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Accidentally Met Him (Accidental Marriage Box Set)

Page 30

by Lauren Wood


  That was one of the hardest promises that I had said and had to keep. I certainly didn’t want to keep it. I wanted to turn around. It wasn’t like I hadn’t seen it before, but it was a sight a man could see over and over again, and it never got old.

  Chapter 70


  “What is going on in your mind? You should see the look on your face right now.”

  “I was just thinking about how different this turned out, then I thought it would.”

  We were sitting on opposite sides of the bed, with at least ten different meals ordered in front of us. I didn't know what he was ordering, but I certainly hadn't imagined this. It looked like he ordered the whole menu.

  “So, what are we supposed to do with all this food?”

  “Try it and see what you like. We really didn't have time the other night to talk about our favorite foods and such, so I figured I couldn't go wrong if I got a little bit of everything.”

  That seemed to be a pretty good idea to me. I couldn't believe that I was here with him. That we were married. This was all just a little too much. Every time I turned around, somebody was naked, and Danny kept popping up at the most inopportune times. It was like he had a knack for it or something. I'm really not sure what it was, but he was making it all the more complicated.

  The food was good and for a little bit, we talked with some light music on in the background. I was hungrier than I thought I would be, and he made a comment about how it was nice for a woman not to eat a salad.

  “Women eat salad on dates. Were married now, so the truth is going to come out a whole lot sooner.”

  He chuckled a little bit and asked me if that was really a thing.

  “It is. When you date a woman you only get about ten percent of her. In marriage, you get another eighty percent.”

  “And what about the other ten percent?”

  “She has to leave something to herself, doesn't she?”

  He looked at me a little oddly for a moment and I had to wonder what was going on in his head. It was like he was offended that I wanted to keep some for myself and I wasn't sure why. It didn't seem like too much to ask.

  “I guess so. It is good to know that you don't like salads.”

  “I do as a starter.”

  “So, what is your favorite food?”

  It felt like the first day, but I was wearing a slip and he was in boxers. We were sitting on the bed in the honeymoon suite and we both had no idea what was going to happen next.

  If this was the first date, this was certainly very different than any other one that I'd been on before. It was strange not to wonder where it was going to lead. I already knew where it was going to go. We were married, there was no where else to go.



  “Yeah really.”

  “Can I ask why?”

  He asked me like I had told him my favorite food was frogs.

  “Because my mom wasn't a very good cook and spaghetti was about the only thing that she could make consistently. She made it every Thursday and it was one of the only times in the week that I knew I was going to eat. Or what she made was going to be edible.”

  “That sounds rough.”

  “Is your mom a good cook?”

  He didn’t seem to want to talk about his childhood. I had asked him about his family a couple of times and he kept changing the subject. This time I wasn’t going to let him put me off. I would wait him out if I had to. We had to get to know each other. He was my husband after all.

  “No not really. I don't think my mom ever cooked. She had Shauna for that.”


  “Yeah, she is the cook for the house.”

  “Your parents have a cook?”

  He nodded his head and told me that they did. He said it so offhandedly like everybody had cook and waitstaff at their house. It occurred to me that that I had no idea what he even did for a living, or how he was raised.

  “Wow Danny. I never would've pegged you for a rich boy. Did you have the trust fund and everything?”

  His face fell for a moment and I actually felt bad that I had said that. It was apparently a subject of contention for him and I wished that I was the type of person that could have been a little bit more discretion and had a filter on my mouth. I knew that it probably wasn't going to happen, but I could still hope, right?

  “I did get my college paid for, but no, I don't have a trust fund. I refused it when I turned twenty-one. I wanted to set myself apart from the family. Stand on my own two feet.”

  It was clear the way that he said it, that it was very important to be able to say that he did it on his own. He most likely had heard many comments like the one I just said, and I hated to think that I was like the people that had driven have to be so hard in himself about it. It obviously bothered him, and I certainly didn't want to make it worse. I made a mental note not to joke about it again.

  “I'm sorry I said that. That was very flippant of me. I can't think of one person that I know very well, that has any sort of waitstaff in their house. It just doesn't happen in my neighborhood.”

  “In your neighborhood?”

  “I was born on the Eastside.”

  “That is a rough part of town.”

  I agreed because I knew it was. There was a long time now that I could have moved out, but I had actually gotten used to the place. Good or bad, it felt like home.

  “It’s not too bad in the daytime if you live there. The nights can be rough.”

  The silence permeated the conversation. Of all the things I thought I was going to learn about him, it wasn’t this.

  “So, what do you do?”

  “I’m into investing.”

  “That doesn’t sound very exciting.”

  “It can be, but it was the path I chose because it pays well.”

  I just nodded my head. This man was rich, and I was starting to feel even more out of my element.

  “Can I ask you a question Danny?”


  “Do you have a cook?”

  He sighed out loud and looked away. I didn’t have to read his mind or hear his answer to know what it was. He did have a cook. Correction, we had a cook.

  How weird was that going to be?

  Chapter 71


  “So, we have to decide which house to stay at. We can stay at my place on 3rd or your place. Where are you at?”

  “Same place I grew up.”


  That was not going to do. I needed to be able to park my car without it getting towed or stripped.

  “Well my place is rather big. Why don’t we go check it out?”

  “I need clothes Danny. The show was supposed to be fixing this.”

  I told her I was going to make a couple of calls and I had Leo my assistant find, buy and send something over. It was about twenty minutes later that a few options were brought to her.

  “Who was that?”

  “My assistant.”

  She just shook her head.


  “Nothing. I can just see that this is going to be something altogether different than what I’m used to. You better have a damn big bed, or we are staying at my place.”

  “Why does it have to be so big?”

  “Because if you are going to be sleeping in the nude, we are going to need some space.”

  I smiled at her. “I really like where your mind goes Deirdre.”

  She started to say something, but then closed her mouth.

  “You’re going to be impossible, aren’t you?”

  I promised her that I would be, and it was clearly not the answer she wanted. But I finally got her to realize that we were going to have to choose a place and her one bedroom wasn’t going to make it all that easy for the both of us to move around.

  “Just admit that you don’t want to live without your help.”

  I wa
s thinking more along the lines of the steam room, jacuzzi and the barest hope that she wanted to use the gym in the morning.

  “Fine, I don’t want to go without the maid and cook, driver. They are essential. We can always go to your place when you want, just as long as we go together.”

  She smiled at me, but there was something missing. It obviously wasn’t the answer that she was looking for, but I wasn’t all that worried about it. Deirdre was going to cave. I knew she was, and I was bound and determined to get her in every position that I could. She would break sooner or later. I was on the verge myself, but I kept reminding myself that all I had to do was tempt her and wait just a little bit longer.

  We agreed to finally leave the hotel room and to go to my place. She was dressed in what was picked out for her and she looked great. When I told her so, she waved me off. It would appear that she was not very good at taking a compliment. That was going to have to change as well. I wasn’t going to be able to be around her and not say those types of things every once and a while. She was devastatingly beautiful, and I wanted to tell her, and everyone else that I came in contact with.


  “You’ve said that three times. You didn’t even say it that much the first time I made you come ten times in a row.”

  That had her mind back to where I wanted it and she turned away. We’d just pulled up and it appeared that my house was bigger than she would have thought.

  “This place is huge.”

  “I do like to have my own space. There is pretty much everything here, gym, jacuzzi, tennis court, home theater.”

  She just kept shaking her head and looking through the windshield in disbelief. I know that there was something about the way she was looking at it all, that made me realize that I was glad that I had kept this part of my life away from her. Every woman I ever met already knew who I was, how much I was worth and were plotting to have my baby.

  My wife was nothing like that. Deirdre wasn’t worried about having a baby. She didn’t even want to do the act that was going to make that happen. The fact that I’d already pleasured her many times, gave me an ego hit when she wasn’t ready to do all of those things. I was a man that was made to please and I’d given her enough orgasms that she literally passed out for a couple of minutes. Why I could not have my hands on her was something that I didn’t understand, at all. It just didn’t make sense to me.

  I tried to clear the thoughts and the fog out of my head. There was more there than I would have realized.

  “So, am I to take it that you like it?”

  “I don't see how I couldn't like it. When you said that you had a maid and a cook, I didn't realize that it was because you had freaking manor. How do you even afford this in the city?”

  She stopped me before I could answer her.

  “Never mind really. The last thing I want to do is talk about money with you. I have a feeling that we are from two very different sides of the spectrum.”

  I could tell that she was kind of hung up on the money thing. Most women would love the fact that they had just found out that their husband was wealthy.

  “But I have to know.”


  “You said that you did this for the money.”



  Here we go.

  “I don't see why you would do this for the money. That can't be right.”

  The truth was that I hadn’t done it for the money. Not in the least bit. The last thing I needed was a million dollars. I could make that very quickly and I certainly didn't need to take a year and live under all these obligations to do so. It was like a drop in the bucket now. Compound interest and investing were far more lucrative.

  “I may have made that up.”

  “You think?”

  I smiled at her. She was so sassy sometimes and I really did like how feisty she was. It was nice to meet a woman with personality.

  “So, what is the real reason that you put yourself in a gameshow to marry a stranger?”

  “Isn't it obvious?”

  We were about to go inside, and I had stepped a little closer. I could feel her breath at my face and I leaned down to kiss her before I even thought about it. She had spent a lot of time talking about boundaries and what could and couldn’t happen, but at the end of the day, I couldn't stop myself. Her lips have been slightly pursed like they were dying for me to touch them and I couldn’t help myself. She was just too beautiful to say no.

  I pulled her closer for only a second before her body will pressed against mine and her lips opened up for my mine. It was a familiar taste and feeling that came over me when she started kissing me back. This is what I remember from our first night together and that is where I wanted to be. I wanted it to be simple and carefree again, where we didn't have to worry about anything other than us. There's so much more in the way now.

  “I came here for you Deirdre. I thought you would recognize that by now.”

  She didn't say anything for several moments and I wasn't sure if she was even listening anymore. Something had come over her.

  “But we don’t even know each other.”

  “I know enough.”

  Chapter 72


  The first week as husband and wife was filled with many ups and downs. It was almost impossible for us to stay away from each other because we were sleeping in the same bed. Danny’s bed was big, but it was no match for the two of us sleeping. Every night we went to sleep on the opposite sides and then the next morning, we woke up entwined in each other’s arms.

  The first week that we lived together as husband and wife was weird. The daytime wasn't too bad because Danny had to go to work, as well as me. It was the night time when we both came home and had an awkward dinner that it all went downhill. Then we would both look up to the stairs, knowing that we were going to have to go lay down together.

  Then we would be lying in bed together and my mind would be on what we weren’t doing, even though we were really good at it. The worst part was that even though we started out apart at night, every single morning I'd woken up in his arms and it had taken several moments for me to untangle myself from his limbs. I always woke him up and then we had to suffer through a very awkward few minutes, before I would take off to the shower or downstairs to make coffee.

  This morning was no different and when I opened my eyes, I already knew that I was back in my husband’s arms. It wasn't the worst thing of course, but it was at the moment. I could feel his hot skin next to me and it didn't take long for me to feel that once again, all of him was hard. It was all pressed up against me and I was slightly drooling on his chest. I lifted my head up, wiped my mouth and tried my best to get away without waking him up. But I never did.

  “You know, of all the things I thought I would like about marriage, I never thought it would be this.”

  He always had something ridiculously to say. I honestly think he didn't even try, that it all just came out smooth as butter no matter what he did.

  “I never thought my husband would be so full of shit either, but here we are.”

  He just shook his head and clicked his tongue at me. “I don't know how you can be so fiery first thing in the morning. I at least need to get some coffee first.”

  “I need coffee as well, but need to shower before anything. Maybe that will wake me up.”

  He asked me if I would like some company. It was the same thing that he’d asked me every single time I got to the shower first. Most men would have given up by now, because I had literally turned him down five plus times a day since we were married. He would pose a question, knowing that I was going to say no, and he would just smile at my answer. Like it was cute or something.

  “No, I think I can handle it.”

  “Well when you get sick of handling it by yourself, wife, just let me know. I am always here to help in all matters.”

  His words made me realize how much I wanted his help. I had given
up on taking care of it myself, because it always ended in frustration for me. It wasn't what I wanted. It was like craving chocolate and somebody giving me a carrot. It was so far from the original desire, that I did not satiate my hunger at all.

  “I will make sure to do that. Now can you cover that thing up please?”

  He looked down at his growing and twitching cock and kind of smiled at me. Danny had never touched himself in front of me, but he certainly didn't have the modesty bone that I wished he did. I had seen him naked pretty much every single day since we've been married and of course, the day before that. It was hard to forget that I was living with a guy and we weren't having sex because he was very comfortable showing his body off and the memories of his skill was still ripe in my mind.

  “Sure, I was just going to give you a little inspiration to get you going in the shower.”

  “I am going in there to wash my hair and shave Danny. That's it.”

  “I would still love to watch you.”

  Any other time I would just leave him to it, but there was something about this morning. I instead snapped back that if he was going to watch, than he was going to help. I didn't want him to watch and I certainly didn't want him helping, but he agreed so quickly, and I was swept up in it, that there was nothing I could do. I had put myself out there and now I wish I’d just shut up. I thought that way a lot around Danny. I always ended up saying stupid things and now he was following me into the shower.

  When he closed the door behind him, I heard that click and the sound just got me. I didn't comment. I didn't feel like it was going to do me any good anyways.

  “So, you're really going to stand there and watch?”

  He let the sheet fall down into the floor and smiled at me. I was still standing in the same spot, my feet rooted to the ground, as he went over to turn the shower on. He had no problem showing every inch of his hard lines and it was really starting to get to me.

  “Are you going to stand there and watch or are you getting in here with me to wake up?”


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