Maximus Thatcher

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Maximus Thatcher Page 25

by Robert Miller

  Jonny was the first to draw blood as he blocked Max’s knee and released a quick elbow, forcing Max to take a few steps back. Max spat to the side, smiling.

  “Is that it?”

  Jonny charged like a bull, covering the distance between them in an instant. A flinch was all Max was looking for and he swung his leg at Jonny’s feet, knocking him to the hard sand. The crowd cheered at the battle, so fixated on it that the rest of the Elites stood back to watch the main event.

  “You will not win,” he grunted.

  Time seemed to slow down as Jonny picked up a shield, raising his left arm in contest. Max closed his eyes and let the roar of the crowd overwhelm him. The crowd howled his name as Jonny drew closer to strike him down.

  Max drew a breath and threw aside the sword he had picked up. He reached back with both hands and drew his swords in an x-shape over his head before lowering them to his sides. The custom detail on his swords was craftsmanship at its very best. The swords curved before straightening at the hilt, reminding Max of the swords used in Persia. Beautiful and elegant, light to swing but strong to strike, they were weapons fit for any warrior.

  The two identical swords blocked and countered by slicing through the air to hit Jonny’s shield. Jonny stumbled back from the force of the strike, raising his own sword to flick off Max’s second sword.

  “Such a contest!” shouted Master Lee.

  “Very interesting choice of weaponry,” Danny beamed, watching as the battle continued.

  “Yes, a very good choice indeed,” admired Alexander.

  The fight continued, both boys vigorously attacking one another and not giving any ground.

  Suddenly, Max flinched; a kick from Jonny’s shoe had blown the dust up into his eyes. With Max blinded for a few seconds, Jonny took advantage and sliced a decent-sized gash into Max’s arm.

  Max quickly recovered, feeling the heat of the trickling blood run down his left arm as he swung it to the ground.

  “What a cheap shot,” Jimmy groaned as he watched the intense battle from the stands.

  Rachel shifted nervously, hating the final test. She couldn’t stand the fighting. It was pointless. She grabbed Jimmy by the arm and trembled as she watched the collision of the two swords.

  “He will be fine,” said Jimmy, crossing his fingers.

  “I’m not a doubter,” she replied.

  “Never doubt,” said a familiar voice.

  “You did well.” Rachel smiled as she watched Hilary slip into the seat next to her.

  “Thank you. How is Max faring?” she replied, watching the battle.

  Rachel’s only reply was a smile as she searched the stands for Chris.

  “Just look at him. No words can describe his flow,” Jimmy observed, studying Max’s moves.

  Hilary lit up, trying to hide her excitement. She had waited for this day, watching Max progress through the stages; it gave her butterflies to think that he would become an Elite if he passed this last test.

  Maximus stretched his fingers, straightening them from the sword’s grip. He aligned his vision upon Jonny, who now drew heavy breaths. His cuts and bruises matched Chris’s, with blood trails that led from one part of his body to another, reappearing as quickly as he could wipe them away.

  In a moment of rest, Ben grabbed the golden opportunity to catch Max unawares. He launched himself at him, only to find Jacob’s shield protecting the side of Max’s body.

  “Maximus is mine,” Jonny yelled.

  Jacob raised his sword to challenge Ben.

  “Your fight is with me,” Jacob smirked.

  The other Elites shifted anxiously as they sought out the three students behind them.

  “You’re holding back!” a voice stirred in Max’s head. “The chosen one.”

  The words made it hard for him to breathe. Jimmy’s voice rumbled through his head, telling him something that he needed to hear.

  He watched as Jonny charged again. Step one had consisted of Jonny contracting his muscles and taking a large explosive step, trying to gain the speed and distance needed to reach Max as quickly as possible. The second step was the structure of his attack, gripping the sword with both hands and sprinting as the sword trailed behind him. Step three, his footing, as he came to a complete stop using his momentum to take his swinging sword to the side of Max’s body. The final step, Jonny’s vulnerability, as Max blocked his powerful blow with one hand on the sword, sending his fist into Jonny’s face, blood shooting out of Jonny’s nose.

  Jonny stumbled back, feeling a sharp pain where he had been hit, swearing under his breath.

  “It was only a dream to think you were ever better than me,” said Max, now looking down at him.

  Jonny ground his teeth in frustration. He felt the pulsing blood pumping through his veins, his heart pounding furiously.

  “You are nothing,” Jonny replied as he charged for a second time. Max flicked his attacks to the side and kicked him to the ground. Jonny spat blood as he raised his head to the other Elites, who quickly regained their stances and made to spring on Maximus.

  “If not today, then there will be a next time.”

  Max threw his face up to the blazing sun. It was only now that he began to feel the intense heat as drops of sweat poured from his face. He touched his suit only to find it completely wet.

  “Admitting defeat is never good,” replied Max, waiting for him to rise.

  It was as clear as crystal what Jonny had in store for Max; he couldn’t hold it back any longer, was burning to release his purified power.

  It happened in seconds - a jet of scorching fire came shooting towards Max missing him by inches and landing on the shields of the three students in formation.

  “Big mistake!” yelled Max, vaulting towards Jonny like a ray of light as he jolted and electricity zapped out of him.

  The lightning knocked Jonny off his feet as the two swords struck the breast-plate of his suit, hitting his head with a force that knocked him unconscious.

  “Very impressive,” said a man who sat with the three Head Masters overlooking the arena.

  “This is where the sparks begin,” replied Master Lee, now coming to life.

  Several things happened at once as the three students behind him joined ranks with Jacob, who was desperately trying to fend off Ben. Max felt the ground rise and it soon became too unstable for him to stand. He watched helplessly as the earth user made it impossible for him to manoeuver. He had no time to think as he rolled backwards. Water in the face confused him and he wiped it just in time to see three Elites surrounding him.

  Max threw a glance at his team and saw that four of them were facing Ben and two other Elites. The crowd roared at the collision of the powers.

  Three swords flew at Max from three different angles as he ducked and blocked, striking them back: an amazing sight to behold - a man roaring and deflecting every strike the three Elites threw at him.

  “Do you believe this?” screamed someone in the crowd as they all hung onto the edge of their seats.

  “Watch out,” he roared to one of the Elites, who turned to see what was happening. Max needed no invitation and struck him with the hilt of the sword, watching with satisfaction as he dropped to the ground.

  Laughter erupted around the stands at the stupidity of the take-down. A jet of water streamed out to hit Max in the shoulder, forcing him to roll over in the newly-formed mud and coating him thoroughly.

  Max rose, beckoning to the water user for another blast and he was obliged. It wasn’t hard for him to dodge the stream of water, raising his electrical hand to zap the current and tracing it back to its user, electricity-laden.

  With two down, Max blasted the third one with electricity, excited at the outcome of the battle and racing over to the three remaining Elites.

  There was a display of rock as the Elites pounded them with jets of fire and Ben mocked them as they hid behind the barricade.

  Surprisingly, it was Jacob who threw an Elite into the
rock wall foundation, only to watch him wriggle underneath the scorching hot rocks of their barricade.

  Time had disappeared and it felt as if hours had dragged by. It wasn’t until the fight was five on two that he noticed that Kate was fighting the only girl and the rest of the boys were facing the brute force of Ben.

  “Are you all right?” Toby questioned, as Max joined the group.

  Indeed, Max could now feel his muscles start to strain and become heavy, but he continued to lift his two swords. He returned them to his back, releasing the tension in his arms.

  “I’m all right but let’s get this over with. I will out-flank him and you guys distract him.” It wasn’t hard for Max to get on his blind side and Ben became surrounded. Max grabbed Ben’s sword arm as he electrocuted him. It seemed to just tickle him and he stood firm.

  “I am rock,” he responded, kicking Max in the groin as he rolled away out of his range. Ben grabbed both Jacob and James and tossed them aside like rag dolls as he countered Toby’s attack.

  Eventually, the four students wore Ben down and Max kicked the back of his legs, making him buckle as Jacob put the point of his sword on his chest.

  “The bigger they are the harder they fall,” smirked Jacob.

  Ben huffed at his defeat. “Just let me have you one-on-one, and then you’ll be sorry,” he hissed as he lay flat on his back.

  Unconsciously, the crowd stood and roared as the five prevailed over the Elites, Kate relieving the last Elite of her sword as the other four stood around her.

  “Do you believe that?” Jimmy howled. “He took down five!”

  Hilary looked happily down at Max, looking forward to when she could congratulate him with a hug that was well deserved.

  A short time had elapsed since Max’s battle. His cuts and bruises were well tended to by the healers and he now sat in the common room, relishing the time alone. Everyone in the school was in high spirits. The battles had entertained them and given them a day off and the weekend had now come. The students meandered about, enjoying the pleasures of the good weather.

  Now, several students lounged into the common room; two heading for the table in the corner to study, and a couple fell into one of the armchairs, flirting and teasing each other with little pecks on the cheek. He turned around to see another group huddling up at the far end of the room, studying with chatter and laughter.

  The school had slowly but surely become home to Maximus. He relaxed in the positive atmosphere, not allowing his muscles to stiffen with his slight movements.

  “You look like you’re in pain,” said Rachel, giving Max a sympathetic look as she entered the room and sat next to him with Jimmy sitting on her other side.

  “Pain is nothing to Maximus,” answered Jimmy.

  Rachel nodded her head, cracking a half smile as she watched Jimmy bouncing with excitement.

  “Don’t mind him. He’s been going on about you ever since your fight,” she sighed.

  “Has he, now?” Max chuckled.

  It had been a good couple of minutes of alone time but he didn’t mind them being interrupted by the bond of friendship. He looked at Rachel and Jimmy and knew something special had happened; he had gained pure friendship.

  It wasn’t long until Max had to be half-carried to his bed and finally realised how tired he actually was. His friends departed and he finally got the shut-eye that was much needed.

  * * *

  Jonny reached the hut located on the outskirts of the canyon. He searched around for any hint of life, gripping his bruised arm. His ego was even more bruised and he entered the hut with a touch of anger as he recalled the fight.

  “Did I tell you to enter?” a voice cool as ice echoed in the room.

  The chill would have made any normal man turn around in desperation to escape, but not Jonny, who stood there unafraid, gazing at the sparks of the fire flickering on the walls.

  “I have no time for your words,” replied Jonny, half-bracing himself against the wall in anticipation of any quick attacks which may arise.

  “But words are all you have now. I know why you are here today,” said Seth.

  “I apologise. It’s not every day I get humiliated in front of hundreds,” said Jonny, tightening his fist.

  “The boy has brought us both shame,” Seth glared.

  “I want it.”

  Seth held Jonny’s eyes and there was a moment of silence before he spoke.

  “It will be done, but first you must please the Lord. He does not take kindly to failure.”

  “He will not be disappointed,” Jonny croaked, clearing his throat.

  “It is not my life you are balancing but your own. Now go and you will be summoned when it is time.”

  “You must give me something now,” Jonny demanded.

  Seth nodded his head to a young man who stood in the shadows of the room holding a baseball bat. The young man approached Jonny, standing close him as he stared into his eyes.

  “You have desperate eyes,” the young man growled.

  “Test me,” replied Jonny, returning the glare.

  The young man retrieved a sword from the middle of the table, handing it to Jonny.

  “It looks like you have already been tested,” he chuckled as he took his place next to Seth.

  Jonny took the blade with high hopes. It had a blue edge that whistled through the air when he swung. The blade was thin and long, with an old handle that provided plenty of grip. He sheathed the sword in its case, turning to leave.

  “Don’t lose that sword, or I will kill you,” warned Seth as he left.

  Jonny departed with a last glimpse at Seth, hastening away from the cold eyes that he could feel on his back.

  Chapter 19

  Ceremonial Disaster

  It was a day to remember and Max felt the tingle of the grass blowing in the breeze as he stood on the lawn. He had felt his spirit lift after the battle in the arena and was now picking at the scabs on the wounds he had received.

  The field had filled up with students from all three schools and they were playing sport, sunbathing, abusing their powers and hanging out in the hot weather. The students from the other two schools were amazed by how hot and sunny the weather had been.

  Max’s attention was drawn to a figure walking across the field, since every male eye was suddenly pinned on the approaching female. Her short shorts and green bikini top were enough to cause a quiet commotion and all activities ceased as they watched her approach.

  Max quickly shot his attention elsewhere as she took a seat next to him.

  “Can’t a girl go anywhere without watchful eyes?” she complained.

  “Yeah, my room.” Max quickly choked, realising what he said, but it was too late. His blush was red enough to make any girl smile and draw closer to him.

  “We could, but then the sun will go to waste,” Hilary replied quietly, lying down within a hair’s breadth of Max. His red cheeks gradually disappeared and he eased into a lying position next to her. He marvelled at her skin’s warmth and softness as his arm touched hers.

  Her scent had reached Max long before she arrived and it sat gently on him as his eyes reached hers.

  Max quickly recovered the power of speech and asked her about her day. Gradually, as they spoke, he could begin to ignore the feel of the eyes on both of them as the conversation drew them closer and closer.

  “Do they go out?” said one of the girls, looking over in their direction.

  “No, but what I would do to have a girl like that. Of course, it had to be Maximus to draw her eye,” said the boy sitting next to her.

  “If she doesn’t make a move, I might try,” she replied, weighing her chances.

  “You have no more of a chance than of me going out with Hilary,” the boy replied, woefully.

  “A girl can dream.”

  Similar comments spread through the students’ conversations as they sat and socialised.

  Max felt a tingling sensation as he scoped the length of h
er body, heart pounding as he soaked in the fine line of her perfect skin, to her flat stomach, then her shorts and finally looked up to meet her eyes.

  “How would you feel about me becoming an Elite?” murmured Max as he inched his head forward, watching as Hilary mimicked him. He was so close that he could feel her sweet breath as the space closed even further.

  “You will have to deal with me pounding on you,” Hilary joked.

  Max smiled, picturing Hilary on top of him as she threatened to finish him.

  “Maximus?” said a voice behind them.

  Max turned to see a bodyguard wearing a formal suit standing tall as he regarded Max through black sunglasses.

  “Yes,” Max replied openly.

  “Follow me.”

  Max followed with no questions asked as they made their way to the small arena. Max studied the man as he followed him, trying to judge his strength if he had to fight him. It was strange seeing someone like this in these surroundings and many eyes followed the two as they made their way through the school.

  Then all became clear as he saw three more bodyguards positioned around the arena, eyeing him as he approached: An important man stood at the very edge, leaning against the rail as he scanned the canyon.

  “Nice view isn’t it, my boy?” said the Minister, turning to shake Max’s hand. His grip was firm and he looked straight into Max’s eyes.

  The Minister had been wearing a long, black travelling cloak and he had draped it over the rail, the weather being far too hot to keep it on. His black, round hat dangled in his hands.

  “Yes, Sir,” replied Max quietly.

  His white hair did not portray his age, as his skin still glowed with youth. He breathed the fresh air with pleasure, happy to be out of his office for more than a couple of hours.

  “Where do you see yourself in the near future?” he began.

  Max needed a few moments to collect his thoughts on the subject before replying. It was a question that left him stumped, he hadn’t thought about his future at all, taking life one day at a time.

  “Helping people, Sir,” he finally replied.


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