GUNNER: The Underground Romance series

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GUNNER: The Underground Romance series Page 5

by KT Fisher

“Mr Murphy wouldn’t like that.” She shakes her head. “He likes you for himself, remember?”

  Since Kane followed his brother, Kai into the office and spoke at my desk Claire won’t let it rest. She’s always hinting or teasing that Kane wants me and he likes me. Just because he’ll look over at me whenever he passes and he seems to always tease me in the way he speaks to me. I’m always on edge when he’s near me because for some reason, he makes me nervous. Probably because I’m hiding my true identity from him.

  The day Kane Murphy discovers who I really am, is the day I’ll no longer be working here and after three weeks working here, I can say I love it. Just not bumping into Kane every now and then.


  So far, all week I’ve been lucky enough to not see or hear from Kane.

  Today though, I’m not so lucky. As I stand waiting for the lift to take me to my floor, Kane walks over. I spot him and look away down at my heels. I just can’t look at him. I hate that he seems to make me feel this way. It’s not fair!

  I risk a glance up to see where he’s gone and almost scream from shock when I see him a few paces away from me. He’s getting the lift just as I am. Shit!

  His eyes are, as always, intense as they burn into me. They’re such a dark brown colour, almost black. Goosebumps run across my arms and the back of my neck as he stops right beside me. His muscled, tattooed arms so close to mine. I even think about taking the stairs but seeing as I work on the tenth floor, I won’t be doing that.

  I risk another glance at him as we wait together and I regret it right away. Kane is looking at me, his eyes look not only intense but heated. In a way that a man looks at you passionately. As if he’s picturing naughty things and I take in a deep breath.

  “So my brother says you’re doing really well.” Kane mentions.

  “Did he?” I act as if I’m shocked but Kai had already pulled me into his office on Monday to tell me how well I’m fitting in and that he appreciates my good work, seeing as I’ve pulled in a big brand to the marketing aspect. On every floor of The Murphy Enterprise building is a company within the Murphy Enterprise and seeing as the building has so many floors, just shows you have many businesses they have their foot in. Some of them including fashion brands, film productions and even a publication company. No wonder they’re such a wealthy family.

  “Says you’re going to be one of the best in the company soon already.” Kane adds and I turn towards him with a huge smile. Kai didn’t tell me that part.

  Kane grins, nodding. “I should have known. I did hire you.” He adds sounding rather smug.

  “Yes.” I sign, turning to face the doors as they open and step inside the elevator. A few others step inside too and we’re all quiet until the two others get off at floors five and eight.

  “Kayla, do you like to watch fights?” Kane asks and obviously my interest sparks. If only he knew.

  “Fights?” I quiz, trying not to look as interested as I am.

  Kane steps closer. “Me in particular.”


  Kane then nods, looking me over. “It might not be your thing, but I’d like to come and watch me.”

  “I don’t know.” I take a step back.

  “Why not?” He asks me, frowning as the doors open and I’m able to escape the effect of Kane as I step out and into the corridor.

  “You’re my boss.” I grin back at him.

  He then steps from the elevator, shocking the hell out of me and looking deadly. “I don’t give a shit about that, I won’t do anything about you working here. I’ve dated a number of women who work in this building and most of them are still here.”

  I almost laugh. “Oh that sounds great.”

  Imagine dating Kane and coming to work here, wondering who he’s slept with as you pass many women on a daily.

  There’s a moments silence between us, I look behind me, looking at my desk through the glass wall and then Claire sat at hers, watching Ken and I with so much interest. The elevator doors open again and Jacob walks out this time, looking shocked to see me standing with Kane.

  Jacob smiles as he comes to stand next to me. “Everything ok?”

  “Fine.” I quickly reply, hoping one of them goes away because this feels so damn awkward.

  Kane looks at Jacob as if he’s nothing, no expression at all however when Jacob talks again, Kane frowns at him.

  “You still ok for tomorrow night?” Jacob asks me, hinting at our date and I know he’s mentioned it for Kane’s benefit.

  “Yes.” I nod, glancing over at Kane.

  I don’t know why this seems so awkward and nerving, but it does and Kane for god knows why, looks angry.

  Jacob nods. “Great, well I’ll text you the details tonight.”

  With a smug grin, Jacob leaves me alone with Kane once more and for some reason I’m anxious as to what he’s going to say.

  “You’re going on a date with him?” Kane asks, looking appalled with my choice of date.

  “I am.” I answer. “And it has nothing to do with you, so I’m going to my desk now. You know, to work.”

  “Come and watch me fight tomorrow night. It’s a secretive world, you can’t tell nobody but I want you there.” He asks again as I turn to follow Jacob into the glass office.

  With a secret smile to myself, I turn to look back at him. “I’ll be there.”

  He has no idea that I’m just saying in general that I’ll be there. Kane thinks I’m agreeing to him asking me.

  “Good, I’ll give you the address by the end of the day.”

  “Ok.” I nod, going in to the office.

  Kane steps closer. “I would pick you up but I have to be there early to help prep the venue.”

  “Don’t worry.” I smile, leaving him to stand alone in the hall as I approach my desk.

  Claire and pretty much everyone else is staring at me as I enter the office so I keep my head down.

  “Oh my god.” Claire whispers as I sit behind my desk and turn on my computer. “He’s still watching you.”

  And sure enough when I look through the glass wall, I see Kane waiting for the elevator but his eyes are fixed on me. What the fuck is happening?

  For the rest of the morning, everyone in the office is pretty much watching me, curious as to what is going on between me and Kane Murphy. I too, am wondering what is happening. I can’t let him get close because I don’t want him to find out who I am. I’m guessing my grandparents would be thrilled to find out I’m dating Kane Murphy. Hell, I’m not dating him but I was just thinking. Shit.

  I. Am. Not. Dating. Kane.

  Of course not. He’s only invited me to watch him fight. Nothing special. Jacob has planned something special. I’m guessing anyway.

  At dinner Claire asks me so many questions.

  “He asked you out?” Claire gasps because I couldn’t tell her the truth. He even told me himself this is a secret and practically said I can’t let anyone else know. “Where?”

  “I don’t know.” I lie, biting into my first chip. Today my dinner choice is sausage and chips with a hot chocolate and a fudge brownie for dessert. It’s cold outside so I wanted to be warmed from the inside.

  Claire looks up to the ceiling, letting her imagination run through where Kane could be taking me.

  “Wait,” she looks back to me. “What are you going to do about Jacob?”

  Our date is the office gossip right now. As well as Kane showing interest in me this morning.

  “I’m still going to go out with him.” I shrug.

  “So you’re going out with Jacob tomorrow night and then Kane the night after?”

  “What’s wrong with that?” I smile and Claire laughs.

  “Oh this is so good!”

  I join her laughter, shaking my head as she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

  “Poor Jacob.” She sighs. “He’s not going to stand a chance is he?”

  I burst out into more laughter. “Shut up.”

  When we return to the
office, Jacob walks by me towards the paper draw. “You have gifts on your desk.”

  “What?” I ask, frowning as I watch him walk away completely confused to his mood but my puzzlement fades when I turn to find my desk with a huge bunch of flowers on top. As I slowly make my way towards it, Claire speeds to beat me to it and gasps as she reads the note.

  “Oh my god it’s from Kane.” She whispers in excitement.

  My heart races as I snatched the note from her hands.


  here are some gifts for you to enjoy before we meet on Saturday.

  Look at your work emails for more info.

  My work emails?

  “That’s weird.” I mutter.

  “He doesn’t want anyone to be nosey.” Claire guesses, her eyes twitching to Jacob. She’s probably right. Especially when the location is where the Underground Club will be hosted.

  I look down at my desk, now noticing a box of chocolates and a bottle of wine, as well as the flowers. No wonder Jacob seems pissed off.

  I take a seat behind my desk and open my work emails, right at the top is a brand new email from Kane Murphy and it’s titled, GUNNER. His fighter name. Taking a deep breath, and one last peak over at Jacob who is now scowling at his computer screen, I open Kane’s email.

  I see you got my note,

  understand that I couldn’t write the location of the fight on a piece of paper.

  Mine and my brother’s secret club is called The Underground and we like to keep this a secret.

  I hope you get that Kayla. That you can’t tell anyone about this.

  I am trusting you with this information.

  As I told you before, I can’t come to pick you up because I need to prep.

  I do regret that but I look forward to seeing you.

  You can bring one friend with you, if you like but let her know you both cannot tell anyone where you are going and where you have been.

  Come dressed for a party and let the bar tender know your name for free drinks.

  As well as the security. When they ask for the password, tell them your name.

  It will get you inside.

  I won’t be at work tomorrow,

  but I hope you enjoy your little date with Jacob.

  See you Saturday,


  The address to the warehouse is at the end of the email, but little does he know I’ve already got the address because I’m a fighter. Which I’ still nervous for him to discover.

  His email seems very serious, I can see him speaking the words in his alpha like tone. There’s little hints of flirting in there. Like how he tells me he’s looking forward to seeing me and he wishes he could pick me up. At least I’m getting free drinks because I might need a few after my fight.

  His little dig at my date with Jacob at the end makes me laugh. It shouldn’t. It should make me angry that he’s mocking the date but it hasn’t. I do feel bad for Jacob that I find it comical.

  And I’m left wondering why he signed his email, Gunner.

  I decide to send one back. I can hear that Claire is on a work related phone call, so I know she’s not going to be looking over my shoulder.

  I click the reply button and take in a shaky breath before I begin.

  Hi Mr Murphy,

  I’m glad I got your email and thank you for your gifts.

  I’ll be treating myself to the chocolates at the weekend.

  I’ll make sure to bring a friend with me and I assure you,

  we will both be on our best behaviour.

  I look forward to coming and seeing you.

  I hope you win your fight, Mr Murphy.

  I’ll make sure to use the free drinks responsibly,

  and I’ll be cheering you on ringside.

  See you at the Underground,



  Yes, it’s slightly flirtatious but I couldn’t help myself. I also signed it with a kiss which is probably too much but like I said, I’m in the moment and couldn’t help myself.

  A rush of excitement fills me, he has no idea that I’m also fighting tomorrow night. I can’t wait to see his reaction now. I’m no longer scared of his reaction or my work being in danger because I’ve just realised I have the upper hand. He doesn’t want the Underground to be discovered so Kane needs to keep me sweet.


  The first thing I do, as soon as I wake up is check my emails.

  Kane and I were emailing one another last night. Nothing important, just stupid shit really but I actually enjoyed it. We were flirting, I’m not going to lie about that because what’s the point?

  As I open up my work emails on my phone, I get a little happy when I see Kane has replied to my most recent email that I had sent last night before I went to bed.

  Last night he told me about him fighting and that he has an unbeaten record. That Kai and his other two brothers, twenty year old twins, Connor and Jaxon will also be there at the fight. They all seem to fight.

  I quickly read through Kane’s email, laughing to myself when pokes fun at my date again. Which is happening tonight. My date with Jacob is obviously getting to him and I’m yet to find it annoying but every time he mentions it, I laugh.

  Once I’ve showered and gotten ready for work, I head into the kitchen for some breakfast. Charlotte is already sat down, having finished her own breakfast and now drinking her cup of tea.

  “You look very cheerful this morning.” She observes.

  “Just excited for my fight tomorrow.” I answer, deciding on simple toast for my morning meal.

  “I feel sick thinking about it and I’m not even fighting.” Charlotte grimaces.

  That makes me laugh. “I could never picture you in that ring.”

  “It’s not that funny.” She frowns.

  “It is.” I sit down at the table and begin my breakfast. “You know, you should come with me to gym one time, learn how to protect yourself.”

  Charlotte thinks about it. “I think that’s smart, you never know so you.”

  I shake my head, not wanting to picture my big sister hurt by anyone. It’s one of the main reasons I actually got interest in fighting. The thought of not being able to look after myself scared the shit out of me.

  “What about your date tonight?” She wiggles her eyebrows, reminding me of Claire at work because she did just that yesterday. In many ways, Claire reminds me of my sister and it’s probably why our new friendship kicked off so quickly.

  “A little nervous.” I admit.

  I’m worried that Jacob and I won’t have anything to talk about or his anger towards Kane is turned towards me.

  Charlotte laughs. “So you’re not nervous to have this huge fight tomorrow and your boss to discover you were playing him and already knew what he did, but you are for your date.” She shakes her head. “My sister is backwards.”

  “I’m used to fighting, not so much with the dating.” I point out.

  Charlotte rolls her eyes. “Let me assure you that you’ll do fine on your date. You’re a sexy little fucker and whoever goes on a date with you is winning in life.”

  She makes me laugh. I do love her.

  “Thanks for that.” I giggle. “But enough of your complements, we need to get to work.”

  Charlotte rolls her eyes in mockery. “We can wait around for a little bit more. You just want to go and see your fancy man.”

  “For your information, he’s not at work today.”

  “Who isn’t?” Charlotte asks.

  “Kane.” I answer as if she’s stupid. She just teased me about him.

  “Funny.” Charlotte pouts. “Because I was talking about Jacob, you know, the guy you’re off on a date with tonight?”

  She bursts out laughing so I throw the crust off my toast at her and she screams.

  “Shut up.” I stand and go to fetch my coat and bag. “Now hurry up, I’m going to be late.”

  I don’t know why she thinks it’s so funny. I am looking forward to
my date with Jacob. I just wish she would stop with the teasing.

  At least she drops the subject in the car whilst she takes me to work.

  “Sorry.” She says quietly, pulling up around the corner from the Murphy building.

  “It’s fine.” I sigh. “But I’m just worried that if you’re saying that, then that must mean others think the same.”

  “Oh don’t be daft!” She frowns. “I’m just teasing you. Now get your arse into work.”

  Still not feeling very sure, I get out of the car and walk towards the building. My nerves return as I ride the elevator to the tenth floor, I hope Jacob doesn’t think the same as my sister. That wouldn’t be fair.

  As I arrive at work and walk into the glass office, Jacob gets up from his desk and greets me.

  “Morning.” He has a big smile as he hands me a bunch of flowers.

  “Thank you.” I smile just as wide as I take the flowers that he offers me. “They’re beautiful.”

  “Just like you then.” Jacob winks and then returns to his desk. He turns back to give me one last, huge smile and holding my gift proudly, I approach my own. As I take my seat, Claire enters and walks over with her excited energy.

  “Looking forward for your big night?” She asks. “Well, the big night before the huge night.”

  I moan into my hands. “Not you too.” I complain. “You sound just like my sister.”

  “Why?” She giggles. “P.S. She sounds like a great person.”

  “She’s been teasing me all morning,” I explain quietly. “She thinks it’s a waste of time me going on tonight’s date,” I glance over at Jacob who is busy at work. “Seeing as Kane asked me out too.”

  Claire nods slowly. “Honestly, I can see where she’s coming from. Jacob’s a nice guy and all but I’ve seen the fireworks that’s between you and Kane.” Her words stun me. “But you can’t cancel on Jacob now, it will break his little heart.”

  We both look over to Jacob and this time he notices, I wave over at him and then turn back to Claire. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

  Claire shrugs. “I thought you really liked Jacob.”

  “I do.” I insist but I must admit to myself that Jacob doesn’t make me feel the way that Kane makes me feel. Tonight might change things between Jacob and me. Or at least how I feel about Jacob because I don’t have any romantic feelings towards him. I do feel guilty for that for some reason. Probably because he seems like such a nice guy.


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