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Bitten Magic (Bloodborn Academy Book 1)

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by Emera Rose

  “Zev, you have more enemies than you know.”

  I turn quickly to look at the man. “How the hell do you know my name?” I feel the anger beginning to rise inside of me. Who the hell is he and what does he want from me?

  “I don’t have time to explain all that right now. We have to go.”

  The hair on the back of my neck stands up, and somehow, I’m able to sense something coming at us. I must be able to hear it. Whatever it is, it’s big and moving fast.

  “Shit, we gotta move,” the man says again, looking behind himself. His hands shake with tension and his breath comes fast. He’s just as panicked as I am. Just as I’m about to tell him that there is only one way off the mountain, he shouts.


  A bright flash of light explodes behind me and I turn to see a young woman walking through the large ray of light.

  She grabs me by the shirt and pulls me toward her. I stumble forward and a kaleidoscope of color assaults my retinas as we fall through the strange opening.

  I end up falling, my body slamming into the ground with a loud thud. The panic I was just feeling a second ago amplifies as I realize that my hands are no longer touching dirt but polished wood. I’m inside.

  “What the hell!? What . . . the . . . hell!?” I push myself up and try to stand, but I bump into someone’s legs.

  I can hear them talking and it seems like everyone is staring at me. It doesn’t make sense. How did I get here? Where is the boy who was supposedly trying to help me? My eyes find him, and for some reason, I’m angrier than I have been in such a long time. I don’t know what’s going on or what it has to do with me, but one thing I do know is this—he’s the one to blame.

  “What did you do?” I growl out as I find my footing and make my way to him.

  “Listen, just calm down.”

  “Calm down!?” The sweat is rolling down my face in big drops. “I’ll show you calm,” I roar and grab him by the neck. I lift him clear off his feet with very little effort. I would have thought it strange if I wasn’t in such a rage.

  I can hear people moving around me, but I’m too focused on squeezing the life out of this man. Suddenly, I feel a light touch on my neck and a whisper of words I don’t understand near my ear. The strength in my arms vanishes, like dominoes falling one after the other. Muscle by muscle, my body gives up and I fall to the ground. My eyes are the last part of me to fight the dark. As the darkness of unconsciousness clouds in on my vision, the crowd circles around me.

  “What’re we going to do with this one?” someone I don’t yet know asks.

  “Hell if I know,” the boy responds.

  The sounds of my slowing heartbeat drown out the rest of their conversation.

  Chapter Three


  I managed to fall asleep at some point in the car and I’ve never been more thankful. It gave me a brief escape from my plaguing thoughts as well as my anxiety. If it weren’t for Kori shoving my arm, I might not have even woken up, but as soon as we pull through the ivy-covered gates, her eyes light up like a Christmas tree.

  “I can’t believe we’re here. We’re really here.” I keep my sarcastic remarks to myself, letting her be excited for the new journey we’re about to start. She’s lucky because she isn’t a Grim. She doesn’t have parents like mine, or asinine standards to live up to. Sure, her parents are important and high ranking Lycans who come from an old family, but she’s blessed in that sense. At least her parents don’t micromanage every aspect of her life. I’m sure my father has already planned mine out, at least until I’m forty. Sometimes, I wonder if he views me as a child or more like a pawn.

  “Rox’, aren’t you excited?” Kori looks at me with bright eyes, excited for whatever the future might bring. It shows the vast differences we have, and if there’s one thing I’m envious of, it’s how her parents leave her alone and allow her to live her life.

  I nod, faking it as best as I can. “Yeah. Sorry, just a bit tired. The excitement kept me up last night.” I add on the last bit as my father’s eyes look back at us in the rearview mirror. Always monitoring, watching, trying to ensure I’m making him proud.

  But Kori knows me better than that. “Mhm, I’m sure you were.” She adds on the fakest, biggest smile I’ve ever seen from her. “Now, c’mon, let’s get inside. There’s so much to explore here!”

  My father pulls up by the entrance of the school and puts the car into park. Kori’s the first one out the door and I follow behind her, slinging my purse over my shoulder in the process. Kori heads to the trunk of the car, so I follow her, and soon enough, my father is there as well, popping it open.

  “Ugh, I really don’t want to haul these all the way to our room,” Kori whines.

  “If we were lucky enough to get the same room,” I mutter.

  My father chuckles lowly and gives my shoulder a squeeze. “Don’t you two worry about that. I might’ve made a large donation, so they were able to assure my two favorite girls were kept together.”

  Jesus, and here I thought we might have a somewhat normal human experience, like being paired with other Lycans. I should’ve known better.

  “Aw, Mr. G, you’re the best.” Kori smirks at my father before cackling. “You know, I really think you do like me.”

  My father’s expression falters to something somewhat annoyed. “I tolerate you, Kori. Don’t get it twisted. For the most part, you keep Roxana out of trouble, so keep doing that and I’ll keep tolerating you.”

  “Sir, yes, Sir,” Kori replies like a cadet in the US Army, causing me to let out a giggle while my father simply rolls his eyes in annoyance.

  “You two. Come here,” my father growls at two college boys. They look at him like he’s lost his mind, but I hear one say the word ‘Grim’ and then they both come walking forward. “Get these two ladies’ bags upstairs to their dorm room and make it quick.” He leans against the back of the car, totally relaxed and yet domineering like he always is. It makes me understand why people are so afraid of him. Well, that and the fact he’ll order deaths like they’re candy.

  “Mr. G, we’re gonna head on inside. There’s loads to explore and I’m sure Roxana wants to get started on her studies. You know how she is.”

  I scoff at the light jab Kori’s throwing my way. She’s always made fun of me for taking my academics so seriously, but with so much given to me because I’m a Grim, I want to earn my grades.

  “Yes, go on. I have some business to attend to anyway.” And just like that, Kori and I are on our way up the cement stairs and walking through the stone pillars that lead into the school. Upon pushing past the doors, I instantly see how crowded the hallways are. It’s refreshing, knowing I’m going to be attending school with so many people. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt like I might blend in.

  “I can’t believe that happened,” a girl whispers to her friend.

  “Yeah, right? Usually, we have to pay to see good fights like that.” Her friend giggles in amusement.

  Kori turns to look at me. “What a shame. We missed the good stuff.”

  “Probably better we did,” I smugly reply as I spot the dried blood on the floor.

  “What happened here?” My father’s deep voice booms from behind me and I look around to see he’s questioning a professor, but everyone heard the authority in his voice.

  “There was a small altercation with a new student this morning. Nothing we can’t handle, Mr. Grim,” the professor tells my father.

  A gasp rings out through the hallways as the students realize who’s in their school right now. “We’ll see about that. Considering I’m on the board for the school, I think this calls for an emergency board meeting.” He turns to look at me. “Kori, Roxana, you girls get to your dorm room until this is settled. I don’t want either of you getting hurt.”

  “Yes, Father,” I reply.

  “Sure thing, Mr. G.” Kori chuckles, and we turn to go down the corridor that’ll lead us to the girls’ dorm.
As we make our way down the hall, people part like the sea parted for Moses. While Kori might not blink twice at this sort of behavior, I do. They aren’t moving aside because they respect me, or because it’s the kind thing to do. They’re only moving because they know if they don’t, my father could take everyone precious to them away with the snap of his fingers.

  Jesus, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid. I was so hopeful by coming here and getting away from my father that I’d be able to have a normal college experience, but it doesn’t look like that’ll be happening anytime soon.

  We continue a good thirty feet or so and everyone’s eyes are on me. It’s frustrating when they look at me like I have a second head. And finally, I’ve had enough. “What the hell are you all looking at,” I snap, my voice echoing through the halls.

  Immediately, their eyes shift downward, doing everything they can to avoid upsetting me. Kori puffs out her chest and walks forward a bit. “Yeah, what ya gonna do now, bitches?” She throws up hand signs, trying to act ridiculous enough for me to laugh, and while she doesn’t succeed, at least she’s able to get a smile out of me.

  Thank god I have her. I don’t know how else I’d ever survive it here.

  Chapter Four


  My eyes pop open and I see a ceiling that looks familiar but I can’t place it. After a second, I realize it’s the same ceiling that I saw with that man.

  He brought me somewhere . . .

  “What the fuck?” Suddenly, like a rush, I remember everything that happened the night before and the boy who told me I was in danger. All of this is just too strange for me. I try to lift myself up, but I can’t move. My head raises off the bed, but only slightly. Everything besides that is stuck in place.

  “Oh shit. Oh no.” Maybe I had an accident and everything I remember is just part of a dream. Did I fall down the mountain? Is that why I’m paralyzed? I feel my heart hammering away against my chest, but I don’t see anyone around. I have felt fear before but nothing as absolute as this.

  “Help!” I scream, but my voice comes out hoarse. I swallow and try again. “Help!” This time it comes out loud and strong and I hear feet shuffling in my direction.

  “Hush, child, stop screaming.” A woman leans over me, but instead of looking into her eyes, there is nothing there. Her eyelids are closed, but they are concave, just the outline of her eye sockets. There are no visible eyes at all, only skin completely covering where eyes would be. I want to cringe away, but I still can’t move.

  “What happened? Where am I?” I have a million questions running through my mind, but these are the only ones that make it out.

  “You are at Bloodborn Academy. One of our student advocates brought you here.” The woman backs up slightly but still stays in my peripheral vision. “Unfortunately, you didn’t adjust well to the transport.”

  I think back. I remember being in the woods, the boy calling for someone, and then it was like I teleported here. If that is the case, then I was walking when I got here. What did they do to me? “Why can’t I move? What did you do? Let me out of here.” I try again to move, but nothing happens. I pull with all my might, but it feels as if my body is nailed down to the bed below me. I feel my muscles straining with the force, but I don’t move even a fraction.

  “It’s no use. I’ve put a spell on you, so you’re not going to be able to move,” the woman says softly.

  “Spell? Bullshit, there is no such thing.” I try again. I grunt and snarl with effort until I lose my breath.

  “Enough!” A deep voice echoes through the room, but I can’t see who it belongs to. “Son, it’s obvious you aren’t going to be able to get up. Though if you were to calm the hell down, maybe we will be able to release you.

  “Who are you? What do you want?” I ask, doing my best to calm down. If acting like everything is normal is the way to get the hell out of here, then that is what I will do.

  “What we want is to figure out who you are,” the woman says.

  Then the man steps into view. “You may call me Professor Softhowler. And this is the school nurse, Professor O’Donovan.”

  Professor Softhowler steps into view and I can see he’s a large man, probably taller than me, his shoulders are broad, and he is wearing all black. His hair is long, straight, and almost as black as his shirt. Just laying my eyes on him relaxes me. I don’t know why, but I don’t want to fight anymore.

  “He seems to be okay,” the nurse says and she waves her hand over me.

  Like an elephant being lifted off my chest, suddenly I’m able to move my top half. I sit up quickly, but still can’t move my bottom half. “What is this?”

  “I’ve already told you,” the woman says.

  I roll my eyes. She’s crazy. She has to be. There is no such thing as spells and magic, but I can play along. “Fine, then tell me why I’m here. This is kidnapping.”

  “Boy, please, if Jasper would have left you where you were in the woods, you would be dead. This is us saving your life,” Professor Softhowler speaks up. “Right now, you are in the safest place for your kind.”

  “My kind?”

  “Yes, those who are in touch with their inner wolf. Though it was only a school for Lycans, recently we have opened up to werewolves as well. With the world being what it is right now, we thought it only right that they have a safe school as well.”

  “Lycans and werewolves, huh?” I nod slowly, the last thing I want is to seem threatening.

  “Yeah. It’s still a bit of adjustment for the students, but we are working on it.” The nurse smiles and then walks away.

  “Well, there’s no need to worry about me. I’m neither of those. You can just let me go home now.”

  Professor Softhowler chuckles and shakes his head. “You don’t even have a home. If I’m not mistaken, you’re one bad day away from being on your ass homeless. And today was that bad day. I didn’t see you come in with any personal items. Face it, all you have is the clothes on your back and whatever we give you.”

  I look around. He’s right. I have nothing. Everything I own was in that backpack.


  “Don’t worry. We’ll take care of you,” Professor O’Donovan says as she reaches over to me and pats my shoulder. I wonder how she can tell where I am if she can’t see me. “Besides, you don’t want to be alone when you phase. That sickness is no joke.” She walks off toward the other side of the room.

  I lay back against the bed. They’re both crazy. Maybe I wandered into some sort of cult or something. It’s the only thing that I can think of. Suddenly, I see her move her hand and my legs become fully mobile.

  “How are you doing that?” I ask as I wiggle my toes around to make sure everything still does what I want it to do.

  “Magic.” She winks at me and continues doing what she’s doing.

  I throw my arm over my eyes. Screw it. I’m not going to dig any further into this than I have to. I can move, so I don’t need to worry about that, but I do need to figure out my next steps now that I have lost everything. They are giving me a bed to sleep in and a roof over my head for now. I can just stay here until I know what to do next. The minute I do, I’m out of this crazy place.

  Chapter Five


  “Is it odd I thought it would be smaller?” I ask while Kori and I are taking in our dorm room.

  She stops what she’s doing and giggles. “What? Really?”

  I nod and turn toward her from where I sit on my bed. “Yeah, I mean, I thought it would be a lot smaller.”

  “You mean like the humans?” she asks me in pure shock, but I know she thinks I’m joking around with her.

  I nod, being so serious right now. “Yeah, I mean, I’ve seen the movies. It looks a lot bigger than in the movies.”

  Kori rolls her eyes while laughing. “Well, duh. The humans will cram everyone in like sardines. Luckily, we aren’t subjected to the same treatment.” Our dorm room is more like a suite, with two bedrooms, a
living area, and a decent sized kitchenette with a dining room table that sits four people, so if we want to have company over, we can. All in all, it’s probably around nine hundred square feet or so.

  I rise from my bed and head over to where my luggage is, finally opening it and taking out some of my personal care products and popping them in my bathroom cabinet. Kori and I also have an en-suite bathroom, which is super nice.

  Kori’s footsteps head out into the living area and sound like they’re getting farther away from me. “What’re you doing,” I holler to the other side of our dorm.

  “Letting Paola in. She just texted me,” Kori replies as the door creaks. You’d think a place like this wouldn’t have any faults, but that is the biggest one.

  Shuffling around in my luggage, I pull out a couple dresses from my garment bags and hang them up in the closet before walking in the living room. Paola, who’s been a good friend of ours for quite some time, is all smiles. Kori shuts the door behind her before saying, “You’re shitting me!”

  “What did I miss?” I question.

  Paola laughs. “I’m in the dorm directly across the hall from you both.”

  “Awesome.” I smile.

  “That’ll make partying with you way easier.” Kori smirks devilishly.

  “We came here for more than drinking, Kori. You know, for an education,” I berate her a tad, feeling my parents’ seriousness oozing out of me.

  “Yeah, mhm,” Kori mutters to me and looks back to Paola. “So, did you hear about the guy in the hall earlier?”

  “Oh, yes, the muy caliente one.” Paola fans herself, “Looks like one of the men from my abuelita’s telenovelas.”

  “Right, and super strong,” Kori adds in.

  At this point, I’m half listening but feel the need to speak up. “It won’t matter. Guys like him never survive the change anyway, and you both know it.”


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