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Vicious Enzo: A College Bully Romance (Verona Academy Book 2)

Page 6

by Melinda Terranova

  “Since when do we do what we’re supposed to do?” I whisper and waggle my eyebrows.

  “Fuck me, one day you’ll get us all killed,” Dante huffs as he follows me in, trailed by Luca.

  I point at the stairs to the right and Luca nods in agreement. We ascend the stairs in single file, without making a sound, and find ourselves on a landing with two doors to choose from. I jerk my head toward the right door and wait for Dante and Luca to agree. Dante shakes his head and points to the left with his gun.

  I nod and stand with my shoulder inches from the door, my gun ready and waiting in my hand. My heart rate thuds in my ears, the promise of the best fucking adrenaline rush just on the other side. I count down from three with my fingers and when I hit one, I barge through the door and scan the area. Luca and Dante are on my heels, and I hear the familiar whoosh as the first bullet is fired.

  “Got it,” Luca growls as he turns in the direction of the idiot who decided to fire at us and shoots him dead within seconds, just as Dante fires his gun and kills another one.

  Silence falls after that and the distinct sound of rapid breathing echoes around the room.

  “Come out, come out, wherever you are,” I sing in a high-pitched voice as I scan the darkened room. The only source of light coming from the streetlight, illuminating the space like a bad horror movie. I inch further into the room and hear the loud click of the door closing behind me, locking our target in here with us. Smart move.

  A quiet scrape to our left catches our interest, all three of us turn our gaze to the pile of furniture scattered at the end of the large room. Slowly, with careful steps, we make our way toward the noise and wait in anticipation. Usually, at this point, the dumb fucker we have cornered comes charging out of his hiding place, like an angry bovine running in the Pamplona Bull Race.

  We wait for a few more seconds, and the fucker doesn’t budge, so I do what I usually do in true Enzo fashion and force him out of his hiding place. I don’t aim at anything, in particular, I simply point my gun and shoot.

  “Last chance to show your face while it’s still attached to your head.” Dante holds his gun up ready to fire.

  Luca sneaks around the side of the furniture and shoots into the space from that angle. “Still nothing.” He shrugs.

  “Okay, okay,” a male voice calls out from behind a double door wardrobe.

  “Three, two, one,” I count aloud, as I watch a figure appear from the dark. I stare at his familiar eyes and at the defiance dancing behind them. If it isn’t the fucking front gate guard from initiation night.

  He stands with his hands up in the air, palms facing me, in a show of defeat. “I see you’ve put two and two together,” his voice is laced with amusement.

  “Keep your hands where I can see them,” I bark at him, as Luca pats him down, finding a handgun and tossing it along the ground toward me.

  I step closer to him, and watch his eyes light up with excitement, this fucker is more twisted than me. “Why are you here?” I glare at him.

  “Why don’t you work it out, boy, with your preppy little education, I’m sure you have the brains.” He grins at me.

  My jaw twitches in agitation and I take in a deep breath, calming myself. “Why are you here?” I repeat.

  The guard doesn’t answer me, he merely stands there staring at me, his defiance about to get his ass killed. He knows his minutes are numbered, whether he talks or not.

  “Dude, just fucking answer him, and this will end quickly,” Luca growls in frustration.

  The guard’s eyes roam over Luca then come back to lock with mine, his jaw relaxed. He lowers his arms to his side, and I point my gun at his face. “Last time, fucker. Why are you here?”

  “I don’t tell secrets,” he smirks.

  My anger burns through me as I stare at his dumb expression, he’s standing there laughing in my face, as though I won’t go through with killing him. My lips curl over my teeth as a sardonic smirk dances across my lips, I lower my hands until they are pointed at the ground where he stands. I take one last look into his teasing eyes, and give him a wink, before shooting him in the foot. A gruntled cry escapes him before he drops to the floor like a sack of shit, grabbing his bleeding foot. I casually walk over to him, like I have all the time in the world, and squat down so my face is closer to his. I lean in and whisper, “why are you here?”

  “Fuck off, Russo,” he spits at me, dribbles landing on his chin. His face is a nice shade of red, crumpled up from the agony his foot must be causing him.

  “Let’s try this one more time.” I smash my gun into the side of his face and watch as his head bounces off the hard floor. “Why are you here?”

  “You’re like a fucking parrot, repeating yourself for no reason. I am not saying shit to you.” He glares at me, the trickle of blood seeping into his eye from the gash on his temple.

  “Dante, find something heavy.”

  I hear Dante’s footsteps as they search for any item in this room that can cause some severe pain. A few seconds later he appears with a sledgehammer.

  “Perfect,” I grin at him and turn my gaze back to the guard. “Now, we can do this the easy way, or the painful way. I’ll ask one last time, why are you here?” I tap the gun on the wooden floorboards next to his head.

  “I’ll take the pain over telling you little maggots anything.” He wipes the blood from his eye and glares at me.

  “Dante.” I keep my eyes on the fucker as Dante approaches.

  I hear Dante grunt as he swings the sledgehammer above his head and brings it down in perfect alignment onto the fuckers already bleeding foot.

  “Fuck,” the guard shrieks as blood splatters from his crushed foot.

  “Is that all you’ve got to say?” I stand up and boot him in the stomach.

  He curls up into a ball, grimacing against the floor. “Fuck you all,” he groans.

  “Would you like us to set you on fire as you did to one of our own?” I circle him.

  “It’s nearly time,” Luca announces, checking his phone.

  “You have ten seconds to talk. Why are you here?” I shout from frustration, the energy coiling in me, waiting for the perfect outlet.

  Dante lifts the sledgehammer, smashing it into the guard’s knee, the sound of crunching bone fills the air before the sounds of screams take over.

  I stand over his head and position my boots on either side of his face, making him look up at me. His gasps turn into whimpers as my eyes turn dark. “Why are you here?” I say firmly.

  “Go fuck yourself, you prick,” he sputters.

  “You really aren’t making this easy on yourself.” I bring my boot up and place it over his throat, pressing down firmly until his hands grip my boot to relieve some of the pressure. “Dante, do you think he should have matching knees?”

  Without speaking, Dante walks around to the other side of the guard and slams the sledgehammer into his other knee. The gargled shrieks of agony bounce off the walls and fill the air with promise.

  “Now, my friend.” I press my boot into his throat making him gasp for air. “Why are you here? Tell me before I get Dante here to smash your skull in.”

  His hands grip my boot and his legs twitch involuntarily, his eyes have a psychotic glare in them, which tells me this fucker is loyal to his leader and won’t spill his secrets.

  “Go to hell,” he manages to rasp out.

  I lift my foot off his throat. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.” I stomp on his face, breaking his nose.

  He doesn’t move after that, his body ceases to twitch as the blood pours from his busted-up face.

  “Well, shit. Let’s go before the fun starts downstairs,” Luca has the door open ready to rock ‘n’ roll.

  I push at the guard’s face with my boot and he groans. “Well, well, he’s not dead after all.” I grin as I squat down beside him. “Last chance, tell me why you’re here?” I poke him with my gun.

  “Richards,” he barely whispers through g
argled breaths, the blood pooling in the back of his throat.

  “Mother fucker.” I stand and point my gun at the guard’s face, shooting him in the forehead. It is all I can do to give him a better death, now that he ratted out his boss.

  “Luca, text Marco to retreat. There’s no New York crew here to fuck us over. It was Summer’s fucking dad all along.” I take one last look at the guard who gave his life for that corrupt fucker.

  Revenge is best served with bloodshed.



  I’ve been sitting in the great Salvatore’s office for about an hour now, waiting for him to grace me with his presence. I’ve been summoned after he heard about our little casino royale take over stunt. He is not impressed. I wonder if the other two are getting raked over the coals like I always seem to be. I hear his footsteps on the marble floors outside in the hall, his Italian, polished leather shoes clicking with every determined step. Even from his footsteps, I can tell he is pissed.

  He storms in through the door behind me, slamming it after him and circles around to stand directly in front of me. I don’t even look up at him, I know his face all too well. The scowl, the crease between his thick, dark eyebrows, and the disappointed shadows behind his eyes. I hear his breath hitch as he glares down at me.

  “Are you stupid, boy?” He backhands me.

  The burn is instant, and I feel the throb in my upper lip as the blood trickles down my chin. I sit motionless, barely registering the ringing in my right ear. He always hits with his right hand, the very hand that has taken many lives. I don’t give him the satisfaction of locking eyes with him, I merely sit in the chair and wait for the rest of his wrath.

  “Answer me,” his voice shakes with rage.

  “Obviously,” I reply, staring ahead at his expensive suit.

  “What were you thinking? Killing a police associate.” I can feel his glare against my skin.

  I don’t answer him.

  “Fucking look at me when I’m speaking to you. Do you have no respect for anyone?” He fumes.

  I slowly look up at him, my face showing no emotion as the blood still beads out of my lip. I haven’t even so much as licked it, to show him that nothing he inflicts on me affects me in the slightest. You made me this way, old man, now reap what you sowed.

  He pinches the area just above his nose, his frustration, and anger about to overflow. “Get out of my fucking sight,” he breathes, his nostrils flaring.

  I stand and look at him eye to eye. I’m not his little kid anymore, to order around and do his dirty work. I stride to the door and yank it open, the rage in me brewing like a fucking out of control firestorm.

  “Enzo,” his voice is lethal and drips with authority.

  I turn to glare at him, at his disappointed scowl.

  “Don’t fucking take it upon yourself to take care of anything before consulting with me first.” He turns to walk around his desk, not even bothering to look at me while speaking.

  I step out of his office and slowly click the door closed after me. I don’t want him to know how much anger I have in me right now; he only needs to know I don’t care and that he doesn’t register on my give a shit meter. I storm out of his fucking house, a house I’m starting to despise. It’s felt like an empty shell, for almost a year, ever since my mom moved back to our village in Italy. This tumultuous life getting too much for her to deal with. I won’t admit to anyone that I miss her like crazy. She is the only one that truly knows me and loves me all the more for it.

  I tear up the driveway as I leave my childhood home behind me, hoping my dick of a father heard the gravel flying everywhere. I speed down the highway toward Luca’s place, hoping he’s home so we can make a night of it, and I can drink my sorry ass into the pits of hell.

  I dial Luca as I near his place. “Get ready, we’re going out,” I speak into the car sound system.

  “Get on it, fuck yes,” Luca howls back at me and clicks the phone dead.

  Next, I call Dante who answers within the first ring and tell him to head over to Luca’s place to be picked up.


  The new club in Boston is dark, moody, and filled with alcohol. Just how I like my surroundings. The bass thumps through my chest as we sit in the VIP section on the second floor of the club, overlooking the main dance floor. The place is packed and for good reason, it’s cheap drink night.

  Our personal bar attendant delivers another bottle of Cristal. I don’t know who ordered the girly drink, but it tastes like piss and I decline to get through another glass of the shit.

  “What’s eating your shit, Gilbert Grape?” Dante nudges me in the arm.

  “What isn’t?” Everything is souring my mood lately.

  “Maybe you just need a good fuck.” He winks.

  If only that could fix it. I can’t even think about going near another pussy, and it makes me fucking fume. Why the fuck do I let her keep getting to me. I pull my thoughts away from the all-consuming Summer and get my head on straight. “Might help, but I doubt it.”

  “Lighten up, fucker, and enjoy the free-flowing champagne.” Luca grabs a bottle, shakes it up before opening it, and spraying it over the crowd below.

  “Got a joint on you?” I ask as Luca sits back down next to me.

  “Nah, sorry. I didn’t think about it on such short notice.”

  “I’m going downstairs to grab a real drink.” I climb over the small table and head for the stairs.

  “Bring back some entertainment,” Dante calls after me.

  I push my way through the crowd, a humbling feeling seeing as I’m not known here, and make my way to the bar in the far corner. Hidden in the shadows, I stand and wait my turn to be served.

  ‘What can I get you?” The barman flips a glass in the air and catches it.

  “A Balvenie on the rocks.” The barman’s eyebrows raise in surprise. Yes, I can afford the whole fucking bottle if I want it. Just get me the fucking drink before I put your head through the wall.

  I watch as he turns and heads to the back of the bar searching for the bottle. I’ll be surprised if they even stock it, but I wait impatiently. I hear an argument behind me, and it piques my interest. I’m always keen for a little brawl, and in a club where I’m not known, these idiots may actually step up. I turn my head to see the back of a guy that looks all too familiar.

  He’s standing his ground, not backing down to the dumb fuck pushing at his chest. I watch them carefully, when Mitch appears out of the crowd, ready to fight. I take out my phone and fire off a text to Dante to join me downstairs. I take a few steps toward Mitch and place my hand on Jake’s shoulder.

  “What’s the problem here?” I size up the douche causing the scene.

  Jake turns to look at me, astonishment and uncertainty coloring his face. “This dick is trying to accuse me of hitting on his girl.” Jake glares at the guy.

  “Best you run along.” Mitch places his palm on the guy’s chest and pushes him backward.

  The dick’s eyes regard me for a moment too long and his brain cells seem to join to form an idea that he has seen me before. His eyes go wide when he finally works out who I am.


  “No, fuck you all. I’m not backing down.” The dick steps forward and comes chest to chest with Jake, his five friends hesitating behind him, unsure whether to step up or step out.

  In a split-second, Jake head butts the guy in the nose and in a whirl of fists and ripped shirts, all hell breaks loose.

  Fuck yes. Exactly what I’m in the mood for.

  Before we get too out of hand, the bouncers surround us and start pulling the dick and his five friends out of the club. Their faces and clothing are covered in blood. I glance around at the wide berth we have around us and see that Luca, and Dante, managed to get here in time to throw a few punches, their clothing in disarray.

  “Thanks, man.” Mitch grabs me around the neck, pulling me into his side.

  “What’s family for?” I g
rin at his blood-covered face, his shirt ripped from his shoulder.

  Luca jumps on us from behind. “Who the fuck started that, and can I buy him a drink?” He roughs up our hair before jumping down.

  Jake approaches us, wiping his bleeding eye with his t-shirt. “That would be me. Sorry guys, but he was being a fucking twat.”

  “You are now officially my favorite.” Dante wraps his arm around Jake’s neck and plants a kiss on his cheek.

  “Drinks on me. I haven’t had a good old-fashioned brawl in forever.” I high five Jake and grin at Mitch.

  “Come out with me and you’re bound to get into a fight,” Jake laughs and dabs his eye with his t-shirt.

  “Growing up, this kid would always fucking head butt someone first, and then I’d have to help him sort it out.” Mitch punches Jake in the arm.

  “Tell all your mates to come join us upstairs, I’ll get drinks sorted.” I point to the VIP area.

  “This way ladies,” Luca puts his arms around the two nearest girls and dances his way upstairs, with them in tow, while everyone else follows.

  The night goes from fucking great to fucking legendary. The scotch, and champagne flows freely, and the weed Luca managed to score, is top quality. I only need a few puffs to mellow out, which is exactly what the doctor ordered tonight. I’ll worry about the implications of everything tomorrow when the sun comes up.


  I manage to sober up enough to drive home in the early hours of the morning, while Luca, and Dante, nap in the car. I get a strange call from Mateo, one of my father’s most trusted made men. The phone crackles before it goes dead. I try to return the call, only it goes straight to voice mail.

  I decide to stop past my father’s and see if they need any assistance with anything, not that any of us are in the right state to handle anything and we’ll probably be reprimanded for being drunk and covered in blood. But fuck, if I don’t show up, I’ll be read the riot act anyway.

  I pull up to the gates, no guard in place today, and drive up to the back of the house. The sensor lights switch on, making Dante stir in the front seat.


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