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Accidentally Met Him (Accidental Marriage Box Set)

Page 49

by Lauren Wood

  “Does that feel good?”

  Another whimper and then a moan escaped her lips. It was all the answer that I needed.

  Chapter 120


  He kept asking me questions, but there was no reasonable way that I was going to be able to answer them. My body was exploding, and he’d barely touched me. Instead, he’d used water jets placed around the tub. It was like he knew exactly what he was doing, and I felt like I was being taken advantage of.

  When I was able to think again, it was only because one of his hands had moved down to my core and was blocking the jets from tearing through my resolve. Instead of waiting for him to move his hand, I tried to back up away from it. I knew that all I would take was a slight shift from his palm and I would be in trouble. I felt like I was already in trouble.

  “Please Scott.”

  He moved his hand and the blast of water on the swollen nub was all I could take, and I came hard. My body wracked with pleasure that never seemed to end. I came again, while his mouth nibbled on my neck and his hands cupped my breasts. I was losing it and my head went back to his shoulder.

  I was hysterical by the time he covered my mound again, my breath coming out in little spurts. I wasn’t getting enough oxygen, no matter how hard I tried.

  “Please Scott. No more.”

  He snickered in my ear. “But I am just getting started.”

  I whimpered as the hand was moved again and the intensity of the pleasure was somehow more. It was like he had found a way to make me even more sensitive and I came almost immediately. His fingers were on my nipples, twisting them slightly and pulling gently, as I came repeatedly.

  Only when I pushed back against the side of the tub to get away, did he cover me up again. I was shaking and I couldn’t even speak when he asked me another question.

  “Does it feel good?”

  I agreed and pushed back harder. I had to get out of here, away from him, before I lost myself completely. I could already feel myself going down that route and I didn’t want to. I couldn’t let that happen.

  “Where are you going?”

  I was out of the tub, thankful for the bubbles that made me slippery. He wasn’t able to catch me, and I was practically scrambling out of there, before he took me over completely.

  “I am going to bed Scott. Thanks for the bath…”

  I couldn’t stay around, because I knew what would happen if I did. I was going to do what I told myself that I shouldn’t do. The only way I was able to not worry too much about what we were doing, was because it hadn’t been Scott. It had been his bath tub and if I could love an object, that would be it. I’d never came so hard in all of my life. Never.

  My whole body was shaking when I got back to my room and I was actually a little surprised that my legs were working at all. They felt like rubber. My body felt like a violin that had been played way too long, my strings stretched. I laid down on the bed and I was out of it before I could worry about the repercussions of the night.

  The next morning, I was awakened by the door opening and it was Scott.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

  I stretched and stopped, when I realized I wasn’t covered all the way. I hadn’t been able to do much when I got out of the tub. I’d laid down and possibly covered myself while I was sleeping. It certainly wasn’t something that I wanted him to see. After last night, I could barely look him in the eyes.

  Realizing that I was naked, and he could see too much, was hard to swallow. I covered myself as best as I could, but I don’t think I did a very good job of it, because I could still see lust in his eyes.

  “Good morning Scott. Why aren’t you at work? It’s light out.”

  He smiled. “I told you that I was going to try and spend mornings with you, like a married couple is supposed to.”

  He was looking rather dashing and I think it was one of the first times that I’d seen him without his jacket on. Well, except last night, but that was different. Now he had his shirt still open, no tie on and I could see some of the springy black hairs that covered his chest. He had a look that told me he knew I was thinking about him naked and I looked down again, pulling the sheet a little tighter around my chest.

  “Well why don’t you get out and let me get dressed? I will come down and have breakfast with you if you want.”

  He clicked his tongue at me and sighed. “That’s not what I want. I want to lay in bed with you and spend the morning, like we spent the night.”

  He never relented and I tried to ignore the way he made me feel. I didn’t want to shake with the mere mention of it, but I was. I just couldn’t help myself. As much as I didn’t want to want him, I did. So badly. I could only imagine how he would feel touching me more than he had, or being inside of me.

  I closed my eyes to the thoughts, willing them away so that I could keep my sanity. What he was doing to me was just ridiculous. How was I supposed to combat a man like Scott? It was impossible, it really was.

  “I was thinking more along the lines of coffee and toast.”

  His smile faded and even though I didn’t want to, my eyes went to the front of his pants. He was hard. I knew he would be, but there was still some strange relief in seeing it. He was just as turned-on as I was. How easy would it be, to just let nature takes it course? It felt like what was going on between us was natural.

  “I guess we can go that route if you’re still not ready to be my real wife Anna.”

  He was close to the bed and he leaned to kiss me. “I will make sure you are soon enough Anna. I know that this scares you, but there is nothing to be frightened about. I am going to take good care of you.”

  His lips descended on mine and I should have stopped it. I knew that it was coming. I could feel it after all, but I didn’t want to stop him. I wanted to feel his hot lips against mine, no matter what the consequences were.

  I started to kiss him back, but he pulled away. “Not until you are ready for all of it.”

  I was disappointed, but after he left the room, I was able to breathe again. It was still a little difficult, but the oxygen was back. I had to get myself together before I went out there, convince myself that I didn’t want the things that I did. It would do me no good.

  I got dressed and went down to the kitchen where we were going to have some breakfast. I wasn’t really in the mood for food. I was more in the mood for a strong coffee that I would need to wake myself up. I was still getting the hang of the new machine, but I’d gotten a pot and was able to make my own when I gave up on the modern one.

  Smelling coffee as I was going down the stairs, I was thankful that someone had thought to turn it on. I needed some clearing of the cobwebs in my mind, even though they were there because of me. I’d drank too much, and then went too far with my husband. It wasn’t something that I would have ever imagined before. How was I to know that the night would end the way it had?

  “Good morning again Anna. I can’t say that I like this outfit better than the last, but I suppose it is going to have to do.”

  I looked down at the shirt and skirt and I knew that he was saying that because last time I’d been wearing nothing at all. Now I was dressed for class, and his eyes were still running over me like I had nothing on. It was unnerving to say the least.

  “Well I don’t think I could wear my earlier outfit to school. It might be a little distracting, don’t you think?”

  He smiled and agreed, nodding his head so that I would see that he wanted to imagine it. I could see the look on his face, and I felt the same heated feelings of embarrassment going over me. Why had I said such a thing?

  “Thanks for making coffee.”

  “You’re welcome. Thought it would perk you up a little bit. You look like you need it.”

  I shook my head and smiled, taking the mug from his hand. He really did have no idea.

  Chapter 121


  After last night, I woke up hard as a rock. I’d gotten up at four thirty
, like I always did and all I could think about was how much I wanted Anna. It was the first thing that I thought about and even after a shower to relieve the tension, seeking her out had put me right back where I didn’t want to be. I wanted her. Now. And even though I had good intentions when I went to her room to wake her up, they had quickly deteriorated into something else altogether.

  How could they not? When I got in the room, it was dark, but I could clearly see the outline of her body. She was bare from the waist up and most of one leg was out, up to her hip and thigh. My eyes took in her creamy white skin and I had to tell myself that I wasn’t there to touch her. I wanted to pounce, but she had her eyes open before I could really decide what I was going to do, then I had no choice.

  Now she was in the kitchen, looking at me like she wasn’t sure about me at all. The truth was, I wasn’t too sure about her either.

  “Is that how you like it?”

  She blushed a little and I took joy in seeing it. I knew where her mind went when I asked the question. It wasn’t my intention, but it was good to know that we were thinking along the same lines as each other. She was all I could think about since this all started. Today, was going to be no different, because of the set of her jaw, I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to get what I wanted. No matter how hard I tried.

  “The coffee I mean.”

  “Yes, it’s good, thank you.”

  “I am here to please.”

  “So is the tub I take it.”

  That got a surprised smile out of me. I couldn’t believe that she was saying these things, but I couldn’t help myself. Anna was very unpredictable. She was shy one minute and coming back with answers like that, the next. I was going to have to take some time and get to know my wife. She was far more interesting than most women I was around. I found her rather delightful, as well as extremely easy on the eyes.

  “Yes, it is all here at your disposal. All you have to do is ask. Hell, if I am asleep, you can just take it if you want.”

  She giggled but wouldn’t look at me. “I am not going to say the same for you.”

  “I figured as much.”

  “Well I really need to get to class Scott. I still have to get ready. Thank you for the coffee.”

  “You don’t want any breakfast?” I tried not to sound too deflated.

  The toaster popped and she grabbed what came out of it. “No, not really. I usually just have toast.”

  I didn’t want to show that I was disappointed, but I was. I don’t know what I thought was going to happen, but I was hoping that it would have been more than this. I wanted to finish what we started the night before, but it didn’t look like that was going to be an option.

  “Do you want me to send you with Ernest today?”

  “No, I don’t mind driving. I miss walking to school, but it’s so far from here. It will be good to get a drive in. Ernest is great, but I do miss driving myself.”

  I wanted her with Ernest, then I would know where she was, but that wasn’t going to be an option. It felt like she was fighting me, every chance that she got. It was frustrating to say the very least.

  “Well then, I will see you this evening.”

  “You don’t have any charity events planned, do you?”

  “No, nothing like that. I was thinking that we could just have a quiet dinner here.”

  She said she liked the sound of that, but that didn’t change the fact that she could barely look me in the eyes. I wanted to know what was on her mind, but maybe it wasn’t for me to know. Not now anyways. She was holding her feelings close to her chest and part of me couldn’t blame her. I was the same way myself.

  When she left, I was still just as needy as when I started the morning. It wasn’t going to be a good day. I could just feel it and when I got a call from my assistant on the way to work, telling me that Jeff was already there, I knew that it was about to get worse.

  Jeff was sitting in my chair when I got in and I told him in a not so nice way that he needed to get the hell away from my desk. I didn’t trust him. He wasn’t one of those people that could be trusted.

  “What do you want Jeff? Don’t you think you’ve caused me enough problems?”

  He smiled at me. “I hear that you are having fun with the last problem that I sent you. Are you sure you want to say that?”

  “Your last problem was a stripper bride, and a wedding I had to leave. I don’t think it has been fun.”

  “Yet, I talked to Colt and he said that he saw you and the missus out and you looked very happy after the benefit.”

  I sighed to myself. I liked Colt, but he had never gotten how little I wanted Jeff to know about me. It wasn’t because I wanted him to not know me, but at the end of the day, he would use it against me. I didn’t want him to put his focus on Anna. There was no telling what he would do, and I didn’t want anything to happen to her and for it be my fault.

  “Yes well, I had to find somewhere to take her, after the charity event. You really had some nerve bringing Lexie. If you think that you’re in charge of it, just know that she is already planning the next twenty years.”

  “I am not going to marry Lexie. She is a gold digger that comes from money. Those are the worst. They want it all and then they go on to the next poor schmuck. Sorry brother, but that won’t be me.”

  “So then why are you here?”

  “Can’t I come to see my only brother?”

  “No, not without something that you want. Or you are just here to gloat.”

  “I don’t have anything to gloat about yet, but give me time. Father is going to make his decision soon and I can’t see him picking you now, not with the choices that you’re making. You have really taken a turn for the worst Scott and I’m worried about you.”

  “Well, I will have you know that we had dinner with him Saturday night and he liked Anna a lot. She is very sophisticated, intelligent, and father seemed to really like her. Had her calling him Jimmy before he left.”

  I saw the smirk fail a little bit on Jeff’s face and I knew that it was all he was going to give me, but so help me, it was enough. It was all I needed to see. I smiled a little bigger and even though it was wrong to find pleasure in his pain, I couldn’t help myself. I really couldn’t. He was the sort of brother that waited until I fell to kick me while I was down. A little come-uppance was headed his way and I was hopeful that I would get to see it.

  “It was just a dinner. I’m sure that when he really thinks about it, he’ll know that he doesn’t want some sleaze like her getting half of his company. I will work on him.”

  I sighed and told him that I didn’t care. “Don’t you have work to do Jeff? You want so badly to get father’s job, but you don’t seem to want to do the one you have now. Why is that?”

  “Because it is beneath me. I should have your job. Then I would be able to show him what I can really do. You’re a waste of time brother and the sooner he learns that, the better.”

  I sighed a little louder. What was I supposed to say to that?

  “Your jealousy is duly noted, but it doesn’t change anything. Before long, I am going to have the company and you won’t even have the job you have. You went too far this time, way too far and you’re going to pay for it.”

  He grinned a little and I wanted to hit him. Violence was sounding better and better at the moment, even though I knew that it wasn’t going to help anything. It never did. But maybe this once, I could let myself feel better, and to hell with all of the rest of it.

  Chapter 122


  It was hard to focus today, even though I’d gotten a good night’s sleep. It wasn’t too helpful to have no work to go to, when Scott was taking over my mind. I tried to push it away, think of something else, but after first period, I knew that it was going to be impossible to do so. I wanted to, really I did, but something else would remind me of him.

  I was going to my car, when I saw a familiar one parked next to me. I didn’t know why he was here, but I saw
Jimmy get out of his car as I approached. He was the last person that I wanted to see.

  “What are you doing here Jimmy?”

  “I think we need to talk.”

  “About what? I don’t really think there is anything to talk about, do you?”

  “How about the fact that you married my son?”

  “It was just a coincidence that he was your son. How was I supposed to know that he was related to you? Until a couple of days ago, I didn’t even know your last name. You certainly weren’t telling me about your sons as I was dancing on your lap, now did you?”

  I don’t know why I was so mad, but I just couldn’t believe that he was in front of me. He shouldn’t have come to my school. It was wrong and beyond that, I didn’t want to get caught with him. I wouldn’t know what to say if we were. I wasn’t doing anything wrong, but I still felt guilty. I wanted to forget that I’d ever met Jimmy, if that was at all possible.

  “It just looks suspicious. If you were trying to get to me Anna, you shouldn’t have gone through Scott.”

  I just shook my head and went towards my driver’s side door. I wanted to get out of here and I was worried that someone I knew was going to see us. He was going to look like my rich sugar daddy or something.

  “You need to leave Jimmy. I don’t want you here. This is where I go to school.”

  “Well I think I have paid for a few classes, so I should be allowed to stay here.”

  “I don’t want you here.”

  “That is obvious. You have decided that pursuing my son is easier. I don’t know what you’ve said to him, but I can see that he is smitten. I knew that you were talented, but I didn’t know that you were that talented.”

  The accusation hit me in the face like he’d physically slapped me, and I didn’t know what to say. What was I supposed to say to that? I was trying to stay married to Scott, to convince his dad it was a real marriage, but now I didn’t think that it was something that I was going to be able to convince him of. Not when I knew him before, when I was a stripper.


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