Maximus Thatcher

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Maximus Thatcher Page 24

by Robert Miller

  “Jonny,” the man in the cloak breathed.

  Jonny stiffened with fear at the sound of the voice. His nerves suddenly went into overdrive.

  “Wh… what of my father?” Jonny stammered, trying not to shake. The hood drifted in the wind, but still revealed nothing of what it contained.

  “He held up his end of the deal, now it’s your turn.”

  The shadow in the cloak inched forward. Closer and closer he drew until Jonny could feel his cold breath against his neck.

  “I have the information. The pass out ceremony is going to be held this weekend, over there.” Jonny indicated towards the new stadium.

  “What of the boy?”

  Did he hear something? Jonny quickly glanced to his right, concluding that his paranoia had made him jumpy. With no sign of anyone eavesdropping, he returned his gaze to the dark figure standing before him.

  “He will be located where you wished, in a small helpers’ group behind the podium,” Jonny replied.

  The hooded figure fell silent. Jonny couldn’t figure out if he was being assessed or if the man wanted to harm him.

  “Why so jumpy? I’m not a ghost,” he said and disappeared without another word.

  Jonny dropped to one knee, trying to bring his panting breaths under control. He had wanted to avoid that situation at all costs and had hated every second. He hesitated in getting up, dreading that the cloaked figure was still in the vicinity.

  Once it became clear that he was again alone, he stumbled back to his room, dropping onto his bed as his thoughts overwhelmed him. Had he sunk too far down the rabbit hole now, or was there still an opportunity to be free? Only time could tell.

  Chapter 18

  The Final Assessment

  Judgment day had arrived. The day every single student in the three groups had waited for. There they stood, twitching and dreaming of their position in the precious outstanding group of Elites. Maximus itched to take a step closer to the bigger opportunities. He walked the corridors like a famous actor, receiving good wishes for his final task.

  He spotted a small group of boys projecting their rebel nature, beating up one of their classmates. Max turned his head, ignoring the young boy’s cries as he flashed back to his dojo days.

  Then: “Clear off!” shouted a recognisable voice, waving the boys away.

  Max’s attention immediately transferred to the boys, curious to see how the situation would resolve itself. His grin widened as Jimmy’s fist rose, not backing down before the five boys who stood around him.

  “How’s it going, lads?” Max surprised them and they spun around, expecting an audience of teachers ready to give them all a detention for their behaviour.

  “It’s only Maximus. Now, Jimmy, what did I tell you about hanging around Sarah?” the boy questioned, waving his fist in front of Jimmy’s face.

  Max interrupted, stepping past the boys, who goggled at him. He positioned himself next to Jimmy, seeing Jimmy’s eyes light up.

  “I never did like bullies.” Max scanned the small group of boys. They stood, wordless, stunned by the turn of events. The head bully scratched his arm continuously, suddenly nervous at the thought of the odds now stacked against him.

  “Let me ask one simple question.”

  The boys looked intently at Max, nervous about what he was about to say.

  “Do you know how fast a lightning bolt can strike without warning?”

  Max held back a small smirk as the group stepped back.

  The head bully held his ground, however, and the others followed suit, either for the sake of the leader’s popularity or for their own protection.

  “Two seconds,” the leader muttered.

  “Close,” Max nodded, “but I would have said in the blink of an eye.” There was a long silence as the boys contemplated their next move.

  “Do I really have to string a bolt from the heavens?” Max sighed as his fist sparked.

  The boys’ eyes widened and they shot around the corner before Max and Jimmy could laugh.

  “I had them,” said Jimmy.

  “I bet you did. I did that for their benefit, not yours,” he laughed guiding him over to the seats on the outskirts of the field.

  It was still early in the morning; sun shining bright, a smattering of clouds across the sky, kids running around on their day off from school. It wasn’t often they got a day off, usually just when the Elites were going through their Assessments. There was much talk all over the school, with bets and anxiety building up over the big event.

  Max sat there, feeling the weight slide off his shoulders. Little by little, the excitement threatened to tangle his mind, tightening his muscles in preparation for the fight. He had a formulated plan, one that consisted of him doing most of the work. His group effort had lacked over the last Assessment, through his unwillingness to show everyone his weaknesses.

  Max finished scanning the details of the flowers planted beside the chair and turned his attention to the boy slouching next to him.

  Max had looked at Jimmy several times, obviously bursting to enquire what was wrong and learn the information that was needed to lift his spirits or get him out of his gloomy mood.

  “So. Who’s Sarah?” Max winked.

  Jimmy shot red, turning his attention to the passing people and avoiding Max’s gaze.

  “No one, just a friend,” he tried.

  “All right,” said Max, giving up on the hopeless attempt.

  “Let me be honest with you. Do you have secrets?” asked Jimmy, watching for any type of reaction.

  Max’s brain automatically flicked through different situations that could possibly be hidden secrets, shrugging when he came up with nothing but the power of electricity he had once held back from everyone.

  “The only reason I ask is that I have one.”

  “One that won’t be a secret if you tell me,” Max quickly butted in before he told him.

  Jimmy blinked in the sunlight as he turned to face Max.

  “I am hoping that if I come clean with you, you will come clean with me.”

  Max nodded for Jimmy to carry on, waiting to hear the problem that obviously lingered on his mind.

  Jimmy turned over in his mind the points he wanted to express, ready to explore the lethal information hiding in Max’s head.

  “Did you ever wonder why Alexander and Dozer keep a close eye on me and why, out of all the youngsters, they help only me personally?”

  Now that Jimmy mentioned it, Max realised he had always wondered why the boy was such a hot topic with them. He supposed he had thought it had to do with Jimmy being alone, like him.

  “Does it have to do with your parents?” he cautiously said, not wanting to hit a sad spot in Jimmy’s shattered defences.

  Max’s heart sank as he bore witness to a tear running down the side of Jimmy’s face.

  “I’m sorry,” said Max, sincerely. He had no intention whatsoever of bringing Jimmy down; he cared for him like a brother.

  “I was born with two powers,” Jimmy explained, quietly. “That’s why my parents were erased from my life,” he continued.

  “How? Why?” asked Max, stunned.

  “Both of my powers were extremely potent; the Ministry took me for development.”

  Max shifted uncomfortably at the unexpected news. He was more like Jimmy than he thought. How vulnerable and alone must this boy be?

  “That explains why you are here. But your rock power wasn’t strong at the start, you could barely use it, so how did they know?” Max questioned.

  “It was a defensive tool. The rock would automatically protect me whether I liked it or not. I just wasn’t able to use it like I can now,” he replied, looking for advice.

  “That’s why you’re an asset to this school; I won’t let the Ministry tighten their grip on you,” said Max. Jimmy’s heart lifted at his words. He attempted to scan Max’s mind to inspect his honesty, failing once again. Max was one of the only users he was unable read. Jimmy was un
sure whether it was his electrical power or his mindset.

  “What is your second power?” Max questioned.

  “My second is more powerful than the Earth.” Jimmy gazed into the far distance, feeling embarrassed.

  Max was taken aback, shocked at the information coming from Jimmy.

  Max knew he was special. To have two powers was a rare trait, only a few people in history having been born with such an ability.

  “Explain?” was the only word Max could muster.

  “I can read people’s minds. Enter their heads and read their secrets. I can also implant ideas or thoughts, as well.”

  “Have you read my mind?” Max quickly asked, now feeling extremely nervous.

  “I have tried, and failed!” Jimmy admitted with a snort.

  “You’re lucky,” Max laughed. Max brushed off the sweat forming on his brow. Had Jimmy known anything about the full ring, he would be in danger.

  “The only thing I have got from your head is your ability to hold back,” said Jimmy.

  The words rolled off Jimmy’s tongue and slammed into Max, knowing that Jimmy knew more than he was telling him.

  “You have never seen me hold back,” Max tried to convince him.

  Jimmy’s face hardened at Max’s words.

  “I have just told you the biggest secret ever, so please enlighten me.”

  Jimmy stood in an attempt to clear the frustration brewing in his mind. The only person on the planet that he believed would understand and yet nothing rolled off his mind to compare.

  “Sit,” said Max, yanking his long sleeved t-shirt. “Let me explain myself.”

  “What do you know?” asked Max. He knew this would be a heavy conversation and waited nervously for his answer. It wasn’t like Jimmy to walk away from such a crucial moment.

  “I know you are the chosen one.”

  The words didn’t seem to be real; no one had ever put him in such a category and he most certainly had not.

  “Maximus,” someone called out, making both boys turn.

  “Team meeting,” yelled Jacob, waving. Max didn’t want to abandon the deep conversation that was going on and felt drained all of a sudden.

  “Win, Maximus. Just don’t hold back,” said Jimmy, waving him off.

  Max seized the power to get up and start the biggest battle of his life, annoyed by the heavy thoughts of a boy holding onto his secret.

  “This is not over. We are talking after I’m done,” he ordered, happy to see Jimmy finally smile and depart looking a little less stressed.

  As Max walked over to his group he could feel a lifting sensation; he finally had people with whom he could be completely honest. Max was convinced that Jimmy couldn’t access his mind, but how much did he know?

  “What was that about?” Jacob questioned, watching Max carefully.

  “Nothing, just some last minute advice,” he lied.

  * * *

  Max’s group could hear the non-stop chanting and yelling as the first two groups came and went. Max looked around the spacious tent and saw some nervous faces. He couldn’t help but smirk as Kate hugged Toby’s arm. The stadium throbbed with energy. Hilary had made sure that the last touches were in place, the two teams performing the final Assessment for the first time in the arena.

  Max drank his daily intake of water in order to stay hydrated as he tried to calm his nerves. The sound of bashing rocks and steaming water silenced the room immediately and everyone listened to the half-screams and cries as the battle raged on.

  “Looks like someone used one of their powers,” Jacob laughed, lightning the mood.

  “So, what is the battle plan?” asked Toby.

  “Survive,” replied James.

  “We should fight as a group,” Kate commanded.

  “I agree with Max,” Jacob sighed.

  The entire group turned to Maximus.

  “We fight smart, we have a strong defence and leave the offence to me and James,” said Max, thinking of one person he wanted to fight: Jonny.

  “What if you both fail?” Kate shot back.

  “Then just hope we take enough Elites down with us,” James replied.

  A loud explosion shook the tent, making everyone in it jump.

  “Wow,” everyone muttered.

  Time had escaped unnoticed. The team had suited up in an Elite uniform, black with padded areas in front of the main muscle areas. Each student had a light brown leather strap with duel-wielded metal swords strapped to their backs.

  “We all wear them to show which one is our strongest hand in combat,” Kate smiled, handing over bright golden strips.

  “Are you just about ready?” the head boy of Elementrix yelled out to the group.

  They all stood at the entrance of the arena, blinded by the sun.

  “If you can, search for shields,” yelled Max.

  “We must take out as many Elites as possible and quickly,” Toby replied, trying to portray confidence. The crowd finally burst into a last chant, screaming Chris’s name throughout the stadium.

  “What happened?” Max called out to the head boy, who jumped in the air with a fist pump.

  “Your boy Christopher just beat an Elite one-on-one to win the match. Looks like if you win both of you will be the talk of the schools and become Elites,” he said, patting Max on the back.

  “Do the Pillar proud,” he carried on, watching as the group carried Chris across to the tent on their shoulders.

  “What happened to the other team?” Kate yelled out to the head boy.

  “The first team had the least number of Elites to fight and lost. Your team has the most. Are you up for it?” the head boy questioned.

  “We will find out,” Kate muttered nervously under her breath.

  “Max!” shouted Chris, jumping from the group’s shoulders.

  Max nodded at the cuts and bruises all over his body, not counting the swelling now coming through on his face.

  “Congratulations,” said Max, happy for Chris as they shook hands.

  “I’m not going to disturb your concentration, but go get ‘em,” he said slapping Max on the back and returning to the celebrating group in the corner.

  “That’s going to be us, so keep your head in the game,” said Maximus, injecting adrenalin into the group. This was going to be the best battle out of all the three groups, and all Maximus wanted was Jonny.

  “Now!” called the head boy.

  He waited for a heartbeat and then took his first three steps into the stadium. The light was blinding and he held his hands up to shield his eyes, overwhelmed by the yelling and atmosphere that surrounded him.

  His eyes finally adjusted to the light and he scanned the hundreds of people standing on their seats, trying to get a glimpse of the group entering the stadium.

  Maximus heard his name circling the stadium louder than ever. The sheer volume shook even the seven Elites standing in a semi-circle facing Max.

  It was enough for Jonny to release his blade ready to take revenge on Max, wishing the crowd would shout his own name.

  The group walked out to the centre of the stadium, all eyes upon them. It was overwhelming for everyone standing in the arena, just waiting to release their blades and find glory in the defeat of those seven Elites.

  The crowd did not sit quietly during Alexander’s introduction. They didn’t want to miss a single second of the fight coming, hoping to be as satisfied with this performance as they were with Chris’s.

  “Silence!” Alexander boomed over the howling crowd.

  “May I introduce the third and final group to stand in the newly-built stadium that you see before you. An olden day feel to a new generation, let your senses be awakened by the excitement of this event. With healers on standby… let the fight begin!” he finished and a large bell echoed through the stadium.

  Less than ten seconds since the end of the speech and the group had already scanned the area. Shields had been lined up against the wall under the Head Masters. Jacob
, Kate and Toby sprinted towards them, leaving Max and James to engage the enemy.

  “I have the five on the right and you can have the two on the left,” said Jacob sarcastically, and both boys laughed with the excitement of the fight with the best students from all three schools.

  “Do you believe this, those two against us?” one of the Elites laughed, wildly underestimating them. Jonny moved his sword in front of him.

  “Maximus is mine,” he called out, pointing towards him with naked intent. Ben had positioned himself on the other side of Jonny, trying to work out a plan.

  “I’ll have those three,” said Ben, flexing his muscles towards the shields.

  “You are a brute, aren’t you?” said the only girl behind him.

  “Whatever makes you sleep better tonight,” he winked at her, getting a smile in return as she avoided his roaming eyes. All eyes were on Jonny as he strode angrily towards Max.

  He wore a similar suit to Max’s, but badged with the Elite symbol. He had trained many hours wearing the suit, surprised every time at the flexibility it allowed.

  He ran his hand down the smooth surface of the padding, feeling the difference in definition between the chest and the abdominal muscles. Every step he took closer to Max caused the anger in his gut to blossom. He had waited a long time for this. His humiliation had gone unpunished for too long.

  “Your fight is pointless,” said Jonny.

  Max eyed him eagerly, keen to repay him for the abuse he had suffered, his own anger growing within him.

  “You don’t stand a chance,” he spat.

  “Your arrogance will be your downfall,” replied Jonny.

  “And your bully’s instinct will be yours.”

  Both boys stood ready for the battle that would make history. No more words were needed for the fight to begin, a showcase for their swordsmanship.

  Max picked up a sword that had been used in the last battle, feeling its heft as he threw it from hand to hand. And then he struck.

  Each swing was blocked and countered with the next strike as they went back and forth, masked by the roaring of the crowd.

  Max’s vision tunnelled as he locked his eyes only on Jonny and the rest of the crowd and the Elites disappeared.


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