GUNNER: The Underground Romance series

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GUNNER: The Underground Romance series Page 6

by KT Fisher

  The rest of the day is a little weird because Jacob and I keep looking over at each other, at one point I get pleasure out of looking up and seeing him watching me. It’s nice to know that you’re admired. And Jacob definitely makes me feel that way.

  When it’s time to leave, my nervous arrive once more and as Jacob approaches me I feel giddy inside. I was right about this date, it’s making me see Jacob in a new light.

  “You still ok for tonight?” Jacob asks me.

  “Yes.” I smile. “I can’t wait.”

  Jacob nods, looking as excited as I feel. “Great, I’ll pick you up in around two hours?”

  “Perfect.” I grab my coat and bag and Jacob walks out the office with me and into the elevator. “Where are you taking me then?” I ask him.

  “Ah.” He grins. “I think I’ll leave it as a surprise.”

  “I’m not keen on those.” I warn him. “But I suppose I’ll let you off.”

  Jacob grins. “You’re only in discomfort for a little while longer.”

  “It’s a good job.” As we step out of the elevator and out the front doors we’re both smiling like fools. I spot Charlotte’s car and after saying our temporary goodbyes, I make my way over to Charlotte. When I get into the passenger seat, I see she’s watching Jacob walking towards a taxi.

  “Is that boy number one?” She asks. “Jacob, was it?”

  “Yes.” The click sounding as I clip in my seatbelt.

  “I have to say, he’s a very good looking man.” Her eyebrows raised in appreciation.

  “Told you.” I roll her eyes, watching Jacob’s taxi drive away.

  Thankfully for me, Charlotte doesn’t mention the date as we drive home however I can’t stop thinking about it. I wish Jacob would have told me where he was taking me so I knew more on what I should wear. By the time we’re home, I ‘ve settled on playing it safe. Tonight I’m going to wear my tight black jeans with a red shirt. Paired with my red boots I feel rather sexy and when I step out of my room, Charlotte thinks so too.

  “Wowzers!” She shouts, looking me over. “You are dressed to impress!”

  “You think this is ok?” I ask, spinning around and looking at myself in the mirror, trying to get a good look from all angles.

  “Ok?” Charlotte nods. “You’re going to knock poor Jacob off his feet.”

  I laugh. I can always count on my sister for reassurance.

  My phone then buzzes and I look at it to see a message from Jacob. “He’s here.”

  “Let me walk you down.” Charlotte insists. “Remember, if you want to come home just text me SOS and I’ll give you a ring. I’ll come and grab you.” She says as we make our way down to the ground floor. “But, if you want picking up when the date is done just let me know. I won’t be going to sleep until you’re back anyway.”

  “Ok.” I nod, stepping out of our building to see Jacob waiting with a taxi. I wave goodbye to my sister and approach Jacob, he holds the door open for me.

  “You look amazing.” Jacob’s eyes scan my body in a not so discreet way.

  “Thank you.” I take my seat in the back and wait as Jacob jogs around to the other side of the taxi, getting in beside me. “You do too.”

  Jacobs wearing jeans and a classic black shirt. His brown hair styled neatly and he smells amazing. He winks at me as the taxi begins to drive away. “Let’s begin the night, shall we?”

  “We shall.” I giggle.

  It turns out that Jacob has brought me to a brand new modern restaurant that features a bar, for our date. Loud music plays as we enter the restaurant. Jacob bops his head to the beat which makes me smile however I feel as though the music is probably a little too loud. I think Jacob and I might have to talk very loudly, or even shout to talk to one another. It is a restaurant after all.

  Jacob heads to the bar, explaining to a staff member that we have a table booked but she replies that our table won’t be ready for another ten minutes, so we’re told to take a seat around the bar and order a drink while we wait.

  “We specialise in cocktails.” The waitress adds.

  “Well in that case, I’ll have a Whisky Sour.” Jacob asks as he looks over the cocktail menu.

  I take a look myself, carefully reading the descriptions because I’m not much of a cocktail drinker. “I’ll have a Gin Fizz please.”

  The waitress smiles. “Good choice.”

  While our drinks are being prepared, we take our seats on the tall bar stools.

  “So are you liking your new job?” Jacob asks me.

  I nod. “A lot actually.”

  “You seem to be close with Claire.” He adds.

  “Claire’s awesome.” I laugh. “I’d be bored if it wasn’t for her.”

  “Don’t tell Claire that I said this.” Jacob continues but I can’t hear him that well, so I lean in closer to hear him better. “I’m glad she has you now because she’s usually a loner. People around work feel sorry for her.”

  The thought of Claire being alone in that office makes me feel so sad. She’s such a great woman, so funny and kind. How could she be a loner?

  A young waiter approaches us and declares that our table is now ready. Like the gentleman I know Jacob is, he helps me from my stool and we follow the waiter to our table. As we browse the menu, Jacob asks me more questions.

  “Are your family close?” He asks me.

  I shake my head. “It’s just me and my sister.”

  Jacob’s eyebrows rise. “Oh ok.”

  “Don’t feel sorry for me, I’d rather have it this way.” I scan the menu, deciding what I’m in the mood to eat whilst sipping on my cocktail. It’s my first cocktail but I have to say, it’s delicious.

  “What about yours?” I ask him.

  “Big family and very close.” Jacob nods. “I’m one of five.”

  “Wow.” I look at him from over my menu. “Impressive.”

  “Was that your sister who walked out with you?” Jacob asks and I nod.

  The waiter reappears and we order our food and a little flirting takes part. I don’t hear most of it though because of the overly loud music. Jacob pays me compliments and it’s lovely of him but it’s beginning to feel a little too much. The questions and now constant flirting. I feel awkward and I’m reminded why I don’t like dating.

  Our food arrives, giving me a short break from Jacobs questioning. I order another Gin Fizz and dig into my food. As I chew my second bite, Jacob returns to his questions.

  “Is it good?” He asks me, glancing down at my plate.

  I nod because I have food in my mouth. My Gin Fizz washing it all down deliciously.

  “So how long have you known Kane Murphy?”

  I choke on my cocktail. “What?”

  Jacob shrugs. “It just seems like you’ve known each other for a while, that’s all.”

  His question and assumption about Kane and I really pisses me off. I glare at him from the top of my cocktail as I take another sip.

  “No.” I shake my head. “I met him when I had my interview, if you really need to know.”

  I am lying slightly, but not really. Before I worked for the Murphy Brothers, I never spoke to Kane or his brothers, I was forced to attend some of the same parties and my grandparents live next his parents so I did see them from time to time. Only when I was young though and that works out well for me because it means they won’t recognise me.

  Jacob nods and there’s a weird silence between us. After asking me so many question he now seems to have stopped.

  “You ok?” I ask him and Jacob looks up from his plate of food.

  “It just seems like you do know each other, everyone around the office says as much and that you like one another. Even people on other floors have heard about you.” Jacob explains.

  “Well that’s stupid.”

  Is that really true?

  People in the office are gossiping about me and Kane?

  Office staff on other floors have heard about me?


  Because they think he’s in to me?

  It also seems that Jacob believes this gossip because the look on his face confirms it. How dare he look disappointed when I’ve told him it’s not true.

  “It’s not true.” I point out. “You’re gonna believe the gossip?”

  “It is gossip that you’re going out with him tomorrow?” He asks and this time I have to admit he’s correct.

  “He did ask me out and I told him yes.” I confirm.

  It’s really not what he thinks but I can’t tell him that. The clubs top secret and I want to be a part of it and in order to do so, I need to keep it that way. So I can’t tell Jacob why I’m really going tomorrow.

  Jacob nods in understanding but I can tell he’s not happy. We eat the rest of our meal a little more awkwardly than before. Jacob has well and truly ruined the date by asking questions about Kane. So once we’ve finished, he shocks the hell out of me when he asks me to dance. It’s later into the night, the dance tunes are playing loudly and the three cocktails I’ve had are taking effect. I know I said I would be careful with what I would eat and drink during tonight but the drinks are getting me through it.

  “Do you want to dance?” Jacob asks.

  “Have you done asking about Kane?” I ask him, and his eyebrows shoot up his forehead. Jacob nods with a slight humorous smirk. “Then of course.”

  I stand from my chair and hold my hand out to him. Smiling wider Jacob stands and takes my hand in his and we walk to the dancefloor.

  Chapter Eight


  “So there were no sparks?” Charlotte asks me the next morning during breakfast.

  We’re sat on the sofas in the living area, deciding to dich the kitchen table this morning. I’m munching on my toast and the cup of tea Charlotte has made me tastes amazing!

  “None at all.” I take another bite.

  When we got up to dance, I quickly discovered Jacob couldn’t really dance and his rhythm was awful. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, so I claimed I was really tired and called Charlotte to come and pick me up.

  “Well,” Charlotte looks pleased with herself. “I didn’t want to say anything but-“

  “Then don’t say anything.” I interrupt her because I know what she’s about to say and I don’t want to hear it. I stay silent, looking towards the TV and trying to concentrate on what I’m watching but I can feel Charlotte’s eyes on me. I look over at her to see she is in fact looking at me from the corner of her eye. She wants more information and she’ll be bugging me until she finally gets it. “It was a crappy date now get over it.”

  “Why was it a crappy date?” She asks, turning to face me a little more.

  With a heavy sigh I give her what she wants. “The meal was awkward because he was constantly asking me questions. From how I’m enjoy work to Kane.”

  This catches Charlotte’s interest a lot. “Kane?” She almost jumps up from her place on the sofa. “What about Kane?”

  “Well, Jacob was really interested in how long I’ve known him and when I told him that the first time I met him was my interview, it seemed like he didn’t believe me.”

  Charlotte nods. “You’re technically telling the truth.”

  “Well I can’t tell him the real truth can I?” I argue and Charlotte rolls her eyes. “Anyway, he seems to believe all the office are talking about it, thinking that Kane and I like each other and that other staff on the other floors all think the same too.” I begin to get annoyed again. “And they don’t even know me!” I add as an afterthought.

  “Let’s calm down shall we?” Charlotte’s eyes are wide and amused. “So obviously it was a shit date, you’ve learnt from that. Now let’s go concentrate on your fight.”

  Right, my fight.

  I place Jacob to the back of mind. I’m done thinking about last night.

  “So, I’ve finally decided that I’m coming tonight.” Charlotte declares.

  “To the fight?”

  “Yes, what do you think I mean?” Charlotte answers sarcastically. “I want to support you, but my feelings haven’t changed. I’m still scared about it.”

  Charlotte has always been scared of my fights. She’s only came to a few and I’d never complain about it. Some people can’t watch their love ones fight and if it’s something she doesn’t like witnessing, I’m not about to force her to watch.

  “Only if you want to.” I remind her. “I won’t be hurt if you didn’t want to come.”

  “I’m sure.” Charlotte nods firmly.

  The rest of the morning I’m pretty quiet. Not out of choice, it’s just seems a habit that I have before a fight. My mind is elsewhere, fixed on what’s to come.

  When early afternoon rolls around, I pack my training and fighting gear and prepare to head to the gym. I hug my sister and she holds me as tight as she ever has before. “I’ll meet you at the gym?”

  We’ve pre-arranged for Charlotte to come and pick me up from the gym and take me to the warehouse that has been chosen for tonight’s events. She wants to be by my side throughout the whole thing and I have no problem with that.

  As I walk through the doors to my gym, I see Billy, Emma and Sophie already here, warming up. I quickly join them, preparing for my first night at the Underground. My nerves are really kicking in now but my mine is set on the task. Winning my first Underground fight.

  “Does he not know a thing?” Emma asks me when we take a water break.

  “Nope.” I giggle. “Kane thinks he’s surprising me with his fighting and the whole thing. He has no clue I’m fighting.”

  “This is going to be fun.” She laughs as we return for the last thirty minute train.

  After training, I feel calmer and once I’m out of the showers, I decide to show the girls my outfit for the night. When I was accepted into the Underground, they explained that I needed an identity. A colour or theme to what I choose to wear for my fights. My favourite colour is pink, so I have black shorts with a pink detailed lining and my crop top is pretty much the same except that the straps going across my back are pink also. I didn’t want to go over the top.

  Emma gasps. “Very sexy.”

  “Yeah.” Sophie nods, agreeing with Emma.

  “Is it?” I ask, looking at my fighter outfit once more.

  Billy rolls her eyes. “Oh you’ll have the male attention tonight, that’s for sure.”

  “I didn’t think about that.” I answer honestly, putting the shorts and crop back into my bag.

  “It’s not a bad thing.” Emma frowns. “It means more of the crowd could be on your side.”

  Billy nods. “She’s right, you’ll be able to feed off their energy.”

  I don’t know. I feel as though I might feel a little exposed now in the middle of the ring, but I suppose it’s too late now.

  “A certain member of the Murphy family is going to be doubly shocked tonight.” Sophie teases.

  “Don’t, you sound like my sister.” I shake my head.

  I arrange with the three girls to meet them backstage later on as Charlotte pulls up in her car to collect me. We say our goodbyes and then it’s just Charlotte and I. She dressed amazingly and looks gorgeous. Her black hair tied in a big, messy styled bun with some curly stands hanging loose. Her eyes lined with black eyeliner, making her hazel eyes pop. And she’s decided on a simple black dress. By the way her thumbs tap the steering wheel, she’s really nervous.

  “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.” I remind her and she smiles sweetly.

  “Kay, you’re my little sister and I’m coming to watch you fight.”

  She flicks on the radio and we sing along to the latest in the charts. This really helps with my ongoing nerves. These weeks building up to this day have been great, I’ve felt cool and collected. Now it’s the day of the fight and my stomach is going crazy.

  “You better beat the shit out of your opponent.” Charlotte announces, making me laugh. “I’m serious Kayla. I can’t watch you ge
t beat, the only reason I came is because I believe you can win but I swear if you don’t.” She pauses as she thinks. “I’’ kick your ass too.”

  I can’t help it. I burst into laughter. “Funny.”

  Charlotte laughs too. “Yeah, that wasn’t exactly a threat was it?”

  “Not really.”

  We both laugh and then as Charlotte turns a corner, we see it. The venue for tonight. Our laughter stops and my stomach knots. Charlotte finds a place to park up and we sit and stare at the venue in silence. Fifteen minutes must have gone by when Charlotte interrupts my thoughts.

  “You ready for this?”

  Without removing my eyes from the warehouse, I nod strong and firm. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Nine


  Charlotte and I easily found my changing room, with Rowdy Ruby on the door. I chose my middle name to fight with, to stop Kane or Kai discovering who I really am before the fight happened. Kane most likely would have stepped in and stopped me from taking part and I wouldn’t have the chance to shock him like I hope I will later.

  The music begins, getting ready for the night ahead. That’s my que to get ready. Charlotte has already braided my hair to keep it tidy and out of my face during my fight. As I begin to dress in my fight shorts and crop, the mutterings of voices begins to fill the venue. It’s nearly time. I put on some music in my own private space for the night. Blocking out the sounds and for me to get in the right head space.

  “How we doing?” Charlotte asks when she returns to my dressing room.

  “I don’t know.” I honestly reply. “One minute I’m nervous, then excited and now I’m worried.”

  “Worried?” She asks.

  “If I lose and Kane’s watching. That when he finds out, will I lose my job? Just things like that.”

  “He can’t fire you because you fight.” Charlotte argues.

  “He can if he’s my boss and organises a secret underground fighting club.” I point out.


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