to kill me?”

  “I didn’t say that,” he mumbled and sighed deeply.

  Farrah rose from the chair and despite her better judgment, she slowly approached him. His chest rose at a faster pace as she came closer and something inside her beckoned her to keep going. As if his eyes unconsciously lured her in, she blinked but was unable to look away. His striking gaze lightened even more as she approached him and her heart pounded in her chest.

  She reached her hands up and as she was about to press her palms against his chest, he grabbed her wrists.

  “What are you doing?” he growled under his breath.

  “I don’t know. I feel like I can’t control myself.”

  “Well, stop it,” he said and pushed her hands away. “I can’t do this with you.”

  “Is it because I’m not like you?” she whispered, pulses of desire thrusting their way through her.

  Farrah had never felt such a pull toward anyone in her entire life, and even though it felt terrifying and overwhelming, she couldn’t fight it.

  “Farrah, stop,” Pike ordered and pushed her away again. “Before I do something we’ll both regret.”

  “I won’t tell if you won’t,” she whispered and placed her finger in front of her mouth.

  Pike still showed signs of reluctance, even when Farrah kicked off her ankle boots and removed her tan jacket. She dropped it on the floor and approached him again, seductively swaying her hips.

  Farrah took his hands and planted them on her hips, and then she removed her tight shirt, revealing a black lace bra. Pike shrugged his shoulders and exhaled slowly as Farrah’s hands slipped under his T-shirt and stroked his skin. His muscles made her feel delirious for a moment as she pushed herself up against him. She tilted her chin upwards, their gazes locking, and she parted her lips.

  The desire continued to build when Pike moved one hand to the small of her back, and the other one caressed her cheek. His fingers raked through her hair, but his caress soon turned into something more forceful.


  He entangled his fingers in her hair, and he tilted her head back. “You asked for this,” he whispered against her lips before devouring her mouth with his.

  The passion exploded inside Farrah’s body as Pike’s tongue explored her mouth. The heat emanating from his skin set her entire body ablaze as he gripped her waist with one arm, carrying her to the desk. He set her down on the edge of the desk and swept the entire contents of it onto the floor in one smooth and urgent motion.

  Farrah gazed at him dreamily as he took off his shirt, revealing his bulging muscles. She let out a soft gasp as she fumbled with the button of his jeans. He pushed her hands away and undid his jeans himself, dropping them to the floor.

  Pike slid her off the edge of the desk and undid her pants as well, removing them skillfully. As he threw her pants across the room, he turned her around and bent her over the desk. His hands ran down the curve of her ass and back up again, his fingertips skimming her skin. Farrah shivered in delight as he slid her panties down, letting them slide to the floor.

  A light smack on her ass took her by surprise, but before she could do anything in playful protest, Pike entangled his fingers in her hair again, pinning her down on the desk, and slid his hard cock inside her. The sudden thrust made her gasp, but it was quickly replaced by a feeling of passion.

  Pike’s free hand gripped the corner of the desk, offering him the needed support and balance as he continued to thrust inside Farrah. Her moans grew louder with every moment that passed and she felt herself fall over the edge numerous times.

  “Oh my God…”

  In another smooth and effortless move, which proved to Farrah that Pike was supernatural, he lifted her up, turned her over, and entered her again. She wrapped her legs around his waist as his rhythm quickened, building up the intensity inside her.

  Farrah lay back against the cool, wooden desk and shivered at the feelings of desire forcing their way out of her.

  She arched her back and grabbed Pike’s shoulders, sinking her nails into his perfectly smooth, tanned skin.

  “Oh my God!” she exclaimed as an orgasm ripped through her petite body, followed shortly by Pike’s low groans. His body jolted a few final times and he glanced down at her, stretched out on the desk.

  “Are you happy now?” he growled.

  Farrah’s only response was a lazy wink and shallow breathing.

  Pike shook his head as he moved away, and Farrah pushed herself up into a seated position.

  “I’ll be right back,” he muttered as he grabbed his clothes and quickly left the office, leaving Farrah alone. As soon as there was a bit of distance between them, Farrah felt exposed and vulnerable on the desk and slid off. She scrambled around, looking for her clothes, and quickly got dressed, unable to look herself in the eye when she saw her reflection in a large mirror on the wall.

  This was not the kind of behavior she condoned, at all, and she knew that either she had been under Pike’s spell, or his presence had opened up a door to a primal side of herself that she never knew existed.

  Now that he wasn’t there anymore, she felt foolish, but not ashamed. It was exactly what she wanted, but did he feel the same way? She was in control of her own actions and decisions, and she was mature enough to deal with the consequences of those actions and choices.

  Never in her life had she imagined a man—or a wolf-man, or whatever he was—would have such a hold over her. His presence had enticed her, made her do erratic things, yet she wasn’t ashamed of what she had done. She wasn’t ashamed that she had had sex with Pike on his desk because he was something other than human. It wasn’t what he was that was the problem, it was the circumstances around it. She had been captured by his two brutes—two men who worked for him—so technically, he was her captor, and she was his prisoner.

  A bitter taste formed in her mouth as the words “Stockholm Syndrome” echoed in her mind. Was that what it was? Did he somehow manipulate her into thinking that her life depended on his will so that he could do whatever he wanted to her?

  Farrah shook her head, refusing to believe it, although all the facts stared her straight in the face.

  What a badass you are, Farrah, she thought sarcastically to herself, shaking her head in disapproval. />
  Farrah glanced at the door and noticed it was slightly ajar. A frown formed on her pretty face as she wondered what kind of captor would leave a door open with a prisoner inside.

  “The kind who knows you won’t be able to leave,” she whispered to herself. “Son of a bitch.”

  She sat on the red and gold sofa and dropped her head down into her hands. Exhaustion seemed to slowly crawl its way up her body and she closed her eyes for a moment. The sound of footsteps made her sit upright and as she glanced at the door, Pike stood in the doorway. He was fully clothed in a dark T-shirt and a pair of black pants.

  “I thought you were gone,” she said, and silently scolded herself for sounding so pathetic.

  “This is my house,” he said simply.

  “Right,” she muttered to herself. She took a deep breath as she watched Pike cross the room and turned to him. “What did you do to me?”

  “Excuse me?” he asked and looked at her. “Wasn’t it clear?”

  “I’m not talking about the sex. I’m talking about what led up to it. I’m not the kind of person who does things like that.”

  “You mean wolves? You don’t do wolves?”

  Farrah’s eyes widened as his words struck a chord inside her. He hadn’t admitted to being a wolf, but his snide comment confirmed what she had suspected.

  “No, it’s not that either. Can you just let me say what I need to say?” she asked.

  Pike nodded wordlessly, his eyes cold.

  “I’m your prisoner. I was literally throwing myself at you, which isn’t something I do at all.”

  “Did your Mommy teach you to respect yourself?” he retorted.

  “My mother left when I was a baby, so I didn’t have that privilege, but I didn’t need a mother to learn that I should respect myself,” she answered with a razor-sharp tone. “So don’t talk about things you don’t understand. What did your mother teach you?”

  “She gave me my special ability. And my dark hair.”

  Farrah crossed her arms and pursed her lips.

  “She died when I was young, so I sort of understand how you feel,” he conceded.

  Farrah looked at him and her shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “Not a lot of people do. Or care, for that matter,” Pike answered and straightened his shoulders, immediately trying to overcompensate for his minuscule moment of weakness.

  “So, what did you do to me?” she pressed.

  “The same thing you did to me,” he answered simply.

  “What?” she asked and stood from the sofa. “What are you talking about?”

  “I was consumed by you like I have never felt before. I can’t even try to explain it, but everything around me seemed insignificant when I looked at you. It still does.”

  Farrah stood quietly, her heart pounding in her chest. She hadn’t been sure how she would go about explaining how he made her feel as well, but his words rang truer than anything she had ever heard. It was exactly how she felt too. He had described it so well, and there was nothing more for her to say than, “Exactly. Everything just feels like background noise now.” Her voice was small and quiet, and she feared he didn’t hear her, but the knowing look in his dark eyes proved otherwise.

  “What happens now?” she asked.

  He slowly approached her, but as he was about to say something to her, footsteps sounded from outside the room and as Farrah turned around, the door flew open.

  Her body froze as the two men who had abducted her from the parking lot entered the office, and she gasped in terror.


  Pike didn’t appreciate Talon and Reed’s abrupt and unannounced entrance into the office, but judging by the expressions on their faces, he knew they had good reason to. They seemed surprised and taken aback when they noticed Farrah wasn’t in the chair anymore, and Reed frowned heavily.

  “What’s going on here?” Reed asked.

  “Is there a reason why you didn’t call before arriving?” Pike asked, his voice deep and brooding.

  Talon and Reed exchanged quiet and uneasy glances and turned back to Pike.

  Pike, who was nearing the end of his rope, sighed and asked, “Did you do what I asked?”

  “That’s why we’re here,” Talon answered.

  “Fine. We can talk downstairs,” Pike said and walked to the door. He glanced at Farrah over his shoulder and said in a reassuring tone, “I won’t be long.”

  She nodded silently and Pike noticed the fear in her eyes as she stared at Talon and Reed. Pike slowly approached her and whispered, “It’s okay.”

  Farrah let out a soft sigh and Pike turned back to the door, where Talon and Reed were waiting. He swiftly left the room, and his Betas followed him out into the hallway. Without a word, the trio descended the staircase and Pike led the way to the living area.

  He turned to his Betas and said, “What did you find out?”

  There was a moment of silence and Pike sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “What?”

  “With all due respect, boss, you untied the human?” Talon asked.


  “Why?” Reed asked in exasperation. “She could run away.”

  “She won’t.”

  “You don’t know that,” Reed argued.

  “I do.”

  “She can easily escape and go to the police,” Reed continued.

  “That’s enough!” Pike exclaimed.

  Reed was instantly silenced and took a step back.

  “She won’t. I can guarantee it.”

  Talon narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips, but as much as he wanted to question Pike, he’d never do so. He was too loyal to his Alpha to question his judgment. Reed was the one who was more likely to challenge Pike’s choices, although he’d never purposely insult or go against Pike’s wishes.

  “What did you find out?” Pike asked finally after a long pause.

  Talon cleared his throat and approached Pike. “Reed was right about knowing her, but not completely.”

  “What does that mean?” Pike asked with a frown.

  “Her father was Terrence Walker.”

  “Terrence Walker, the wolf hunter?” Pike said breathlessly.

  “The very same one,” Reed answered. “Their eyes are the same. That’s how I recognized her.”

  Pike nodded and turned away slightly. He wasn’t sure how to feel about this revelation and he took three long, deep breaths to center himself.

  “What happens now?” Talon asked. “Are you going to find out if she knew?”

  “Of course she knew,” Reed muttered. “She has to know, right?”

  “I’ll find out soon enough,” Pike told them and lowered his gaze.

  “Why does it bother you so much?” Talon asked.

  Pike glanced up at Talon and sighed. “It doesn’t. I just don’t want the past to repeat itself, you know.”

  Talon nodded knowingly and turned to Reed, who eyed Pike suspiciously.

  “I know what’s going on,” Reed pointed out. “You fucked her and now she’s gotten under your skin.”

  “Reed, show some respect—” Talon growled as he angrily pushed Reed away.

  “No,” Pike said and shook his head at Talon, silently ordering him to back off. “He’s right. I did fuck her, and she’s gotten under my skin, but not for the reason you think.”

  “Why else would you screw a human, again?” Reed muttered.

  “It really isn’t anyone’s business—”

  “If it affects your judgment and puts the entire pack at risk, then it is everyone’s business!” Reed hissed.

  Pike’s jaw clenched, but he stood down. He knew Reed was right and both he and Talon deserved an explanation.

  “I feel something when I am around her,” Pike admitted.

  Talon and Reed exchanged glances of disbelief and turned their attention back to Pike.

  “Since when?” Reed wanted to know.

  “Since the moment you brought her in he
re,” Pike answered.

  “And does she feel it too?” Talon asked.

  When Pike nodded, Talon’s eyes widened. “I knew it.”

  Before Talon could say anything else, Pike held his hand in the air and shook his head. “Don’t even go there, Talon.”

  “But I’ve been reading up about it and—”

  “About what?” Reed asked.

  “Mating for life,” Talon added.

  “Like one person for the rest of your life?” Reed asked.

  “That’s what it means, yes,” Talon said and rolled his eyes.

  “That’s ridiculous,” Reed scoffed.

  “There have been many documented incidents where our ancestors referred to—”

  “True Mates, I know, Talon. You’ve told me this several times,” Pike sighed. “It doesn’t mean I believe it.”

  “But you both felt something shift inside you, didn’t you? Like the entire world came to a standstill and it was just you and her?” Talon asked, his dark eyes glimmering like jewels in the sunlight.

  Pike didn’t answer. Even though Talon’s words exactly described what he had experienced with Farrah, it was still almost impossible to comprehend the existence of True Mates. Pike had heard many tales when he was younger, but he had never believed in them.

  “Boss?” Talon prompted.

  Pike blinked a few times and looked at Talon. “I’ll go talk to her. Find out if she knows about her father.”

  “And her brother,” Reed added.

  “What do you mean?”

  Reed took a few steps toward Pike and answered, “It seems that after Terrence’s death, Owen Walker took over the family business. He’s been taking out wolves across the country.”

  Pike shifted his weight and asked, “How close is he to our territory?”

  “A few hundred miles, but we’ll set up patrollers to keep an eye out for him,” Reed answered.

  “Make sure they don’t miss a thing.”

  “Got it. What do you want us to do with him if we do catch him?”

  Pike hesitated for a moment and narrowed his eyes. “Keep him at arm’s length. Do nothing until—”


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