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Maximus Thatcher

Page 26

by Robert Miller

  “Let me introduce a man that who is well known throughout the world. Alpha,” said the Minister, watching as a man approached from the distance. When he arrived beside them, he greeted Maximus with a wide smile.

  “Pleasure,” said Alpha, squeezing his hand.

  “Looks like your reputation is justified,” replied Max, suddenly nervous. The only thing he heard about Alpha was that he was in charge of a top flight operating team in the Nation Powers Association, a living legend who captures the world’s most dangerous users.

  “I am impressed by your Assessments and would like to offer you an invitation to develop into my team,” said Alpha.

  Max was overwhelmed by the opportunity. Very few are ever invited into this group, and certainly never anyone of his age. Max swallowed trying to find moisture in his dry mouth.

  “Just remember, Maximus: you’re either with the Ministry or against it,” said the Minster brusquely.

  Max shifted awkwardly as he considered the situation.

  “I will consider your invitation,” he said at last, nodding at Alpha.

  “That’s all we can ask for,” replied the Minister. “Also make sure to bring Jimmy along,” he added.

  “What’s your interest in him?”

  “He is unique, something that you helped to develop. Both of you will be an asset to the Ministry and the NPA,” the Minister continued.

  Max remembered his promise to protect Jimmy at all costs. The Ministry wanted to exploit their powers, something Max didn’t want to happen without cause.

  “I think we are needed at the school more than in the workforce,” he replied cagily.

  “We can offer protection better than any. The Dark Lord continues to strike and we can’t have either of you falling into the wrong hands.”

  “I am nothing special. What can I do to the Dark Lord that you can’t already?” questioned Max.

  The Minister looked towards Alpha as if asking permission.

  “The prophecy of the electric user. I’m surprised you haven’t heard it. Let me ask you a question. Do you remember your parents?”

  “No, I don’t. My uncle said they both passed away when I was young,” he replied truthfully.

  “The prophecy says that Philo’s son will be born into an electrical user who will bring an end to the Dark Lord,” said the Minister. He searched Max’s face to see if this made sense to him.

  “We believe it will be you,” said Alpha, trying to sway Max’s decision.

  “It can’t be,” Max replied, stunned by the thought.

  “You are the most gifted electrical user, ever. It has to be you,” insisted the Minster.

  Max turned to face the canyon, trying to block the men from his view. He put together everything that was abnormal about him: The full ring, the scroll inked on his left shoulder, the secrets told by his Head Master. It all became clear. Everything linked to the prophecy. Could what they were saying be true? Could he be the one to defy the Dark Lord? So many questions hammered in his mind as he weighed the possibility.

  “His scar has not developed yet, but I’m sure with training it will,” said Alpha to the Minister.

  Little did they realise that it was there right in front of their eyes, the full ring of a scar hidden to protect Max. His memories turned to the old man on the bridge. Was the Ministry a safer option than Bill?

  He muttered a reply.

  “You are wrong. I am not the one. Now I have to go,” he replied, pushing hurriedly past both men.

  The Minister’s face hardened as Max turned the corner.

  “Keep an eye on him. He could be our last chance,” said the minster, receiving a nod from Alpha.

  Max did not allow himself to ponder the day’s happenings as he washed in preparation for the ceremony. There was much expectation about the event; the stadium had been cleaned and stood ready. The food to be served before the ceremony was glorious and stretched from table to table.

  All the Head Masters were present, with the Minister and the NPA representative in the front in full view of the crammed dining hall. The Minister looked down at Max and Chris, obviously not forgetting his earlier conversation with Max.

  The food supply was running low and replacements were carried in by the servants in order to satisfy the students.

  He shared a brief, awkward eye contact with Rachel but that disappeared with Hilary’s entrance. His broad smile drew her to his location and she dodged a hundred students to reach him. They shared food and conversation and Max glanced up to see Jonny abruptly stand and leave the hall, looking disgusted.

  “Something doesn’t feel right,” said Max as he looked out into the darkness.

  “Are you all right? You look pale,” Hilary replied with concern.

  “Should be,” he muttered, still thinking about the prophecy.

  Jimmy scrunched his face, trying to block out Hilary’s thoughts. He could sense a shift in Max’s attitude and cursed his blocked mind.

  After dinner and with help from Hilary, Max changed into his dress attire, forming up with the students from the Assessments. The dark sky was lit with glowing white lights all around the stadium.

  The stands began to fill with students and laughter and singing drifted over the arena. The night was dark with a thin drizzle of rain, but covers had been assembled over the stands to protect the students. The drizzle did not bother the formed-up students in the middle of the stadium, however, waiting for the ceremony to start. There was a lot of chatter circulating around the crowd as the teachers lined up in front of them, facing the students. A small group of helpers stood behind them, carrying a candle for each new Elite. The candle signified the journey of becoming an Elite and was to be handed to each student by the Minister.

  Max’s excitement grew with every loud cheer from the crowd in front of him. He could see Dozer at the end of the teachers and saw as he nodded his head in approval, waiting for the ceremony to begin. The lights flickered and the Minister raised his hands to silence the noise.

  “I welcome everyone here to a night that recognises these fine students and the accomplishments they have achieved by completing these tasks.

  “As you have witnessed the strength that these upcoming Elites have showed, you will agree that they are ready to enter the Elite squadron and join the journey that we all share,” said the Minister, looking at everyone in the in squads who had passed the final test. Max felt a soothing sensation as he realised his goal had been achieved. Dozer had squirmed with pride at the sight of Maximus and Chris. At first he had not believed them to be fit to be Elites, but their growth had surprised him. He certainly didn’t have this feeling for most of his students, since they all failed to meet his highly demanding standards.

  Hilary and Rachel watched with glowing eyes as both boys received their candles.

  “The initiation into the Elites is completed!” shouted Alexander, the crowd clapping wildly behind him.

  Jimmy slipped from the helpers group behind Maximus. He was ecstatic to be the one to hand his candle to the Minister for passing on to Maximus, proud of his best friend.

  Suddenly, there was a loud pop and everyone in the crowd jumped, crying out with fear, sensing that something was wrong. A hand clenched around Jimmy’s arm and he spun around to face its owner. Murmurs of shock ran through the Minister and Head Masters and Max whipped his head around to see Jimmy and some of the other students in the grip of five dark-hooded figures. The middle man lifted his hood, maintaining his grip on Jimmy.

  Jimmy stood paralysed, recognising the person holding him. He silently reached out to Max, tears brimming in his eyes.

  “Seth,” whispered Maximus.

  “What is the meaning of this?” the Minister yelled at the top of his lungs, pushing his way to the front. Dozer followed him as the other Head Masters jumped in front of the Minister.

  Seth’s grip tightened on Jimmy’s shoulder and he yelled in pain. Max’s eyes grew darker as he stepped closer, only to be stopped by
Alexander’s hand on his arm, pulling him back.

  “Easy, boy,” Victor croaked.

  “Can I get him?” whispered Jimmy’s young voice as he twitched with adrenalin.

  “I demand you let them go,” said Dozer, angrily.

  Seth’s grin grew nastier as he looked at Dozer.

  “No,” he laughed.

  It wasn’t Dozer who moved, but half of the crowd did as lightning lit the sky, forcing the teachers to evacuate everyone from the area.

  “Does this boy mean something to you, Maximus?” Seth continued as more and more bolts surrounded them. The rain had begun to pour and the thunder echoed throughout the canyon.

  “What are you going to do?” pushed Seth.

  “Stand your ground, Maximus,” Alex pleaded.

  The anger and frustration swirling in the pit of Max’s stomach only fuelled the electricity spawning from the sky. He had been powerless on the day his family was taken away, and now the same situation had arisen again. The thunder and lightning continued as his anger became uncontrollable.

  The night was identical to that heavy night that still weighed on Max’s mind. The emotions that grew within him bubbled to the surface.

  “I will not let this happen twice,” he replied.

  Panic swept through the crowd and the teachers and everyone scrambled back towards the pillar.

  “All of you are powerless. You’re but ants compared to the power of Lord Dartholemue,” said Victor, watching their faces fill with shock at the use of the Lord’s name. Their shock made Victor and the others smile, giving them power; they were hungry to spread the evil that contaminated their hearts, enjoying every second of their plan.

  “What’s going to happen from here?” negotiated Alex.

  “What’s going to happen is we are going to disappear and Lord Dartholemue will decide what to do with this student,” crowed Seth.

  “Pure evil,” spat the Minister.

  Jonny stood in the crowd, watching the commotion. He pushed the person in front of him out of the way to get a better view. His mind was whirling, fearing he had made a mistake in working with them.

  “Don’t worry. You’re next,” replied Victor, pointing at the Minister.

  A bolt of lightning caught the hooded man off-guard as it inched its way across the stadium, making its mark on the floor.

  Alexander used his physic power to pull the boys from the grips of the hooded men, but Seth’s grip on Jimmy tightened at the release of the other students.

  “This one’s all we need,” said the cold voice of the man holding Jimmy.

  Maximus jolted, exploding with such force that the sand scattered, trying to reach the boy. Jimmy disappeared with a quiet crack and a trail of smoke.

  A hard, spiky ball of ice hit the side of Max’s body, not slowing him at all as he sprang towards the hooded figure. A punch of electricity landed on the young man’s face and he crashed to the floor, dropping a bat and another ice ball that rolled out of his hand as he thudded to the ground.

  Max jumped back as the other hooded man swung a half-squared sword, which sliced through the air with frightening speed.

  “A Sword Master,” said Dozer, taking up a position on the right side of Alexander.

  “This is not over,” the Sword Master spat at Maximus. Seconds passed before Max realised it was all over: they had vanished into the night. Tears sprang from his eyes as he stood where Jimmy had been, kneeling and allowing his grief to take over. He had failed yet again. All the training he had received and the experience he gained had allowed him to do nothing. The rain poured down even more heavily; the skies sobbing for Jimmy.

  Both Alexander and Dozer dashed off to assess the situation and make sure the school was clear of any further hooded figures. The heavy droplets hit the stadium and the sand turned to mud. The lightning threatened to strike the pillar as Max began to lose control. The rained dripped off Max’s chin as he stared at the ground, stunned and unable to move.

  The lightning was similar to that on night at the dojo, with the teachers evacuating the area for fear of being struck.

  “Control, Maximus!” shouted Master Lee.

  Alpha stuck the back of Max’s head with the hilt of the sword and he dropped to the ground, the lighting finally coming to an end.

  Max opened his eyes to find a blanket wrapped around him and his friends kneeling beside him. Hilary wrapped him in a big hug, not daring to let him go. Rachel curled herself into Chris’s arms as he tried to gain control of his own emotions. Hilary wiped her eyes, trying not to cry, staying strong for Max. Heartbreak spread through the area from everyone who had known little Jimmy. Hilary guided Max back to his room, not daring to leave him in his time of need.

  Chapter 20


  It was a long and sleepless night and the next morning, Max felt drained. Hilary had comforted him all night, hugging him as he tossed and turned. She was concerned, knowing how much Jimmy meant to him, and everyone was still in shock about the events that had taken place. The students and Head Masters from Elementrix Sister and Main had departed in the early hours of the morning, returning to the safety of their homes.

  Alexander was furious, adding extra NPA security around the school. It wasn’t easy for the students. The Minister had provided a statement on the attack, urging the user community not to panic. Schools had not been targeted before and it was hard for parents to understand the safety policy now in place. A portion of the parents had already withdrawn their kids, fearing another attack. Alexander pleaded for the students to remain at the school. It was now heavily guarded and much safer than any household.

  Max could smell the dampness in the air as the morning sun evaporated the previous night’s rain. He got up carefully, avoiding waking Hilary. The only quiet place to think was the rock half-sticking out of the accommodation that Max had become so fond of.

  The rays of the sun were quite visible in his blurred and narrowed vision. He could feel the tear left by Jimmy as a physical sensation and he rubbed his chest.

  Soothing hands gently rubbed his shoulders and he didn’t need to guess who was behind him. She moved around and sat next to him, hugging his arm, not wanting to let go. Even though she thought Jimmy was a mischievous boy, she still had a soft spot in her heart for him.

  “It’s been a while since both of us have been here,” said Hilary.

  Max nodded, keeping quiet as he gazed over the school. Her frustration was obvious; it wasn’t her eyes that gave her away but her little frown.

  “Look at me. You know I am always here,” she said as she rubbed his arm.

  “I know,” he replied looking into her eyes, which were bright with unshed tears.

  She squeezed him extra tight. Chris and Rachel waved as they passed through.

  “They are a cute couple, don’t you think?” She grinned, looking back to see them turn the corner.

  “Sure,” he replied dully, shrugging his shoulders. She ignored his bluntness for today, sitting in silence as they both enjoyed each other’s touch.

  “I need to find him,” said Maximus, suddenly.

  “I don’t like where you’re going with this,” she replied with a worried frown.

  Max zoned out as his mind raced with thoughts. He had to do something. Waiting by could mean more harm would come to Jimmy.

  “If only I knew where the Dark Lord is,” he mused, desperate for answers.

  * * *

  “Bring the boy to me,” commanded the voice under the black hood.

  “Yes, Master,” Victor replied, bowing his way out of the room. A few moments later he escorted the boy and the Sword Master to his throne, kneeling in front of him. The Sword Master drew his eyes up to the darkness of the hood, trying to capture a glimpse of his face, jumping as the Dark Lord spoke.

  “So you were the man who was close to the boy who perished so easily?” said the Dark Lord, referring to the boy Max had punched.

  The Sword Master reacted in
stinctively, swiftly drawing his sword, and pressing it to Lord Dartholemue’s throat. Seth and Victor smiled, watching as the Sword Master crafted his own demise. A second figure, also clad in black robes, stood behind the man, holding an exact replica of his sword, with the hilt hidden behind his sleeve.

  Jimmy didn’t have time to react or see what had happened next. The speed by which the switch was made was amazing, fear leaping to the Sword Master’s face. Jimmy froze in fright.

  “I can’t breathe,” whispered the Sword Master as he looked up at the hooded figure. Lord Dartholemue grabbed him and flung him with immense strength, sliding him across the floor as he took his seat.

  “Breathe,” the Dark Lord whispered to Jimmy, who was still holding his breath. He did as commanded, taking a gulp of air, his colour returning to normal.

  “What do you want?” asked Jimmy, regaining his wits.

  An invisible transmission fluttered through the thick air as Seth approached, looking scary in the dim light that shadowed the room. He stood halfway between the Lord and Jimmy.

  “Did you ever wonder about your parents? They both traded you as a guinea pig to spare their lives, but it didn’t work. The Lord took theirs and now he owns yours,” said Seth, gripping the boy’s shirt.

  “You lie!” cried Jimmy. His legs wobbled as his body resisted the urge to stand and run. His loneliness had consumed him from childhood, rejected by everyone in his company, laughed at by the other children around him.

  Victor escorted the limping swordsman out of the room, whispering his doom as they exited. Jimmy was left alone with Seth and the Dark Lord.

  “Indeed, you were a guinea pig of great value. The two powers you inherited from the Dark Lord’s very hands; he gave you life, power beyond your belief. Tell me, did Alexander ever find out what was holding you back?”

  “What are you talking about?” Jimmy muttered, trying to evade the question.

  “Answer me!” yelled Seth.

  “No, they tried but nothing could be done,” replied Jimmy, now really frightened.

  “The Dark Lord has capped you.” Seth spoke, sending chills down Jimmy’s body.


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